Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		/// This replaces a MoForm belonging to this LexEntry with another one, presumably
		/// changing from a stem to an affix or vice versa.  (A version of this code originally
		/// appeared in MorphTypeAtomicLauncher.cs, but is also needed for LIFT import.)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mfOld"></param>
		/// <param name="mfNew"></param>
		public void ReplaceMoForm(IMoForm mfOld, IMoForm mfNew)
			// save the environment references, if any.
			int[] envs = null;
			if (mfOld is IMoStemAllomorph)
				envs = (mfOld as IMoStemAllomorph).PhoneEnvRC.HvoArray;
			else if (mfOld is IMoAffixAllomorph)
				envs = (mfOld as IMoAffixAllomorph).PhoneEnvRC.HvoArray;
				envs = new int[0];

			int[] inflClasses = null;
			if (mfOld is IMoAffixForm)
				inflClasses = (mfOld as IMoAffixForm).InflectionClassesRC.HvoArray;
				inflClasses = new int[0];

			// if we are converting from one affix form to another, we should save the morph type
			int oldAffMorphType = 0;
			if (mfOld is IMoAffixForm)
				oldAffMorphType = mfOld.MorphTypeRAHvo;

			if (mfOld.OwningFlid == (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm)
				this.AlternateFormsOS.Append(mfNew); // trick to get it to be in DB so SwapReferences works
				// insert the new form in the right location in the sequence.
				Debug.Assert(mfOld.OwningFlid == (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidAlternateForms);
				bool fInserted = false;
				for (int i = 0; i < this.AlternateFormsOS.Count; ++i)
					if (this.AlternateFormsOS.HvoArray[i] == mfOld.Hvo)
						this.AlternateFormsOS.InsertAt(mfNew, i);
						fInserted = true;
				if (!fInserted)
					this.AlternateFormsOS.Append(mfNew);		// This should NEVER happen, but...
			MultiUnicodeAccessor muaOrigForm = mfOld.Form;
			MultiUnicodeAccessor muaNewForm = mfNew.Form;
			if (mfOld.OwningFlid == (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm)
				this.LexemeFormOA = mfNew;		// do we need to remove it from AlternateFormsOS??
			// restore the environment references, if any.
			foreach (int hvo in envs)
				if (mfNew is IMoStemAllomorph)
					(mfNew as IMoStemAllomorph).PhoneEnvRC.Add(hvo);
				else if (mfNew is IMoAffixAllomorph)
					(mfNew as IMoAffixAllomorph).PhoneEnvRC.Add(hvo);

			foreach (int hvo in inflClasses)
				if (mfNew is IMoAffixForm)
					(mfNew as IMoAffixForm).InflectionClassesRC.Add(hvo);

			if (oldAffMorphType != 0 && mfNew is IMoAffixForm)
				mfNew.MorphTypeRAHvo = oldAffMorphType;
Exemple #2
		// Swap values of various attributes between an existing form that is a LexemeForm and
		// a newly created one. Includes adding the new one to the alternate forms of the entry, and
		// the id of the old one to a map of things to delete.
		private void SwapFormValues(ILexEntry entry, IMoForm origForm, IMoForm newForm, int typeHvo, Set<int> idsToDel)
			var muaOrigForm = origForm.Form;
			var muaNewForm = newForm.Form;
			newForm.MorphTypeRA = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMoMorphTypeRepository>().GetObject(typeHvo);
Exemple #3
		// Swap values of various attributes between an existing form that is a LexemeForm and
		// a newly created one. Includes adding the new one to the alternate forms of the entry, and
		// the id of the old one to a map of things to delete.
		private void SwapFormValues(ILexEntry entry, IMoForm origForm, IMoForm newForm, int typeHvo, Set<int> idsToDel)
			entry.AlternateFormsOS.Append(newForm); // trick to get it to be in DB so SwapReferences works
			MultiUnicodeAccessor muaOrigForm = origForm.Form;
			MultiUnicodeAccessor muaNewForm = newForm.Form;
			newForm.MorphTypeRAHvo = typeHvo;