private void AddLayerToMap(ILayerItem layer) { if (layer.AddedToMap) { _layerService.RemoveLayer(layer.Identity); } else { if (layer is IDatabaseLayerItem) { var item = layer as IDatabaseLayerItem; if (item.Loading) { MessageService.Current.Info("This layer is being added to the map."); return; } AddLayerToMapAsync(layer as IDatabaseLayerItem); } else { if (_layerService.AddLayerIdentity(layer.Identity)) { int handle = _layerService.LastLayerHandle; _context.Map.ZoomToLayer(handle); } } } }
private ILayerItem GetGroupLayerItems(IElementGroup group) { ILayerItemGroup itemGroup = new LayerItemGroup(group.Name ?? string.Empty, group.Name ?? string.Empty); (itemGroup as LayerItemGroup).Tag = group; itemGroup.IsSelected = group.IsSelected; itemGroup.IsVisible = group.Visible; foreach (IElement it in group.Elements) { if (it is IElementGroup) { ILayerItem layer = GetGroupLayerItems(it as IElementGroup); itemGroup.Items.Add(layer); } else { LayerItemLayout item = new LayerItemLayout(); item.Name = it.Name; item.IsVisible = it.Visible; item.IsSelected = it.IsSelected; item.Tag = it; if (it.Icon != null) { item.Image = it.Icon; } itemGroup.Items.Add(item); } } return(itemGroup); }
public void AdjustOrder(int insertIndex, ILayerItem item) { if (item.Tag is CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer) { foreach (GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.ILayer layer in _viewer.Canvas.LayerContainer.Layers) { if (layer is IVectorHostLayer) { IVectorHostLayer hostLayer = layer as IVectorHostLayer; IMap map = hostLayer.Map as IMap; CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer lyr = item.Tag as CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer; map.LayerContainer.AdjustOrder(lyr, map.LayerContainer.Layers[insertIndex]); foreach (ILayerItem it in Items) { if (it is ILayerItemGroup && it.Tag is IVectorHostLayer) { (it as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Remove(item); (it as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Insert(insertIndex, item); } } break; } } } if (item.Tag is GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.IRenderLayer || item.Tag is IVectorHostLayer) { this.Items.Remove(item); this.Items.Insert(insertIndex, item); _viewer.Canvas.LayerContainer.Layers.Remove(item.Tag as GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.ILayer); _viewer.Canvas.LayerContainer.Layers.Insert(insertIndex, item.Tag as GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.ILayer); } RefreshViewer(); }
private void GetItems(ILayoutViewer viewer) { foreach (IElement it in viewer.LayoutHost.LayoutRuntime.Layout.Elements) { ILayerItem item = GetLayerItemLayout(it); Items.Add(item); } }
public void SetLayerName(string newName, ILayerItem layer) { if (layer.Tag is IElement) { (layer.Tag as IElement).Name = newName; } layer.Name = newName; }
private void SetAllChildrenVisible(ILayerItem parent, bool isVisible) { if (parent is ILayerItemGroup) { foreach (ILayerItem item in (parent as ILayerItemGroup).Items) { item.IsVisible = isVisible; SetAllChildrenVisible(item, isVisible); } } }
//调整二级及以上节点顺序 public void AdjustOrder(int insertIndex, ILayerItem item, ILayerItem parentItem) { if (parentItem == null) { return; } (parentItem as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Remove(item); (parentItem as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Insert(insertIndex, item); foreach (IElement ele in _viewer.LayoutHost.LayoutRuntime.Layout.Elements) { if (ele is ILayerObjectContainer) { ILayerObjectContainer container = ele as ILayerObjectContainer; //ILayerObjectBase insertObj = item.Tag as ILayerObjectBase; foreach (ILayerObjectBase obj in container.LayerObjects) { if (obj is ILayerObject) { ILayerObject layerObj = obj as ILayerObject; if (layerObj.Tag.Equals(item.Tag)) { container.LayerObjects.Remove(layerObj); container.LayerObjects.Insert(insertIndex, layerObj); RefreshViewer(); return; } } if (obj is ILayerObjecGroup) { ILayerObjecGroup layerGrp = obj as ILayerObjecGroup; foreach (ILayerObjectBase it in layerGrp.Children) { if ((it as ILayerObject).Tag.Equals(item.Tag)) { layerGrp.Children.Remove(it); layerGrp.Children.Insert(insertIndex, it); RefreshViewer(); return; } } } } } if (ele.Equals(parentItem) && ele is IElementGroup) { IElementGroup group = ele as IElementGroup; group.Elements.Remove(item.Tag as IElement); group.Elements.Insert(insertIndex, item.Tag as IElement); RefreshViewer(); return; } } }
public void Remove(ILayerItem item) { if (item is ILayerItemGroup) { foreach (ILayerItem it in (item as ILayerItemGroup).Items) { this.Items.Remove(it); } if (item.Tag is IVectorHostLayer) { IVectorHostLayer hostLayer = item.Tag as IVectorHostLayer; IMap map = hostLayer.Map as IMap; if (map.LayerContainer.Layers != null && map.LayerContainer.Layers.Count() != 0) { foreach (CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer it in map.LayerContainer.Layers) { map.LayerContainer.Remove(it); } } Update(); } } if (item.Tag is GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.IRenderLayer) { if (item.Tag is GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.IRasterLayer) { return; } else if (item.Tag is GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.IVectorLayer) { IRenderLayer layer = item.Tag as IRenderLayer; _viewer.Canvas.LayerContainer.Layers.Remove(item.Tag as IRenderLayer); this.Items.Remove(item); return; } } if (item.Tag is CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer) { foreach (GeoDo.RSS.Core.DrawEngine.ILayer layer in _viewer.Canvas.LayerContainer.Layers) { if (layer is IVectorHostLayer) { IVectorHostLayer hostLayer = layer as IVectorHostLayer; IMap map = hostLayer.Map as IMap; map.LayerContainer.Remove(item.Tag as CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer); Update(); } } this.Items.Remove(item); } RefreshViewer(); }
private int GetOffsetLeft(ILayerItem it) { int n = 0; ILayerItem parent = FindLayerParent(it); while (parent != null) { n++; it = parent; parent = FindLayerParent(it); } return((n - 1) * cstGroupLeftRemainBank); }
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { base.OnClick(e); if (_focusedItem != null) { if (OnLayerItemClick != null) { OnLayerItemClick(_focusedItem); _currentLayerItem = _focusedItem; return; } } _currentLayerItem = null; }
private void ucLayerManager_OnLayerItemClick(ILayerItem layerItem) { if (layerItem == null) { return; } if (layerItem.Tag != null) { propertyGrid.SelectedObject = layerItem.Tag; } else { propertyGrid.SelectedObject = new object(); } }
public void SetLayerItemUp() { if (_currentLayerItem != null) { ILayerItem parent = FindLayerParent(_currentLayerItem); if (parent == null) { return; } int idx = (parent as ILayerItemGroup).Items.IndexOf(_currentLayerItem); idx = (idx - 1) < 0 ? 0 : --idx; _provider.AdjustOrder(idx, _currentLayerItem); Update(); } }
private void FindFocusedLayerItem(Point pt, ILayerItem layerItem) { if (_helpers[layerItem].Bounds.Contains(pt)) { _focusedItem = layerItem; return; } if ((layerItem is ILayerItemGroup) && !_helpers[layerItem].IsCollpased && (layerItem as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Count > 0) { foreach (ILayerItem it in (layerItem as ILayerItemGroup).Items) { FindFocusedLayerItem(pt, it); } } }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); try { Cursor = Cursors.Default; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { contextMenuStrip.Show(this, e.Location); return; } ILayerItem targetLayerItem = null; if (_isDraging && _dragLayerItem != null && Math.Abs(e.Location.Y - beginDrapPoint.Y) > 6) { FindFocusedLayer(e.Location, _provider); targetLayerItem = _focusedItem; if (targetLayerItem != null) { ILayerItem parent = FindLayerParent(targetLayerItem); ILayerItem dragParent = FindLayerParent(_dragLayerItem); if (parent == null) { return; } if (targetLayerItem.Equals(_dragLayerItem) || !parent.Equals(dragParent)) { _provider.Group(_dragLayerItem, parent as ILayerItemGroup); Update(); return; } int idx = -1; ILayerItem desLayerItem = null; idx = (parent as ILayerItemGroup).Items.IndexOf(targetLayerItem); desLayerItem = parent; _provider.AdjustOrder(idx, _dragLayerItem); Update(); } return; } _dragLayerItem = null; } finally { beginDrapPoint = Point.Empty; _dragLayerItem = null; _isDraging = false; } }
public void SetLayerName(string newName, ILayerItem layer) { if (layer.Tag is CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer) { (layer.Tag as CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.ILayer).Name = newName; layer.Name = newName; } else if (layer.Tag is IVectorHostLayer) { layer.Name = newName; } else if (layer.Tag is IRenderLayer) { layer.Name = newName; } }
public void SaveVectorItemShowMethod(ILayerItem item) { if (item.Tag is CodeCell.AgileMap.Core.FeatureLayer) { FeatureLayer layer = item.Tag as FeatureLayer; if (layer != null) { FileDataSource dataSource = layer.Class.DataSource as FileDataSource; if (dataSource == null) { return; } string fileUrl = dataSource.FileUrl; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUrl)) { return; } string sourceFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"SystemData\"); if (!File.Exists(sourceFileName)) { return; } string shpName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileUrl); string newFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileUrl), shpName + ".mcd"); File.Copy(sourceFileName, newFileName, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(newFileName); XmlNode layerNodes = doc.SelectSingleNode("Map").SelectSingleNode("Layers"); if (layerNodes == null) { return; } IPersistable persist = layer as IPersistable; PersistObject layerObj = persist.ToPersistObject(); XmlNode layerNode = GetXmlNode(doc, layerObj); layerNodes.AppendChild(layerNode); if (layerObj.SubNodes != null) { foreach (PersistObject sub in layerObj.SubNodes) { PersistObjectToXmlNode(doc, layerNode, sub); } } doc.Save(newFileName); } } }
//调整一级子节点顺序 public void AdjustOrder(int insertIndex, ILayerItem item) { ILayerItem parent = FindLayerParent(item); if (parent is ILayersProvider) { this.Items.Remove(item); this.Items.Insert(insertIndex, item); _viewer.LayoutHost.LayoutRuntime.Layout.Elements.Remove(item.Tag as IElement); _viewer.LayoutHost.LayoutRuntime.Layout.Elements.Insert(insertIndex, item.Tag as IElement); RefreshViewer(); } else { AdjustOrder(insertIndex, item, parent); } }
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); if (_helpers == null) { return; } foreach (ILayerItem it in _helpers.Keys) { if (_helpers[it].Bounds.Contains(e.Location)) { _focusedItem = it; return; } } _focusedItem = null; }
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown(e); _focusedItem = null; if (_provider == null || _provider.Items == null || _provider.Items.Count == 0) { return; } FindFocusedLayer(e.Location, _provider); if (_focusedItem != null) { if (_helpers[_focusedItem].VisibleBounds.Contains(e.Location)) { _focusedItem.IsVisible = !_focusedItem.IsVisible; SetAllChildrenVisible(_focusedItem, _focusedItem.IsVisible); _provider.RefreshViewer(); } else if (_helpers[_focusedItem].EditBounds.Contains(e.Location) && _focusedItem.IsSelected) { _editLayerItem = _focusedItem; Invalidate(); return; } else { if (_helpers[_focusedItem].GroupCollpaseBounds.Contains(e.Location)) { _helpers[_focusedItem].IsCollpased = !_helpers[_focusedItem].IsCollpased; } } if (_allowDrag && _focusedItem != null && !_helpers[_focusedItem].IsFixed) { Cursor = dragCursor; _isDraging = true; _dragLayerItem = _focusedItem; beginDrapPoint = e.Location; } } if (_textBox.Visible) { _textBox.Visible = false; } _currentLayerItem = _focusedItem; Invalidate(); }
private Image GetImage(ILayerItem it) { if (it.Image != null) { return(it.Image); } switch (it.LayerType) { case enumLayerTypes.OrbitData: return(imageList.Images[6]); case enumLayerTypes.BaseVector: return(imageList.Images[7]); default: return(imageList.Images[cstUnknowIco]); } }
public ILayerItem FindParent(ILayerItem item) { foreach (ILayerItem layer in _items) { if (item.Equals(layer)) { return(this); } if (layer is ILayerItemGroup) { ILayerItem parent = (layer as ILayerItemGroup).FindParent(item); if (parent != null) { return(parent); } } } return(null); }
public ILayerItem FindLayerParent(ILayerItem layer) { if (Items == null || Items.Count == 0) { return(null); } foreach (ILayerItem item in Items) { if (layer.Equals(item)) { return(this); } if (item is ILayerItemGroup) { ILayerItem parent = (item as ILayerItemGroup).FindParent(layer); if (parent != null) { return(parent); } } } return(null); }
public void SetLayerItemDown() { if (_currentLayerItem != null) { ILayerItem parent = FindLayerParent(_currentLayerItem); if (parent == null) { return; } int idx = (parent as ILayerItemGroup).Items.IndexOf(_currentLayerItem); int count = (parent as ILayerItemGroup).Items.Count; idx = (idx + 1) >= count ? (count - 1) : ++idx; if (parent is ILayersProvider) { _provider.AdjustOrder(idx, _currentLayerItem); } else { _provider.AdjustOrder(idx, _currentLayerItem, parent); } Update(); } }
public ILayerItem FindParent(ILayerItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Remove(ILayerItem item) { this.Items.Remove(item); _viewer.LayoutHost.LayoutRuntime.Layout.Elements.Remove(item.Tag as IElement); RefreshViewer(); }
public void Group(ILayerItem item, ILayerItemGroup group) { group.Items.Add(item); }
public void Group(ILayerItem item, ILayerItemGroup group) { }
public void AdjustOrder(int insertIndex, ILayerItem item, ILayerItem parentItem) { }
private void DrawLayerItem(Graphics g, ILayerItem item, ref int x, ref int y, ref int maxWidth) { if (item == null) { return; } int offsetLeft = 0; if (item is ILayerItemGroup) { if (!_helpers.ContainsKey(item)) { _helpers.Add(item, new ItemDrawHelper()); } ItemDrawHelper helper = _helpers[item]; helper.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, y, Width, cstGroupBarHeight); g.FillRectangle(groupFillBrush, helper.Bounds); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, helper.Bounds); g.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, x + cstVisibleBarWidth, y, x + cstVisibleBarWidth, y + cstGroupBarHeight); ILayerItem itemParent = FindLayerParent(item); if (itemParent != null && !_provider.Equals(itemParent)) { offsetLeft = GetOffsetLeft(item); } else if (_provider.Equals(itemParent)) { offsetLeft = cstFistItemLeftBank; } helper.GroupCollpaseBounds = new Rectangle(); helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.X = offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth; helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.Y = y + cstGroupImageTopRemainBank; helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.Width = imageList.Images[cstUpIco].Width; helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.Height = imageList.Images[cstUpIco].Height; if (helper.IsCollpased) { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstUpIco], helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.X, helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.Y); } else { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstDownIco], helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.X, helper.GroupCollpaseBounds.Y); } g.DrawImage(_groupImage, offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + 22, y + cstGroupImageTopRemainBank); helper.VisibleBounds = new Rectangle(); helper.VisibleBounds.X = 4; helper.VisibleBounds.Y = y + 6; helper.VisibleBounds.Width = imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen].Width; helper.VisibleBounds.Height = imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen].Height; if (item.IsVisible) { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen], helper.VisibleBounds.X, helper.VisibleBounds.Y); } else { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoClose], helper.VisibleBounds.X, helper.VisibleBounds.Y); } int beginX = offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + 42; if (item.Equals(_currentLayerItem)) { g.DrawString(item.Name, Font, Brushes.Gray, offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + 42, y + cstRemainBank); if (maxWidth < g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width) { maxWidth = (int)g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width + beginX; } } else { g.DrawString(item.Name, Font, Brushes.Black, offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + 42, y + cstRemainBank); if (maxWidth < g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width) { maxWidth = (int)g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width + beginX; } } y += cstGroupBarHeight; if (!helper.IsCollpased) { foreach (ILayerItem child in (item as ILayerItemGroup).Items) { DrawLayerItem(g, child, ref x, ref y, ref maxWidth); } } } else { ILayerItem itemParent = FindLayerParent(item); if (itemParent != null && !_provider.Equals(itemParent)) { offsetLeft = GetOffsetLeft(item); } else if (_provider.Equals(itemParent)) { offsetLeft = cstFistItemLeftBank; } if (!_helpers.ContainsKey(item)) { _helpers.Add(item, new ItemDrawHelper()); } ItemDrawHelper helper = _helpers[item]; helper.Bounds = new Rectangle(); helper.Bounds.X = 0; helper.Bounds.Y = y; helper.Bounds.Width = Width; helper.Bounds.Height = cstLayerItemHeight; g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, helper.Bounds); g.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, x + cstVisibleBarWidth, y, x + cstVisibleBarWidth, y + cstGroupBarHeight); g.DrawImage(GetImage(item), offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth, y + cstRemainBank, 16, 16); helper.VisibleBounds = new Rectangle(); helper.VisibleBounds.X = 4; helper.VisibleBounds.Y = y + cstRemainBank; helper.VisibleBounds.Width = imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen].Width; helper.VisibleBounds.Height = imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen].Height; helper.EditBounds = new Rectangle(helper.VisibleBounds.Right + 2, helper.VisibleBounds.Y, helper.VisibleBounds.Width, helper.VisibleBounds.Height); if (item.IsVisible) { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoOpen], helper.VisibleBounds.X, helper.VisibleBounds.Y); } else { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEyeIcoClose], helper.VisibleBounds.X, helper.VisibleBounds.Y); } //if (_editLayerItem != null && item.Equals(_editLayerItem)) //{ // g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEditIco], helper.EditBounds.X, helper.EditBounds.Y); //} if (item.IsSelected) { g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[cstEditIco], helper.EditBounds.X, helper.EditBounds.Y); } int beginX = offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + imageList.ImageSize.Width + 8; if (item.Equals(_currentLayerItem)) { g.DrawString(item.Name, Font, Brushes.Gray, offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + imageList.ImageSize.Width + 8, y + cstRemainBank + 2); if (maxWidth < g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width) { maxWidth = (int)g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width + beginX; } } else { g.DrawString(item.Name, Font, Brushes.Black, offsetLeft + cstVisibleBarWidth + imageList.ImageSize.Width + 8, y + cstRemainBank + 2); if (maxWidth < g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width) { maxWidth = (int)g.MeasureString(item.Name, Font).Width + beginX; } } y += cstLayerItemHeight; offsetLeft = 0; } }