Exemple #1
        public static Boolean TestConnection(String driver, String connectionString, String username, String password, out String errormessage)
            Boolean success = false;

            errormessage = null;
                IMojoHiveDriver hivedriver = CreateCustomDriver(driver);
                String          queue      = ""; // The queue is actually part of the connection string (url) so we pass a blank.
                int             result     = hivedriver.TestConnection(driver, connectionString, queue, username, password);

                if (result == 0)
                    success = true;
                    errormessage = hivedriver.GetLastExceptionMessage();
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error in TestConnection(): " + ex.Message);

                //throw ex;
Exemple #2
        public static int RunBigDataQueryJava(String dataPipePath, String connectionString, String sql)
            int result = 0;

            _logger.LogMsg(Level.Debug, "Enter function RunBigDataQueryJava().");

                // The queue name is not necessary as a separate parameter. it is part of the URL.
                // TO DO: change Java interface so we don't need to pass this parameter at all.
                String unused_queue_name = "";

                // Create Java proxy
                IMojoHiveDriver driver = CreateCustomDriver(_driverName);

                if (!Properties.Settings.Default.SimulateQuery)
                    // Run the real query via Java / JDBC.
                    _logger.LogMsg(Level.Debug, "Calling Java method QueryResultSetToPipe().");

                    result = driver.QueryResultSetToPipe(_driverName, _connectionString, unused_queue_name, _userName, _password, _sql, _dataPipePath);

                    _logger.LogMsg(Level.Debug, "Return from Java method QueryResultSetToPipe(). Result = " + result.ToString());
                    // DEBUGGING: just write a fixed data file to the pipe instead of running an actual JDBC query.
                    // Load the data from a local data file instead.
                    String data_file = "";
                    if (File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.TestDataFilename))
                        data_file = Properties.Settings.Default.TestDataFilename;
                        String local_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                        data_file = Path.Combine(local_path, Properties.Settings.Default.TestDataFilename);
                    if (File.Exists(data_file))
                        _logger.LogMsg(Level.Debug, String.Format("Calling Java method TestNamedPipeWrite() with input data file {0}.", data_file));
                        result = driver.TestNamedPipeWrite(dataPipePath, data_file);
                        _logger.LogMsg(Level.Debug, "Return from Java method TestNamedPipeWrite(). Result = " + result.ToString());
                        _logger.LogMsg(Level.Error, String.Format("Test data file not found: {0}", Properties.Settings.Default.TestDataFilename));

                    // TO DO: If we can't run the test, do we still have to close the data pipe?

                if (driver.GetLastErrorCode() != 0)
                    _logger.LogMsg(Level.Error, String.Format("Exception from MojoHiveDriver: {0}.", driver.GetLastExceptionMessage()));
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogMsg(Level.Fatal, "Unexpected error in RunBigDataQueryJava(): " + ex.Message);

Exemple #3
        public static IMojoHiveDriver CreateCustomDriver(String drivername)
            IMojoHiveDriver driver = null;

                String local_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Debug, "Connector program folder: " + local_path);

                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Debug, "Creating .NET-Java bridge.");
                var bridgeSetup = new BridgeSetup();

                // The local_path is the folder where the connector EXE itself is located.

                // Check to see if a specific folder has been configured as the location for the current driver.
                // If so, load all JARs in that folder.
                String  driver_folder    = "";
                Boolean found_the_folder = false;
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.Drivers.Contains(drivername))
                        int driver_index = Properties.Settings.Default.Drivers.IndexOf(drivername);

                        if (Properties.Settings.Default.DriverLocations.Count > driver_index)
                            driver_folder = Properties.Settings.Default.DriverLocations[driver_index];
                            // First assume the folder is a full path, check if it exists.
                            if (Directory.Exists(driver_folder))
                                found_the_folder = true;
                                // Try to append to the driver folder to the current local EXE path as a sub-folder.
                                driver_folder = Path.Combine(local_path, driver_folder);
                                if (Directory.Exists(driver_folder))
                                    found_the_folder = true;
                            // Always try to add the folder if it exists.
                            if (found_the_folder)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogMsg(Level.Warn, String.Format("Error adding custom driver folder [{0}] to Java CLASSPATH: {1}.", driver_folder, ex.Message));

                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Debug, "Creating Java virtual machine (JVM).");

                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Debug, "Registering custom driver assembly with .NET-Java bridge.");

                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Debug, "Creating custom driver proxy for .NET.");
                driver = new MojoHiveDriver();
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                _logger.LogMsg(log4net.Core.Level.Error, "Error creating MojoHiveDriver proxy: " + ex.Message);
