Exemple #1
 protected internal override void OnEvent(IEvent @event, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
     if (count.IncrementAndGet() > repeatLevel)
         if (iText.Kernel.Version.IsAGPLVersion() || iText.Kernel.Version.IsExpired())
             String message = iText.IO.Util.JavaUtil.GetStringForBytes(message_1);
             if (iText.Kernel.Version.IsExpired())
                 message = iText.IO.Util.JavaUtil.GetStringForBytes(message_2);
             if (level == 1)
                 repeatLevel = REPEAT[1];
                 repeatLevel = REPEAT[2];
             if (logger == null)
                 logger = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs OCR with set parameters using provided
        /// <see cref="IOcrEngine"/>
        /// and
        /// creates PDF using provided
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter"/>
        /// and
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfOutputIntent"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs OCR with set parameters using provided
        /// <see cref="IOcrEngine"/>
        /// and
        /// creates PDF using provided
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter"/>
        /// and
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfOutputIntent"/>.
        /// PDF/A-3u document will be created if
        /// provided
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfOutputIntent"/>
        /// is not null.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="inputImages">
        /// <see cref="System.Collections.IList{E}"/>
        /// of images to be OCRed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pdfWriter">
        /// the
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter"/>
        /// object
        /// to write final PDF document to
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pdfOutputIntent">
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfOutputIntent"/>
        /// for PDF/A-3u document
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// result PDF/A-3u
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument"/>
        /// object
        /// </returns>
        public PdfDocument CreatePdfA(IList <FileInfo> inputImages, PdfWriter pdfWriter, PdfOutputIntent pdfOutputIntent
            LOGGER.Info(MessageFormatUtil.Format(PdfOcrLogMessageConstant.START_OCR_FOR_IMAGES, inputImages.Count));
            IMetaInfo storedMetaInfo = null;

            if (ocrEngine is IThreadLocalMetaInfoAware)
                storedMetaInfo = ((IThreadLocalMetaInfoAware)ocrEngine).GetThreadLocalMetaInfo();
                ((IThreadLocalMetaInfoAware)ocrEngine).SetThreadLocalMetaInfo(new OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo(((IThreadLocalMetaInfoAware
                                                                                                          )ocrEngine).GetThreadLocalMetaInfo(), Guid.NewGuid(), null != pdfOutputIntent ? OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo.PdfDocumentType
                                                                                                        .PDFA : OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo.PdfDocumentType.PDF));
            // map contains:
            // keys: image files
            // values:
            // map pageNumber -> retrieved text data(text and its coordinates)
            IDictionary <FileInfo, IDictionary <int, IList <TextInfo> > > imagesTextData = new LinkedDictionary <FileInfo, IDictionary
                                                                                                                 <int, IList <TextInfo> > >();

            try {
                foreach (FileInfo inputImage in inputImages)
                    imagesTextData.Put(inputImage, ocrEngine.DoImageOcr(inputImage));
            finally {
                if (ocrEngine is IThreadLocalMetaInfoAware)
            // create PdfDocument
            return(CreatePdfDocument(pdfWriter, pdfOutputIntent, imagesTextData));
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成一个继承自实体的类
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Type BuildEntityType(Type baseType, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
            if (baseType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("baseType");
            if (metaInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("metaInfo");

            _baseType = baseType;
            _metaInfo = metaInfo;
            var index = Interlocked.Increment(ref _next).ToString();//加上一个全局的标识,防止类名重名。

            _codeTypeDeclaration            = new CodeTypeDeclaration(string.Concat(_baseType.Name, "_Entity_", index));
            _codeTypeDeclaration.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;
            _codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace(_baseType.Namespace);
            _codeNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System"));
            _codeNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System.Linq"));
            _codeNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport(_baseType.Namespace));
            // 编译
Exemple #4
 public ZugferdProperties(iText.Zugferd.ZugferdProperties other)
     this.metaInfo = other.metaInfo;
     this.zugferdConformanceLevel = other.zugferdConformanceLevel;
     this.pdfaConformanceLevel    = other.pdfaConformanceLevel;
     this.pdfOutputIntent         = other.pdfOutputIntent;
        public virtual void GetDefaultMetaInfoTest()
            ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties();
            IMetaInfo           metaInfo   = properties.GetEventMetaInfo();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(metaInfo.GetType().FullName.StartsWith(NamespaceConstant.PDF_HTML + "."));
        /// <summary>
        /// Triggers all registered
        /// <see cref="IEventCounterFactory"/>
        /// to produce
        /// <see cref="EventCounter"/>
        /// instance
        /// and count the event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="event">
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.Event.IEvent"/>
        /// to be counted
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="metaInfo">
        /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.Event.IMetaInfo"/>
        /// object that can holds information about instance that throws the event
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="caller">the class that throws the event</param>
        public virtual void OnEvent(IEvent @event, IMetaInfo metaInfo, Type caller)
            IContext context            = null;
            bool     contextInitialized = false;

            foreach (IEventCounterFactory factory in factories.Keys)
                EventCounter counter = factory.GetCounter(caller);
                if (counter != null)
                    if (!contextInitialized)
                        if (metaInfo != null)
                            context = ContextManager.GetInstance().GetContext(metaInfo.GetType());
                        if (context == null)
                            context = ContextManager.GetInstance().GetContext(caller);
                        if (context == null)
                            context = ContextManager.GetInstance().GetContext(@event.GetType());
                        contextInitialized = true;
                    if ((context != null && context.Allow(@event)) || (context == null && counter.fallback.Allow(@event)))
                        counter.OnEvent(@event, metaInfo);
Exemple #7
 protected void ForMeta <TMeta>(IMetaInfo info, Action <TMeta> func) where TMeta : class, IMetaInfo
     if (info is TMeta meta)
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>Creates an inner meta info wrapper</summary>
 /// <param name="wrappedMetaInfo">the meta info to be wrapped</param>
 /// <param name="uuid">a unique String which corresponds to the ocr event for which this meta info is passed</param>
 /// <param name="pdfDocumentType">a type of the document which is created during the corresponding ocr event</param>
 public OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo(IMetaInfo wrappedMetaInfo, Guid uuid, OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo.PdfDocumentType pdfDocumentType
     this.wrappedMetaInfo = wrappedMetaInfo;
     this.uuid            = uuid;
     this.pdfDocumentType = pdfDocumentType;
 /// <summary>
 /// 生成一个实体的继承类,重写实体中属性成员,并继承IEntity接口。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseType"></param>
 /// <param name="metaInfo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Type BuildEntityClass(Type baseType, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
     if (_creater != null)
         return(_creater().BuildEntityType(baseType, metaInfo));
     return(new EntityBuilder().BuildEntityType(baseType, metaInfo));
Exemple #10
 internal DoImageOcrRunnable(AbstractTesseract4OcrEngine tesseractReader, IMetaInfo metaInfo, FileInfo imgFile
                             , FileInfo outputFile, bool createPdf)
     this.tesseractReader = tesseractReader;
     this.metaInfo        = metaInfo;
     this.imgFile         = imgFile;
     this.outputFile      = outputFile;
     this.createPdf       = createPdf;
        public virtual void SetEventMetaInfoAndGetTest()
            ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties();

            ConverterPropertiesTest.TestMetaInfo testMetaInfo = new ConverterPropertiesTest.TestMetaInfo();
            IMetaInfo metaInfo = properties.GetEventMetaInfo();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(testMetaInfo, metaInfo);
        // PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        #region Assert Methods
        public static void Equal(IMetaInfo expected, IMetaInfo actual)
            if (expected == null)

            PropertyInfoAssert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new
 /// <see cref="ConverterProperties"/>
 /// instance based on another
 /// <see cref="ConverterProperties"/>
 /// instance
 /// (copy constructor).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">
 /// the other
 /// <see cref="ConverterProperties"/>
 /// instance
 /// </param>
 public ConverterProperties(iText.Html2pdf.ConverterProperties other)
     this.mediaDeviceDescription = other.mediaDeviceDescription;
     this.fontProvider           = other.fontProvider;
     this.tagWorkerFactory       = other.tagWorkerFactory;
     this.cssApplierFactory      = other.cssApplierFactory;
     this.baseUri        = other.baseUri;
     this.createAcroForm = other.createAcroForm;
     this.outlineHandler = other.outlineHandler;
     this.charset        = other.charset;
     this.metaInfo       = other.metaInfo;
Exemple #14
 public PublishController(AppSettings appSettings, IPublishPreflight publishPreflight,
                          IWebHtmlPublishService publishService, IMetaInfo metaInfo, ISelectorStorage selectorStorage,
                          IUpdateBackgroundTaskQueue queue, IWebLogger webLogger)
     _appSettings      = appSettings;
     _publishPreflight = publishPreflight;
     _publishService   = publishService;
     _metaInfo         = metaInfo;
     _hostStorage      = selectorStorage.Get(SelectorStorage.StorageServices.HostFilesystem);
     _bgTaskQueue      = queue;
     _webLogger        = webLogger;
Exemple #15
 // Triggering registered factories to produce events and count them
 protected override void OnEvent(IEvent eventType, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
     try {
         using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(DEST, true))
             writer.Write(eventType.GetEventType() + "\n");
     catch (IOException)
         Console.Error.WriteLine("IOException occured.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new
 /// <see cref="ProcessorContext"/>
 /// instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="converterProperties">
 /// a
 /// <see cref="iText.Html2pdf.ConverterProperties"/>
 /// instance
 /// </param>
 public ProcessorContext(ConverterProperties converterProperties)
     if (converterProperties == null)
         converterProperties = new ConverterProperties();
     state             = new State();
     deviceDescription = converterProperties.GetMediaDeviceDescription();
     if (deviceDescription == null)
         deviceDescription = MediaDeviceDescription.GetDefault();
     fontProvider = converterProperties.GetFontProvider();
     if (fontProvider == null)
         fontProvider = new DefaultFontProvider();
     tagWorkerFactory = converterProperties.GetTagWorkerFactory();
     if (tagWorkerFactory == null)
         tagWorkerFactory = DefaultTagWorkerFactory.GetInstance();
     cssApplierFactory = converterProperties.GetCssApplierFactory();
     if (cssApplierFactory == null)
         cssApplierFactory = DefaultCssApplierFactory.GetInstance();
     baseUri = converterProperties.GetBaseUri();
     if (baseUri == null)
         baseUri = "";
     outlineHandler = converterProperties.GetOutlineHandler();
     if (outlineHandler == null)
         outlineHandler = new OutlineHandler();
     resourceResolver      = new HtmlResourceResolver(baseUri, this, converterProperties.GetResourceRetriever());
     limitOfLayouts        = converterProperties.GetLimitOfLayouts();
     cssContext            = new CssContext();
     linkContext           = new LinkContext();
     createAcroForm        = converterProperties.IsCreateAcroForm();
     formFieldNameResolver = new FormFieldNameResolver();
     radioCheckResolver    = new RadioCheckResolver();
     immediateFlush        = converterProperties.IsImmediateFlush();
     metaInfo            = converterProperties.GetEventCountingMetaInfo();
     processingInlineSvg = false;
        public virtual void Register(IEvent @event, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
            V data;

            //Synchronization is left here mostly in consistency with cache and process, but factories are usually not thread safe anyway.
            lock (factory) {
                data = factory.Create(@event, metaInfo);
            if (data != null)
                lock (cache) {
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Initializes Iisu and loads the input movie
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skvMoviePath">skv movie path</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">
        /// Can occur when Iisu cannot be properly initialized
        /// or when the input path is not valid.
        /// </exception>
        public IisuWrapper()
            // We need to specify where is located the iisu dll and its configuration file.
            // in this sample we'll use the SDK's environment variable as resource to locate them
            // but you can use any mean you need.
            string libraryLocation = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IISU_SDK_DIR");
            IHandleConfiguration config = Iisu.Iisu.Context.CreateHandleConfiguration();
            <<<<<<< HEAD

            >>>>>>> b8e918927be2a4af4732581fe5ad6d829df34356
            config.IisuBinDir = (libraryLocation + "/bin");
            config.ConfigFileName = "iisu_config.xml";

            // get iisu handle
            _iisuHandle = Iisu.Iisu.Context.CreateHandle(config);

            // create iisu device
            _device = _iisuHandle.InitializeDevice();

            // check if Mode DS325 is Enable
            string isCiEnabledString = "";
            _iisuHandle.GetConfigString("//CONFIG//PROCESSING//CI", out isCiEnabledString);
            bool isCiEnabled = isCiEnabledString.Equals("1");

            if (isCiEnabled != true)
                Console.WriteLine("Hand Control will not be Ok");

            //Envoi du fichier coincoin.iid dans le le moteur IIsi
            _device.CommandManager.SendCommand("IID.loadGraph", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() +  "\\coincoin.iid");

            // register even listener
            _device.EventManager.RegisterEventListener("SYSTEM.Error", new OnErrorDelegate(onError));
            _Hand1Status = _device.RegisterDataHandle<int>("CI.HAND1.Status");
            _Hand1PosingGestureId = _device.RegisterDataHandle<int>("CI.HAND1.PosingGestureId");
            _Hand1PalmPosition = _device.RegisterDataHandle<Iisu.Data.Vector3>("CI.HAND1.PalmPosition3D");

            // enregistrement du la reconnaissance  CoinCoin

            _coincoin = _device.RegisterDataHandle<bool>("IID.Script.CoinCoin");
            _imetaInfo = _device.EventManager.GetMetaInfo("CI.HandPosingGesture");

        public MetaPropertyInfo(IMetaInfo metaInfo, string propertyName, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            if (metaInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("metaInfo");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");
            if (propertyInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyInfo");

            _metaInfo     = metaInfo;
            _propertyName = propertyName;
            _propertyInfo = propertyInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Repository初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">数据库读写访问对象</param>
        public RepositoryDatabase(Database.DatabaseHelper database)
            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database");

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(DynamicEntity))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("泛型T不能是{0}", typeof(DynamicEntity).FullName));

            _dbReader = database;
            _dbWriter = database;
            var accessor = Map.GetCheckedAccessor <T>();

            dbMetaInfo = accessor.MetaInfo as IDbMetaInfo;
            metaInfo   = accessor.MetaInfo;
Exemple #21
        public override string TransformName(IMetaInfo info, string name, NameContext context)
            var prefix       = string.Empty;
            var suffix       = string.Empty;
            var forBlueprint = true;

            if (info is TypeInfo typeInfo)
                var asBaseClass = false;

                typeInfo.ForAttribute <UnrealTypeAttributeBase>(attr =>
                    forBlueprint = attr.ForBlueprint;

                    prefix      = forBlueprint ? "U" : "F";
                    asBaseClass = attr.AsBaseClass;

                typeInfo.ForAttribute <UnrealActorAttribute>(attr =>
                    prefix = "A";
                    suffix = "Actor";

                typeInfo.ForAttribute <UnrealComponentAttribute>(attr =>
                    suffix = "Component";

                typeInfo.ForAttribute <UnrealStructAttribute>(attr =>
                    prefix = "F";

                if (asBaseClass)
                    suffix += "Base";

        // PUBLIC CONSTRUCTORS //////////////////////////////////////////////
        #region Constructors
        public ResourceType(Type clrResourceType,
                            IHypermediaInfo hypermediaInfo,
                            IResourceIdentityInfo resourceIdentityInfo,
                            IAttributesInfo attributesInfo,
                            IRelationshipsInfo relationshipsInfo,
                            ILinksInfo linksInfo,
                            IMetaInfo metaInfo)
            : base(clrResourceType, attributesInfo)
            Contract.Requires(hypermediaInfo != null);
            Contract.Requires(resourceIdentityInfo != null);
            Contract.Requires(relationshipsInfo != null);
            Contract.Requires(linksInfo != null);

            // JSON Properties
            this.HypermediaInfo       = hypermediaInfo;
            this.ResourceIdentityInfo = resourceIdentityInfo;
            this.RelationshipsInfo    = relationshipsInfo;
            this.LinksInfo            = linksInfo;
            this.MetaInfo             = metaInfo;
Exemple #23
        internal virtual void OnEvent()
            IMetaInfo metaInfo = this.GetThreadLocalMetaInfo();

            if (!(metaInfo is OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo))
                EventCounterHandler.GetInstance().OnEvent(PdfOcrTesseract4Event.TESSERACT4_IMAGE_OCR, this.GetThreadLocalMetaInfo
                                                              (), GetType());
                Guid uuid = ((OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo)metaInfo).GetDocumentId();
                if (!processedUUID.Contains(uuid))
                                                                                                                  )metaInfo).GetPdfDocumentType()) ? PdfOcrTesseract4Event.TESSERACT4_IMAGE_TO_PDFA : PdfOcrTesseract4Event
                                                              .TESSERACT4_IMAGE_TO_PDF, ((OcrPdfCreatorMetaInfo)metaInfo).GetWrappedMetaInfo(), GetType());
Exemple #24
        public static bool TryDeconstruct(ILogger <IValidatable> logger, IMetaInfo info, ref List <IMemberInfo> values)
            if (!(info is IMemberInfo memberInfo))

            if (!info.HasAttribute <DeconstructAttribute>() && !memberInfo.Type.ImplementsInterface <IDeconstructible>())

            var deconstruct           = info.GetAttribute <DeconstructAttribute>();
            var deconstructProperties = deconstruct == null
                ? memberInfo.Type.Create <IDeconstructible>().Deconstruct()
                : deconstruct.Properties;

            Deconstruct(logger, memberInfo.Type, info.Name, deconstructProperties.ToList(), ref values);

Exemple #25
 public MetaInfoControllerTest()
     _iStorage = new FakeIStorage();
     _metaInfo = new MetaInfo(new FakeIQuery(
                                  new List <FileIndexItem> {
         new FileIndexItem("/test.jpg"), new FileIndexItem("/readonly/image.jpg"),
         new FileIndexItem("/source_missing.jpg")
                              new AppSettings {
         ReadOnlyFolders = new List <string> {
                              new FakeSelectorStorage(new FakeIStorage(new List <string>(),
                                                                       new List <string> {
         "/test.jpg", "/readonly/image.jpg"
     }, new List <byte[]> {
     })), null);
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaInfo">元数据</param>
        public ObjectAccessor(IMetaInfo metaInfo)
            Type type = typeof(T);

            if (type.IsClass == false)
                throw new MapperException(string.Format("类型[{0}]不是[{1}]有效识别的实体类型。", type.FullName, this.GetType().FullName));

            if (metaInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("metaInfo");

            if (metaInfo.EntityType != typeof(T))
                throw new MapperException("metaInfo元数据中的EntityType与泛型T不一致。");

            _metaInfo = metaInfo;
 /// <summary>The method that should be overridden for actual event processing</summary>
 /// <param name="event">
 /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.Event.IEvent"/>
 /// to count
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="metaInfo">
 /// the
 /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.Event.IMetaInfo"/>
 /// that can hold information about event origin
 /// </param>
 protected internal abstract void OnEvent(IEvent @event, IMetaInfo metaInfo);
Exemple #28
 public virtual DataHandlerTest.SimpleData Create(IEvent @event, IMetaInfo metaInfo)
     return(new DataHandlerTest.SimpleData(@event.GetEventType()));
 /// <summary>Sets document meta info.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Sets document meta info. This meta info will be passed to the
 /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.EventCounter"/>
 /// with
 /// <see cref="iText.Kernel.Counter.Event.CoreEvent"/>
 /// and can be used to determine event origin.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="metaInfo">meta info to set</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// this
 /// <see cref="DocumentProperties"/>
 /// instance
 /// </returns>
 public virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.DocumentProperties SetEventCountingMetaInfo(IMetaInfo metaInfo)
     this.metaInfo = metaInfo;
 public static global::SEOChecker.MVC.MetaData GetSeoSettings(IMetaInfo that) => that.Value <global::SEOChecker.MVC.MetaData>("SeoSettings");
 public DocumentProperties(iText.Kernel.Pdf.DocumentProperties other)
     this.metaInfo = other.metaInfo;