Exemple #1
        public VSGitExt(IGitHubServiceProvider serviceProvider, IVSUIContextFactory factory, ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repositoryFactory)
            this.serviceProvider   = serviceProvider;
            this.repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;

            // The IGitExt service isn't available when a TFS based solution is opened directly.
            // It will become available when moving to a Git based solution (cause a UIContext event to fire).
            context = factory.GetUIContext(new Guid(Guids.GitSccProviderId));

            // Start with empty array until we have a change to initialize.
            ActiveRepositories = Array.Empty <ILocalRepositoryModel>();

            if (context.IsActive && TryInitialize())
                // Refresh ActiveRepositories on background thread so we don't delay startup.
                InitializeTask = Task.Run(() => RefreshActiveRepositories());
                // If we're not in the UIContext or TryInitialize fails, have another go when the UIContext changes.
                context.UIContextChanged += ContextChanged;
                log.Debug("VSGitExt will be initialized later");
                InitializeTask = Task.CompletedTask;
Exemple #2
        public VSGitExt(IAsyncServiceProvider asyncServiceProvider, IVSUIContextFactory factory, ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repositoryFactory)
            this.asyncServiceProvider = asyncServiceProvider;
            this.repositoryFactory    = repositoryFactory;

            // Start with empty array until we have a chance to initialize.
            ActiveRepositories = Array.Empty <ILocalRepositoryModel>();

            // The IGitExt service isn't available when a TFS based solution is opened directly.
            // It will become available when moving to a Git based solution (and cause a UIContext event to fire).
            var context = factory.GetUIContext(new Guid(Guids.GitSccProviderId));

            context.WhenActivated(() => Initialize());
Exemple #3
    static VSGitExt CreateVSGitExt(IVSUIContext context = null, IGitExt gitExt = null, IAsyncServiceProvider sp = null,
                                   ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repoFactory = null)
        context     = context ?? CreateVSUIContext(true);
        gitExt      = gitExt ?? CreateGitExt();
        sp          = sp ?? Substitute.For <IAsyncServiceProvider>();
        repoFactory = repoFactory ?? Substitute.For <ILocalRepositoryModelFactory>();
        var factory     = Substitute.For <IVSUIContextFactory>();
        var contextGuid = new Guid(Guids.GitSccProviderId);

        var vsGitExt = new VSGitExt(sp, factory, repoFactory);

Exemple #4
    static VSGitExt CreateVSGitExt(IVSUIContext context = null, IGitExt gitExt = null, IAsyncServiceProvider sp = null,
                                   ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repoFactory = null, JoinableTaskContext joinableTaskContext = null)
        context             = context ?? CreateVSUIContext(true);
        gitExt              = gitExt ?? CreateGitExt();
        sp                  = sp ?? Substitute.For <IAsyncServiceProvider>();
        repoFactory         = repoFactory ?? Substitute.For <ILocalRepositoryModelFactory>();
        joinableTaskContext = joinableTaskContext ?? new JoinableTaskContext();
        var factory = Substitute.For <IVSUIContextFactory>();

        var vsGitExt = new VSGitExt(sp, factory, repoFactory, joinableTaskContext);

Exemple #5
        public VSGitExt(IAsyncServiceProvider asyncServiceProvider, IVSUIContextFactory factory, ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repositoryFactory,
                        JoinableTaskContext joinableTaskContext)
            JoinableTaskCollection             = joinableTaskContext.CreateCollection();
            JoinableTaskCollection.DisplayName = nameof(VSGitExt);
            JoinableTaskFactory = joinableTaskContext.CreateFactory(JoinableTaskCollection);

            this.asyncServiceProvider = asyncServiceProvider;
            this.repositoryFactory    = repositoryFactory;

            // Start with empty array until we have a chance to initialize.
            ActiveRepositories = Array.Empty <ILocalRepositoryModel>();

            // Initialize when we enter the context of a Git repository
            var context = factory.GetUIContext(UICONTEXT.RepositoryOpen_guid);

            context.WhenActivated(() => JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(InitializeAsync).Task.Forget(log));
Exemple #6
        public VSGitExt(IAsyncServiceProvider asyncServiceProvider, IVSUIContextFactory factory, ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repositoryFactory,
                        JoinableTaskContext joinableTaskContext)
            JoinableTaskCollection             = joinableTaskContext.CreateCollection();
            JoinableTaskCollection.DisplayName = nameof(VSGitExt);
            JoinableTaskFactory = joinableTaskContext.CreateFactory(JoinableTaskCollection);

            this.asyncServiceProvider = asyncServiceProvider;
            this.repositoryFactory    = repositoryFactory;

            // Start with empty array until we have a chance to initialize.
            ActiveRepositories = Array.Empty <ILocalRepositoryModel>();

            // The IGitExt service isn't available when a TFS based solution is opened directly.
            // It will become available when moving to a Git based solution (and cause a UIContext event to fire).
            var context = factory.GetUIContext(new Guid(Guids.GitSccProviderId));

            context.WhenActivated(() => JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(InitializeAsync).Task.Forget(log));
    static VSGitExt CreateVSGitExt(IVSUIContext context = null, IGitExt gitExt = null, IServiceProvider sp = null,
                                   ILocalRepositoryModelFactory repoFactory = null, JoinableTaskContext joinableTaskContext = null, string contextGuidString = null)
        context = context ?? CreateVSUIContext(true);
        gitExt  = gitExt ?? CreateGitExt();
        var contextGuid = new Guid(contextGuidString ?? Guids.GitSccProviderId);

        sp                  = sp ?? Substitute.For <IServiceProvider>();
        repoFactory         = repoFactory ?? Substitute.For <ILocalRepositoryModelFactory>();
        joinableTaskContext = joinableTaskContext ?? new JoinableTaskContext();
        var factory = Substitute.For <IVSUIContextFactory>();

        var vsGitExt = new VSGitExt(sp, factory, repoFactory, joinableTaskContext);
