Exemple #1
        public override void LateUpdate_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
            if (RC.Aim && RC.WeaponAction != WA.Reload)
                var UpVector = Vector3.up;

                Quaternion AimRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(RC.AimDirection, UpVector); //Get the Rotation ...

                Vector3 ShoulderRotationAxis = RC.Aimer.AimTarget ? Vector3.Cross(UpVector, RC.AimDirection).normalized : RC.Aimer.MainCamera.transform.right;

                float angle = (Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, RC.AimDirection) - 90);

                Debug.DrawRay(RC.Weapon.IsRightHanded ? RC.RightShoulder.position : RC.LeftShoulder.position, ShoulderRotationAxis * 0.33f, Color.yellow);

                if (RC.Weapon.IsRightHanded)                                                                        //If the Weapon is RIGHT Handed
                    RC.RightShoulder.RotateAround(RC.RightShoulder.position, ShoulderRotationAxis, angle);          //Rotate Up/Down the Right Shoulder to AIM Up/Down
                    RC.RightShoulder.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(RightShoulderOffset);

                    if (!RC.Aimer.AimTarget)
                        RC.RightShoulder.RotateAround(RC.RightShoulder.position, Vector3.up, (RC.AimingSide ? 0 : -AimHorizontalOffset));                   //Offset the RIGHT Arm for better view
                else                                                                                                                                            //If the Weapon is LEFT Handed
                    RC.LeftShoulder.RotateAround(RC.LeftShoulder.position, ShoulderRotationAxis, angle);                                                        //Rotate Up/Down the Left Shoulder to AIM Up/Down

                    RC.LeftShoulder.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(LeftShoulderOffset);

                    if (!RC.Aimer.AimTarget)
                        RC.LeftShoulder.RotateAround(RC.LeftShoulder.position, Vector3.up, (RC.AimingSide ? AimHorizontalOffset : 0));                      //Offset the LEFT Arm for better view

                RC.Head.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(RC.Head.rotation, AimRotation * Quaternion.Euler(HeadOffset), headLookWeight);                   //Head Look Rotation

                if (RC.WeaponAction != WA.Fire_Projectile)                                                                                           //Activate the Hand AIM DIRECTION  when is not Firing or Reloading
                    if (RC.Weapon.IsRightHanded)
                        RC.RightHand.rotation = Delta_Rotation * Quaternion.Euler(RightHandOffset);
                        RC.LeftHand.rotation = Delta_Rotation * Quaternion.Euler(LeftHandOffset);

                    Delta_Rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Delta_Rotation, AimRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);                                                                 //Smoothly AIM the Hand
Exemple #2
        //protected virtual void FixAimPoseBow2(IMWeaponOwner RC)
        //    if (RC.Aim)
        //    {
        //        RC.Anim.SetLookAtWeight(1, 1, 1, 1, 0.1f);
        //        RC.Anim.SetLookAtPosition(RC.Aimer.AimPoint);
        //    }

        /// <summary>This will rotate the bones of the character to match the AIM direction </summary>
        protected virtual void FixAimPoseBow1(IMWeaponOwner RC)
            var Bow = RC.Weapon as MShootable;

            if (RC.Aim)

                var UpVector = Vector3.up;

                float Weight =
                    Bow.IsRightHanded ? Bow.AimLimit.Evaluate(RC.HorizontalAngle) : Bow.AimLimit.Evaluate(-RC.HorizontalAngle); //The Weight evaluated on the AnimCurve

                Vector3    AimDirection = RC.AimDirection;
                Quaternion AimLookAt    = Quaternion.LookRotation(AimDirection, UpVector);

                var angle = RC.Aimer.VerticalAngle * Weight;

                Vector3 ShoulderRotationAxis = Vector3.Cross(UpVector, AimDirection).normalized;

                Debug.DrawRay(RC.Chest.position, ShoulderRotationAxis, Color.yellow);

                RC.Chest.RotateAround(RC.Chest.position, ShoulderRotationAxis, angle / 2); //Nicely Done!!

                if (Bow.IsRightHanded)
                    RC.Chest.rotation        *= Quaternion.Euler(ChestRight);
                    RC.RightHand.rotation    *= Quaternion.Euler(HandRight);
                    RC.RightShoulder.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(RC.RightShoulder.rotation, AimLookAt * Quaternion.Euler(ShoulderRight), Weight); // MakeDamage the boy always look to t
                    RC.Chest.rotation       *= Quaternion.Euler(ChestLeft);
                    RC.LeftHand.rotation    *= Quaternion.Euler(HandLeft);
                    RC.LeftShoulder.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(RC.LeftShoulder.rotation, AimLookAt * Quaternion.Euler(ShoulderLeft), Weight); // MakeDamage the boy always look to t
Exemple #3
 /// <summary> Stuff Set in the OnAnimatorIK </summary>
 public virtual void OnAnimator_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>Called on the Late Update of the Rider Combat Script </summary>
 public virtual void LateUpdate_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
Exemple #5
        //public override void OnAnimator_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
        //    FixAimPoseBow2(RC);

        //    m_IKProfile?.ApplyOffsets(RC.Anim, RC.Aimer.AimDirection);

        public override void LateUpdate_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
Exemple #6
        public override void OnAnimator_IK(IMWeaponOwner RC)
            float DeltaTime = RC.Anim.updateMode == AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime;

            bool    isRightHand  = RC.Weapon.IsRightHanded;
            Vector3 RayOrigin    = isRightHand ? RC.RightShoulder.position : RC.LeftShoulder.position;
            Vector3 AimDirection = RC.AimDirection;

            Ray RayHand = new Ray(RayOrigin, AimDirection);

            Debug.DrawRay(RayHand.origin, RayHand.direction * 20, Color.clear);

            RC.WeaponIKW = Mathf.MoveTowards(RC.WeaponIKW, RC.Aim ? 1 : 0, DeltaTime * Smoothness);
            // RC.IKWeight = RC.Aim ? 1:0 ;

            var Action = Mathf.Abs(RC.WeaponAction);

            if (Action == WA.Reload)
                RC.WeaponIKW = 0;
            var HandIK = 1;

            if (Action == WA.Fire_Projectile)
                HandIK = 0;

            if (HandIK != 0)
                float Hand_Distance = isRightHand ? HandIKDistance.Evaluate(RC.HorizontalAngle) : HandIKDistance.Evaluate(-RC.HorizontalAngle); //Values for the Distance of the Arm while rotating

                Hand_Distance *= HandDistance;

                //Vector3 LookDirection = RC.MainCamera.transform.forward;
                //Vector3 HandPosition = isRightHand ? RC.RightHand.position : RC.LeftHand.position;
                Vector3 HandOffset = isRightHand ? RightHandOffset : LeftHandOffset;

                Vector3 IKPoint = RayHand.GetPoint(Hand_Distance);
                //Vector3 LookDirectionFromHand = (RC.Aimer.AimHit.point - HandPosition).normalized;

                var HandRotation =
                    Quaternion.LookRotation(AimDirection) * Quaternion.Euler(HandOffset);  //Set the Aim Look Rotation for the  Right or Left Hand

                var ikGoal = isRightHand ? AvatarIKGoal.RightHand : AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand; //Set the IK goal acording the Right or Left Hand

                //Arm IK
                RC.Anim.SetIKPosition(ikGoal, IKPoint);
                RC.Anim.SetIKPositionWeight(ikGoal, HandIK);

                RC.Anim.SetIKRotation(ikGoal, HandRotation);
                RC.Anim.SetIKRotationWeight(ikGoal, HandIK);

            if (RC.WeaponIKW != 0 && RC.Aim)
                RC.Anim.SetLookAtWeight(1 * RC.WeaponIKW, 0.1f * RC.WeaponIKW, 1 * RC.WeaponIKW);