Exemple #1
 public FuzzySet(string label, IMembershipFunction membershipFunction, double xmin, double xmax)
     Label = label ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(label));
     MembershipFunction = membershipFunction ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(membershipFunction));
     Xmin = xmin;
     Xmax = xmax;
 public CompositeMembershipFunction(String name, IMembershipFunction leftFunction, IMembershipFunction rightFunction, double midPoint)
     : base(name)
     _leftFunction  = leftFunction;
     _rightFunction = rightFunction;
     _midPoint      = midPoint;
Exemple #3
 public FuzzySet(string description, IMembershipFunction membershipFunction, double minValueOfColumn, double maxValueOfColumn)
     Description        = description;
     MembershipFunction = membershipFunction;
     MinValueOfColumn   = minValueOfColumn;
     MaxValueOfColumn   = maxValueOfColumn;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="composType">Membership functions composition type</param>
 /// <param name="mf1">Membership function 1</param>
 /// <param name="mf2">Membership function 2</param>
 public CompositeMembershipFunction(
     MfCompositionType composType,
     IMembershipFunction mf1,
     IMembershipFunction mf2) : this(composType)
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FuzzySet"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">
        /// The state.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="function">
        /// The membership function.
        /// </param>
        public FuzzySet(string state, IMembershipFunction function)
            Validate.NotNull(state, nameof(state));
            Validate.NotNull(function, nameof(function));

            this.State    = FuzzyState.Create(state);
            this.function = function;
Exemple #6
        public static string GetMembershipString(IMembershipFunction memFun)
            var memFunName = memFun.Name;

            memFunName = memFunName.Replace("triangular", "tri");
            memFunName = memFunName.Replace("trapezoidal", "trap");
Exemple #7
 private FuzzySet(List <Tuple <Double, Double> > set)
     foreach (var el in set)
         mSet.Add(new Tuple <double, double>(el.Item1, el.Item2));
     fun = null;
Exemple #8
 public FuzzySet(double[] input, double[] value, IMembershipFunction memberShipFunction)
     for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
         mSet.Add(new Tuple <double, double>(input[i], memberShipFunction.Calc(value[i])));
     fun = memberShipFunction;
        public AverageSalary()
            Input = new LinguisticVariable("averageSalary");

            Low      = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("Low", 0, 13000, 16000, 19000);
            Medium   = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("Medium", 19000, 26000, 32000, 35000);
            High     = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("High", 35000, 38000, 42000, 45000);
            VeryHigh = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("VeryHigh", 100000, 55000);
Exemple #10
        public NonWhiteBritishEthnicityPercentage()
            Input = new LinguisticVariable("nonWhiteBritishEthnicityPercentage");

            Low      = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("Low", 0, 8.25);
            Medium   = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("Medium", 18, 4.25);
            High     = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("High", 49.5, 8.25);
            VeryHigh = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("VeryHigh", 100, 17.5);
        public NumberOfUniversities()
            Input = new LinguisticVariable("numberOfUniversities");

            Low      = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Low", -4, 0, 4);
            Medium   = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("Medium", 8, 4);
            High     = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("High", 20, 4);
            VeryHigh = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("VeryHigh", 40, 12);
        public PopulationDensity()
            Input = new LinguisticVariable("populationDensity");

            VeryLow  = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("VeryLow", 0, 40, 80, 120);
            Low      = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("Low", 100, 300, 650, 1000);
            Medium   = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Medium", 100, 3000, 9000);
            High     = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("High", 11000, 2000);
            VeryHigh = Input.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("VeryHigh", 17000, 4000);
        public PoliticalLeaning()
            Output = new LinguisticVariable("politicalLeaning");

            HardLeft    = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("HardLeft", 0, 10);
            Left        = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("Left", 20, 8);
            CentreLeft  = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("CentreLeft", 40, 8);
            Centre      = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("Centre", 40, 50, 60);
            CentreRight = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("CentreRight", 60, 8);
            Right       = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("Right", 80, 8);
            HardRight   = Output.MembershipFunctions.AddGaussian("HardRight", 100, 10);
Exemple #14
        private List <Player> Support(List <Player> entries, IMembershipFunction function)
            List <Player> result = new List <Player>();

            entries.ForEach((e) => {
                if (function.GetMembership(FieldExtractor(e)) > 0)
        public static FuzzyRuleCondition IsNot(this LinguisticVariable value, IMembershipFunction function)
            if (null == function)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("function");

            var @operator = new FuzzyRuleToken("NOT", FuzzyRuleTokenType.Not);
            var clause    = new FuzzyRuleCondition(value, @operator, function);

Exemple #16
        public override void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
            base.OnStateEnter(animator, stateInfo, layerIndex);

            _currentInterval    = 0;
            _currentMaxInterval = interval;

            _enemyCount = new LinguisticVariable("_enemyCount");
            _few        = _enemyCount.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_few", 0, 0, 5, 12.5);
            _some       = _enemyCount.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("_some", 5, 12.5, 21.25);
            _many       = _enemyCount.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_many", 12.5, 21.25, 25, 25);

            _enemyDistance = new LinguisticVariable("_enemyDistance");
            _close         = _enemyDistance.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_close", 0, 0, 1, 10);
            _med           = _enemyDistance.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("_med", 1, 10, 17);
            _far           = _enemyDistance.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_far", 10, 17, 20, 20);

            _power = new LinguisticVariable("_power");
            _light = _power.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_light", 0, 0, 2, 5);
            _norm  = _power.MembershipFunctions.AddTriangle("_norm", 2, 5, 7.6);
            _heavy = _power.MembershipFunctions.AddTrapezoid("_heavy", 5, 7.6, 10, 10);

            _fuzzyEngine = new FuzzyEngineFactory().Default();

            var rule1 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_close).And(_enemyCount.Is(_few))).Then(_power.Is(_norm));
            var rule2 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_close).And(_enemyCount.Is(_some))).Then(_power.Is(_heavy));
            var rule3 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_close).And(_enemyCount.Is(_many))).Then(_power.Is(_heavy));

            var rule4 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_med).And(_enemyCount.Is(_few))).Then(_power.Is(_light));
            var rule5 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_med).And(_enemyCount.Is(_some))).Then(_power.Is(_norm));
            var rule6 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_med).And(_enemyCount.Is(_many))).Then(_power.Is(_heavy));

            var rule7 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_far).And(_enemyCount.Is(_few))).Then(_power.Is(_light));
            var rule8 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_far).And(_enemyCount.Is(_some))).Then(_power.Is(_light));
            var rule9 = Rule.If(_enemyDistance.Is(_far).And(_enemyCount.Is(_many))).Then(_power.Is(_norm));

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the ButtonAddTerm control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void ButtonAddTerm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var term = new TermModel(this.textBoxTermName.Text.ToString());

            if (this.comboBoxVariableForm.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(term.Name))

            IMembershipFunction function = null;

            if (this.comboBoxVariableForm.SelectedItem.Equals("Triangle"))
                // TODO: Make validation for entered values.
                function = new TriangleMembershipFunction
                    Left   = Int32.Parse(this.textBoxTriangleLeft.Text),
                    Middle = Int32.Parse(this.textBoxTriangleMiddle.Text),
                    Right  = Int32.Parse(this.textBoxTriangleRight.Text)
            else if (this.comboBoxVariableForm.SelectedItem.Equals("Gauss"))
                // TODO: Make validation
                function = new GaussMembershipFunction
                    B = Int32.Parse(this.textBoxGaussB.Text),
                    C = Int32.Parse(this.textBoxGaussC.Text)
            term.Function = function;

            /// Checks if term was edited or created new one.
            if (this.newFuzzyVariable.Terms.Any(t => t.Name.Equals(this.textBoxTermName.Text.ToString())))
                int termIndex = this.newFuzzyVariable.Terms.FindIndex(t => t.Name.Equals(this.textBoxTermName.Text));
                this.newFuzzyVariable.Terms[termIndex] = term;


        private void CoG_Defuzzify(IMembershipFunction memFunc, Double expectedResult)
            LinguisticVariable temp = new LinguisticVariable("v");

            memFunc.PremiseModifier = 1;

            var defuzz = new CoGDefuzzification();

            var result = defuzz._Defuzzify(temp.MembershipFunctions.ToList());

            Assert.That(Math.Floor(result), Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));
Exemple #19
        public LinguisticVariable(string text, string attributeName, bool quantifierAbsolute,
                                  IMembershipFunction membershipFunction)
            Text          = text;
            AttributeName = attributeName;
            if (attributeName == "Quantifier")
                Type = "";
            else if (attributeName == "Age" || attributeName == "Height" ||
                     attributeName == "Weight" || attributeName == "Sprint")
                Type = "are";
                Type = "have";

            QuantifierAbsolute = quantifierAbsolute;
            MembershipFunction = membershipFunction;
Exemple #20
        public Variable(VariableConfig config, Chart chart)
            _chart      = chart;
            _range      = config.Range;
            Name        = config.Name;
            Type        = config.Type;
            _sets       = new List <FuzzySet>();
            ResultValue = null;

            foreach (SetConfig setConfig in config.sets)
                IMembershipFunction membershipFunction = null;
                switch (setConfig.Type)
                case SetType.TrapezoidalFunctionCenter:
                    membershipFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(setConfig.Values[0], setConfig.Values[1], setConfig.Values[2], setConfig.Values[3]);

                case SetType.TrapezoidalFunctionLeft:
                    membershipFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(setConfig.Values[0], setConfig.Values[1], TrapezoidalFunction.EdgeType.Right);

                case SetType.TrapezoidalFunctionRight:
                    membershipFunction = new TrapezoidalFunction(setConfig.Values[0], setConfig.Values[1], TrapezoidalFunction.EdgeType.Left);


                FuzzySet newSet = new FuzzySet(setConfig.Name, membershipFunction);

Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FuzzySet"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labelEnum">
 /// The label enumeration.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="function">
 /// The membership function.
 /// </param>
 public FuzzySet(Enum labelEnum, IMembershipFunction function)
     : this(labelEnum.ToString(), function)
Exemple #22
 public Quantifier(string label, IMembershipFunction membership, QuantifierType type, double xmin, double xmax) : base(label, membership, xmin, xmax)
     Type = type;
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Term name</param>
 /// <param name="upperMF">Membership function initially associated with the term</param>
 public Type2FuzzyTerm(string name, IMembershipFunction upperMF, IMembershipFunction lowerMF)
     : base(name)
     this.upperMF = upperMF;
     this.lowerMF = lowerMF;
Exemple #24
        double Defuzzify(IMembershipFunction mf, double min, double max)
            if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.Centroid)
                int    k    = 50;
                double step = (max - min) / k;

                // Calculate a center of gravity as integral
                double ptLeft   = 0.0;
                double ptCenter = 0.0;
                double ptRight  = 0.0;

                double valLeft   = 0.0;
                double valCenter = 0.0;
                double valRight  = 0.0;

                double val2Left   = 0.0;
                double val2Center = 0.0;
                double val2Right  = 0.0;

                double numerator   = 0.0;
                double denominator = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        ptRight   = min;
                        valRight  = mf.GetValue(ptRight);
                        val2Right = ptRight * valRight;

                    ptLeft   = ptRight;
                    ptCenter = min + step * ((double)i + 0.5);
                    ptRight  = min + step * (i + 1);

                    valLeft   = valRight;
                    valCenter = mf.GetValue(ptCenter);
                    valRight  = mf.GetValue(ptRight);

                    val2Left   = val2Right;
                    val2Center = ptCenter * valCenter;
                    val2Right  = ptRight * valRight;

                    numerator   += step * (val2Left + 4 * val2Center + val2Right) / 3.0;
                    denominator += step * (valLeft + 4 * valCenter + valRight) / 3.0;

                return(numerator / denominator);
            else if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.Bisector)
                // TODO:
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.AverageMaximum)
                // TODO:
                throw new NotSupportedException();
                throw new Exception("Internal exception.");
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FuzzySet"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the fuzzy set.</param>
 /// <param name="function">Membership function that will define the shape of the fuzzy set. </param>
 public FuzzySet( string name, IMembershipFunction function )
     this.name     = name;
     this.function = function;
        double Defuzzify(IMembershipFunction mf, double min, double max)
            if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.Centroid)
                int k = 50;
                double step = (max - min) / k;

                // Calculate a center of gravity as integral
                double ptLeft = 0.0;
                double ptCenter = 0.0;
                double ptRight = 0.0;

                double valLeft = 0.0;
                double valCenter = 0.0;
                double valRight = 0.0;

                double val2Left = 0.0;
                double val2Center = 0.0;
                double val2Right = 0.0;

                double numerator = 0.0;
                double denominator = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        ptRight = min;
                        valRight = mf.GetValue(ptRight);
                        val2Right = ptRight * valRight;

                    ptLeft = ptRight;
                    ptCenter = min + step * ((double)i + 0.5);
                    ptRight = min + step * (i + 1);

                    valLeft = valRight;
                    valCenter = mf.GetValue(ptCenter);
                    valRight = mf.GetValue(ptRight);

                    val2Left = val2Right;
                    val2Center = ptCenter * valCenter;
                    val2Right = ptRight * valRight;

                    numerator += step * (val2Left + 4 * val2Center + val2Right) / 3.0;
                    denominator += step * (valLeft + 4 * valCenter + valRight) / 3.0;

                return numerator / denominator;
            else if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.Bisector)
                // TODO:
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (_defuzzMethod == DefuzzificationMethod.AverageMaximum)
                // TODO:
                throw new NotSupportedException();
                throw new Exception("Internal exception.");
 public Conclusion(LinguisticVariable variable, IFuzzyRuleToken @operator, IMembershipFunction function)
     : base(variable, @operator, function)
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Term name</param>
 /// <param name="mf">Membership function initially associated with the term</param>
 public FuzzyTerm(string name, IMembershipFunction mf)
     : base(name)
     _mf = mf;
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FuzzySet"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the fuzzy set.</param>
 /// <param name="function">Membership function that will define the shape of the fuzzy set. </param>
 public FuzzySet(string name, IMembershipFunction function)
     this.name     = name;
     this.function = function;
Exemple #30
 public Summarizator(string description, string attributeName, IMembershipFunction membershipFunction, double minValueOfColumn, double maxValueOfColumn) : base(description, membershipFunction, minValueOfColumn, maxValueOfColumn)
     AttributeName = attributeName;
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Обучение Fis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anfisTrain">Функция обучения</param>
        public void Train(anfisTrain anfisTrain = null)
            // Генерация Fis
            // Обучение Fis
            int    epoch = 1;
            double epochError;

            if (Rules.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Должно быть хотя бы одно правило.");

            int k = xout.Length;                            // Количество параметров обучающей выборки
            int l = (xin.Length + 1) * Rules.Count;         // (m+1)n - m - количество входных переменных n - количество правил

            Matrix C = new Matrix(l, 1);                    // Столбец весовых коэффициентов
            Matrix Y = new Matrix(k, 1);                    // Вектор столбец выходных данных

            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                Y[i, 0] = xout[i];

            errorTrain = new double[Epochs];
            while (epoch <= Epochs)
                epochError = 0.0;                           // Ошибка на i эпохе
                // Формирование матрицы коэффициентов
                Matrix W  = new Matrix(k, l);
                Matrix ew = new Matrix(k, Rules.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    Dictionary <FuzzyVariable, double> inputValues = new Dictionary <FuzzyVariable, double>();
                    // По количеству переменных
                    for (int j = 0; j < xin.Length; j++)
                        inputValues.Add(InputByName(NameInput + (j + 1).ToString()), xin[j][i]);
                    // Посылки правил
                    Dictionary <FuzzyVariable, Dictionary <FuzzyTerm, double> > fuzzyInput = Fuzzify(inputValues);
                    // Агрегирование подусловий
                    Dictionary <SugenoFuzzyRule, double> rulesWeight = EvaluateConditions(fuzzyInput);
                    // Заключение правил
                    double        Stau = 0.0;
                    List <double> tau  = new List <double>();
                    foreach (double _tau in rulesWeight.Values)
                        Stau += _tau;
                    double[] b = new double[tau.Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.Length; j++)
                        b[j]     = tau[j] / Stau;
                        ew[i, j] = tau[j];
                    // Формирование входных переменных
                    double[] x = new double[xin.Length + 1];        // +1, т.к. x0 = 1
                    x[0] = 1;                                       // x0 = 1
                    for (int j = 1; j < x.Length; j++)
                        x[j] = xin[j - 1][i];                       // заполняем x1, x2,...,x3
                    int columnW = 0;
                    for (int g = 0; g < b.Length; g++)              // перебираем по заключениям
                        for (int d = 0; d < x.Length; d++)          // перебираем по входным данным
                            W[i, columnW] = b[g] * x[d];            // переменожаем коэффициенты на переменные
                            columnW++;                              // увеличиваем строку на 1

                Matrix Winverse = W.PInverse();     // W+ псевдоинверстная матрица

                // Если псевдоинверстная матрица не найдена
                bool breakTrain = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < Winverse.N; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Winverse.M; j++)
                        if (double.IsNaN(Winverse[i, j]))
                            breakTrain = true;
                    if (breakTrain)
                if (breakTrain)
                    break;              // Прерываем обучение
                C = Winverse * Y;       // Находим коэффициенты
                // Нахождение вектора фактического выхода сети
                Matrix Ystrich = W * C;
                // Правим коэффициенты
                for (int i = 0; i < Input.Count; i++)
                    FuzzyVariable fv = Input[i];                // Забираем переменную
                    for (int j = 0; j < fv.Terms.Count; j++)
                        FuzzyTerm term = fv.Terms[j];               // Выбираем j терм i входной переменной
                        // Меняем в случае если функция принадлежности колоколообразная
                        IMembershipFunction mf = term.MembershipFunction;
                        if (mf is NormalMembershipFunction)
                            NormalMembershipFunction mfterm = (NormalMembershipFunction)mf;  // Приводим тип
                            // Перебираем все переменные k - количество выходных параметров

                            for (int g = 0; g < k; g++)
                                double b     = mfterm.B;
                                double sigma = mfterm.Sigma;
                                double xa    = xin[i][g] - b;             // xin - b

                                double yyStrih = Ystrich[g, 0] - xout[g]; // y' - y
                                double p       = ew[g, j];
                                double sp      = 0.0;
                                for (int q = 0; q < Rules.Count; q++)
                                    sp += ew[g, q];
                                double pb = p / (sp / Math.Pow(sigma, 2));   // (t/summt) / sigma^2
                                // Инициализируем матрицы для нахождения c
                                Matrix x = new Matrix(1, xin.Length + 1);
                                Matrix c = new Matrix(xin.Length + 1, 1);
                                x[0, 0] = 1;                                 //x0 = 1
                                for (int q = 1; q < x.M; q++)
                                    x[0, q] = xin[q - 1][g];
                                // Заполняем коэффициенты
                                int start = j * x.M;
                                for (int q = start; q < start + x.M; q++)
                                    c[q - start, 0] = C[q, 0];

                                // Перемножаем матрици
                                double cy = ((x * c)[0] - Ystrich[g, 0]);
                                // Корректируем B

                                b -= 2 * Nu * xa * yyStrih * cy * pb;

                                // Корректируем Sigma

                                sigma -= 2 * Nu * Math.Pow(xa, 2) * yyStrih * cy * pb;
                                // Условия переобучения и недопустимости применения условий

                                if (double.IsNaN(mfterm.Sigma) || double.IsNaN(mfterm.B))
                                    continue;   // Идем на следующую итерацию
                                    mfterm.B     = b;
                                    mfterm.Sigma = sigma;
                            // Загоняем терм обратно

                            fv.Terms[j].MembershipFunction = mfterm;
                        // TODO: Настройка остальных функций принадлежности не реализовано

                    Input[i] = fv;                      // Загоняем переменную обратно
                // Находим ошибку выхода
                epochError = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ystrich.N; i++)
                    epochError += 0.5 * Math.Pow(Ystrich[i, 0] - xout[i], 2);
                errorTrain[epoch - 1] = epochError;
                anfisTrain?.Invoke(epoch, Epochs, nu, epochError);
                Nu *= NuStep;
            }   // Конец эпох обучения

            // Применяем параметры коэффициентов y = c0 + c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + ... + ci * xi
            // Перезаписываем правила в силу архитектуры сети
            for (int i = 0; i < rulesText.Length; i++)

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Term name</param>
 /// <param name="mf">Membership function initially associated with the term</param>
 public FuzzyTerm(string name, IMembershipFunction mf)
     : base(name)
     _mf = mf;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="composType">Membership functions composition type</param>
 /// <param name="mf1">Membership function 1</param>
 /// <param name="mf2">Membership function 2</param>
 public CompositeMembershipFunction(
     MfCompositionType composType,
     IMembershipFunction mf1,
     IMembershipFunction mf2) : this(composType)
        string DefuzzifyToClosestTerm(FuzzyVariable outputVariable, IMembershipFunction compositeMF, double min, double max)
            int k = 50;
            double step = (max - min) / k;

            double maxArea = 0;
            string matchingTerm = outputVariable.Terms[0].Name;

            foreach (var term in outputVariable.Terms)
                double coverageArea = 0;

                double leftX = min;
                double rightX = leftX + step;

                while (rightX <= max)
                    coverageArea += step * (Math.Min(term.MembershipFunction.GetValue(leftX), compositeMF.GetValue(leftX)));
                    leftX += step;
                    rightX += step;

                if (coverageArea > maxArea)
                    maxArea = coverageArea;
                    matchingTerm = term.Name;

            return matchingTerm;
Exemple #35
 public Qualifier(string label, string column, IMembershipFunction membershipFunction, double xmin, double xmax) : base(label, membershipFunction, xmin, xmax)
     Column = column ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(column));
Exemple #36
 public VeryHedge(IMembershipFunction membershipFunction)
     this.membershipFunction = membershipFunction;
Exemple #37
 public VeryHedge(IMembershipFunction membershipFunction)
     this.membershipFunction = membershipFunction;