public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; tsource = new ComboDataSource(source); Widget.UsesDataSource = true; Widget.DataSource = tsource; }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { tsource = new ComboDataSource(source); tsource.TextColumn = textColumn; Widget.UsesDataSource = true; Widget.DataSource = tsource; }
public void BindingContext_Item_GetIListSourceDataSourceWithDataMemberReturningIList_AddsToCollection() { var context = new BindingContext(); var list = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 }; var dataSource = new IListDataSource(); var mockIListSource = new Mock <IListSource>(MockBehavior.Strict); mockIListSource .Setup(s => s.GetList()) .Returns(list); Mock <IList> mockIList = mockIListSource.As <IList>(); dataSource.Property = mockIList.Object; CurrencyManager manager = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <CurrencyManager>(context[dataSource, "Property"]); Assert.Same(list, manager.List); Assert.Equal(1, manager.Current); Assert.Equal(3, manager.Count); Assert.Equal(0, manager.Position); Assert.Equal(2, ((ICollection)context).Count); Assert.Same(manager, context[dataSource, "Property"]); }
CustomListModel GetListModel(IListDataSource source) { CustomListModel model; if (!modelCache.TryGetValue (source, out model)) modelCache [new DataSourceRef (source)] = model = new CustomListModel (source, CellRendererTarget.EventRootWidget); return model; }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource s, IBackend sourceBackend) { if (source != null) { source.RowInserted -= HandleSourceRowInserted; source.RowDeleted -= HandleSourceRowDeleted; source.RowChanged -= HandleSourceRowChanged; source.RowsReordered -= HandleSourceRowsReordered; } source = s; Widget.Menu = new NSMenu(); if (source != null) { source.RowInserted += HandleSourceRowInserted; source.RowDeleted += HandleSourceRowDeleted; source.RowChanged += HandleSourceRowChanged; source.RowsReordered += HandleSourceRowsReordered; for (int n = 0; n < source.RowCount; n++) { NSMenuItem it = new NSMenuItem(); UpdateItem(it, n); Widget.Menu.AddItem(it); } } }
/// <summary> /// Mark or unmark all items /// </summary> public static void MarkAll(this IListDataSource source, bool value) { for (var i = 0; i < source.Count; i++) { source.SetMark(i, value); } }
public virtual void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; RowHeights = new List <nfloat> (); for (int i = 0; i < source.RowCount; i++) { RowHeights.Add(-1); } tsource = new ListSource(source); Table.DataSource = tsource; //TODO: Reloading single rows would be slightly more efficient. // According to NSTableView.ReloadData() documentation, // only the visible rows are reloaded. source.RowInserted += (sender, e) => { RowHeights.Insert(e.Row, -1); Table.ReloadData(); }; source.RowDeleted += (sender, e) => { RowHeights.RemoveAt(e.Row); Table.ReloadData(); }; source.RowChanged += (sender, e) => { UpdateRowHeight(e.Row); Table.ReloadData(NSIndexSet.FromIndex(e.Row), NSIndexSet.FromNSRange(new NSRange(0, Table.ColumnCount))); }; source.RowsReordered += (sender, e) => { RowHeights.Clear(); Table.ReloadData(); }; }
public void SetSource (IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { var dataSource = sourceBackend as ListDataSource; if (dataSource != null) ComboBox.ItemsSource = dataSource; else ComboBox.ItemsSource = new ListSourceNotifyWrapper (source); }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { ListStoreBackend b = sourceBackend as ListStoreBackend; if (b == null) { CustomListModel model = new CustomListModel (source, Widget); Widget.Model = model.Store; } else Widget.Model = b.Store; }
public override void SetSource (IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { base.SetSource (source, sourceBackend); source.RowInserted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowDeleted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowChanged += HandleColumnSizeChanged; ResetColumnSize (source); }
public override void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { base.SetSource(source, sourceBackend); source.RowInserted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowDeleted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowChanged += HandleColumnSizeChanged; ResetColumnSize(source); }
public ComboDataSource(IListDataSource source) { this.source = source; source.RowChanged += SourceChanged; source.RowDeleted += SourceChanged; source.RowInserted += SourceChanged; source.RowsReordered += SourceChanged; }
public CustomListModel (IListDataSource source, Gtk.Widget w) { parent = w; this.source = source; adapter = new Gtk.TreeModelAdapter (this); colTypes = source.ColumnTypes; source.RowChanged += HandleRowChanged; source.RowDeleted += HandleRowDeleted; source.RowInserted += HandleRowInserted; source.RowsReordered += HandleRowsReordered; }
public DataSourceNotifyWrapper(IListDataSource source) { if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("source"); this.source = source; this.source.RowInserted += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowChanged += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowsReordered += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowDeleted += OnRowsUpdated; }
public CustomListModel(IListDataSource source, Gtk.Widget w) { parent = w; this.source = source; adapter = new Gtk.TreeModelAdapter(this); colTypes = source.ColumnTypes; source.RowChanged += HandleRowChanged; source.RowDeleted += HandleRowDeleted; source.RowInserted += HandleRowInserted; source.RowsReordered += HandleRowsReordered; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (source != null) { source.RowChanged -= SourceChanged; source.RowDeleted -= SourceChanged; source.RowInserted -= SourceChanged; source.RowsReordered -= SourceChanged; source = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
/// <summary> /// Return true if all items are marked or unmarked /// </summary> public static bool All(this IListDataSource source, bool value) { for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++) { if (source.IsMarked(i) != value) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public ListSourceNotifyWrapper(IListDataSource source) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } this.source = source; this.source.RowInserted += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowChanged += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowsReordered += OnRowsUpdated; this.source.RowDeleted += OnRowsUpdated; }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { var dataSource = sourceBackend as ListDataSource; if (dataSource != null) { ListView.ItemsSource = dataSource; } else { ListView.ItemsSource = new ListSourceNotifyWrapper(source); } }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { ListStoreBackend b = sourceBackend as ListStoreBackend; if (b == null) { CustomListModel model = new CustomListModel(source, Widget); Widget.Model = model.Store; } else { Widget.Model = b.Store; } }
public virtual void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; tsource = new ListSource(source); Table.DataSource = tsource; //TODO: Reloading single rows would be slightly more efficient. // According to NSTableView.ReloadData() documentation, // only the visible rows are reloaded. source.RowInserted += (sender, e) => Table.ReloadData(); source.RowDeleted += (sender, e) => Table.ReloadData(); source.RowChanged += (sender, e) => Table.ReloadData(); source.RowsReordered += (sender, e) => Table.ReloadData(); }
public void BindingContext_Item_GetArrayWithDataMember_AddsToCollection() { var context = new BindingContext(); var list = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; var dataSource = new IListDataSource(); dataSource.Property = list; CurrencyManager manager = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <CurrencyManager>(context[dataSource, "Property"]); Assert.Same(list, manager.List); Assert.Equal(1, manager.Current); Assert.Equal(3, manager.Count); Assert.Equal(0, manager.Position); Assert.Equal(2, ((ICollection)context).Count); Assert.Same(manager, context[dataSource, "Property"]); }
void ResetColumnSize(IListDataSource source) { // Calculate size of column // This is how Apple implements it; unfortunately, they don't expose this functionality in the API. // float w = 0; for (var row = 0; row < source.RowCount; row++) { using (var cell = Table.GetCell(0, row)) { var size = cell.CellSize; w = Math.Max(w, size.Width); } } columnHandle.MinWidth = w; columnHandle.Width = w; }
public void BindingContext_Item_GetIListSourceDataSourceWithDataMemberReturningIListNull_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { var context = new BindingContext(); var dataSource = new IListDataSource(); var mockIListSource = new Mock <IListSource>(MockBehavior.Strict); mockIListSource .Setup(s => s.GetList()) .Returns((IList)null); Mock <IList> mockIList = mockIListSource.As <IList>(); dataSource.Property = mockIList.Object; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("dataSource", () => context[dataSource, "Property"]); // Does, however, add the parent. PropertyManager parentManager = Assert.IsType <PropertyManager>(Assert.IsType <WeakReference>(Assert.IsType <DictionaryEntry>(Assert.Single(context)).Value).Target); Assert.Same(dataSource, parentManager.Current); }
public void BindToGridAndDataSource(DataGrid dataGrid, IListDataSource dataSource, ListFilter filter) { if (dataGrid == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dataGrid"); } if (dataSource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource"); } if (filter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filter"); } _dataGrid = dataGrid; _dataSource = dataSource; _filter = filter; UpdateGridItemsSource(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the list of data from the associated <see cref="IListDataSource"/> control and /// applies the specified filter and sort expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="arguments">A System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments that /// is used to request operations on the data beyond basic data retrieval.</param> /// <returns>An System.Collections.IEnumerable list of data from the associated EntityDataSource.</returns> protected override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) { IListDataSource dataSource = _owner.GetListDataSource(); IEnumerable entityList = null; if (dataSource != null) { entityList = dataSource.GetEntityList(); } else { _owner.DataBind(); if (_owner.DataSource is IEnumerable) { entityList = _owner.DataSource as IEnumerable; } } if (entityList != null) { // apply filter OnApplyFilter(entityList); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter)) { EntityUtil.SetPropertyValue(entityList, "Filter", Filter); } // apply sort OnApplySort(entityList); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Sort)) { EntityUtil.InvokeMethod(entityList, "Sort", new Object[] { Sort }); } } return(entityList); }
/// <summary> /// Updates and returns the value of the DataParameter object. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The current System.Web.HttpContext of the request.</param> /// <param name="control">The System.Web.UI.Control that the parameter is bound to.</param> /// <returns>A System.Object that represents the updated and current value of the parameter.</returns> protected override Object Evaluate(HttpContext context, Control control) { String value = String.Empty; if ( _dataSource == null && control != null ) { _dataSource = control.FindControl(DataSourceID) as IListDataSource; } if ( _dataSource != null ) { IEnumerable entityList = _dataSource.GetEntityList(); if ( entityList != null ) { CommaDelimitedStringCollection values = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection(); String propertyName = PropertyName ?? EntityKeyName; IList list = EntityUtil.GetEntityList(entityList); Object temp; foreach ( Object item in list ) { temp = EntityUtil.GetPropertyValue(item, EntityKeyName); if ( temp != null ) { values.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", temp)); } } if ( values.Count > 0 ) { value = String.Format("{0} IN ({1})", propertyName, values.ToString()); } } } return value; }
/// <summary> /// Updates and returns the value of the DataParameter object. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The current System.Web.HttpContext of the request.</param> /// <param name="control">The System.Web.UI.Control that the parameter is bound to.</param> /// <returns>A System.Object that represents the updated and current value of the parameter.</returns> protected override Object Evaluate(HttpContext context, Control control) { String value = String.Empty; if (_dataSource == null && control != null) { _dataSource = control.FindControl(DataSourceID) as IListDataSource; } if (_dataSource != null) { IEnumerable entityList = _dataSource.GetEntityList(); if (entityList != null) { CommaDelimitedStringCollection values = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection(); String propertyName = PropertyName ?? EntityKeyName; IList list = EntityUtil.GetEntityList(entityList); Object temp; foreach (Object item in list) { temp = EntityUtil.GetPropertyValue(item, EntityKeyName); if (temp != null) { values.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", temp)); } } if (values.Count > 0) { value = String.Format("{0} IN ({1})", propertyName, values.ToString()); } } } return(value); }
public void BindingContext_UpdateBinding_NewListBindingWithDataMember_Success() { var context = new BindingContext(); var list = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 }; var dataSource = new IListDataSource { Property = list }; var binding = new Binding(null, dataSource, "Property.ignore"); BindingContext.UpdateBinding(context, binding); Assert.Equal(2, ((ICollection)context).Count); CurrencyManager manager = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <CurrencyManager>(context[dataSource, "Property"]); Assert.Same(binding, Assert.Single(manager.Bindings)); Assert.Same(list, manager.List); Assert.Equal(1, manager.Current); Assert.Equal(3, manager.Count); Assert.Equal(0, manager.Position); Assert.Same(manager, binding.BindingManagerBase); }
public ListSource(IListDataSource source) { this.source = source; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new ListView that will display the provided data source with an absolute position /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Frame for the listview.</param> /// <param name="source"> /// IListDataSource object that provides a mechanism to render the data. The number of elements on the /// collection should not change, if you must change, set the "Source" property to reset the internal settings of the /// ListView. /// </param> public ListView(Rect rect, IListDataSource source) : base(rect) { Source = source; CanFocus = true; }
public CustomListView(IListDataSource source) : base(source) { }
public ListView(IListDataSource source) : this() { VerifyConstructorCall(this); DataSource = source; }
public ListView(IListDataSource source) : this() { DataSource = source; }
public DataSourceRef(IListDataSource dataSource) { hash = dataSource.GetHashCode (); source = new WeakReference (dataSource); }
public ComboDataSource(IListDataSource source) { this.source = source; }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; tsource = new ListSource(source); Table.DataSource = tsource; }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { ComboBox.ItemsSource = new DataSourceNotifyWrapper (source); }
void ResetColumnSize(IListDataSource source) { // Calculate size of column // This is how Apple implements it; unfortunately, they don't expose this functionality in the API. // nfloat w = 0; for (var row = 0; row < source.RowCount; row++) { using (var cell = Table.GetCell (0, row)) { var size = cell.CellSize; w = (nfloat)Math.Max (w, size.Width); } } columnHandle.MinWidth = (nfloat)Math.Ceiling (w); columnHandle.Width = (nfloat)Math.Ceiling (w); }