private void Awake()

            _transform = this.transform;
            var rb = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            //Resolve the mover
            _mover = this.As <IMoveUnits>();
            if (_mover == null)
                var fact           = this.As <IMoveUnitsFactory>();
                var charController = this.GetComponent <CharacterController>();

                if (fact != null)
                    _mover = fact.Create();
                else if (charController != null)
                    _mover = new CharacterControllerMover(charController);
                else if (rb != null)
                    _mover = new RigidBodyMover(rb);
                    _mover = new DefaultMover(_transform);

            //Make sure the rigidbody obeys the rules
            if (rb != null)
                rb.constraints |= RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
                rb.useGravity   = false;

            //Height resolver
            _heights = GameServices.heightStrategy.heightSampler;

            //Assign unit ref, container for components and steering visitors
            _steeringComponents    = new List <ISteeringBehaviour>();
            _orientationComponents = new List <IOrientationBehaviour>();
            _steering      = new SteeringOutput();
            _orientation   = new OrientationOutput();
            _steeringInput = new SteeringInput();
        private void Awake()

            _transform = this.transform;
            var rb = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            //Resolve the mover
            _mover = this.As <IMoveUnits>();
            if (_mover == null)
                var fact           = this.As <IMoveUnitsFactory>();
                var charController = this.GetComponent <CharacterController>();

                if (fact != null)
                    _mover = fact.Create();
                else if (charController != null)
                    _mover = new CharacterControllerMover(charController);
                else if (rb != null)
                    _mover = new RigidBodyMover(rb);
                    _mover = new DefaultMover(_transform);

            //Height resolver
            _heights = this.As <IHeightNavigator>();
            if (_heights == null)
                _heights = NoHeightNavigator.Instance;

            //Assign unit ref, container for components and steering visitors
            _steeringComponents    = new List <ISteeringBehaviour>();
            _orientationComponents = new List <IOrientationBehaviour>();
            _steering      = new SteeringOutput();
            _orientation   = new OrientationOutput();
            _steeringInput = new SteeringInput();
        private void Awake()

            _transform = this.transform;
            var rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

            //Resolve the mover
            _mover = this.As<IMoveUnits>();
            if (_mover == null)
                var fact = this.As<IMoveUnitsFactory>();
                var charController = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>();

                if (fact != null)
                    _mover = fact.Create();
                else if (charController != null)
                    _mover = new CharacterControllerMover(charController);
                else if (rb != null)
                    _mover = new RigidBodyMover(rb);
                    _mover = new DefaultMover(_transform);

            //Height resolver
            _heights = this.As<IHeightNavigator>();
            if (_heights == null)
                _heights = NoHeightNavigator.Instance;

            //Assign unit ref, container for components and steering visitors
            _steeringComponents = new List<ISteeringBehaviour>();
            _orientationComponents = new List<IOrientationBehaviour>();
            _steering = new SteeringOutput();
            _orientation = new OrientationOutput();
            _steeringInput = new SteeringInput();
        private void Awake()

            _transform = this.transform;
            var rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

            //Resolve the mover
            _mover = this.As<IMoveUnits>();
            if (_mover == null)
                var fact = this.As<IMoveUnitsFactory>();
                var charController = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>();

                if (fact != null)
                    _mover = fact.Create();
                else if (charController != null)
                    _mover = new CharacterControllerMover(charController);
                else if (rb != null)
                    _mover = new RigidBodyMover(rb);
                    _mover = new DefaultMover(_transform);

            //Make sure the rigidbody obeys the rules
            if (rb != null)
                rb.constraints |= RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
                rb.useGravity = false;

            //Height resolver
            _heights = GameServices.heightStrategy.heightSampler;

            //Assign unit ref, container for components and steering visitors
            _steeringComponents = new List<ISteeringBehaviour>();
            _orientationComponents = new List<IOrientationBehaviour>();
            _steering = new SteeringOutput();
            _orientation = new OrientationOutput();
            _steeringInput = new SteeringInput();
        private void Awake()

            _transform = this.transform;
            _facingOrientation = new FacingOrientation
                priority = this.turnRequestPriority,
                turnSpeed = this.turnSpeed

            //Get the speed source
            _speedSource = this.As<IDefineSpeed>();
            if (_speedSource == null)
                Debug.LogError("A speed source component is required to steer.");
                this.enabled = false;

            //Resolve the mover
            _mover = this.As<IMoveUnits>();
            if (_mover == null)
                var fact = this.As<IMoveUnitsFactory>();
                var charController = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
                if (fact != null)
                    _mover = fact.Create();
                else if (charController != null)
                    _mover = new CharacterControllerMover(charController);
                else if (this.rigidbody != null)
                    _mover = new RigidBodyMover(_transform, this.rigidbody);
                    _mover = new DefaultMover(_transform);

            _unit = this.GetComponent<UnitComponent>();
            _steeringComponents = new List<SteeringComponent>();
            _minimumSpeedToTurnSquared = this.minimumSpeedToTurn * this.minimumSpeedToTurn;
            _stopped = true;