public void ShowSuccess(string message, string icon) { _toaster.Add( message, MatToastType.Primary, "Success!", icon: icon); }
public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, FetchDataJobParameters parameters) { _toaster.Add($"Started to fetch workitems for {parameters.Members.Count()} members.", MatToastType.Info, "Fetch Workitems", MatIconNames.Info); await _client.RunWorkitemsJob(parameters.Members, parameters.Reset); await dispatcher.Dispatch <FetchProfiles>(); }
public static void AddErrors(this IMatToaster toaster, IEnumerable <string> errors) { foreach (var error in errors) { toaster.Add(error, MatToastType.Danger); } }
/// <summary> /// Displays a notification with information about successful encryption or decryption. /// </summary> /// <param name="notification"></param> /// <param name="crypt">Mode of text conversion(encryption or decryption).</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Unknown conversion mode.</exception> public static void ShowSuccessCrypt(this IMatToaster notification, Cipher.CryptMode crypt) { switch (crypt) { case Cipher.CryptMode.Decrypt: notification.Add("The text has been successfully decrypted.", MatToastType.Success, "Successfully"); break; case Cipher.CryptMode.Encrypt: notification.Add("The text has been successfully encrypted.", MatToastType.Success, "Successfully"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(crypt), crypt, null); } }
public void HandleSucces(ApiSucces succes) { if (succes.Show) { _matToaster.Add(succes.Message, MatToastType.Success); } }
public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, ReportViewModel report) { try { await Utils.ExecuteWithLoading(dispatcher, async() => { await _client.Delete <ReportViewModel>(report.Id); }); await dispatcher.Dispatch <FetchReports>(); _toaster.Add($"{report.ReportType} was deleted successfully.", MatToastType.Success, "Report deleted", MatIconNames.Delete); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _toaster.Add(ex.Message, MatToastType.Danger, "Error deleting report", MatIconNames.Error); } }
public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, GenerateReportViewModel request) { try { dispatcher.Dispatch(new ReceiveReportRequestAction { Request = request }); var reportId = await _client.GenerateReport(request); _navigation.NavigateTo($"/reports/view/{request.ReportType}/{reportId}"); _toaster.Add("Report generated successfully", MatToastType.Success, "Report", MatIconNames.Done); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Error generating report"); _toaster.Add($"Error generating report: {ex.Message}", MatToastType.Danger, "Report", MatIconNames.Error); } }
public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, VstsRepositoryViewModel repository) { await Utils.ExecuteWithLoading(dispatcher, async() => { await _client.Delete <VstsRepositoryViewModel>(repository.Id); }); // TODO: instead of refresh delete? await dispatcher.Dispatch <FetchRepositories>(); _toaster.Add($"Repository {repository.Name} was deleted successfully.", MatToastType.Success, "Delete", MatIconNames.Delete); }
public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, ProfileViewModel profile) { await Utils.ExecuteWithLoading(dispatcher, async() => { await _client.Delete <ProfileViewModel>(profile.Id); }); // TODO: instead of refresh delete? await dispatcher.Dispatch <FetchProfiles>(); _toaster.Add($"Profile {profile.Name} was deleted successfully.", MatToastType.Success, "Delete", MatIconNames.Delete); }
private void VerifyResponseStatusCode(HttpResponseMessage response, string caller) { if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { _navigation.NavigateTo(Routes.LoginExpiredSession); } else if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var message = $"Calling {caller} resulted in {response.StatusCode} {response.ReasonPhrase}"; _toaster.Add(message, MatToastType.Danger, "Server responded with error", MatIconNames.Error); throw new EtherApiException(response.StatusCode, message); } }
public static async Task CatchAndDisplayErrors(this IMatToaster matToaster, Func <Task> action) { try { await action(); } catch (AccessTokenNotAvailableException exception) { exception.Redirect(); } catch (BussinessException ex) { matToaster.Add( message: ex.GetErrorMessage(), type: MatToastType.Danger, title: "Operation Failed"); } }
public void Show(string message, ViewNotifierType type, string title = null, string icon = null) { var matType = MatToastType.Success; switch (type) { case ViewNotifierType.Error: matType = MatToastType.Danger; break; case ViewNotifierType.Warning: matType = MatToastType.Warning; break; case ViewNotifierType.Info: matType = MatToastType.Info; break; } matToaster.Add(message, matType, title, icon); }
public static void NotifyFail(this IMatToaster toaster, string title, string message) { toaster.Add(message, MatToastType.Danger, title); }
private async Task UpdateModelDataOrPhaseShift() { if (null == Phase1Data.S_KuikiNo && null == Phase1Data.S_Junro && null == Phase1Data.S_KuikiJunro && null == Phase1Data.S_DokuCode && null == Phase1Data.S_DokuName && null == Phase1Data.S_DokuKana && null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai && null == Phase1Data.S_Tel && null == Phase1Data.S_ChomeiCode && null == Phase1Data.S_Banti && null == Phase1Data.S_Gou && null == Phase1Data.S_BuildName && null == Phase1Data.S_BuildKana && null == Phase1Data.S_RoomNo) { Toaster.Add("条件を一つ以上選択してください", MatToastType.Danger, "エラー"); } else { //検索 C_SearchingList = C_DokusyaList.Where(x => (x.Kuiki == Phase1Data.S_KuikiNo || null == Phase1Data.S_KuikiNo) && (x.Junro_K95080 >= Phase1Data.S_Junro * 100 || null == Phase1Data.S_Junro) && (x.KuikiJunro % 100 >= Phase1Data.S_KuikiJunro % 100 || null == Phase1Data.S_KuikiJunro) && (x.DokuCode == Phase1Data.S_DokuCode || null == Phase1Data.S_DokuCode) && (null == Phase1Data.S_DokuName || x.DokuName.Contains(Phase1Data.S_DokuName)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_DokuKana || x.DokuKana.Contains(Phase1Data.S_DokuKana)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai1.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai2.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai3.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai4.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai5.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Sigai || x.Sigai6.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Sigai)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel1.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel2.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel3.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel4.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel5.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Tel || x.Tel6.Contains(Phase1Data.S_Tel)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_ChomeiCode || x.ChomeiCode == Phase1Data.S_ChomeiCode) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Banti || x.Banti_Kansa == Phase1Data.S_Banti) && (null == Phase1Data.S_Gou || x.Gou == Phase1Data.S_Gou) && (null == Phase1Data.S_BuildName || x.BuildName.Contains(Phase1Data.S_BuildName)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_BuildKana || x.BuildName.Contains(Phase1Data.S_BuildKana)) && (null == Phase1Data.S_RoomNo || x.RoomNo.Contains(Phase1Data.S_RoomNo.ToString())) && (x.Tenpo == Phase1Data.Select_TenpoNo) && ((true == KubunList[0].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[0].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[1].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[1].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[2].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[2].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[3].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[3].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[4].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[4].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[5].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[5].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[6].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[6].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[7].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[7].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[8].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[8].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[9].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[9].KubunCode)) || ((true == KubunList[10].Active && x.DokuKbn == KubunList[10].KubunCode)) ).ToList(); if (C_SearchingList.Count == 0) { Toaster.Add("存在しませんでした", MatToastType.Danger, "エラー"); } else { Console.WriteLine("OK"); Phase1Data.PhaseNo = 2; await C_SearchingListChanged.InvokeAsync(C_SearchingList); await Phase1DataChanged.InvokeAsync(Phase1Data); StateHasChanged(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Display a notification with information about the error. /// </summary> /// <param name="notification"></param> /// <param name="errorMessage">Text of the error that will be displayed inside the notification.</param> public static void ShowError(this IMatToaster notification, string errorMessage) { notification.Add(errorMessage, MatToastType.Danger, "Error"); }
public static void ShowSuccessSending(this IMatToaster notification) { notification.Add("The message was sent successfully!", MatToastType.Success, "Successfully"); }
/// <summary> /// Displays a notification with information about successful file upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="notification"></param> public static void ShowSuccessUploading(this IMatToaster notification) { notification.Add("The file was uploaded successfully.", MatToastType.Success, "Successfully"); }
private void ShowMessage(string message, MessageType messageType) { m_toaster.Add(message, messageType.AsMatType(), messageType.ToString()); }
public static void NotifySuccess(this IMatToaster toaster, string title, string message) { toaster.Add(message, MatToastType.Success, title); }
public static void AddNotification(NotificationMessage message) { _toaster.Add(message.Message, (MatToastType)message.NotificationType); }
public async Task InitConnectionAsync() { if (IsConnected) { return; } var accessTokenState = await _tokenProvider.RequestAccessToken(); if (accessTokenState.TryGetToken(out var accessToken)) { var apiBaseUrl = _configurtion["api:baseUrl"]; var accessTokenString = accessToken.Value; _hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder() .WithUrl($"{apiBaseUrl}tictactoe?access_token={accessTokenString}", options => { options.AccessTokenProvider = () => Task.FromResult(accessTokenString); }) .WithAutomaticReconnect(new[] { TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) }) .Build(); _hubConnection.On("StartGame", (GameSession data) => { GameRunning?.Invoke(this, new GameRunningEventArgs { Running = true }); ActiveSession?.Invoke(this, new ActiveSessionEventArgs { Session = data }); }); _hubConnection.On("GameOver", (string data) => { GameRunning?.Invoke(this, new GameRunningEventArgs { Running = false }); ActiveSession?.Invoke(this, new ActiveSessionEventArgs { Session = null }); GameOver?.Invoke(this, new GameOverEventArgs { WinnerId = data }); }); _hubConnection.On <int>("Play", (data) => { Console.WriteLine($"Round Played. Data is {data}"); RoundPlayed?.Invoke(this, new GameEventArgs() { Value = data }); }); _hubConnection.Closed += async(exception) => { _toaster.Add(exception.Message, MatToastType.Danger); await _sessionStateManager.SetSignOutState(); _navigationManager.NavigateTo("authentication/logout"); }; try { Console.WriteLine("start signalr connection"); await _hubConnection.StartAsync(); _toaster.Add("Erfolgreich angemeldet.", MatToastType.Success, null, null, (options) => { options.ShowProgressBar = false; options.ShowCloseButton = false; options.VisibleStateDuration = 2500; }); await JoinNewSession(); } catch (Exception e) { _toaster.Add( $"Beim Verbinden zum Server ist etwas schief gelaufen. Error: {e.Message}", MatToastType.Danger); } } }