Exemple #1
        private void AddMessenger(IMessengerConfiguration configuration)
            IMessenger newMessenger = null;

                var messengerType = Type.GetType(configuration.MessengerTypeName);

                if (messengerType != null)
                    newMessenger = (IMessenger)Activator.CreateInstance(messengerType);
            catch (Exception)

            //next step: initialize it
            if (newMessenger != null)
                    newMessenger.Initialize(this, configuration);

                    //now add it to our collection
                    lock (m_ConfigLock)
                catch (Exception)
        public MessengerWrapper(IMessengerConfiguration configuration, IFileSerializer serializer)
            this.configuration = configuration;
            this.serializer    = serializer;

            messenger = new BaseClient
                On2FACodeCallback           = OnTwoFactorRequestedAsync,
                FbEventCallback             = OnFbEventCallback,
                DeleteCookiesCallback       = OnDeleteCookiesCallback,
                ReadCookiesFromDiskCallback = OnReadCookiesFromDiskCallback,
                WriteCookiesToDiskCallback  = OnWriteCookiesToDiskCallback
        /// <summary>
        /// Inheritors should override this method to implement custom initialize functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method will be called exactly once before any call to OnFlush or OnWrite is made.
        /// Code in this method is protected by a Thread Lock.
        /// This method is called with the Message Dispatch thread exclusively.</remarks>
        protected override void OnInitialize(IMessengerConfiguration configuration)
            //do our first time initialization
            Caption     = "Standard File Messenger";
            Description = "Messenger implementation that writes messages to files through a buffer.  Supports synchronous and asynchronous messaging.";

            //try to up cast the configuration to our specific configuration type
            var fileConfiguration = (SessionFileConfiguration)configuration;

            //If the max file size is unbounded (zero or less) then we want 1GB.
            m_MaxFileSizeBytes = fileConfiguration.MaxFileSize < 1 ? 1024 : fileConfiguration.MaxFileSize;
            m_MaxFileSizeBytes = m_MaxFileSizeBytes * 1048576;                //the configured value is in MB, we use bytes for faster comparisons

            m_MaxLogDurationSeconds = fileConfiguration.MaxFileDuration * 60; //the configured value is in minutes, we use seconds for consistency

            m_RepositoryMaintenanceEnabled = fileConfiguration.EnableFilePruning;
            m_MaxLocalDiskUsage            = fileConfiguration.MaxLocalDiskUsage;
            m_MaxLocalFileAge = fileConfiguration.MaxLocalFileAge;

            //what are the very best folders for us to use?
            m_RepositoryFolder  = LocalRepository.CalculateRepositoryPath(Publisher.SessionSummary.Product, fileConfiguration.Folder);
            m_SessionLockFolder = Path.Combine(m_RepositoryFolder, SessionLockFolderName);

            //we also have to be sure the path exists now.

            //Since we update the index during a flush, and the index update is about as bad as a flush we look at both together.
            AutoFlush         = true;
            AutoFlushInterval = Math.Min(fileConfiguration.AutoFlushInterval, fileConfiguration.IndexUpdateInterval);

            //If we aren't able to initialize our log folder, throw an exception
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_RepositoryFolder))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("No log folder could be determined, so the file messenger can't log.");

            ScheduleRepositoryMaintenance(0, 0);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Inheritors should override this method to implement custom initialize functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method will be called exactly once before any call to OnFlush or OnWrite is made.
        /// Code in this method is protected by a Thread Lock.
        /// This method is called with the Message Dispatch thread exclusively.</remarks>
        protected override void OnInitialize(IMessengerConfiguration configuration)
            //do our first time initialization
            Caption      = "Network Viewer Messenger";
            Description  = "Messenger implementation that sends session data live over a TCP connection.";
            OverflowMode = OverflowMode.Drop; //important so we don't block in this mode.

            //try to up cast the configuration to our specific configuration type
            var messengerConfiguration = (NetworkViewerConfiguration)configuration;

            if (messengerConfiguration.AllowLocalClients)
                //set up our local discovery file monitor so we will connect with local proxies.
                m_DiscoveryFileMonitor              = new LocalServerDiscoveryFileMonitor();
                m_DiscoveryFileMonitor.FileChanged += DiscoveryFileMonitorOnFileChanged;
                m_DiscoveryFileMonitor.FileDeleted += DiscoveryFileMonitorOnFileDeleted;

            if (messengerConfiguration.AllowRemoteClients)
                //we need to monitor & keep a server configuration going.
                var server = Log.Configuration.Server;

                if (server.Enabled)
                    m_HubConnection  = new HubConnection(server);
                    m_EnableOutbound = true;

                    if (!Log.SilentMode)
                        Log.Write(LogMessageSeverity.Verbose, LogCategory, "Remote live view enabled, will be available once connected to server", "Server Configuration:\r\n{0}", server);

            AutoFlush         = true;
            AutoFlushInterval = 5;