public static void ReplaceTag(string tagName, string[] searchStrings, IMLSection section) { foreach (string searchReplaceString in searchStrings) { MessageBox.Show(searchReplaceString); string[] replaces = searchReplaceString.Split('|'); string searchString = replaces[0]; string replaceString = replaces[1]; MessageBox.Show(@"Will replace with: " + replaceString); IMLItemList itemList = section.SearchByTag(tagName, searchString); section.BeginUpdate(); foreach (IMLItem t in itemList) { MessageBox.Show(tagName); t.Tags[tagName] = replaceString; MessageBox.Show((string)t.Tags[tagName]); t.SaveTags(); } section.EndUpdate(); } }
private static void DownloadNewReleasesFromSource (string RssSource, IMLSection MediaSection, IMLSection ReleasesSection, ConnectionResult connResult, IEnumerable<string> combinedSceneTags) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); //Importer.thisProgress.Progress(Importer.CurrentProgress, "Scanning for new releases..."); Helpers.UpdateProgress("Updating Downloads library" + MediaSection.Name + "Section", "Scanning for new releases..." , null); //WebResponse response = Helpers.TryDatabaseRequest(RssSource,MediaSection.Name, "Mininova",null ); string xmlData = Downloaders.GetUrl(RssSource, null, true); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlData)) return; StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlData); //if (response == null) //{ //MessageBox.Show("Unable to communicate with online source"); // return false; //} //Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); #region try to load online xml stream try { xDoc.Load(reader); } catch (Exception e) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "An error occured while reading the rss document. Please try later."); Thread.Sleep(1500); MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); try { xDoc.Load(reader); } catch (Exception) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "An error occured while reading the rss document. Please try later."); Thread.Sleep(1500); return; } } #endregion //MessageBox.Show(xDoc.InnerXml); XmlNodeList torrents = xDoc.GetElementsByTagName("item"); foreach (XmlNode torrent in torrents) { XmlNodeList tags = torrent.ChildNodes; string title = ""; string year = ""; string seeds = ""; string leechers = ""; string link = ""; #region loop torrent tags and retrieve their values foreach (XmlNode tag in tags) { #region retrieve url if (tag.Name == "enclosure") { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = tag.Attributes; foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in attributes) { if (attribute.Name == "url") { //MessageBox.Show("attrib innertext: " + attribute.InnerText); link = attribute.InnerText; } } } #endregion if (tag.Name == "title") { //MessageBox.Show(tag.InnerText); #region parse release name and return film information Regex regex = new Regex(".*?(?<Title>.*?)\\[(?<Year>.*?)\\].*?\\((?<Seeds>.*?)S/(?<Leechers>.*?)L"); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(tag.InnerText); if (matches.Count == 0) { regex = new Regex("(?<Title>.*?)\\z"); matches = regex.Matches(tag.InnerText); if (matches.Count == 0) continue; } Match match = matches[0]; #region mine data from match int i = 0; foreach (Group group in match.Groups) { //Console.WriteLine(i); #region retrieve item tags from regex captures foreach (Capture captrue in @group.Captures) { #region extract title if (i == 1) //this is the image's url { title = captrue.Value; //MessageBox.Show("Title: " + captrue.Value); } #endregion #region extract year if (i == 2) { year = captrue.Value; //MessageBox.Show("Year: " + captrue.Value); } #endregion #region extract Seeds if (i == 3) { seeds = captrue.Value; //MessageBox.Show("Seeds: " + captrue.Value); } #endregion #region extract Leechers if (i == 4) { leechers = captrue.Value; //MessageBox.Show("Leechers: " + captrue.Value); } #endregion } #endregion i++; } #endregion #endregion } } #endregion #region check if torrent already exists IMLItemList items = ReleasesSection.SearchByLocation(link); if (items.Count != 0) continue; #endregion #region add & identify films ReleasesSection.BeginUpdate(); #region create new torrent item //MessageBox.Show(link); IMLItem Item = ReleasesSection.AddNewItem(title, link); Item.Tags["Title"] = title; Item.Tags["Year"] = year; Item.Tags["Seeds"] = seeds; Item.Tags["Peers"] = leechers; string imdbid = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item,"IMDbID"); Item.SaveTags(); #endregion //MessageBox.Show("Before: " + Item.Name); MovieFileMetadataExtractor.ExtractMetadataFromMovieFilename(Item, ref imdbid, combinedSceneTags); //MessageBox.Show("After: " + Item.Name); Item.Name = Item.Name.Replace('.', ' '); Item.Tags["Title"] = Item.Name; Item.SaveTags(); if (Settings.FilmRatingMin != 0) { IMDbOperations imdbOP = new IMDbOperations(); imdbOP._assistType = IMDbOperations.AssistType.Never; connResult.OSDbIsOnline = false; string tmp = ""; Helpers.IdentifyVideo(ref imdbid, ref tmp, ref imdbOP, Item, true, false, "", "", year , connResult, ReleasesSection); tmp = null; #region IMDb Detailer string HasDetails = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item,"HasDetails"); if (HasDetails != "True") { ////MessageBox.Show("About to d/load film details from IMDB..."); #region get film details using this iMDBiD... //MessageBox.Show("imdbid before d/loading details is: " + imdbid); //MessageBox.Show("imdbOP._imdbID before d/loading details is: " + imdbOP._imdbID); if (imdbOP.ImdbId != "") imdbid = imdbOP.ImdbId; if (imdbid != "") imdbOP.ImdbId = imdbid; imdbOP.ImdbMovie = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbOP.ImdbId)) { imdbid = imdbOP.ImdbId; //imdbOP._imdbID = imdbid; //////MessageBox.Show("imdbID before getting details is: " + imdbid ); //////MessageBox.Show("IMDbOP.imdbid is: " + imdbOP._imdbID); #region ...get the film's details. if (!imdbid.StartsWith("tt")) imdbid = "tt" + imdbid; // _progressText = "Grabbing IMDb ID: " + imdbOP._imdbID; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Downloading details from IMDb for " + imdbOP.ImdbId + "..."); imdbOP.GetIMDbMovieDetails(imdbid, true); #endregion } #endregion #region ...finally if the movie struct is filled, save the film details in the item's fields. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) { //string Episode = imdbOP._imdbMovie.Episode; //MessageBox.Show(Episode); //MessageBox.Show("title before saving: " + imdbOP._imdbMovie.Title); //MessageBox.Show("... movie struct is filled, about to save details in tags..."); imdbOP.SaveIMDbMovieDetails(Item, ReleasesSection , imdbOP); if (Item.Name.StartsWith("\"")) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "This item is a TV episode."); Thread.Sleep(1000); MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Searching for episode information..."); imdbOP.SaveEpisodeInfo(imdbid, Item ); } //////MessageBox.Show("Saved movie details. continuing to cover art..."); //Item.Tags["HasDetails"] = "True"; //Item.SaveTags(); } #endregion } #endregion } ReleasesSection.EndUpdate(); #endregion #region Get torrent destination string location = Item.Location; string destination = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.TorrentsFolder)) destination = Debugger.GetPluginPath() + "test.torrent"; else { destination = Settings.TorrentsFolder + title + ".torrent"; } #endregion #region check if Title already exists in Releases section string Title = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item,"Title"); IMLItemList itemsb = ReleasesSection.SearchByTag("Title", Title); if (itemsb.Count > 1) continue; #endregion #region check if Title already exists in Movies section IMLItemList itemsc = MediaSection.SearchByTag("Title", Title); if (itemsc.Count != 0) continue; #endregion #region Donwload the torrent double review = Convert.ToDouble(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item,"Review")); if (review > Settings.FilmRatingMin || Settings.FilmRatingMin == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("destination: " + destination); //MessageBox.Show("location: " + location); #region Download torrent try { client.DownloadFile(location, destination); } catch (Exception e) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("[RSS torrent downloader] The torrent '" + location + "' could not be downloaded. The erros was: " + e.ToString() ); } #endregion #region Start torrent //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Importer.TorrentsFolder)) //{ #region start torrent directly Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = destination; p.Start(); //while (!p.HasExited) //{ // Application.DoEvents(); // Thread.Sleep(50); //} Thread.Sleep(5000); try { File.Delete(destination); } catch { } #endregion //} #endregion } #endregion } }
private static void CleanEmptyFields(bool cleanEmptyFields, IMLSection section) { if (!cleanEmptyFields) return; //Importer.CurrentProgress++; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Cleaning empty library fields..."); //Thread.Sleep(800); string[] tagNames = section.GetTagNames(); section.BeginUpdate(); foreach (string tagName in tagNames) { bool allTagValuesAreEmpty = true; //Importer.thisProgress.Progress(100, TagName); //Thread.Sleep(1000); if (tagName == "ToDelete") { } if (section.GetTagValues(tagName) == null) continue; string[] TagValues = section.GetTagValues(tagName); foreach (string tagvalue in TagValues.Where(tagvalue => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tagvalue))) allTagValuesAreEmpty = false; if (allTagValuesAreEmpty) section.DeleteTag(tagName); } section.EndUpdate(); section.BeginUpdate(); //Importer.CurrentProgress++; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Removing items marked for deletion..."); Thread.Sleep(800); IMLItemList itemsToDelete = section.SearchByTag("ToDelete", "true"); foreach (IMLItem t in itemsToDelete) section.DeleteItem(t); section.EndUpdate(); }