/// <summary>
        /// Sets the direction of the macro feature dimension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dim">Pointer to dimension. Usually retrieved from <see cref="DimensionData.Dimension"/></param>
        /// <param name="originPt">Dimension starting attach point</param>
        /// <param name="dir">Direction of the dimension</param>
        /// <param name="length">Length of the dimension (usually equal to its value)</param>
        /// <param name="extDir">Optional direction of extension line</param>
        /// <remarks>Call this method within the <see cref="CodeStack.SwEx.MacroFeature.MacroFeatureEx{TParams}.OnSetDimensions(ISldWorks, IModelDoc2, IFeature, DimensionDataCollection, TParams)"/></remarks>
        public static void SetDirection(this IDimension dim,
                                        Point originPt, Vector dir, double length, Vector extDir = null)
            var dimDirVec = m_MathUtils.CreateVector(dir.ToArray()) as MathVector;
            var startPt   = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(originPt.ToArray()) as IMathPoint;
            var endPt     = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(originPt.Move(dir, length).ToArray()) as IMathPoint;

            var refPts = new IMathPoint[]
                m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(new double[3]) as IMathPoint

            if (extDir == null)
                var yVec = new Vector(0, 1, 0);
                if (dir.IsSame(yVec))
                    extDir = new Vector(1, 0, 0);
                    extDir = yVec.Cross(dir);

            var extDirVec = m_MathUtils.CreateVector(extDir.ToArray()) as MathVector;

            dim.DimensionLineDirection = dimDirVec;
            dim.ExtensionLineDirection = extDirVec;
            dim.ReferencePoints        = refPts;
Exemple #2
        public double[] TransformPoint(double[] pt, IMathTransform transform)
            IMathPoint point = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(pt) as IMathPoint;

            point = point.MultiplyTransform(transform) as IMathPoint;
            return(point.ArrayData as double[]);
        public Point TransformPoint(Point point, TransformationMaxtrix transform)
            IMathPoint mathPt      = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(point.ToArray()) as IMathPoint;
            var        swTransform = m_MathUtils.CreateTransFormTransformationMaxtrix(transform);

            mathPt = mathPt.MultiplyTransform(swTransform) as IMathPoint;
            return(new Point(mathPt.ArrayData as double[]));
Exemple #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void ZoomToBox(Box3D box)
            var transform = View.Orientation3;

            var mathPt1 = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(box.GetLeftBottomBack().ToArray()) as IMathPoint;
            var mathPt2 = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(box.GetRightTopFront().ToArray()) as IMathPoint;
            var pt1     = mathPt1.IMultiplyTransform(transform).ArrayData as double[];
            var pt2     = mathPt2.IMultiplyTransform(transform).ArrayData as double[];

            Owner.ViewZoomTo2(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2]);
Exemple #5
        private IBody2 CreateBodyFromSketchContour(IModeler modeler,
                                                   IMathUtility mathUtils, ISketchContour skCont, double height, bool midPlane)
            var sketch = skCont.Sketch;

            if (sketch.Is3D())
                throw new UserErrorException("Only 2D sketches are supported");

            var transform = sketch.ModelToSketchTransform.IInverse();

            var boundary = (skCont.GetEdges() as object[])
                           .Cast <IEdge>()
                           .Select(e =>
                var curve = e.IGetCurve().ICopy();    //must copy curve otherwise CreateTrimmedSheet4 is failing

            var centerPt = mathUtils.CreatePoint(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }) as IMathPoint;
            var dirVec   = mathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }) as IMathVector;
            var refVec   = mathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }) as IMathVector;

            centerPt = centerPt.IMultiplyTransform(transform);
            dirVec   = dirVec.IMultiplyTransform(transform);
            refVec   = refVec.IMultiplyTransform(transform);

            if (midPlane)
                var dirRevVec = new Vector(dirVec.ArrayData as double[]);

                var origPt = new Point(centerPt.ArrayData as double[]);

                MoveCurves(origPt, dirRevVec, height / 2, boundary, mathUtils);
                centerPt = mathUtils.CreatePoint(origPt.Move(dirRevVec, height / 2).ToArray()) as IMathPoint;

            var surf = modeler.CreatePlanarSurface2(centerPt.ArrayData, dirVec.ArrayData, refVec.ArrayData) as ISurface;

            var sheetBody = surf.CreateTrimmedSheet4(boundary, true) as Body2;

            if (sheetBody == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to create trimmed sheet from surface region");

            var solidBody = modeler.CreateExtrudedBody(sheetBody, dirVec as MathVector, height) as IBody2;

            var faces = (solidBody.GetFaces() as object[]).Cast <IFace2>().ToArray();

Exemple #6
        private void UpdateVisibleBox()

            if (m_Model3D != null)
                var curBox = m_Model3D.Bounds;

                var pt1 = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(new double[] { curBox.X, curBox.Y, curBox.Z }) as MathPoint;
                var pt2 = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(new double[] { curBox.X + curBox.SizeX, curBox.Y + curBox.SizeY, curBox.Z + curBox.SizeZ }) as MathPoint;

                m_Model.Extension.SetVisibleBox(pt1, pt2);
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取基准面原点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plane"></param>
        /// <param name="math"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] Origin(this IRefPlane plane, IMathUtility math)
            var transform   = plane.Transform;
            var originWorld = math.CreatePoint(new[] { 0.0, 0, 0 }) as MathVector;

            return(((MathTransform)originWorld.MultiplyTransform(transform)).ArrayData as double[]);
        public static MathVector Project(this ITriadManipulator m, swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e h, IMathPoint p, IMathVector cameraVector, IMathUtility mathP)
            IMathUtility math = mathP;
            var          zero = (IMathPoint)math.CreatePoint(new[] { 0, 0, 0 });
            double       pT, qT;

            switch (h)
            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorOrigin:

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorXAxis:

                return(ClosestPointOnAxis(m, p, cameraVector, m.XAxis));

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorYAxis:
                return(ClosestPointOnAxis(m, p, cameraVector, m.YAxis));

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorZAxis:
                return(ClosestPointOnAxis(m, p, cameraVector, m.ZAxis));

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorXYPlane:

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorYZPlane:

            case swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e.swTriadManipulatorZXPlane:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(h), h, null);
Exemple #9
        private void ExportToStl(string filePath, float[] tessTriangs, float[] tessNorms, double[] transformMatrix)
            IMathUtility   mathUtils = swApp.IGetMathUtility();
            IMathTransform transform = (mathUtils.CreateTransform(transformMatrix) as IMathTransform).IInverse();

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(filePath))
                using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fileStream))
                    byte[] header = new byte[80];


                    uint triangsCount = (uint)tessTriangs.Length / 9;

                    for (uint i = 0; i < triangsCount; i++)
                        float normalX = tessNorms[i * 9];
                        float normalY = tessNorms[i * 9 + 1];
                        float normalZ = tessNorms[i * 9 + 2];

                        IMathVector mathVec = mathUtils.CreateVector(
                            new double[] { normalX, normalY, normalZ }) as IMathVector;

                        mathVec = mathVec.MultiplyTransform(transform) as IMathVector;

                        double[] vec = mathVec.ArrayData as double[];


                        for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            float vertX = tessTriangs[i * 9 + j * 3];
                            float vertY = tessTriangs[i * 9 + j * 3 + 1];
                            float vertZ = tessTriangs[i * 9 + j * 3 + 2];

                            IMathPoint mathPt = mathUtils.CreatePoint(
                                new double[] { vertX, vertY, vertZ }) as IMathPoint;

                            mathPt = mathPt.MultiplyTransform(transform) as IMathPoint;

                            double[] pt = mathPt.ArrayData as double[];


                        ushort atts = 0;
        //TODO: calculate height based on bounding box
        private IBody2 CreateBodyFromSketchContour(IModeler modeler,
                                                   IMathUtility mathUtils, ISketchContour skCont, double height = 1000)
            var sketch = skCont.Sketch;

            if (sketch.Is3D())
                throw new UserErrorException("Only 2D sketches are supported");

            var transform = sketch.ModelToSketchTransform.IInverse();

            var boundary = (skCont.GetEdges() as object[])
                           .Cast <IEdge>()
                           .Select(e =>
                var curve = e.IGetCurve().ICopy();    //must copy curve otherwise CreateTrimmedSheet4 is failing

            var centerPt = mathUtils.CreatePoint(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }) as IMathPoint;
            var dirVec   = mathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 }) as IMathVector;
            var refVec   = mathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { 1, 0, 0 }) as IMathVector;

            centerPt = centerPt.IMultiplyTransform(transform);
            dirVec   = dirVec.IMultiplyTransform(transform);
            refVec   = refVec.IMultiplyTransform(transform);

            var surf = modeler.CreatePlanarSurface2(centerPt.ArrayData, dirVec.ArrayData, refVec.ArrayData) as ISurface;

            var sheetBody = surf.CreateTrimmedSheet4(boundary, true) as Body2;

            if (sheetBody == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to create trimmed sheet from surface region");

            var firstBody  = modeler.CreateExtrudedBody(sheetBody, dirVec as MathVector, height * 0.9 / 2) as IBody2;
            var secondBody = modeler.CreateExtrudedBody(sheetBody, dirVec.IScale(-1), height * 0.9 / 2) as IBody2;

            int err;
            var res = firstBody.Operations2((int)swBodyOperationType_e.SWBODYADD, secondBody, out err) as object[];

            return(res.First() as IBody2);
Exemple #11
        public bool TryProjectPoint(Point point, Vector direction, out Point projectedPoint)
            var dirVec  = (MathVector)m_MathUtils.CreateVector(direction.ToArray());
            var startPt = (MathPoint)m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(point.ToArray());

            var resPt = Surface.GetProjectedPointOn(startPt, dirVec);

            if (resPt != null)
                projectedPoint = new Point((double[])resPt.ArrayData);
                projectedPoint = null;
Exemple #12
        private static IMathTransform GetTransformBetweenVectors(Vector firstVector, Vector secondVector, Point point)
            var mathVec1 = (m_MathUtils.CreateVector(firstVector.ToArray()) as IMathVector).Normalise();
            var mathVec2 = (m_MathUtils.CreateVector(secondVector.ToArray()) as IMathVector).Normalise();
            var crossVec = (mathVec1.Cross(mathVec2) as IMathVector).Normalise();

            var dot     = mathVec1.Dot(mathVec2);
            var vec1Len = mathVec1.GetLength();
            var vec2Len = mathVec2.GetLength();

            var angle = Math.Acos(dot / vec1Len * vec2Len);

            var mathPt = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(point.ToArray()) as IMathPoint;

            var mathTransform = m_MathUtils.CreateTransformRotateAxis(mathPt, crossVec, angle) as IMathTransform;

        public Body2 CreateOffset(IEnumerable <ISketchSegment> segs, double offset,
                                  double innerRadius, double outerRadius, bool reverse)
            if (!segs.Any())
                throw new UserException("No segments provided");

            var curves = new List <ICurve>();

            var transform = segs.First().GetSketch().ModelToSketchTransform.IInverse();

            foreach (var skSeg in segs)
                if (!skSeg.ConstructionGeometry)
                    var curve = skSeg.GetTrimmedCurve();

            var wireBody = m_Modeler.CreateWireBody(curves.ToArray(),

            if (wireBody == null)
                throw new UserException("Segments must be connected and form chain");

            var offsetNormal = m_MathUtils.CreateVector(new double[] { 0, 0, reverse ? -1 : 1 }) as MathVector;

            offsetNormal = offsetNormal.MultiplyTransform(transform) as MathVector;

            var offsetBody = wireBody.OffsetPlanarWireBody(offset, offsetNormal,

            if (offsetBody == null)
                throw new UserException("Failed to offset the body. Try change the parameters");

            var offsetCurves = new List <ICurve>();

            var linearEdges = (offsetBody.GetEdges() as object[]).Cast <IEdge>()
                              .Where(e => e.IGetCurve().IsLine()).ToArray();

            var findFarMostPointFunc = new Func <IEdge, double[], double[]>(
                (edge, startPt) =>
                var startVert = edge.IGetStartVertex().GetPoint() as double[];
                var endVert   = edge.IGetEndVertex().GetPoint() as double[];

                var startDist = MathUtils.GetDistanceBetweenPoints(startVert, startPt);
                var endDist   = MathUtils.GetDistanceBetweenPoints(endVert, startPt);

                if (startDist > endDist)

            double[] prevEndPt = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < linearEdges.Length - 1; i++)
                var firstEdge  = linearEdges[i];
                var secondEdge = linearEdges[i + 1];

                var interPt = firstEdge.IGetCurve().GetIntersectionWithLinearCurve(secondEdge.IGetCurve());

                //TODO: check parallel curves

                var firstStartPt  = findFarMostPointFunc.Invoke(firstEdge, interPt);
                var secondStartPt = findFarMostPointFunc.Invoke(secondEdge, interPt);

                var firstDir = new double[]
                    firstStartPt[0] - interPt[0],
                    firstStartPt[1] - interPt[1],
                    firstStartPt[2] - interPt[2]

                var secondDir = new double[]
                    secondStartPt[0] - interPt[0],
                    secondStartPt[1] - interPt[1],
                    secondStartPt[2] - interPt[2]

                var radius = outerRadius;

                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    radius = innerRadius;

                var firstVec  = m_MathUtils.CreateVector(firstDir) as IMathVector;
                var secondVec = m_MathUtils.CreateVector(secondDir) as IMathVector;

                var ang = firstVec.GetAngle(secondVec);

                var dist = radius / Math.Sin(ang / 2);

                var bisecVec = firstVec.Normalise().Add(secondVec.Normalise()) as IMathVector;

                var centerPt = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(interPt) as IMathPoint;
                centerPt = centerPt.MoveAlongVector(bisecVec, dist);

                var centrPtCoord = centerPt.ArrayData as double[];

                var createLineFunc = new Func <double[], double[], Curve>(
                    (s, e) =>
                    var line = m_Modeler.CreateLine(s,
                                                    new double[] { e[0] - s[0], e[1] - s[1], e[2] - s[2] }) as Curve;
                    line = line.CreateTrimmedCurve2(s[0], s[1], s[2], e[0], e[1], e[2]);

                var firstCurve = firstEdge.IGetCurve().GetBaseCurve();

                var firstEndPt = firstCurve.GetClosestPointOn(
                    centrPtCoord[0], centrPtCoord[1], centrPtCoord[2]) as double[];

                firstEndPt = new double[] { firstEndPt[0], firstEndPt[1], firstEndPt[2] };

                if (prevEndPt != null)
                    firstStartPt = prevEndPt;

                firstCurve = createLineFunc.Invoke(firstStartPt, firstEndPt);


                var secondCurve = secondEdge.IGetCurve().GetBaseCurve();
                var secondEndPt = secondCurve.GetClosestPointOn(centrPtCoord[0], centrPtCoord[1], centrPtCoord[2]) as double[];
                secondEndPt = new double[] { secondEndPt[0], secondEndPt[1], secondEndPt[2] };

                var isLast = i == linearEdges.Length - 2;

                if (isLast)
                    secondCurve = createLineFunc.Invoke(secondStartPt, secondEndPt);


                ICurve filletCurve = null;

                var arcDir = (secondVec.Cross(firstVec) as IMathVector).ArrayData as double[];

                filletCurve = m_Modeler.CreateArc(centrPtCoord, arcDir,
                                                  radius, firstEndPt, secondEndPt) as ICurve;

                filletCurve = filletCurve.CreateTrimmedCurve2(firstEndPt[0], firstEndPt[1], firstEndPt[2],
                                                              secondEndPt[0], secondEndPt[1], secondEndPt[2]);

                prevEndPt = secondEndPt;


            var offsetFilletBody = m_Modeler.CreateWireBody(offsetCurves.ToArray(),

            if (offsetFilletBody == null)
                throw new UserException("Failed to generate the chain from offset result");

            offsetBody = null;

 public static MathPoint Point(this IMathUtility m, double[] v)