Exemple #1
        public Connection(IMessageBus newMessageBus,
                          IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer,
                          string baseSignal,
                          string connectionId,
                          IList<string> signals,
                          IList<string> groups,
                          ITraceManager traceManager,
                          IAckHandler ackHandler,
                          IPerformanceCounterManager performanceCounterManager,
                          IProtectedData protectedData)
            if (traceManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("traceManager");

            _bus = newMessageBus;
            _serializer = jsonSerializer;
            _baseSignal = baseSignal;
            _connectionId = connectionId;
            _signals = new List<string>(signals.Concat(groups));
            _groups = new DiffSet<string>(groups);
            _traceSource = traceManager["SignalR.Connection"];
            _ackHandler = ackHandler;
            _counters = performanceCounterManager;
            _protectedData = protectedData;
Exemple #2
        public int Calculate(IList<int> numbers, decimal currentSum, int globalMax)
            int result = 0;
            decimal max = numbers.Count == 0 ? 1 : numbers[numbers.Count - 1];

            for (decimal i = max + 1; i <= globalMax; i++)
                decimal sum = currentSum + values[(int)i];
                if (sum > half)
                if (Math.Abs(sum-half)< 0.000000001m)
                    foreach (var number in numbers.Concat(new int[] {(int)i}))
                    Console.Write("    "    +sum.ToString());

                if (i<globalMax && sum + sumOfValues[(int)i+1]< half)

                List<int> newNumbers = new List<int>(numbers);

                result += Calculate(newNumbers, sum, globalMax);
            return result;
        public Connection(IMessageBus newMessageBus,
                          JsonSerializer jsonSerializer,
                          string baseSignal,
                          string connectionId,
                          IList<string> signals,
                          IList<string> groups,
                          ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                          IAckHandler ackHandler,
                          IPerformanceCounterManager performanceCounterManager,
                          IProtectedData protectedData,
                          IMemoryPool pool)
            if (loggerFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("loggerFactory");

            _bus = newMessageBus;
            _serializer = jsonSerializer;
            _baseSignal = baseSignal;
            _connectionId = connectionId;
            _signals = new List<string>(signals.Concat(groups));
            _groups = new DiffSet<string>(groups);
            _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Connection>();
            _ackHandler = ackHandler;
            _counters = performanceCounterManager;
            _protectedData = protectedData;
            _excludeMessage = m => ExcludeMessage(m);
            _pool = pool;
 public ParseRelationOperation(IEnumerable<ParseObject> adds,
     IEnumerable<ParseObject> removes) {
   adds = adds ?? new ParseObject[0];
   removes = removes ?? new ParseObject[0];
   this.targetClassName = adds.Concat(removes).Select(o => o.ClassName).FirstOrDefault();
   this.adds = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(IdsFromObjects(adds).ToList());
   this.removes = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(IdsFromObjects(removes).ToList());
Exemple #5
		private static bool CheckDigits (IList <int> digits, Tuple <int, int> factorsPair)
			var allDigits = digits
				.Concat (factorsPair.Item1.GetDigits ())
				.Concat (factorsPair.Item2.GetDigits ())
				.ToList ();
			if (allDigits.Count != 9)
				return false;
			return nineDigits.SequenceEqual (
				allDigits.OrderBy (d => d));
        public static IList<string> ProcessWatchers(this IBot bot, string repositoryName, IList<string> existingWatchers, IEnumerable<dynamic> watchers)
            var currentWatchers = watchers.Select(c => c.login.ToString()).Cast<string>().ToList();
            var newWatchers = currentWatchers.Except(existingWatchers).ToList();
            foreach (var w in newWatchers)
                bot.SayToAllRooms(string.Format("{0} is now watching {1}", w, repositoryName));

            var noLongerWatching = existingWatchers.Except(currentWatchers).ToList();
            foreach (var w in noLongerWatching)
                bot.SayToAllRooms(string.Format("{0} is no longer watching {1}", w, repositoryName));

            return existingWatchers.Concat(newWatchers).Except(noLongerWatching).ToList();
Exemple #7
        public IList<UserPostDto> GetPostsByInterests(IList<Interest> interests)
            //get user interests
            //get sibling and parent interests
            var interestAndParentInterests = interests
                .Concat(interests.Select(x => x.ParentInterest))
                .Where(x => x != null)

            var posts = _postRepository.GetPostsByInterestTypes(interestAndParentInterests).ToList();

            //get all media with any matching interests order by date desc limit by 100
            var recentPosts = posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDate).Take(200);

             * my thinking is take the last 100 because a user probably won't read past that..
             * if we only grab the first 10 then there is the problem that 11th might be extremely relevent
             * but shows up much later on cause it's
             * slightly older

            return recentPosts.Select(
                post =>
                    int rank = 0;

                    //we know the medium has a userInterest tied to it
                    if (interests.Contains(post.Interest))
                        rank = 10;
                    else if (post.Interest.ParentInterest != null && interestAndParentInterests.Contains(post.Interest.ParentInterest))
                        rank = 2;
                    else if (interestAndParentInterests.Contains(post.Interest))
                        rank = 1;

                    int daysSinceMediumCreated = (DateTime.UtcNow - post.CreateDate).Days;

                    rank -= daysSinceMediumCreated;

                    return new { Rank = rank, FeedItem = new UserPostDto(post) };
                }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Rank).Select(x => x.FeedItem).ToList();
        private IEnumerable<IList<Color>> GetNextLayer(IList<Color> list)
            var colors = new List<Color>() {

            foreach (var color in colors) {
                yield return list.Concat(new List<Color>() { color }).ToList();
        private IList<DssExportHistory> GroupData(IList<LocationTransaction> locTrans, DssOutboundControl dssOutboundControl, DateTime effectiveDate)
            #region 补充0成品工单
            var fgOrderDetIdList = locTrans
                 .Where(l => StringHelper.Eq(l.TransactionType, BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_TYPE_VALUE_RCT_WO))
                 .Select(l => l.OrderDetailId).Distinct().ToList();
            var rmOrderDetIdList = locTrans
                   .Where(l => StringHelper.Eq(l.TransactionType, BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_TYPE_VALUE_ISS_WO))
                   .Select(l => l.OrderDetailId).Distinct().ToList();

            var addList = rmOrderDetIdList.Except(fgOrderDetIdList).Distinct().ToList();

            #region 添加虚拟RCT-WO
            if (addList.Count > 0)

                IList<LocationTransaction> virtualWOList = this.GetVirRctWo(addList);//GetVirtualRCTWO 修改为 GetVirRctWo
                if (virtualWOList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var virtualWO in virtualWOList)
                        virtualWO.TransactionType = BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_TYPE_VALUE_RCT_WO;
                        virtualWO.EffectiveDate = effectiveDate;
                        virtualWO.Qty = 0;
                    locTrans = locTrans.Concat(virtualWOList).ToList();

            #region Transformer
            var fgQuery = locTrans.Where(l => StringHelper.Eq(l.TransactionType, BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_TYPE_VALUE_RCT_WO)).ToList();
            var rmQuery = locTrans.Where(l => StringHelper.Eq(l.TransactionType, BusinessConstants.CODE_MASTER_LOCATION_TRANSACTION_TYPE_VALUE_ISS_WO)).ToList();

            log.Debug("Begin to group single data, count:" + fgQuery.Count);
            IList<DssExportHistory> dssExportHistoryList = this.GroupSingleDssExportHistory(fgQuery, rmQuery, dssOutboundControl, effectiveDate);

            return dssExportHistoryList;
        public static IList<ParameterName> GenerateParameterNames(
            this SemanticModel semanticModel,
            IEnumerable<ArgumentSyntax> arguments,
            IList<string> reservedNames = null)
            reservedNames = reservedNames ?? SpecializedCollections.EmptyList<string>();

            // We can't change the names of named parameters.  Any other names we're flexible on.
            var isFixed = reservedNames.Select(s => true).Concat(
                arguments.Select(a => a.NameColon != null)).ToList();

            var parameterNames = reservedNames.Concat(

            return GenerateNames(reservedNames, isFixed, parameterNames);
Exemple #11
 private static IList<TAgents> SonAgentMethod(int id, APIDataDataContext db, IList<TAgents> agent)
     var sonagents = (from c in db.TAgents where c.DirectAgentID == id select c).ToList();
     foreach (var item in sonagents)
         agent = SonAgentMethod(item.ID, db, agent);
     agent = agent.Concat(sonagents).ToList();
     return agent;
        private static void ParseParameters(IList<IWhere> wheres)
            var index = 1;
            var list = new List<string>();

            var innerparams = wheres
                .Where(w => w.Parameter.Type == ParameterType.Query)
                .SelectMany(w => ((IAdfQuery) w.Parameter.Value).Wheres);

            // NULL and NOT NULL are rendered different and dont use a parameter
            var allWheres = wheres.Concat(innerparams).Where(w => w.Operator != OperatorType.IsNull && w.Operator != OperatorType.IsNotNull);

            foreach (var where in allWheres)
                if (where.Parameter.Name.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    where.Parameter.Name = where.Column.ColumnName;

                if (list.Contains(where.Parameter.Name))
                    where.Parameter.Name += index++;


Exemple #13
		private static BasicBlock InlineIR(this CALLInstruction call,
			IList<BasicBlockInstruction> preamble,
			BasicBlock backend,
			Dictionary<Subprogram, Dictionary<VirtualRegister, VirtualRegister>> inlineRegMaps)
			Dictionary<VirtualRegister, VirtualRegister> inlineRegMap;
			if (!inlineRegMaps.TryGetValue(call.Target, out inlineRegMap))
				inlineRegMap = call.Target.LocalVariables.Select(lv => 
					new KeyValuePair<VirtualRegister, VirtualRegister>(lv, new VirtualRegister(lv.UnderlyingType, lv.StateSpace))).
					ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
				inlineRegMaps.Add(call.Target, inlineRegMap);
			inlineRegMap = inlineRegMap.Concat(call.Target.FormalParameters.Zip(call.Arguments,
				(formal, actual) => new KeyValuePair<VirtualRegister, VirtualRegister>(formal,
				(actual is VirtualRegister) ? (actual as VirtualRegister) : 
				(formal.StateSpace != StateSpaces.REG) ? new VirtualRegister(formal.UnderlyingType, formal.StateSpace) :
				new VirtualRegister(formal.DataType)))).
				ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
			Dictionary<BasicBlock, BasicBlock> cfgmap = call.Target.GetBasicBlocks().Select(bb => 
				VirtualRegister flag = (bb.Trailer is JumpIfInstruction) ?
					(bb.Trailer as JumpIfInstruction).Flag.MapOperand(inlineRegMap) : null;
				ControlFlowInstruction trailer;
				switch (bb.Trailer.OpCode)
				case IROpCodes.RET:
					trailer = new JMPInstruction() { Target = backend };
				case IROpCodes.JMP:
					trailer = new JMPInstruction();
				case IROpCodes.JT:
					trailer = new JTInstruction(flag);
				case IROpCodes.JF:
					trailer = new JFInstruction(flag);
					throw new NotSupportedException();
				return new KeyValuePair<BasicBlock, BasicBlock>(bb,
					new BasicBlock(bb.Code.Select(bbi => bbi.MapInstruction(inlineRegMap)).ToList(), trailer));
			}).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<BasicBlock, BasicBlock> bbmap in cfgmap)
				if (bbmap.Key.Successor != null)
					bbmap.Value.Successor = cfgmap[bbmap.Key.Successor];
				if (bbmap.Key.Target != null)
					bbmap.Value.Target = cfgmap[bbmap.Key.Target];
			BasicBlock root = cfgmap[call.Target.CFGRoot];
			return new BasicBlock(preamble.Concat(root.Code).ToList(), root.Trailer);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Process test storage and add dependent assemblies to dependencyDeploymentItems.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testSource">The test source.</param>
        /// <param name="configFile">The config file.</param>
        /// <param name="deploymentItems">Deployment items.</param>
        /// <param name="warnings">Warnings.</param>
        private void AddDependencies(string testSource, string configFile, IList <DeploymentItem> deploymentItems, IList <string> warnings)
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(testSource), "testSource should not be null or empty.");

            // config file can be null.
            Debug.Assert(deploymentItems != null, "deploymentItems should not be null.");
            Debug.Assert(Path.IsPathRooted(testSource), "path should be rooted.");

            // Note: if this is not an assembly we simply return empty array, also:
            //       we do recursive search and report missing.
            IList <string> warningList;

            string[] references = this.AssemblyUtility.GetFullPathToDependentAssemblies(testSource, configFile, out warningList);
            if (warningList != null && warningList.Count > 0)
                warnings = warnings.Concat(warningList).ToList();

            if (EqtTrace.IsInfoEnabled)
                EqtTrace.Info("DeploymentManager: Source:{0} has following references", testSource);

            foreach (string reference in references)
                DeploymentItem deploymentItem = new DeploymentItem(reference, string.Empty, DeploymentItemOriginType.Dependency);
                this.DeploymentItemUtility.AddDeploymentItem(deploymentItems, deploymentItem);

                if (EqtTrace.IsInfoEnabled)
                    EqtTrace.Info("DeploymentManager: Reference:{0} ", reference);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all user groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IList <UserGroup> GetAllUserGroups()
            if (_userGroups != null)

            Domain domain = Domain.GetDomain(_sitecoreContext.BackendDomainName);

            IList <Role> sitecoreDomainRoles = domain.GetRoles().ToList();

            IList <UserGroup> existingUserGroups = UserGroup.All().ToList();

            //If number of roles matches in both ends we assume everything is up to date.
            if (sitecoreDomainRoles.Count == existingUserGroups.Count)
                _userGroups = sitecoreDomainRoles.Select(x => MapExternalUserGroupToInternalUserGroup(x.LocalName)).ToList();

            lock (_lock)
                var roleNamesNotCreatedAsUserGroups = sitecoreDomainRoles.Where(x => existingUserGroups.All(y => y.ExternalId != x.LocalName)).Select(x => x.LocalName).ToList();

                var newGroups = MapExternalUserGroupsToInternalUserGroups(roleNamesNotCreatedAsUserGroups);

                ObjectFactory.Instance.Resolve <IRepository <UserGroup> >().Save(newGroups);

                var allGroups = existingUserGroups.Concat(newGroups).ToList();

                _userGroups = allGroups;

Exemple #16
        public Connection(IMessageBus newMessageBus,
                          JsonSerializer jsonSerializer,
                          string baseSignal,
                          string connectionId,
                          IList <string> signals,
                          IList <string> groups,
                          ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                          IAckHandler ackHandler,
                          IPerformanceCounterManager performanceCounterManager,
                          IProtectedData protectedData,
                          IMemoryPool pool)
            if (loggerFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("loggerFactory");

            _bus            = newMessageBus;
            _serializer     = jsonSerializer;
            _baseSignal     = baseSignal;
            _connectionId   = connectionId;
            _signals        = new List <string>(signals.Concat(groups));
            _groups         = new DiffSet <string>(groups);
            _logger         = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Connection>();
            _ackHandler     = ackHandler;
            _counters       = performanceCounterManager;
            _protectedData  = protectedData;
            _excludeMessage = m => ExcludeMessage(m);
            _pool           = pool;
        public ScreenRecordForm( IPluginHost pluginHost )
            : base(pluginHost)
            this.StickyWindow = new DroidExplorer.UI.StickyWindow ( this );
            CommonResolutions = GetCommonResolutions ( );
            InitializeComponent ( );

            var defaultFile = "screenrecord_{0}_{1}.mp4".With ( this.PluginHost.Device, DateTime.Now.ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd-hh" ) );
            this.location.Text = "/sdcard/{0}".With ( defaultFile );

            var resolution = new VideoSize ( PluginHost.CommandRunner.GetScreenResolution ( ) );
            var sizes = CommonResolutions.Concat ( new List<VideoSize> { resolution } ).OrderBy ( x => x.Size.Width ).Select ( x => x ).ToList ( );
            resolutionList.DataSource = sizes;
            resolutionList.DisplayMember = "Display";
            resolutionList.ValueMember = "Size";
            resolutionList.SelectedItem = resolution;

            rotateList.DataSource = GetRotateArgumentsList ( );
            rotateList.DisplayMember = "Display";
            rotateList.ValueMember = "Arguments";

            var bitrates = new List<BitRate> ( );

            for ( int i = 1; i < 25; i++ ) {
                bitrates.Add ( new BitRate ( i ) );

            bitrateList.DataSource = bitrates;
            bitrateList.DisplayMember = "Display";
            bitrateList.ValueMember = "Value";
            bitrateList.SelectedItem = bitrates.Single ( x => x.Mbps == 4 );
            var ts = new TimeSpan ( 0, 0, 0, timeLimit.Value, 0 );
            displayTime.Text = ts.ToString ( );
        public IHttpActionResult GetAirlinesNames()
            Dictionary <long, string> numberAndAirlineDict = new Dictionary <long, string>();
            IList <Flight>            flights1             = anonymous.GetFlightsDepartureAtNext12Hours();
            IList <Flight>            flights2             = anonymous.GetFlightsLandAtNext12Hours();
            var flights = flights1.Concat(flights2);

            if (flights.Count() == 0)
            foreach (Flight f in flights)
                long   Id   = f.AirlineCompanyId;
                string name = apiFacade.GetMyCompany(f.AirlineCompanyId).AirlineName;
                if (numberAndAirlineDict.ContainsKey(Id))
                    numberAndAirlineDict.Add(Id, name);
        public IHttpActionResult GetDestinationCountryNames()
            Dictionary <long, string> numberAndCountryDict = new Dictionary <long, string>();
            IList <Flight>            flights1             = anonymous.GetFlightsDepartureAtNext12Hours();
            IList <Flight>            flights2             = anonymous.GetFlightsLandAtNext12Hours();
            var flights = flights1.Concat(flights2);

            if (flights.Count() == 0)
            foreach (Flight f in flights)
                long   Id   = f.DestinationCountryCode;
                string name = anonymous.GetNameCountryById(f.DestinationCountryCode);
                if (numberAndCountryDict.ContainsKey(Id))
                    numberAndCountryDict.Add(Id, name);
 public void PreSave(IList <object> added, IList <object> updated, IList <object> removed)
     foreach (var item in added.Concat(updated))
Exemple #21
        public static IList <DocumentScore> CombineOrPhrase(IList <DocumentScore> first, IList <DocumentScore> other)
            if (first == null && other == null)
                return(new DocumentScore[0]);
            if (first == null)
            if (other == null)

            return(first.Concat(other).GroupBy(x => x.DocumentId).Select(group =>
                var list = group.ToArray();

                var top = list[0];
                for (int index = 1; index < list.Length; index++)
                return top;
 /// Creates an instance of a MultiLayerSurfaceFiberTissue
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surfaceFiberRegion">circular surface fiber region and characteristics</param>
 /// <param name="layerRegions">list of tissue regions comprising tissue</param>
 /// <remarks>air above and below tissue needs to be specified for a slab geometry</remarks>
 public MultiLayerWithSurfaceFiberTissue(ITissueRegion surfaceFiberRegion,
                                         IList <ITissueRegion> layerRegions)
     : base(layerRegions.Concat(surfaceFiberRegion).ToArray())
     _layerRegions       = layerRegions.Select(region => (LayerTissueRegion)region).ToArray();
     _surfaceFiberRegion = surfaceFiberRegion;
Exemple #23
        public Fonts(IList <Typeface> localTypefaces, float pointSize) : base(pointSize)
            var typefaces = localTypefaces.Concat(GlobalTypefaces);

            Typefaces    = typefaces;
            MathTypeface = typefaces.First(t => t.HasMathTable());
Exemple #24
        private void UpdateBranches(RemoteActionResult <IList <IGitRef> > branchList)
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            if (branchList.HostKeyFail)
                string remoteUrl = _NO_TRANSLATE_From.Text;

                if (FormRemoteProcess.AskForCacheHostkey(this, Module, remoteUrl))
            else if (branchList.AuthenticationFail)
                string loadedKey;
                if (FormPuttyError.AskForKey(this, out loadedKey))
                string        text       = _NO_TRANSLATE_Branches.Text;
                List <string> branchlist = _defaultBranchItems.Concat(branchList.Result.Select(o => o.LocalName)).ToList();
                _NO_TRANSLATE_Branches.DataSource = branchlist;
                if (branchlist.Any(a => a == text))
                    _NO_TRANSLATE_Branches.Text = text;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 向各个订阅的客户端发布消息。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">发布消息的类型。</param>
        /// <param name="msg">待发布的消息。</param>
        /// <returns>发布管道的执行上下文。</returns>
        public EventContext Publish(string type, object msg)
            var context = new EventContext(msg);

            IList <ISubscriber> result = null;

            if (Store.TryGetValue(type, out result))
                if (GlobalPublish != null && GlobalPublish.Any())
                    result = result.Concat(GlobalPublish)
                             .Distinct(new EqualComparer <ISubscriber>((x, y) => object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)))
                             .OrderBy(p => p.Index)
                    result = result.ToList();
                result = GlobalPublish.ToList();

            PublishCore(result, context);
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a copy of this WebRequester, with an additional requestModifier
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="requestModifier">An Action for modifying the request message before send.</param>
 /// <returns>a copy of this WebRequester, with an additional requestModifier</returns>
 public WebRequester With(Action <HttpRequestMessage> requestModifier)
     if (requestModifier == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requestModifier));
     return(CopyWith(requestModifiers: _requestModifiers.Concat(new[] { requestModifier })));
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method to find all child name change unit hierarchies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hierarchies"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual IList <UnitHierarchy> GetChildChangedNameUnitHierarchiesRecursive(IList <UnitHierarchy> hierarchies)
            var children = this.UnitHierarchyChildren
                           .Where(x => !x.Archive && string.Equals(x.UnitHierarchyType.UnitHierarchyTypeName, UnitHierarchyType.NAME_CHANGED_NAME_TO))
                           .OrderBy(x => x.ParentUnit.UnitName);

            if (children.Any())
                hierarchies = hierarchies.Concat(children).ToList();
                foreach (UnitHierarchy child in children)
                    hierarchies = hierarchies.Concat(child.Unit.GetChildChangedNameUnitHierarchiesRecursive(hierarchies)).ToList();

Exemple #28
 public Tile(int pennants, int cloisters, IList<Edge> edges, Uri imageUri, IList<Follower> followerPositions)
     ImageUri = imageUri;
     Pennants = pennants;
     Cloisters = cloisters;
     this.edges = edges.Concat(edges).ToList();
     this.followerPositions = followerPositions;
Exemple #29
        public static (int one, int three) FindDifferences(IList <int> adapters)
            var max         = adapters.Max();
            var sorted      = adapters.Concat(new[] { 0, max + 3 }).OrderBy(i => i).ToList();
            var differences = sorted.Zip(sorted.Skip(1), (i, j) => j - i).ToList();

            return(differences.Count(i => i == 1), differences.Count(i => i == 3));
Exemple #30
 public Diff(IList <IModule> added, IList <IModule> updated, IList <IModule> desiredStatusUpdated, IList <string> removed)
     this.Updated = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(updated, nameof(updated)).ToImmutableHashSet();
     this.Removed = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(removed, nameof(removed)).ToImmutableHashSet();
     this.DesiredStatusUpdated = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(desiredStatusUpdated, nameof(desiredStatusUpdated)).ToImmutableHashSet();
     this.Added          = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(added, nameof(added)).ToImmutableHashSet();
     this.AddedOrUpdated = added.Concat(updated).ToImmutableHashSet();
        /// <summary>
        /// Given two integers expressed as a list of prime factors, multiplies these numbers
        /// together and returns an integer also expressed as a set of prime factors.
        /// This allows multiplication to overflow well beyond a Int64 if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lhs">Left Hand Side argument, expressed as list of prime factors.</param>
        /// <param name="rhs">Right Hand Side argument, expressed as list of prime factors.</param>
        /// <returns>Product, expressed as list of prime factors.</returns>
        public static List <int> MultiplyPrimeFactors(IList <int> lhs, IList <int> rhs)
            var product = lhs.Concat(rhs).ToList();


Exemple #32
        public static long CountArrangements(IList <int> adapters)
            var max    = adapters.Max();
            var sorted = adapters.Concat(new[] { 0, max + 3 }).OrderBy(i => i).ToList();

            var differences1 = sorted.Zip(sorted.Skip(1), (i, j) => j - i).ToList();
            var differences2 = sorted.Zip(sorted.Skip(2), (i, j) => j - i);
            var differences3 = sorted.Zip(sorted.Skip(3), (i, j) => j - i);

            var nbOk = differences2.Zip(differences3, (a, b) => (a: a, b: b))
                       .Select(tuple =>
                var count = 0;
                if (tuple.b <= 3)
                if (tuple.a <= 3)
                return(count + 1);

            int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

            var runLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < differences1.Count(); i++)
                if (differences1[i] == 1)
                    switch (runLength)
                    case 2:

                    case 3:

                    case 4:

                    runLength = 0;

            return((long)(Math.Pow(2, x) * Math.Pow(4, y) * Math.Pow(7, z)));
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all the flights from this server and other servers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo"> Time at the student's. </param>
        /// <returns> All the flights. </returns>
        public async Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > GetAllFlightsSync(DateTime relativeTo)
            // Get first all local flights.
            Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > localFlights = GetAllFlights(relativeTo);

            /* Create a list contains lists of external flights.
             * Each inner list represents flights from a specifiec server. */
            IList <Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > > externalFlights =
                new List <Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > >();

            IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > serversUpdates =
                new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            await foreach (Server server in serversDB.GetAllServers())
                // For each server, ask it for all its flights.
                HTTPClient client = new HTTPClient(server);
                Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > externals = client.GetFlights(
                IList <Flight.Flight> res = await externals;

                if (res == null)

                foreach (Flight.Flight flight in res)
                    /* Change isExternal property of the flight to true,
                     * as it was retrieved from an external server. */
                    flight.IsExternal = true;
                    serversUpdates.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                                           flight.FlightID, server.Id));

            IList <Flight.Flight> temp = await localFlights;

            /* Join all the lists from the servers and the list of the local flight to
             * one list of flights. */
            foreach (Task <IList <Flight.Flight> > flightsList in externalFlights)
                temp = temp.Concat(await flightsList).ToList();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in serversUpdates)
                /* Add the id of the flight to the data base. Connect it to its server.
                 * Next time we want the flight plan we can
                 * simply ask it from the relevant server. */
                await flightsServersDB.AddFlightServer(
                    new Servers.FlightServer(pair.Key, pair.Value));

Exemple #34
        public IEnumerable <IEntityMapConfig> GetEntityMaps(MultiTenancySides?sides = null)
            if (sides == null)

            return(sides.Value == MultiTenancySides.Host ? _hostEntityMaps : _tenantEntityMaps);
Exemple #35
 private void btnSaveUpList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (var save = DialogFactory.SaveFile())
         save.Filter = string.Format(OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Strings.GenericFilter, OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Strings.PickTxt, "txt"); //NOXLATE
         if (save.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
             if (chkIncludeSelected.Checked)
                 System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(save.FileName, _selResources.Concat(_uplist));
                 System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(save.FileName, _uplist);
Exemple #36
        void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            if (algorithmSet == null || algorithmSet.Nodes == null)

            matrix = new TransformationMatrix(sender as Control, boundingRectangle.ToGDI());
            var board = new GDI.Drawingboard(matrix, e.Graphics);

            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                var counter = 0;
                foreach (var c in algorithmSet.Nodes)
                    board.DrawCoordinate(c.ToGDI(), algorithmSet.Nodes.Count < 100, (++counter).ToString());

            if (algorithmSet.LastRoute != null && checkBox3.Checked)
                using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 0))
                    e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, algorithmSet.LastRoute.Concat(new[] { algorithmSet.LastRoute.First() }).Select(h => algorithmSet.Nodes[h].ToGDI()).ToArray());
            //else if (algorithmSet.LastTSPResult != null && checkBox3.Checked)
            //    using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 0))
            //    {
            //        e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, algorithmSet.LastTSPResult.TourOrPath.Concat(new[] { algorithmSet.LastTSPResult.TourOrPath.First() }).Select(h => h.ToGDI()).ToArray());
            //    }

            if (lastTSPResultWithClusters != null && checkBox4.Checked)
                using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 0))
                    e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, lastTSPResultWithClusters.Concat(new[] { lastTSPResultWithClusters.First() }).Select(h => h.ToGDI()).ToArray());

            if (algorithmSet.Clusters != null && checkBox2.Checked)
                using (var pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 0))
                    foreach (var cluster in algorithmSet.Clusters)
                        if (cluster.Nodes.Count() > 1)
                            //var hul = new ConvexHull().Algorithm(cluster);
                            //e.Graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, hul.Select(h => h.ToGDI()).ToArray());
                            e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, cluster.Nodes.Select(h => h.ToGDI()).ToArray());
        public override IAstNode VisitScopedBlock(MicroCParser.ScopedBlockContext context)
            IList <IStatement> declarations = context.declaration().Select(x => Visit(x) as IStatement).ToList();
            IList <IStatement> statements   = context.statement().Select(x => Visit(x) as IStatement).ToList();

            return(new ScopedBlock(declarations.Concat(statements)));
Exemple #38
        override protected async Task <bool> Predict(string groupId, double matchThreshold, IList <Guid> faces1, IList <Guid> faces2)
            var allPeople = await IdentifyPeople(faces1.Concat(faces2), groupId, matchThreshold);

            var people1 = allPeople.Where(candidates => faces1.Contains(candidates.FaceId)).SelectMany(candidates => candidates.Candidates).Select(person => person.PersonId).ToHashSet();
            var people2 = allPeople.Where(candidates => faces2.Contains(candidates.FaceId)).SelectMany(candidates => candidates.Candidates).Select(person => person.PersonId).ToHashSet();

            return(people1.Any(person => people2.Contains(person)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual registration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addititionalInjectionMembers">additional injection members that will be added to those previously specified</param>
        public void Register(params InjectionMember[] addititionalInjectionMembers)
            var injectionMembers = addititionalInjectionMembers == null
                ? _injectionMembers.ToArray()
                : _injectionMembers.Concat(addititionalInjectionMembers).ToArray();

            _container.RegisterType(typeof(TFrom), typeof(TTo), _name, _lifetimeManager, injectionMembers);
Exemple #40
        public void Add(IActionSource3 source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            Sources = Sources.Concat(source).ToList();
Exemple #41
 public AVRelationOperation(IEnumerable <AVObject> adds,
                            IEnumerable <AVObject> removes)
     adds    = adds ?? new AVObject[0];
     removes = removes ?? new AVObject[0];
     this.targetClassName = adds.Concat(removes).Select(o => o.ClassName).FirstOrDefault();
     this.adds            = new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(IdsFromObjects(adds).ToList());
     this.removes         = new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(IdsFromObjects(removes).ToList());
        protected virtual async Task <PropertyListing> LoadAgents(PropertyListing listing)
            IList <ApplicationUser> admins = await _account.GetUsersInRole("Admin");

            IList <ApplicationUser> editors = await _account.GetUsersInRole("Editor");

            listing.AvailableAgents = editors.Concat(admins).Distinct().OrderBy(u => u.FirstName).ThenBy(u => u.Email).ToList();
Exemple #43
        public IEnumerable <PropertyMap> GetPropertyMaps()
            if (_sealed)

        private static IList <T> EndOptions(IList <T> options, T end)
            if (options.Count == 0 || options.Last().Equivalent(end) || SumBytesLength(options) % 4 == 0)

            return(new List <T>(options.Concat(end)));
		public static IList<string> GenerateParameterNames(
			this SemanticModel semanticModel,
			IEnumerable<AttributeArgumentSyntax> arguments,
			IList<string> reservedNames = null)
			reservedNames = reservedNames ?? SpecializedCollections.EmptyList<string>();

			// We can't change the names of named parameters.  Any other names we're flexible on.
			var isFixed = reservedNames.Select(s => true).Concat(
				arguments.Select(a => a.NameEquals != null)).ToList();

			var parameterNames = reservedNames.Concat(
				arguments.Select(a => semanticModel.GenerateNameForArgument(a))).ToList();

			return NameGenerator.EnsureUniqueness(parameterNames, isFixed).Skip(reservedNames.Count).ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the test counts.
        /// </summary>
        private static IList<BuildTestCount> GetTestCounts(
            IList<BuildTestCount> allBuildTestCounts)
            if (allBuildTestCounts.Count == 1)
                // The charting library does not work well with only one point.
                // So we'll give it two identical points.

                allBuildTestCounts = allBuildTestCounts

            return allBuildTestCounts;
            /// <summary>
            /// Prepare model
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="alreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds">IDs of already filtered specification options</param>
            /// <param name="filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds">IDs of filterable specification options</param>
            /// <param name="specificationAttributeService"></param>
            /// <param name="webHelper">Web helper</param>
            /// <param name="workContext">Work context</param>
            /// <param name="cacheManager">Cache manager</param>
            public virtual void PrepareSpecsFilters(IList<int> alreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds,
                int[] filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds,
                ISpecificationAttributeService specificationAttributeService, 
                IWebHelper webHelper, IWorkContext workContext, ICacheManager cacheManager)
                Enabled = false;
                var optionIds = filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds != null
                    ? string.Join(",", filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds) : string.Empty;
                var cacheKey = string.Format(ModelCacheEventConsumer.SPECS_FILTER_MODEL_KEY, optionIds, workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id);

                var allOptions = specificationAttributeService.GetSpecificationAttributeOptionsByIds(filterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds);
                var allFilters = cacheManager.Get(cacheKey, () => allOptions.Select(sao =>
                    new SpecificationAttributeOptionFilter
                        SpecificationAttributeId = sao.SpecificationAttribute.Id,
                        SpecificationAttributeName = sao.SpecificationAttribute.GetLocalized(x => x.Name, workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id),
                        SpecificationAttributeDisplayOrder = sao.SpecificationAttribute.DisplayOrder,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionId = sao.Id,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionName = sao.GetLocalized(x => x.Name, workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id),
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionColorRgb = sao.ColorSquaresRgb,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionDisplayOrder = sao.DisplayOrder

                if (!allFilters.Any())

                //sort loaded options
                allFilters = allFilters.OrderBy(saof => saof.SpecificationAttributeDisplayOrder)
                    .ThenBy(saof => saof.SpecificationAttributeName)
                    .ThenBy(saof => saof.SpecificationAttributeOptionDisplayOrder)
                    .ThenBy(saof => saof.SpecificationAttributeOptionName).ToList();

                //prepare the model properties
                Enabled = true;
                var removeFilterUrl = webHelper.RemoveQueryString(webHelper.GetThisPageUrl(true), QUERYSTRINGPARAM);
                RemoveFilterUrl = ExcludeQueryStringParams(removeFilterUrl, webHelper);

                //get already filtered specification options
                var alreadyFilteredOptions = allFilters.Where(x => alreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds.Contains(x.SpecificationAttributeOptionId));
                AlreadyFilteredItems = alreadyFilteredOptions.Select(x =>
                    new SpecificationFilterItem
                        SpecificationAttributeName = x.SpecificationAttributeName,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionName = x.SpecificationAttributeOptionName,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionColorRgb = x.SpecificationAttributeOptionColorRgb

                //get not filtered specification options
                NotFilteredItems = allFilters.Except(alreadyFilteredOptions).Select(x =>
                    //filter URL
                    var alreadyFiltered = alreadyFilteredSpecOptionIds.Concat(new List<int> { x.SpecificationAttributeOptionId });
                    var queryString = string.Format("{0}={1}", QUERYSTRINGPARAM, GenerateFilteredSpecQueryParam(alreadyFiltered.ToList()));
                    var filterUrl = webHelper.ModifyQueryString(webHelper.GetThisPageUrl(true), queryString, null);

                    return new SpecificationFilterItem()
                        SpecificationAttributeName = x.SpecificationAttributeName,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionName = x.SpecificationAttributeOptionName,
                        SpecificationAttributeOptionColorRgb = x.SpecificationAttributeOptionColorRgb,
                        FilterUrl = ExcludeQueryStringParams(filterUrl, webHelper)
        private static IList<string> OrderScripts(IList<string> dependencyScripts, IEnumerable<string> originalScripts)
            var scripts = dependencyScripts.Concat(originalScripts).Distinct().ToList();

            if (scripts.Any(x => x.Contains("sf-list-selector")))
                scripts.Insert(0, "client-components/selectors/common/sf-list-selector.js");

            scripts.Insert(0, "client-components/selectors/common/sf-selectors.js");
            scripts.Insert(0, "client-components/selectors/common/sf-services.js");

            if (scripts.Any(x => x.Contains("sf-fields")))
                scripts.Insert(0, "client-components/fields/sf-fields.js");

            var mvcScripts = scripts.Where(x => x.IndexOf("Mvc/Scripts/", 0, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0).ToList();
            foreach (var mvcScript in mvcScripts)
                scripts.Insert(0, mvcScript);

            var angularScripts = scripts.Where(x => x.IndexOf("angular", 0, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToList();
            foreach (var angularScript in angularScripts)
                scripts.Insert(0, angularScript);

            return scripts.Distinct().ToList();
Exemple #49
        private static IList<int> Merge2ListRecurseImple(IList<int> thisList, IList<int> thatList,
                                                          int thisCounter, int thatCounter,
                                                          int thisLength, int thatLength,
                                                          IList<int> result) 
            Contract.Requires(thisList != null && thatList != null);
            //Base Case
            //Do nothing when reaches end of lists
            if (thisCounter == thisLength
                && thatCounter == thatLength)
                return result;

            if (thisCounter < thisLength && thatCounter < thatLength)
                if (thisList[thisCounter] > thatList[thatCounter])

            if (thisCounter == thisLength)
                result = result.Concat(thatList).ToList();
                return result;
            if (thatCounter == thatLength)
                result = result.Concat(thisList).ToList();
                return result;
            Contract.Ensures(result != null);
            return Merge2ListRecurseImple(thisList, thatList, thisCounter, thatCounter, thisLength, thatLength, result);
 public LevelsEntitiesController()
     Entities = new List<LevelsEntity>();
     for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
         if (i % 2 == 1)
             var newEntity = new LevelsEntity
                 ID = i,
                 Name = "Name " + i,
                 Parent = Entities.LastOrDefault(),
                 BaseEntities = Entities.Concat(new[]
                         new LevelsBaseEntity
                             ID = i + 10,
                             Name = "Name " + (i + 10)
                 DerivedAncestors = Entities.OfType<LevelsDerivedEntity>().ToArray()
             var newEntity = new LevelsDerivedEntity
                 ID = i,
                 Name = "Name " + i,
                 DerivedName = "DerivedName " + i,
                 Parent = Entities.LastOrDefault(),
                 BaseEntities = Entities.Concat(new[]
                         new LevelsBaseEntity
                             ID = i + 10,
                             Name = "Name " + (i + 10)
                 DerivedAncestors = Entities.OfType<LevelsDerivedEntity>().ToArray(),
                 AncestorsInDerivedEntity = Entities.ToArray()
     Entities[8].Parent = Entities[9];
     Entities[1].DerivedAncestors = new LevelsDerivedEntity[] { (LevelsDerivedEntity)Entities[3] }; 
Exemple #51
 private IBuilder MergeSteps(IList<IBuilder> additionalSteps, MSBuildRunner msbuild, IEnumerable<Project> projects)
     var prjs = projects.ToArray();
     if (additionalSteps.Count > 0)
         return coreBuilderFactory.CreateMergingBuilder(additionalSteps.Concat(new[] { msbuild }), new ProjectBuilderTag(String.Format("Runtime deps with project builders for {0}", String.Join(", ", prjs.Select(p => p.Name))), prjs));
         return msbuild;
 public Neighbour Choose(IList<Neighbour> neighbours, Neighbour self) {
     LogFacade.Instance.LogDebug("Choosing a master, candidates = " + (neighbours.IsNull() ? 0 : neighbours.Count));
     var n = neighbours.IsNull() ? null : neighbours.Concat(new [] { self }).Where(_ => !_.InEligibleForElection).Aggregate((i, j) => i.AbsoluteBootTime < j.AbsoluteBootTime ? i : j);
     LogFacade.Instance.LogInfo("Candidate selected: " + (n.IsNull() ? "None - thus self" : n.Name));
     return n;
 /// <summary>
 /// Continue the upload functionality with setting of properties
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">Current Http request object</param>
 /// <param name="refreshToken">Refresh token</param>
 /// <param name="environment">Flag to determine on-line or on-premise deployment</param>
 /// <param name="upload">Object for current file</param>
 /// <param name="fileExtension">Extension of current file</param>
 /// <param name="originalName">Original name of the file</param>
 /// <param name="listResponse">List of responses</param>
 /// <param name="folderName">Path of the folder</param>
 /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file</param>
 /// <param name="clientContext">SP client context</param>
 /// <param name="folder">Name of the folder</param>
 /// <param name="documentLibraryName">Name of the document library</param>
 /// <returns>list of all the responses being sent</returns>
 private static IList<string> SetDocumentProperties(HttpRequest request, string refreshToken, HttpPostedFile upload, string fileExtension, string originalName, IList<string> listResponse, string folderName, string fileName, ClientContext clientContext, string folder, string documentLibraryName)
     Dictionary<string, string> mailProperties = ContinueUpload(request, refreshToken, upload, fileExtension);
     //setting original name property for attachment
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mailProperties[ConstantStrings.MailOriginalName]))
         mailProperties[ConstantStrings.MailOriginalName] = originalName;
     return listResponse = listResponse.Concat(UploadDocument(folderName, upload, fileName, mailProperties, clientContext, folder, documentLibraryName)).ToList();
        private int CalculateRequiredDronesForDefense(int zoneId, IList<DroneWithDistance> myDrones, IEnumerable<DroneWithDistance> enemyDroneSquad, out int nbrTurnsToFail)
            _log.WriteLine("Defense of zone {0}", zoneId);
            _log.WriteLine("My drones: {0}", string.Join(",", myDrones.Select(d => d.NbrTurns).OrderBy(n => n)));
            _log.WriteLine("Enemies:   {0}", string.Join(",", enemyDroneSquad.Select(d => d.NbrTurns).OrderBy(n => n)));

            var myTeamId = myDrones[0].Drone.TeamId;
            int nbrAllies = 0, nbrEnemies = 0;
            nbrTurnsToFail = nbrTurnsConsidered;

            var sortedDroneWaves = myDrones.Concat(enemyDroneSquad)
                .ToLookup(d => d.NbrTurns)
                .OrderBy(w => w.Key);

            foreach(var wave in sortedDroneWaves)
                if(wave.Key > nbrTurnsConsidered)

                int alliesBackup = 0;
                int enemiesBackup = 0;
                foreach(var drone in wave)
                    if(drone.Drone.TeamId == myTeamId)

                if(nbrAllies + alliesBackup < nbrEnemies + enemiesBackup)
                    nbrTurnsToFail = wave.Key;
                    return nbrAllies;

                nbrAllies += alliesBackup;
                nbrEnemies += enemiesBackup;

            return nbrEnemies;
        protected SignatureHelpItem CreateItem(
            ISymbol orderSymbol,
            SemanticModel semanticModel,
            int position,
            ISymbolDisplayService symbolDisplayService,
            IAnonymousTypeDisplayService anonymousTypeDisplayService,
            bool isVariadic,
            Func<CancellationToken, IEnumerable<TaggedText>> documentationFactory,
            IList<SymbolDisplayPart> prefixParts,
            IList<SymbolDisplayPart> separatorParts,
            IList<SymbolDisplayPart> suffixParts,
            IList<SignatureHelpSymbolParameter> parameters,
            IList<SymbolDisplayPart> descriptionParts = null)
            prefixParts = anonymousTypeDisplayService.InlineDelegateAnonymousTypes(prefixParts, semanticModel, position, symbolDisplayService);
            separatorParts = anonymousTypeDisplayService.InlineDelegateAnonymousTypes(separatorParts, semanticModel, position, symbolDisplayService);
            suffixParts = anonymousTypeDisplayService.InlineDelegateAnonymousTypes(suffixParts, semanticModel, position, symbolDisplayService);
            parameters = parameters.Select(p => InlineDelegateAnonymousTypes(p, semanticModel, position, symbolDisplayService, anonymousTypeDisplayService)).ToList();
            descriptionParts = descriptionParts == null
                ? SpecializedCollections.EmptyList<SymbolDisplayPart>()
                : descriptionParts;

            var allParts = prefixParts.Concat(separatorParts)
                                      .Concat(parameters.SelectMany(p => p.GetAllParts()))

            var directAnonymousTypeReferences =
                from part in allParts
                where part.Symbol.IsNormalAnonymousType()
                select (INamedTypeSymbol)part.Symbol;

            var info = anonymousTypeDisplayService.GetNormalAnonymousTypeDisplayInfo(
                orderSymbol, directAnonymousTypeReferences, semanticModel, position, symbolDisplayService);

            if (info.AnonymousTypesParts.Count > 0)
                var anonymousTypeParts = new List<SymbolDisplayPart>
                    new SymbolDisplayPart(SymbolDisplayPartKind.Space, null, "\r\n\r\n")


                return new SymbolKeySignatureHelpItem(
                    parameters.Select(p => ReplaceAnonymousTypes(p, info)).Select(p => (SignatureHelpParameter)p),

            return new SymbolKeySignatureHelpItem(
                parameters.Select(p => (SignatureHelpParameter)p),