Exemple #1
        public void recordConnections(IMgaFCO otherCurrentObject)
            if (otherCurrentObject.PartOfConns.Count != 0)
            if (otherCurrentObject is IMgaReference)
                IMgaReference otherReference = (IMgaReference)otherCurrentObject;
                if (otherReference.UsedByConns.Count > 0)

            if (otherCurrentObject.ObjType != GME.MGA.Meta.objtype_enum.OBJTYPE_MODEL)
            foreach (MgaObject otherChildMgaObject in otherCurrentObject.ChildObjects)
                if (otherChildMgaObject.MetaBase.ObjType == GME.MGA.Meta.objtype_enum.OBJTYPE_CONNECTION)
                    _iMgaConnectionSet.Add(otherChildMgaObject as IMgaConnection);

                recordConnections(otherChildMgaObject as IMgaFCO);
Exemple #2
        private static IMgaFCOs GetRefChain(IMgaReference reference)
            IMgaFCOs ret = (IMgaFCOs)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Mga.MgaFCOs"));

            ret.Append(reference as MgaFCO);
            while (true)
                if (reference.Referred == null)
                if (reference.Referred.ObjType == GME.MGA.Meta.objtype_enum.OBJTYPE_REFERENCE)
                    reference = reference.Referred as IMgaReference;
                    ret.Append(reference as MgaFCO);
Exemple #3
 public void SwitchReference(IMgaFCO to, IMgaReference @ref)
     Switcher.MoveReferenceWithRefportConnections(to, @ref, PrintLine);
Exemple #4
         * First we disconnect all connections to refports, then move the reference, then reconnect
        public static void MoveReferenceWithRefportConnections(IMgaFCO fco2, IMgaReference origref,
                                                               WriteLineF WriteLine)
            Queue <IMgaReference> references = new Queue <IMgaReference>();

            IMgaFCO targetModel = fco2;

            while (targetModel is IMgaReference)
                targetModel = ((IMgaReference)targetModel).Referred;
            MgaFCOs fco2ChildFCOs = ((IMgaModel)targetModel).ChildFCOs;
            Dictionary <string, IMgaFCO> newRefeChildren = GetNameMap(fco2ChildFCOs,
                                                                      x => { });
            // TODO: warn, but only for refport-connected children
            //GMEConsole.Warning.WriteLine("Warning: " + fco2.Name + " has multiple children named " + x));

            int origPrefs = fco2.Project.Preferences;

            // Magic word allows us to remove ConnPoints
            fco2.Project.Preferences = origPrefs | (int)GME.MGA.preference_flags.MGAPREF_IGNORECONNCHECKS
                                       | (int)GME.MGA.preference_flags.MGAPREF_FREEINSTANCEREFS;

            try {
                MgaConnection conn          = null;
                var           ReconnectList = MakeList(new { ConnRole = "src", Ref = origref, Port = fco2, Conn = conn });
                while (references.Count != 0)
                    IMgaReference refe = references.Dequeue();

                    foreach (IMgaConnPoint connPoint in refe.UsedByConns)
                        if (connPoint.References[1] != refe)
                        IMgaFCO fco2Port;
                        if (newRefeChildren.TryGetValue(connPoint.Target.Name, out fco2Port))
                            if (fco2Port == null)
                                // fco2Port == null => multiple children with the same name
                                // Try matching based on Kind too
                                fco2Port = fco2ChildFCOs.Cast <IMgaFCO>().Where(x => x.Name == connPoint.Target.Name &&
                                                                                x.Meta.MetaRef == connPoint.Target.Meta.MetaRef).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (fco2Port != null)
                                ReconnectList.Add(new { ConnRole = connPoint.ConnRole, Ref = refe, Port = fco2Port, Conn = connPoint.Owner });
                            WriteLine((x, y) => "Can't find corresponding port for " + x
                                      + " in " + y, connPoint.Target, fco2);
                    foreach (IMgaReference x in refe.ReferencedBy.Cast <IMgaReference>())
                        if (x.ID == origref.ID)
                            throw new Exception("Circular reference chain starting with " + origref.AbsPath);
                origref.Referred = (MgaFCO)fco2;
                foreach (var reconnect in ReconnectList)
                    if (reconnect.ConnRole == "src")
                        (reconnect.Conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).SetSrc((MgaFCOs)GetRefChain(reconnect.Ref), (MgaFCO)reconnect.Port);
                        (reconnect.Conn as IMgaSimpleConnection).SetDst((MgaFCOs)GetRefChain(reconnect.Ref), (MgaFCO)reconnect.Port);
            } finally {
                fco2.Project.Preferences = origPrefs;
Exemple #5
        private void UpdateSublibrary(IMgaObject fco1Objec, IMgaObject fco2Objec)
            // fco2Object may be null
            if (fco1Objec is IMgaFCO) // references only refer to FCOs
                IMgaFCO fco1 = (IMgaFCO)fco1Objec;
                IMgaFCO fco2 = fco2Objec as IMgaFCO;
                foreach (IMgaFCO fco in fco1.ReferencedBy)
                    if (fco.IsInstance)
                        continue; // instance references will be updated by their archetype
                    // Don't update references in the old library
                    bool fcoInLib1Objects = false;
                    foreach (IMgaObject lib1Root in this.lib1Objects)
                        // FIXME: Contains(this.fco1Object) doesn't work
                        if (new ParentChain(fco).Contains(lib1Root, new MgaObjectEqualityComparor <IMgaObject>()))
                            fcoInLib1Objects = true;
                    if (fcoInLib1Objects)
                    IMgaReference refe = (IMgaReference)fco;
                    if (fco2 != null)
                        if (refe.UsedByConns.Count != 0)
                            if (refe.DerivedFrom == null)
                                    MoveReferenceWithRefportConnections(fco2, refe, WriteLine);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    if (GMEConsole != null)
                                        GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("Could not set reference " + GetLink(refe, refe.Name));
                                    throw new Exception("Could not set reference " + getPath(refe) +
                                                        " (" + refe.ID + ")", e);
                                bool setRef;
                                if (refe.DerivedFrom == null)
                                    setRef = true;
                                    short compareToBase;
                                    refe.CompareToBase(out compareToBase);
                                    setRef = compareToBase != 0;
                                if (setRef)
                                    // FIXME: can this fail; should we handle it somehow?
                                    refe.Referred = (GME.MGA.MgaFCO)fco2;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (GMEConsole != null)
                                    GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("Could not set reference " + GetLink(refe, refe.Name));
                                throw new Exception("Could not set reference " + getPath(refe) +
                                                    " (" + refe.ID + ")", e);
                        WriteLine((x, y) => "Couldn't update " + x + ": " + y + " has no counterpart", refe, fco1);

            List <IMgaObject> fco1Children       = getChildren(fco1Objec);
            List <IMgaObject> fco2Children       = getChildren(fco2Objec);
            Dictionary <string, ObjectPair> dict = new Dictionary <string, ObjectPair>();

            foreach (IMgaObject o in fco1Children)
                dict.GetValueOrDefault(o.Name + "xxx ;xxx" + o.MetaBase.Name).o1 = o;
            foreach (IMgaObject o in fco2Children)
                dict.GetValueOrDefault(o.Name + "xxx ;xxx" + o.MetaBase.Name).o2 = o;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ObjectPair> entry in dict)
                if (entry.Value.o1 != null)
                    UpdateSublibrary(entry.Value.o1, entry.Value.o2);
 public ReferenceInfo(IMgaReference otherReference, IMgaReference newReference) {
     _otherReference = otherReference;
     _newReference = newReference;
Exemple #7
        public static IMgaFCO FindTestInjectionTarget(
            CyPhy.TopLevelSystemUnderTest originalSut,
            IMgaReference originalTip,
            CyPhy.TopLevelSystemUnderTest targetSut)
            if (originalSut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalSut");

            if (originalTip == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalTip");

            if (targetSut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetSut");

            // target that the reference has to be redirected
            IMgaFCO targetTipByBuilt   = null;
            IMgaFCO targetTipByAbsPath = null;

            // get tip reference

            // relative path
            var relativePath = string.Empty;

            // ASSUME original SUT is a design container
            if (originalSut.Referred.DesignContainer == null &&
                targetSut.Referred.ComponentAssembly == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            var sutDesignContainer         = originalSut.Referred.DesignContainer;
            var sutComponentAssemblyTarget = targetSut.Referred.ComponentAssembly;

            // TOOD: Double check this cast
            CyPhy.DesignEntity originalDesignEntity = null;

            if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.DesignContainer).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.Component).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.Component.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.ComponentRef).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.ComponentRef.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.ComponentAssembly).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.ComponentAssembly.Cast(originalTip.Referred);

            List <CyPhy.DesignEntity> possibleDesignEntities = new List <CyPhy.DesignEntity>();


            // TODO: abspath for component assemblies / Component assembly refs too. Call function recursively
            if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.DesignContainer).Name)
                var designContainer = CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
                if (designContainer.Attributes.ContainerType ==
                    // there could be a referece to the compound container

                    // BUG: no tracking of compound containers attempt to get it by AbsPath
                    // this implementation will work as long as
                    //    names are unqiue to Compound containes
                    //    structure as follows
                    // == PASS ==
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Compound
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound
                    // == FAIL 1 == Have no idea how to get the path correctly
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Alternative
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound
                    // == FAIL 2 == Have no idea how to get the path correctly
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Optional
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound

                    // TODO: would be nice to use a regexp or something like that
                    Func <string, string> shortenAbsPath = new Func <string, string>((absPath) =>
                        // Example:
                        // input:  /@NewTesting|kind=Testing|relpos=0/@FEA_CompoundTIP_DS|kind=CADTestBench|relpos=0/@DesignContainer|kind=TopLevelSystemUnderTest|relpos=0
                        // output: /@NewTesting/@FEA_CompoundTIP_DS/@DesignContainer
                        return(string.Join("/", absPath.Split('/').Select(x => string.Join("", x.TakeWhile(y => y != '|')))));

                    var sutPath         = shortenAbsPath(originalSut.AllReferred.Impl.AbsPath);
                    var originalTipPath = shortenAbsPath(originalTip.Referred.AbsPath);
                    relativePath = originalTipPath.Substring(sutPath.Length);

                    // TODO: meta base name [kind] can be different if there are no unique path to the object.
                    targetTipByAbsPath = (targetSut.AllReferred.Impl as MgaModel).get_ObjectByPath(relativePath) as MgaFCO;
                    // while optional and alternative containers are not tracked, get all ComponentAssembly, Component, ComponentRef recursively.

            Exception ex = null;

            foreach (var designEntity in possibleDesignEntities)
                // Look for a DesignEntityRef, within a CWC, that points to this element in the Design Space.
                foreach (CyPhy.DesignEntityRef designEntityRef in designEntity.ReferencedBy.DesignEntityRef)
                    var cwc = CyPhyClasses.CWC.Cast(designEntityRef.ParentContainer.Impl);

                    bool hasMatchingCARoot = false;

                    var caRefs = cwc.DstConnections.Config2CACollection.Select(x => x.DstEnds.ComponentAssemblyRef);
                    foreach (var caRef in caRefs)
                        if (caRef.AllReferred != null)
                            if ((caRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID == (sutComponentAssemblyTarget.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID)
                                hasMatchingCARoot = true;

                    if (hasMatchingCARoot == false)
                        // do not log any messages since they irrelevant.

                    // TODO: log if design is dirty.

                    // get design entity ref where the refered object is the test injection point reference
                    // Multiple configuration (1, 2, 3, ...) can have the same design entity refs
                    //      design entity ref ----> DesignSpace element
                    //                                       ^
                    //                                       |
                    //      original test injection ---------

                    // verify root fco do match
                    if ((designEntityRef.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO != (sutDesignContainer.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO)
                        // in case user accidentally moves these object in the tree
                        string message = string.Format("Model does not contain traceablity information between the generated configurations and the design space. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    // user may have leftovers from running CAExporter then deleting the CA
                    var builts           = designEntityRef.DstConnections.BuiltCollection.Where(x => x.DstEnds.BuiltDesignEntityRef.AllReferred != null);
                    var builtConnections = builts.Count();

                    if (builtConnections == 0)
                        // no built connection -> not good
                        string message = string.Format("No 'built' connection. Model does not contain traceablity information between the generated configurations and the design space. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    if (builtConnections > 1)
                        // more than one built connection -> not good
                        string message = string.Format("There are more than one 'built' connections traceability is ambiguous. Model has to be fixed first. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    // Get the Built connection and then the BuildDesignEntityRef.
                    // The BuildDesignEntityRef will point to our source object within a Component Assembly / configuration.
                    foreach (CyPhy.Built built in builts)
                        var builtDesignEntityRef = built.DstEnds.BuiltDesignEntityRef;

                        if ((builtDesignEntityRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID == (sutComponentAssemblyTarget.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID)
                            // verify that the component is inside the target design
                            // TODO: how this would work if it points to a component in a CA which is referred in the design???
                            targetTipByBuilt = builtDesignEntityRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO;

            if (targetTipByBuilt != null)
                // prefer by built
            else if (targetTipByAbsPath != null)
                // fallback to by abs path
            else if (ex != null)
                // not found
                throw ex;
        public static IMgaFCO FindTestInjectionTarget(
            CyPhy.TopLevelSystemUnderTest originalSut,
            IMgaReference originalTip,
            CyPhy.TopLevelSystemUnderTest targetSut)
            if (originalSut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalSut");

            if (originalTip == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalTip");

            if (targetSut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetSut");

            // target that the reference has to be redirected
            IMgaFCO targetTipByBuilt = null;
            IMgaFCO targetTipByAbsPath = null;

            // get tip reference

            // relative path
            var relativePath = string.Empty;

            // ASSUME original SUT is a design container
            if (originalSut.Referred.DesignContainer == null &&
                targetSut.Referred.ComponentAssembly == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            var sutDesignContainer = originalSut.Referred.DesignContainer;
            var sutComponentAssemblyTarget = targetSut.Referred.ComponentAssembly;

            // TOOD: Double check this cast
            CyPhy.DesignEntity originalDesignEntity = null;

            if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.DesignContainer).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.Component).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.Component.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.ComponentRef).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.ComponentRef.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
            else if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.ComponentAssembly).Name)
                originalDesignEntity = CyPhyClasses.ComponentAssembly.Cast(originalTip.Referred);

            List<CyPhy.DesignEntity> possibleDesignEntities = new List<CyPhy.DesignEntity>();


            // TODO: abspath for component assemblies / Component assembly refs too. Call function recursively
            if (originalTip.Referred.Meta.Name == typeof(CyPhy.DesignContainer).Name)
                var designContainer = CyPhyClasses.DesignContainer.Cast(originalTip.Referred);
                if (designContainer.Attributes.ContainerType ==
                    // there could be a referece to the compound container

                    // BUG: no tracking of compound containers attempt to get it by AbsPath
                    // this implementation will work as long as
                    //    names are unqiue to Compound containes
                    //    structure as follows
                    // == PASS ==
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Compound
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound
                    // == FAIL 1 == Have no idea how to get the path correctly
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Alternative
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound
                    // == FAIL 2 == Have no idea how to get the path correctly
                    // | Compound
                    // +-- Optional
                    //   |
                    //   +-- Compound

                    // TODO: would be nice to use a regexp or something like that
                    Func<string, string> shortenAbsPath = new Func<string, string>((absPath) =>
                        // Example:
                        // input:  /@NewTesting|kind=Testing|relpos=0/@FEA_CompoundTIP_DS|kind=CADTestBench|relpos=0/@DesignContainer|kind=TopLevelSystemUnderTest|relpos=0
                        // output: /@NewTesting/@FEA_CompoundTIP_DS/@DesignContainer
                        return string.Join("/", absPath.Split('/').Select(x => string.Join("", x.TakeWhile(y => y != '|'))));

                    var sutPath = shortenAbsPath(originalSut.AllReferred.Impl.AbsPath);
                    var originalTipPath = shortenAbsPath(originalTip.Referred.AbsPath);
                    relativePath = originalTipPath.Substring(sutPath.Length);

                    // TODO: meta base name [kind] can be different if there are no unique path to the object.
                    targetTipByAbsPath = (targetSut.AllReferred.Impl as MgaModel).get_ObjectByPath(relativePath) as MgaFCO;
                    // while optional and alternative containers are not tracked, get all ComponentAssembly, Component, ComponentRef recursively.

            Exception ex = null;

            foreach (var designEntity in possibleDesignEntities)
                // Look for a DesignEntityRef, within a CWC, that points to this element in the Design Space.
                foreach (CyPhy.DesignEntityRef designEntityRef in designEntity.ReferencedBy.DesignEntityRef)
                    var cwc = CyPhyClasses.CWC.Cast(designEntityRef.ParentContainer.Impl);

                    bool hasMatchingCARoot = false;

                    var caRefs = cwc.DstConnections.Config2CACollection.Select(x => x.DstEnds.ComponentAssemblyRef);
                    foreach (var caRef in caRefs)
                        if (caRef.AllReferred != null)
                            if ((caRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID == (sutComponentAssemblyTarget.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID)
                                hasMatchingCARoot = true;

                    if (hasMatchingCARoot == false)
                        // do not log any messages since they irrelevant.

                    // TODO: log if design is dirty.

                    // get design entity ref where the refered object is the test injection point reference
                    // Multiple configuration (1, 2, 3, ...) can have the same design entity refs
                    //      design entity ref ----> DesignSpace element
                    //                                       ^
                    //                                       |
                    //      original test injection ---------

                    // verify root fco do match
                    if ((designEntityRef.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO != (sutDesignContainer.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO)
                        // in case user accidentally moves these object in the tree
                        string message = string.Format("Model does not contain traceablity information between the generated configurations and the design space. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    var builtConnections = designEntityRef.DstConnections.BuiltCollection.Count();

                    if (builtConnections == 0)
                        // no built connection -> not good
                        string message = string.Format("No 'built' connection. Model does not contain traceablity information between the generated configurations and the design space. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    if (builtConnections > 1)
                        // more than one built connection -> not good
                        string message = string.Format("There are more than one 'built' connections traceability is ambiguous. Model has to be fixed first. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                        ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                    // Get the Built connection and then the BuildDesignEntityRef.
                    // The BuildDesignEntityRef will point to our source object within a Component Assembly / configuration.
                    foreach (CyPhy.Built built in designEntityRef.DstConnections.BuiltCollection)
                        var builtDesignEntityRef = built.DstEnds.BuiltDesignEntityRef;
                        if (builtDesignEntityRef.AllReferred == null)
                            // in case user clears the reference

                            string message = string.Format("Model does not contain traceablity information between the generated configurations and the design space. {0} will not be found in the original design space. Please try to export the configurations again using CAExporter or run the design space exploration tool.", originalTip.Meta.Name);

                            ex = new AnalysisModelTipNotFoundException(message);

                        if ((builtDesignEntityRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID == (sutComponentAssemblyTarget.Impl as MgaFCO).RootFCO.ID)
                            // verify that the component is inside the target design
                            // TODO: how this would work if it points to a component in a CA which is referred in the design???
                            targetTipByBuilt = builtDesignEntityRef.AllReferred.Impl as MgaFCO;

            if (targetTipByBuilt != null)
                // prefer by built
                return targetTipByBuilt;
            else if (targetTipByAbsPath != null)
                // fallback to by abs path
                return targetTipByAbsPath;
            else if (ex != null)
                // not found
                throw ex;
                return null;
Exemple #9
        public List <IMgaFCO> InsertComponents(
            IMgaFCO designContainer,
            IMgaFCO componentRef,
            List <IMgaFCO> components,
            List <KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string> > messages)
            Contract.Requires(designContainer as IMgaModel != null);
            Contract.Requires(componentRef as IMgaReference != null);
            Contract.Requires((componentRef as IMgaReference).Referred != null);
            Contract.Requires(components != null);

            List <IMgaFCO> result = new List <IMgaFCO>();

            IMgaModel     container = designContainer as IMgaModel;
            IMgaReference compRef   = componentRef as IMgaReference;

            var childComps = container.
                             Cast <IMgaFCO>().
                             Where(x => x.MetaBase.Name == "ComponentRef").
                             Cast <IMgaReference>().
                             Select(x => x.Referred).

            // get all connections which has the componentRef as an endpoint
            var childConnections = container.
                                   Cast <IMgaFCO>().
                                   Where(x => x is IMgaSimpleConnection).
                                   Cast <IMgaSimpleConnection>().

            // ith new component
            int iNewComponent = 0;

            foreach (var compToCreate in components)
                if (childComps.Contains(compToCreate))
                    // If the component already exists this function will not create it again
                    // skip
                    messages.Add(new KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string>(compToCreate, "Component already exists."));

                // create reference
                var newRef = container.CreateReference(componentRef.MetaRole, compToCreate as MgaFCO);
                newRef.Name = compToCreate.Name;


                //VehicleForge.VFSession session = null;
                //VFComponentExchange results = session.SendGetRequest<VFComponentExchange>("");
                //VFComponentExchange resultjson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VFComponentExchange>("");


                bool compatible = true;

                // create connections
                foreach (var connectionToCreate in childConnections)
                    if (SafeMgaObjectCompare(connectionToCreate.SrcReferences.Cast <IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault(), compRef) ||
                        SafeMgaObjectCompare(connectionToCreate.DstReferences.Cast <IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault(), compRef))
                            var connRole         = connectionToCreate.MetaRole;
                            var connSrc          = connectionToCreate.Src;
                            var connDst          = connectionToCreate.Dst;
                            var connSrcReference = connectionToCreate.SrcReferences.Cast <MgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault();
                            var connDstReference = connectionToCreate.DstReferences.Cast <MgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault();

                            // overwrite the new endpoints
                            if (SafeMgaObjectCompare(connectionToCreate.SrcReferences.Cast <IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault(), compRef))
                                connSrcReference = newRef;

                                // Check for objects with same name and same type
                                var srcCandidates = compToCreate.ChildObjects.OfType <MgaFCO>().Where(x =>
                                                                                                      x.Name == connSrc.Name &&
                                                                                                      x.Meta.Name == connSrc.Meta.Name);

                                MgaFCO srcCandidate = srcCandidates.FirstOrDefault();

                                if (srcCandidates.Count() > 1)
                                    messages.Add(new KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string>(
                                                     "Not Inserted. It has more than one matching object named: " + connSrc.Name));
                                    compatible = false;

                                if (srcCandidate == null)
                                    messages.Add(new KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string>(
                                                     "Not Inserted. It does not have a port with name: " + connSrc.Name));
                                    compatible = false;

                                connSrc = srcCandidate;

                            if (SafeMgaObjectCompare(connectionToCreate.DstReferences.Cast <IMgaFCO>().FirstOrDefault(), compRef))
                                connDstReference = newRef;

                                //var dstCandidate = compToCreate.ObjectByPath[connDst.Name] as MgaFCO;

                                var dstCandidates = compToCreate.ChildObjects.OfType <MgaFCO>().Where(x =>
                                                                                                      x.Name == connDst.Name &&
                                                                                                      x.Meta.Name == connDst.Meta.Name);

                                MgaFCO dstCandidate = dstCandidates.FirstOrDefault();

                                if (dstCandidates.Count() > 1)
                                    messages.Add(new KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string>(
                                                     "Not Inserted. It has more than one matching object named: " + connDst.Name));
                                    compatible = false;

                                if (dstCandidate == null)
                                    messages.Add(new KeyValuePair <IMgaFCO, string>(
                                                     "Not Inserted. It does not have port with name: " + connDst.Name));
                                    compatible = false;

                                connDst = dstCandidate;

                            // check end points
                            if (connSrc != null &&
                                connDst != null)
                                var newConnection = container.CreateSimpleConnDisp(
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("Probably some ports do not match.");
                            compatible = false;

                if (compatible)
                    iNewComponent = iNewComponent + 1;

                    foreach (IMgaPart part in newRef.Parts)
                        int    x = 0;
                        int    y = 0;
                        string icon;

                        componentRef.PartByMetaPart[part.Meta].GetGmeAttrs(out icon, out x, out y);

                        part.SetGmeAttrs(icon, x, y + 80 * iNewComponent);
                    //messages.Add(new KeyValuePair<IMgaFCO, string>(compToCreate, "Component was skipped: " + compToCreate.Name));

            foreach (var item in messages)
                GMEConsole.Error.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", item.Key.ToMgaHyperLink(), item.Value);

            GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine("{0} components were inserted. Detailed list as follows:", result.Count);

            foreach (var item in result)
                GMEConsole.Info.WriteLine("- {0}", item.ToMgaHyperLink());

Exemple #10
 public ReferenceInfo(IMgaReference otherReference, IMgaReference newReference)
     _otherReference = otherReference;
     _newReference   = newReference;