public static string[] TryGetParamsByNameFromSubKey(string inKeyName, IKey inKey, ILogPrinter inLogger, bool inSubKeyMustBe, params int[] inParamCounts) { IKey sub_key = inKey.FindChildByName(inKeyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (sub_key == null) { if (inSubKeyMustBe) { inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Can't find subkey by name. Key [{0}] must have subkey {1}!", inKey.GetPath(), inKeyName)); } return(null); } int value_count = sub_key.GetValuesCount(); if (!inParamCounts.ContainsCheck(value_count)) { string counts = inParamCounts.ToString(", "); inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Subkey [{0}] must have [{1}] counts of values, but was found {2}", sub_key.GetPath(), counts, value_count)); return(null); } var a = new string[value_count]; for (int i = 0; i < value_count; i++) { a[i] = sub_key.GetValueAsString(i); } return(a); }
public void LogError(EErrorCode inErrorCode, string inText, int inLineNumber) { _error_count++; string text = string.Format("{0} [{3}]. [{1}]: {2}", inErrorCode, inLineNumber, inText, _parsing_file); _printer.LogError(text); }
public static Func <object> CreateParameterlessConstructorHandler(Type type, ILogPrinter inLogger) { var dynam = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty, typeof(object), Type.EmptyTypes, Module, true); ILGenerator il = dynam.GetILGenerator(); if (type.IsValueType) { il.DeclareLocal(type); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, type); } else { ConstructorInfo ci = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (ci == null) { inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Type {0} hasnt default constructor", type.Name)); return(null); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ci); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); return((Func <object>)dynam.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <object>))); }
public static SWinKeyInfo[] GetWinKeyInfos(IKey inWinKeyParent, CWindowTypeDescrs inWindowTypeDescrs, ILogPrinter inLogger) { int count = inWinKeyParent.GetChildCount(); List <SWinKeyInfo> res = new List <SWinKeyInfo>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IKey window_key = inWinKeyParent.GetChild(i); var info = new SWinKeyInfo(); info.WinKey = window_key; info.Name = Utils.GetWindowNameFromKey(window_key, i.ToString(), inLogger); string[] a = Utils.TryGetParamsByNameFromSubKey("Type", window_key, inLogger, true, 1); if (a.Length > 0) { string stype = a[0]; NamedId?id = inWindowTypeDescrs.GetWinType(stype); if (id.HasValue) { info.WinType = id.Value; res.Add(info); } else { inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Undefined type. Key [{0}]!", window_key.GetPath())); } } } return(res.ToArray()); }
public override void SetValue(MemberInfo memberInfo, object instance, object value, ILogPrinter inLogger) { Action <object, object> setter; if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo) { var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo; var key = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true).MethodHandle.Value; if (!setterCache.TryGetValue(key, out setter)) { setterCache.Add(key, setter = EmitHelper.CreatePropertySetterHandler(propertyInfo)); } } else if (memberInfo is FieldInfo) { var fieldInfo = memberInfo as FieldInfo; if (!setterCache.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.FieldHandle.Value, out setter)) { setterCache.Add(fieldInfo.FieldHandle.Value, setter = EmitHelper.CreateFieldSetterHandler(fieldInfo)); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } try { setter(instance, value); } catch (Exception ex) { inLogger.LogError($"Exception for {memberInfo.Name}: {ex.Message}"); } }
public static int FindChildIndex(this IKey key, IKey child, ILogPrinter inLogger) { for (int i = 0; i < key.GetChildCount(); i++) { if (key.GetChild(i) == child) { return(i); } } inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Can't FindChildIndex")); return(-1); }
public void DeserializationFromCscd(IKey key, ILogPrinter inLogger) { if (key.GetValuesCount() == 0) { inLogger.LogError(string.Format("NamedId.CscdConverter: Key {0} hasnt value!", key.GetPath())); return; } string n = key.GetValue(0).ToString(); NamedId nid = GetNamedId(n); id =; name =; }
public override object Instantiate(Type type, ILogPrinter inLogger) { Func <object> constructor; if (!constructorCache.TryGetValue(type.TypeHandle.Value, out constructor)) { constructor = EmitHelper.CreateParameterlessConstructorHandler(type, inLogger); if (constructor == null) { inLogger.LogError(string.Format("Cant create {0} object.", type.Name)); return(null); } constructorCache.Add(type.TypeHandle.Value, constructor); } return(constructor()); }
void LogError(ILogPrinter inLogger, string inText) { string pt = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_debug_text)) { if (_debug_text.Length > 30) { pt = _debug_text.Substring(0, 30); } else { pt = _debug_text; } } inLogger.LogError(string.Format("{2}: [File: {0}. Text: {1}]", _debug_file_name, _debug_text, inText)); }