/// <summary>
        /// This event is fired when the recognizer stops, whether from StartRecording() being called, a timeout occurring, or some other error.
        /// Typically, this will simply return "Complete". In this case, we check to see if the recognizer timed out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cause">An enumerated reason for the session completing.</param>
        private void DictationRecognizer_DictationComplete(DictationCompletionCause cause)
            // If Timeout occurs, the user has been silent for too long.
            if (cause == DictationCompletionCause.TimeoutExceeded)

                dictationResult = "Dictation has timed out. Please try again.";

            IMixedRealityInputSystem inputSystem = Service as IMixedRealityInputSystem;

            inputSystem?.RaiseDictationComplete(inputSource, dictationResult, dictationAudioClip);
            textSoFar       = null;
            dictationResult = string.Empty;