Exemple #1
        public void AddConsistentTest1()
            Span <CoinEvent> events = stackalloc CoinEvent[1];

            events[0] = new CoinEvent(_1, CoinEventKind.Production);

            var failProduction = new CoinEvent(_2_0, CoinEventKind.Production);

            Assert.False(_lineage.IsAddConsistent(events, failProduction));

            var consumption = new CoinEvent(_2_0, CoinEventKind.Consumption);

            Assert.True(_lineage.IsAddConsistent(events, consumption));
Exemple #2
        public CoinChangeStatus AddProduction(
            ulong outpointHash,
            ref Outpoint outpoint,
            bool isCoinBase,
            Payload payload,
            BlockAlias context,
            ILineage lineage)
                var sectorIndex = (uint)(outpointHash % (uint)_store.SectorCount);
                var sig         = OutpointSig.From(outpointHash);
                var evt         = new CoinEvent(context, CoinEventKind.Production);

                // Oversized payload, insert in the last layer directly.
                if (payload.SizeInBytes > PayloadOversizeInBytes)
                    // HACK: [vermorel] edge-case, is-it possible to have an oversized coinbase?
                    return(AddOversizedProduction(sectorIndex, sig, ref outpoint, isCoinBase, payload, evt, lineage));

                // Layer 0, the only layer to have outpoint signatures.
                var pack0 = _store.Read(layerIndex: 0, sectorIndex);

                var extendedPack = CoinPack.Empty;

                // The coin already exists on another chain.
                if (pack0.TryGet(ref outpoint, out var coin, out var coinOffset))
                    if (coin.HasEvent(evt))

                    if (!lineage.IsAddConsistent(coin.Events, evt))

                    // HACK: [vermorel] edge-case, is-it possible to have the same coinbase on multiple chains?
                    extendedPack = CoinPack.WithExtraCoinEvent(pack0, coin, coinOffset, evt, _pool);
                // A probabilistic match exists, checking deeper layers.
                else if (pack0.PositiveMatch(sig))
                    for (var layerIndex = 1; layerIndex < _store.LayerCount; layerIndex++)
                        // Check deeper layers
                        var packN = _store.Read(layerIndex: layerIndex, sectorIndex);
                        if (packN.TryGet(ref outpoint, out coin, out coinOffset))
                            if (coin.HasEvent(evt))

                            if (!lineage.IsAddConsistent(coin.Events, evt))

                            extendedPack = CoinPack.WithExtraCoinEvent(packN, coin, coinOffset, evt, _pool);

                        // False-positive match, adding the coin as new in layer 0.
                        if (layerIndex == _store.LayerCount - 1)
                            var newCoin = new Coin(ref outpoint, isCoinBase, payload, evt, _pool);
                            extendedPack = CoinPack.WithExtraCoin(pack0, newCoin, _pool);

                    // 'for' loop above should not exit without assigned a value to 'extendedPack'.
                else // The coin does not exist on any chain.
                    var newCoin = new Coin(ref outpoint, isCoinBase, payload, evt, _pool);
                    extendedPack = CoinPack.WithExtraCoin(pack0, newCoin, _pool);

                // Check of overflow
                var packs = extendedPack.SizeInBytes < _store.SectorSizeInBytes[extendedPack.LayerIndex]
                    ? new ShortCoinPackCollection(extendedPack)
                    : GetOverflow(extendedPack, lineage, _hash);

                // Persist the pack(s), several coin packs in case of overflow.
