public async Task MemoizeAsync_CallsWithDifferentParams_UsesSeparateCacheSlots()
            var dataSource = CreateDataSource(5);

            dataSource.ThingifyTaskThing("otherString").Returns(Task.FromResult(new Thing {
                Id = 7
            IMemoizer memoizer = CreateMemoizer();

            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, new object[] { "someString" }, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5);
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, new object[] { "otherString" }, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(7);

            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, new object[] { "someString" }, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5);
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, new object[] { "otherString" }, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(7);

Exemple #2
        public void SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer()
            long startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            IMemoizer <string, long, string> memoizer = reallySlowNetworkInvocation1b.CacheFor(NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS * 3).Milliseconds.GetMemoizer();

            // New function value, not yet cached
            var retVal = memoizer.InvokeWith("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer", 15L);

            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + "SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer" + 15L));
            long durationInMilliseconds = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.InRange(NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + 50L));
            Console.WriteLine("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer: first non-memoized method invocation with latency " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms (should take >= " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");

            // Memoized function within time span, should use cached value
            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal    = memoizer.InvokeWith("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer", 15L);
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + "SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer" + 15L));
            durationInMilliseconds = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(10L));
            Console.WriteLine("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer: second memoized method invocation with latency " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms (should take < 10 ms)");

            // New function value, not yet cached
            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal    = memoizer.InvokeWith("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer", 16L);
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + "SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer" + 16L));
            durationInMilliseconds = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.InRange(NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + 50L));
            Console.WriteLine("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer: another first non-memoized method invocation with latency " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms (should take >= " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");

            Console.WriteLine("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer: waiting for memoizer cache item evictions ...");
            Thread.Sleep(NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS * 3);

            // Memoized function evicted due to exceeded time span, should take its time (for re-memoization)
            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal    = memoizer.InvokeWith("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer", 15L);
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + "SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer" + 15L));
            durationInMilliseconds = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.InRange(NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + 50L));
            Console.WriteLine("SingleThreadedMemoizedDirectInvocationWithPolicy_Memoizer: third memoized (but evicted) method invocation with latency " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms (should take >= " + NETWORK_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");
Exemple #3
        public async Task MemoizeAsync_BackgroundRefreshFails_LastGoodValueStillReturned()
            TimeSpan refreshTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
            var      refreshTask = new TaskCompletionSource <Thing>();
            var      args        = new object[] { "someString" };
            var      dataSource  = CreateDataSource(5, refreshTask);

            IMemoizer memoizer = CreateMemoizer(CreateCache());

            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5);

            // fake that refreshTime has passed
            TimeFake.UtcNow += refreshTime;

            // Refresh task hasn't finished, should get old value (5)
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5); // value is not refreshed yet. it is running on background

            // Complete refresh task and verify new value
            refreshTask.SetException(new Exception("Boo!!"));
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5); // new value is expected now
Exemple #4
        public void ShouldBuildFullBlownMemoizerWithOnelineAndStillGetMemoization()
            long startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            MemoizerFactory <long, long> slowSquareMemoizerFactory = slow500Square.Memoize();
            IMemoizer <long, long>       memoizedSlowSquare        = slowSquareMemoizerFactory.GetMemoizer();
            long durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;

            Console.WriteLine("Memoizer construction: square.Memoize().Get() took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (MemoizerFactory and Memoizer creation)

            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            long result = memoizedSlowSquare.InvokeWith(123);

            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(123) = " + result + " [memoized first time invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms (not memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = memoizedSlowSquare.InvokeWith(123);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(123) = " + result + " [memoized second time invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(10)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            IMemoizer <long, long> memoizedSlowSquare2 = slowSquareMemoizerFactory.GetMemoizer();

            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result    = slowSquareMemoizerFactory.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(123);
            //result = memoizedSlowSquare2.InvokeWith(123);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(123) = " + result + " [memoized first time (instrumented) invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(10)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = memoizedSlowSquare2.InvokeWith(123);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(123) = " + result + " [memoized second time (instrumented) invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(10)); // ms (memoized invocation)
Exemple #5
        public void Remove()
            IMemoizer <long, string> standaloneMemoizer = myExpensiveFunction.CacheFor(30).Minutes.InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).CreateMemoizer();

            MemoizerFactory <long, string> sharedMemoizer1 = myExpensiveFunction.CacheFor(30).Minutes.InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine);
            MemoizerFactory <long, string> sharedMemoizer2 = myExpensiveFunction.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine);
            MemoizerFactory <long, string> sharedMemoizer3 = typicalDatabaseInvocation_DelegatedFunc3.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine);

            // The standalone memoizer instance is not cached yet
            AssertThat(standaloneMemoizer.InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));

            // it is
            AssertThat(standaloneMemoizer.InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));

            // The memoizer^2 registry instances are either cached, or not...

            // they are
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer1.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer1.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 2089L, Is.LessThan(10));
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer2.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer3.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));

            // Removal from the standalone memoizer instance

            // Standalone memoizer must be re-cached
            AssertThat(standaloneMemoizer.InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));
            AssertThat(standaloneMemoizer.InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));

            // Neither of the shared memoizer instances are affected
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer1.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer2.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));
            AssertThat(sharedMemoizer3.GetMemoizer().InvokeWith, 1989L, Is.LessThan(10));
Exemple #6
        public async Task MemoizeAsync_BackgroundRefreshFails_NextRequestAfterDelayTriggersRefresh()
            TimeSpan refreshTime        = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
            TimeSpan failedRefreshDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            var      refreshTask        = new TaskCompletionSource <Thing>();
            var      args        = new object[] { "someString" };
            string   firstValue  = "first Value";
            string   secondValue = "second Value";
            var      dataSource  = CreateDataSource(firstValue, refreshTask, secondValue);

            IMemoizer memoizer = CreateMemoizer(CreateCache());

            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(firstValue);

            // fake that refreshTime has passed
            TimeFake.UtcNow += refreshTime;

            // Should trigger refresh task that won't be completed yet, should get old value (5)
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(firstValue);

            // Fail the first refresh task and verify old value (5) still returned.
            // FailedRefreshDelay hasn't passed so shouldn't trigger refresh.
            refreshTask.SetException(new Exception("Boo!!"));
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(firstValue);

            TimeFake.UtcNow += TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(failedRefreshDelay.TotalMilliseconds * 0.7);

            // FailedRefreshDelay still hasn't passed so shouldn't trigger refresh.
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(firstValue);

            TimeFake.UtcNow += TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(failedRefreshDelay.TotalMilliseconds * 0.7);

            // FailedRefreshDelay passed so should trigger refresh.
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(firstValue);

            // Second refresh should succeed, should get new value (7);
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(secondValue);
Exemple #7
        public async Task MemoizeAsync_CallAfterRefreshTime_RefreshOnBackground()
            TimeSpan refreshTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
            var      refreshTask = new TaskCompletionSource <Thing>();
            var      args        = new object[] { "someString" };
            var      dataSource  = CreateDataSource(5, refreshTask);

            IMemoizer memoizer = CreateMemoizer(CreateCache());

            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5);

            // fake that refreshTime has passed
            TimeFake.UtcNow += refreshTime;

            // Refresh task hasn't finished, should get old value (5)
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(5); // value is not refreshed yet. it is running on background

            // Complete refresh task and verify new value
            refreshTask.SetResult(new Thing {
                Id = 7, Name = "seven"
            (await(Task <Thing>) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskThing, args, GetPolicy())).Id.ShouldBe(7); // new value is expected now
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new expression hasher with the specified object pool capacity and memoization cache factory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="poolCapacity">The size of the internal object pool to keep data structures that are required to compute a hash code.</param>
 /// <param name="cacheFactory"></param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The <paramref name="poolCapacity"/> parameter can be used to adjust the internal pool size when it's known that the
 /// hasher is used in specific configurations. For example, if the hasher is only used from a single thread, a pool size
 /// of <c>1</c> could suffice. In case one expects the overridden <see cref="GetHashCode(ObjectSlim)"/> method to reenter
 /// the hasher, the pool size could be adjusted to allow for such reentrancy. If possible, it is recommended to make such
 /// overridden <see cref="GetHashCode(ObjectSlim)"/> implementations call <see cref="GetHashCode(ExpressionSlim)"/> directly
 /// rather than causing the creation of a new hasher instance.
 /// Note that a pool size that's too small does not cause a functional regression; it merely can result in degraded hashing
 /// performance due to the allocation of internal data structures that cannot be reused.
 /// </remarks>
 public ExpressionSlimHasher(int poolCapacity, IMemoizationCacheFactory cacheFactory)
     _pool     = new ObjectPool <ExpressionHashingVisitor>(CreateHashingVisitor, poolCapacity);
     _memoizer = Memoizer.Create(cacheFactory);
Exemple #9
            public MemberInfoSlimHashingVisitor(ExpressionSlimHasher parent, TypeSlimHashingVisitor typeHasher, IMemoizer memoizer)
                _parent     = parent;
                _typeHasher = typeHasher;

                // NB: We use reference equality for memoization in order to prevent the computation of another
                //     hash code through the overridden GetHashCode implementation on MemberInfoSlim. The use
                //     of reference equality is very effective within expressions and for reflection objects that
                //     come from a shared reflection context where reference-equal objects are returned.

                _visitCache = memoizer.Memoize(base.Visit, MemoizationOptions.None, ReferenceEqualityComparer <MemberInfoSlim> .Instance);
Exemple #10
        public void MultipleCacheItemPolicies_MemoizerFactoryIsMutable___OnGoing()
            MemoizerFactory <long, string> myMessyMemoizerFactory =

            IMemoizer <long, string> myMemoizedFunction = myMessyMemoizerFactory.GetMemoizer();

            //Assert.That(LatencyInstrumentedRun(myMessyMemoizerFactory, DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, "First method invocation", "(should take > " + DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)"),
            //    Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));
            long   startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            string retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction.InvokeWith(4224L);
            long   durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            long   durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 4224L));
            Console.WriteLine("(4224) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(should take > " + DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));

            //Assert.That(LatencyInstrumentedRun(myMessyMemoizerFactory, DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, "Second method invocation", "(cached, should take < 5 ms)"),
            //    Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (20 ms just for LatencyInstrumentedRun method to finish...)
            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction.InvokeWith(4224L);
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 4224L));
            Console.WriteLine("(4224) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(cached, should take < 5 ms)");
            // TODO: hmm, takes its time...
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(30)); // ms

            myMessyMemoizerFactory = myMessyMemoizerFactory.KeepItemsCachedFor(0).Milliseconds

            IMemoizer <long, string> myMemoizedFunction2 = myMessyMemoizerFactory.GetMemoizer();

            //Assert.That(LatencyInstrumentedRun(myMessyMemoizerFactory, DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, "Second method invocation", "(cached, should take < 5 ms)"),
            //    Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (20 ms just for LatencyInstrumentedRun method to finish...)
            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction2.InvokeWith(123456L);
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 123456L));
            Console.WriteLine("(123456) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(should take > " + DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction2.InvokeWith(123456);
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 123456));
            Console.WriteLine("(123456) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(cached, should take < 5 ms)");
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms


            //Assert.That(LatencyInstrumentedRun(myMessyMemoizerFactory, DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS, "Third method invocation", "(cached, should take < 5 ms)"),
            //    Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (20 ms just for LatencyInstrumentedRun method to finish...)
            // Previous memoizer still intact
            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction.InvokeWith(4224L);
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 4224L));
            Console.WriteLine("(4224) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(cached, should take < 5 ms)");
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = myMemoizedFunction2.InvokeWith(123456L);
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo(METHOD_RESPONSE_ELEMENT + 123456L));
            Console.WriteLine("(123456L) invocation with latency " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks " + "(should take > " + DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS + " ms)");
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(DATABASE_RESPONSE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS));
Exemple #11
 private async Task <Revocable <Thing> > CallWithMemoize(IMemoizer memoizer, IThingFrobber dataSource)
     return(await(Task <Revocable <Thing> >) memoizer.Memoize(dataSource, ThingifyTaskRevokabkle, new object[] { "someString" }, GetPolicy()));
Exemple #12
 public HandleCreateOrder(IDocumentRepository couch, IMemoizer mementoProvider, IAgent <Order> orderAgent)
     Couch           = couch;
     MementoProvider = mementoProvider;
     OrderAgent      = orderAgent;
Exemple #13
 public DefaultContextProvider(IEventConfiguration configuration, IMemoizer memoizer, IEventPublisher publisher)
     Configuration = configuration;
     Memoizer      = memoizer;
     Publisher     = publisher;
 public HandeMenuItemAdd(IDocumentRepository couch, IMemoizer mementoProvider)
     Couch           = couch;
     MementoProvider = mementoProvider;
Exemple #15
        public void NoArgumentsMemoizer()
            Func <string> expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc =
                Console.WriteLine("TypicalReferenceDataStaticInvocation invoked...");
                Console.WriteLine("TypicalReferenceDataStaticInvocation returns...");
                return("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff");

            IMemoizer <string> memoizer = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(1).Seconds.GetMemoizer();

            // Cached-for-1-second memoizer
            long   startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            string retVal                 = memoizer.Invoke();
            long   durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            long   durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1345)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = memoizer.Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            // Cached-for-1-second-on-the-fly function - should be cached already
            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(1).Seconds.GetMemoizer().Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            // Function only - not yet cached
            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CachedInvoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1345)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CachedInvoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");


            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CachedInvoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1345)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CachedInvoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");


            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(1).Seconds.GetMemoizer().Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1345)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(1).Seconds.GetMemoizer().Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");


            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(55).Seconds.GetMemoizer().Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1345)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");

            startTime              = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            retVal                 = expensiveNoArgsInvocationFunc.CacheFor(55).Seconds.GetMemoizer().Invoke();
            durationInTicks        = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            durationInMilliseconds = durationInTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            Assert.That(retVal, Is.EqualTo("Some no-arguments-one-time-only-invocation data stuff"));
            Assert.That(durationInMilliseconds, Is.LessThan(5)); // ms
            Console.WriteLine("One-time-invocation took " + durationInMilliseconds + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks");
Exemple #16
 public static U Memoize <U>(this IMemoizer memo, Func <U> f) where U : class
     return(memo.Memoize(memo, x => f()));
Exemple #17
        public void ShouldBuildFullBlownMemoizedFuncsWithOnelineAndStillGetMemoization()
            long startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            long result          = Slow500Square(40);
            long durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;

            Console.WriteLine("Square(40) = " + result + " [ordinary method invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = (long)slow500Square.DynamicInvoke(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(40) = " + result + " [non-memoized dynamic func invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Invoke(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(40) = " + result + " [non-memoized func invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(40) = " + result + " [first time 'on-the-spot-memoized', instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms (not memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(40) = " + result + " [second time time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(50);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(50) = " + result + " [first time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms (not memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(60);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(60) = " + result + " [first time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(500)); // ms (not memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(50);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(50) = " + result + " [second time time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow500Square.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(60);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("Square(60) = " + result + " [second time time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(20)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            // TODO: fails!!
            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            IMemoizer <long, long> slow1000PowerOfThreeMemoizer1 = slow1000PowerOfThree.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer();

            result          = slow1000PowerOfThree.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("PowerOfThree(40) = " + result + " [first time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1000)); // ms (not memoized invocation)

            startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            IMemoizer <long, long> slow1000PowerOfThreeMemoizer2 = slow1000PowerOfThree.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer();

            result          = slow1000PowerOfThree.Memoize().InstrumentWith(Console.WriteLine).GetMemoizer().InvokeWith(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("PowerOfThree(40) = " + result + " [second time time 'on-the-spot-memoized' instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(slow1000PowerOfThreeMemoizer1, Is.SameAs(slow1000PowerOfThreeMemoizer2));
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(10)); // ms (memoized invocation)

            startTime       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            result          = slow1000PowerOfThree.CachedInvoke <long, long>(40);
            durationInTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
            Console.WriteLine("PowerOfThree(40) = " + result + " [third time time 'on-the-spot-memoized' not-instrumented invocation took " + durationInTicks / 10000 + " ms | " + durationInTicks + " ticks]");
            Assert.That(durationInTicks / 10000, Is.LessThan(10)); // ms (memoized invocation)