public EventLogFilterController()
     _eventFilterRepo = null;
Exemple #2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string uri = "http://localhost:8080";
            if (args.Length >0)
                uri = args[0] ?? "http://localhost:8080";
            _evFilterR = SetDepInj(TinyIoCContainer.Current).Resolve<ILogFilterRepo>();

            Console.WriteLine("Lets Start listen to this address: " + uri);
            using (WebApp.Start<Startup>(uri))
                Console.WriteLine("Now we are listening to : " + uri );
                Timer tmr = new Timer(RefreshCache, null, Global_Const.FIRST_TIME, Global_Const.NEXT_TIME);
        public EventLogFilterModule(ILogFilterRepo eventLogFilterRepo)
            : base("/EventLogFilter")
            #region Browser routing
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                var owinEnvironment = (IDictionary<string, object>)this.Context.Items["OWIN_REQUEST_ENVIRONMENT"];
                var owinCtx = new OwinContext(owinEnvironment);
                //Model.Title =  "We have Issues Again with IOC socks...";
                return View["views/Home/index", Model];
            Get["/"] = _ =>
                DateTime tTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime fTime = tTime.AddHours(Global_Const.LASTHOURS_DEFAULT);
                Model = eventLogFilterRepo.GetData(fromTime: fTime, toTime: tTime);
                return View["EventLogFilter", Model];

            Get["/lasthours/{value:int}"] = _ =>
                DateTime tTime = DateTime.Now; //DateTime.Parse("2014-01-06 21:45:00");
                DateTime tCDateTime = new DateTime(tTime.Year, tTime.Month, tTime.Day, tTime.Hour,
                    tTime.Minute - tTime.Minute % 5, 0);
                int lasthours = -1 * _.value;
                DateTime fTime = tCDateTime.AddHours(lasthours);
                Model = eventLogFilterRepo.GetData(fromTime: fTime, toTime: tCDateTime);
                Model.LastRefreshedTime = tCDateTime;
                return View["EventLogFilter", Model];
            Get["/between/{fromdate:datetime}/{todate:datetime}"] = _ =>
                DateTime tTime = _.todate;
                DateTime fTime = _.fromdate;
                Model = eventLogFilterRepo.GetData(fromTime: fTime, toTime: tTime);
                return View["EventLogFilter", Model];


            #region Rest api calls

            // the jQuery grid wants the data as a two dimensional json array called aaData
            // to get best performance for lazy rendering
            // see
            // So we need to convert the LogFilterRow to a jagged string[][] array to get right format
            // see:
            Get["/api/datatables/"] = _ =>
                DateTime tTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime fTime = tTime.AddHours(Global_Const.LASTHOURS_DEFAULT);
                Model = eventLogFilterRepo.GetData(fromTime: fTime, toTime: tTime);
                var aaTableAjax = new HomeModule.DataTableAjax();
                int i = 0;
                string[][] aaData = new string[Model.LogRows.Count()][];
                foreach (var lRow in Model.LogRows)
                    var aDataTblRow = new string[4];
                    aDataTblRow[0] = lRow.TimeAsStr;
                    aDataTblRow[1] = lRow.LogType;
                    aDataTblRow[2] = lRow.Src;
                    aDataTblRow[3] = lRow.Msg;
                    aaData[i] = aDataTblRow;
                aaTableAjax.aaData = aaData;
                return aaTableAjax;
Exemple #4
 public Program()
     // ToDo why is the default tinyIOC current empty here?
     _evFilterR = SetDepInj(TinyIoCContainer.Current).Resolve<ILogFilterRepo>();