Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the "ExpressionToInfer" instances (=nodes in dependency graph)
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// We are using a dependency graph to ensure that expressions are analyzed in the correct order.
		/// </remarks>
		void CreateDependencyGraph(ILNode node)
			ILCondition cond = node as ILCondition;
			if (cond != null) {
				cond.Condition.ExpectedType = typeSystem.Boolean;
			ILWhileLoop loop = node as ILWhileLoop;
			if (loop != null && loop.Condition != null) {
				loop.Condition.ExpectedType = typeSystem.Boolean;
			ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock catchBlock = node as ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock;
			if (catchBlock != null && catchBlock.ExceptionVariable != null && catchBlock.ExceptionType != null && catchBlock.ExceptionVariable.Type == null) {
				catchBlock.ExceptionVariable.Type = catchBlock.ExceptionType;
			ILExpression expr = node as ILExpression;
			if (expr != null) {
				ExpressionToInfer expressionToInfer = new ExpressionToInfer();
				expressionToInfer.Expression = expr;
				FindNestedAssignments(expr, expressionToInfer);
				if (expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc && ((ILVariable)expr.Operand).Type == null)
			foreach (ILNode child in node.GetChildren()) {
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// For each variable reference, adds <paramref name="direction"/> to the num* dicts.
		/// Direction will be 1 for analysis, and -1 when removing a node from analysis.
		/// </summary>
		void AnalyzeNode(ILNode node, int direction = 1)
			ILExpression expr = node as ILExpression;
			if (expr != null) {
				ILVariable locVar = expr.Operand as ILVariable;
				if (locVar != null) {
					if (expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc) {
						numStloc[locVar] = numStloc.GetOrDefault(locVar) + direction;
					} else if (expr.Code == ILCode.Ldloc) {
						numLdloc[locVar] = numLdloc.GetOrDefault(locVar) + direction;
					} else if (expr.Code == ILCode.Ldloca) {
						numLdloca[locVar] = numLdloca.GetOrDefault(locVar) + direction;
					} else {
						throw new NotSupportedException(expr.Code.ToString());
				foreach (ILExpression child in expr.Arguments)
					AnalyzeNode(child, direction);
			} else {
				var catchBlock = node as ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock;
				if (catchBlock != null && catchBlock.ExceptionVariable != null) {
					numStloc[catchBlock.ExceptionVariable] = numStloc.GetOrDefault(catchBlock.ExceptionVariable) + direction;
				foreach (ILNode child in node.GetChildren())
					AnalyzeNode(child, direction);
Exemple #3
		void InferTypes(ILNode node)
			ILCondition cond = node as ILCondition;
			if (cond != null) {
				InferTypeForExpression(cond.Condition, typeSystem.Boolean, false);
			ILWhileLoop loop = node as ILWhileLoop;
			if (loop != null && loop.Condition != null) {
				InferTypeForExpression(loop.Condition, typeSystem.Boolean, false);
			ILExpression expr = node as ILExpression;
			if (expr != null) {
				ILVariable v = expr.Operand as ILVariable;
				if (v != null && v.IsGenerated && v.Type == null && expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc && !inferredVariables.Contains(v) && HasSingleLoad(v)) {
					// Don't deal with this node or its children yet,
					// wait for the expected type to be inferred first.
					// This happens with the arg_... variables introduced by the ILAst - we skip inferring the whole statement,
					// and first infer the statement that reads from the arg_... variable.
					// The ldloc inference will write the expected type to the variable, and the next InferRemainingStores() pass
					// will then infer this statement with the correct expected type.
				bool anyArgumentIsMissingType = expr.Arguments.Any(a => a.InferredType == null);
				if (expr.InferredType == null || anyArgumentIsMissingType)
					expr.InferredType = InferTypeForExpression(expr, expr.ExpectedType, forceInferChildren: anyArgumentIsMissingType);
			foreach (ILNode child in node.GetChildren()) {
		public bool addCreateNewNode(ILNode node, int pos)
			if (newBody.ContainsKey (pos)) {
				return addNewNode (node, maxCodePos+1);	
			} else {
				return addNewNode (node, pos);
Exemple #5
		public override bool Match(ILNode other)
			ILExpression expr = other as ILExpression;
			if (expr != null && expr.Code == ILCode.Stloc && (!MustBeGenerated || ((ILVariable)expr.Operand).IsGenerated) && Match(this.Arguments, expr.Arguments)) {
				this.LastMatch = expr;
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
Exemple #6
		public static void AddILRangesTryPreviousFirst(ILNode prev, ILNode next, ILBlockBase block, IEnumerable<ILRange> ilRanges)
			if (prev != null && prev.SafeToAddToEndILRanges)
			else if (next != null)
			else if (prev != null)
		public bool addNewNode(ILNode node, int pos)
			if (newBody.ContainsKey (pos)) {
				return false;

			if (pos > maxCodePos) {
				maxCodePos = pos;
			this.newBody.Add (pos,node);
			return true;
Exemple #8
 public static void AddILRangesToInstruction(ILNode nodeToAddTo, ILNode prev, ILNode next, ILBlockBase block, ILNode removed)
     Debug.Assert(nodeToAddTo == prev || nodeToAddTo == next || nodeToAddTo == block);
     if (nodeToAddTo != null) {
         if (nodeToAddTo == prev && prev.SafeToAddToEndILRanges) {
         else if (nodeToAddTo != null && nodeToAddTo == next) {
     AddILRangesTryNextFirst(prev, next, block, removed);
Exemple #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Inlines 'expr' into 'next', if possible.
		/// </summary>
		public static bool InlineIfPossible(ILExpression expr, ILNode next, ILBlock method)
			if (expr.Code != ILCode.Stloc)
				throw new ArgumentException("expr must be stloc");
			// ensure the variable is accessed only a single time
			if (method.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().Count(e => e != expr && e.Operand == expr.Operand) != 1)
				return false;
			ILExpression parent;
			int pos;
			if (FindLoadInNext(next as ILExpression, (ILVariable)expr.Operand, out parent, out pos) == true) {
				parent.Arguments[pos] = expr.Arguments[0];
				return true;
			return false;
Exemple #10
    public virtual ILNode Visit(ILNode node)
        if (node == null)
            return node;

        var block = node as ILBlock;
        if (block != null)
            return VisitBlock(block);

        var basicBlock = node as ILBasicBlock;
        if (basicBlock != null)
            return VisitBasicBlock(basicBlock);

        var label = node as ILLabel;
        if (label != null)
            return VisitLabel(label);

        var tryCatchBlock = node as ILTryCatchBlock;
        if (tryCatchBlock != null)
            return VisitTryCatchBlock(tryCatchBlock);

        var expression = node as ILExpression;
        if (expression != null)
            return VisitExpression(expression);

        var whileLoop = node as ILWhileLoop;
        if (whileLoop != null)
            return VisitWhileLoop(whileLoop);

        var condition = node as ILCondition;
        if (condition != null)
            return VisitCondition(condition);

        var switchStatement = node as ILSwitch;
        if (switchStatement != null)
            return VisitSwitch(switchStatement);

        var fixedStatement = node as ILFixedStatement;
        if (fixedStatement != null)
            return VisitFixedStatement(fixedStatement);

        throw new NotSupportedException();
Exemple #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Inlines 'expr' into 'next', if possible.
		/// </summary>
		bool InlineIfPossible(ILVariable v, ILExpression inlinedExpression, ILNode next, bool aggressive)
			// ensure the variable is accessed only a single time
			if (numStloc.GetOrDefault(v) != 1)
				return false;
			int ldloc = numLdloc.GetOrDefault(v);
			if (ldloc > 1 || ldloc + numLdloca.GetOrDefault(v) != 1)
				return false;
			if (next is ILCondition)
				next = ((ILCondition)next).Condition;
			else if (next is ILWhileLoop)
				next = ((ILWhileLoop)next).Condition;
			ILExpression parent;
			int pos;
			if (FindLoadInNext(next as ILExpression, v, inlinedExpression, out parent, out pos) == true) {
				if (ldloc == 0) {
					if (!IsGeneratedValueTypeTemporary((ILExpression)next, parent, pos, v, inlinedExpression))
						return false;
				} else {
					if (!aggressive && !v.GeneratedByDecompiler && !NonAggressiveInlineInto((ILExpression)next, parent, inlinedExpression))
						return false;

				// Assign the ranges of the ldloc instruction:
				if (context.CalculateILRanges)
				if (ldloc == 0) {
					// it was an ldloca instruction, so we need to use the pseudo-opcode 'addressof' so that the types
					// comes out correctly
					parent.Arguments[pos] = new ILExpression(ILCode.AddressOf, null, inlinedExpression);
				} else {
					parent.Arguments[pos] = inlinedExpression;
				return true;
			return false;
Exemple #12
 public void Message(string msg, ILNode n)
     DoMessage(MType.Message, msg, n);
Exemple #13
 static bool MatchStFld(ILNode stfld, ILVariable stateMachineVar, out FieldDef field, out ILExpression expr)
     field = null;
     IField fieldRef;
     ILExpression ldloca;
     if (!stfld.Match(ILCode.Stfld, out fieldRef, out ldloca, out expr))
         return false;
     field = fieldRef.ResolveFieldWithinSameModule();
     return field != null && ldloca.MatchLdloca(stateMachineVar);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Flattens all nested basic blocks, except the the top level 'node' argument
 /// </summary>
 void FlattenBasicBlocks(ILNode node)
     ILBlock block = node as ILBlock;
     if (block != null) {
         List<ILNode> flatBody = new List<ILNode>();
         foreach (ILNode child in block.GetChildren()) {
             if (child is ILBasicBlock) {
             } else {
         block.EntryGoto = null;
         block.Body = flatBody;
     } else if (node is ILExpression) {
         // Optimization - no need to check expressions
     } else if (node != null) {
         // Recursively find all ILBlocks
         foreach(ILNode child in node.GetChildren()) {
Exemple #15
 public static bool IsLiteral(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Kind == LNodeKind.Literal);
Exemple #16
 public static bool IsId(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Kind == LNodeKind.Id);
        public JSNode TranslateNode(ILNode node)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Node        NYI: {0}", node.GetType().Name);

            return new JSUntranslatableStatement(node.GetType().Name);
Exemple #18
 public static bool IsParenthesizedExpr(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Attrs().NodeNamed(CodeSymbols.TriviaInParens) != null);
Exemple #19
 public static bool Calls(this ILNode node, Symbol name)
     return(node.CallsMin(name, 0));
Exemple #20
        public static bool IsIdNamed(this ILNode node, string name)
            var nn = node.Name;

            return(nn == null ? name == null : nn.Name == name);
Exemple #21
 public static bool IsIdNamed(this ILNode node, Symbol name)
     return(node.Name == name);
Exemple #22
 public static NodeStyle BaseStyle(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Style & NodeStyle.BaseStyleMask);
Exemple #23
 public static bool IsTrivia(this ILNode node)
Exemple #24
 public static NegListSlice <ILNode> Args(this ILNode node)
     return(new NegListSlice <ILNode>(node, 0, System.Math.Max(node.Max + 1, 0)));
Exemple #25
 public static void Warning(string msg, ILNode node, params object[] o)
     ErrorContext.Out.Warning(msg, node, o);
Exemple #26
 public static bool HasSpecialName(this ILNode node)
Exemple #27
        public static NegListSlice <ILNode> Attrs(this ILNode node)
            int min = node.Min;

            return(new NegListSlice <ILNode>(node, min, -1 - min));
Exemple #28
 public static bool HasAttrs(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Min < -1);
Exemple #29
 public static int ArgCount(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Max + 1);
Exemple #30
 public static ILNode AttrNamed(this ILNode node, Symbol name)
 IEnumerable<Statement> TransformNode(ILNode node)
     if (node is ILLabel) {
         yield return new Ast.LabelStatement { Label = ((ILLabel)node).Name };
     } else if (node is ILExpression) {
         List<ILRange> ilRanges = ((ILExpression)node).GetILRanges();
         AstNode codeExpr = TransformExpression((ILExpression)node);
         if (codeExpr != null) {
             codeExpr = codeExpr.WithAnnotation(ilRanges);
             if (codeExpr is Ast.Expression) {
                 yield return new Ast.ExpressionStatement { Expression = (Ast.Expression)codeExpr };
             } else if (codeExpr is Ast.Statement) {
                 yield return (Ast.Statement)codeExpr;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception();
     } else if (node is ILWhileLoop) {
         ILWhileLoop ilLoop = (ILWhileLoop)node;
         if (ilLoop.PreLoopLabel != null)
             yield return TransformNode(ilLoop.PreLoopLabel).Single();
         WhileStatement whileStmt = new WhileStatement() {
             Condition = ilLoop.Condition != null ? MakeBranchCondition(ilLoop.Condition) : new PrimitiveExpression(true),
             EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(ilLoop.BodyBlock)
         yield return whileStmt;
         if (ilLoop.PostLoopGoto != null)
             yield return (Statement)TransformExpression(ilLoop.PostLoopGoto);
     } else if (node is ILCondition) {
         ILCondition conditionalNode = (ILCondition)node;
         yield return new Ast.IfElseStatement {
             Condition = MakeBranchCondition(conditionalNode.Condition),
             TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock),
             FalseStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock)
     } else if (node is ILSwitch) {
         ILSwitch ilSwitch = (ILSwitch)node;
         SwitchStatement switchStmt = new SwitchStatement() { Expression = (Expression)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.Condition.Arguments[0]) };
         for (int i = 0; i < ilSwitch.CaseBlocks.Count; i++) {
             SwitchSection section = new SwitchSection();
             section.CaseLabels.Add(new CaseLabel() { Expression = new PrimitiveExpression(i) });
         yield return switchStmt;
         if (ilSwitch.DefaultGoto != null)
             yield return (Statement)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.DefaultGoto);
     } else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock) {
         ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchNode = ((ILTryCatchBlock)node);
         var tryCatchStmt = new Ast.TryCatchStatement();
         tryCatchStmt.TryBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.TryBlock);
         foreach (var catchClause in tryCatchNode.CatchBlocks) {
                 new Ast.CatchClause {
                     Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(catchClause.ExceptionType),
                     VariableName = catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null ? null : catchClause.ExceptionVariable.Name,
                     Body = TransformBlock(catchClause)
         if (tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock != null)
             tryCatchStmt.FinallyBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock);
         yield return tryCatchStmt;
     } else if (node is ILBlock) {
         yield return TransformBlock((ILBlock)node);
     } else if (node is ILComment) {
         yield return new CommentStatement(((ILComment)node).Text).WithAnnotation(((ILComment)node).ILRanges);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Unknown node type");
Exemple #32
 /// <summary>Converts <see cref="ILNode"/> to <see cref="LNode"/> recursively.
 /// If the specified node is already an <see cref="LNode"/>, this method simply
 /// does a cast.</summary>
 public static LNode ToLNode(ILNode node)
     return(node is LNode ? (LNode)node : ToLNodeCore(node));
Exemple #33
 static bool IsVariableReset(ILNode expr, ILVariable variable)
     object unused;
     ILExpression ldloca;
     return expr.Match(ILCode.Initobj, out unused, out ldloca) && ldloca.MatchLdloca(variable);
Exemple #34
 public void Print(ILNode node, StringBuilder target, IMessageSink sink = null, ParsingMode mode = null, ILNodePrinterOptions options = null)
     Les2Printer.Print(node, target, sink, mode, options);
Exemple #35
 bool MatchStateAssignment(ILNode stfld, out int stateID)
     // stfld(StateMachine::<>1__state, ldloc(this), ldc.i4(stateId))
     stateID = 0;
     IField fieldRef;
     ILExpression target, val;
     if (stfld.Match(ILCode.Stfld, out fieldRef, out target, out val)) {
         return fieldRef.ResolveFieldWithinSameModule() == stateField
             && target.MatchThis()
             && val.Match(ILCode.Ldc_I4, out stateID);
     return false;
Exemple #36
        private void ProcessMethodDecencies(InterMethod method, ILNode node, List <InterGenericArgument> genericArgs)
            if (node is ILBlock)
                ILBlock block = node as ILBlock;

                foreach (ILNode n in block.Body)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILBasicBlock)
                ILBasicBlock block = node as ILBasicBlock;

                foreach (ILNode n in block.Body)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock)
                ILTryCatchBlock block = node as ILTryCatchBlock;

                foreach (ILNode n in block.TryBlock.Body)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
                if (block.FaultBlock != null)
                    foreach (ILNode n in block.FaultBlock.Body)
                        ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
                if (block.FinallyBlock != null)
                    foreach (ILNode n in block.FinallyBlock.Body)
                        ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
                foreach (var catchBlock in block.CatchBlocks)
                    ((IResolver)this).Resolve(catchBlock.ExceptionType, genericArgs);
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, catchBlock, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILExpression)
                ILExpression e = node as ILExpression;

                foreach (var n in e.Arguments)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);

                if ((e.Code == ILCode.Mkrefany) || (e.Code == ILCode.Refanyval))

                if (e.Code == ILCode.Refanytype)

                if (e.Code == ILCode.Arglist)

                if (e.Code.IsExternalRealization())

                if (e.Code == ILCode.Ldc_Decimal)

                if (e.Code == ILCode.Ldtoken)
                    if (e.Operand is TypeReference)
                    else if (e.Operand is FieldReference)
                    else if (e.Operand is MethodReference)

                if (e.Operand is ILVariable)
                    ((IResolver)this).Resolve(((ILVariable)e.Operand).Type, genericArgs);
                if (e.Operand is TypeReference)
                    ((IResolver)this).Resolve((TypeReference)e.Operand, genericArgs);
                if (e.Operand is MethodReference)
                    ((IResolver)this).Resolve((MethodReference)e.Operand, genericArgs);
                if (e.Operand is FieldReference)
                    InterField fld          = ((IResolver)this).Resolve((FieldReference)e.Operand, genericArgs);
                    bool       needAccessor = false;

                    if ((fld.IsPrivate) && (fld.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType))
                        needAccessor = true;
                    else if ((fld.IsProtected) && (fld.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType) &&
                        needAccessor = true;

                    if (needAccessor)
                        switch (e.Code)
                        case ILCode.Ldflda:
                        case ILCode.Ldsflda:
                            if (fld.FieldType.IsValueType)
                                fld.DeclaringType.AddFieldAccessor(new FieldAccessor(FieldAccessorType.Getter, fld));

                        case ILCode.Ldfld:
                        case ILCode.Ldsfld:
                            fld.DeclaringType.AddFieldAccessor(new FieldAccessor(FieldAccessorType.Getter, fld));

                        case ILCode.Stfld:
                        case ILCode.Stsfld:
                            fld.DeclaringType.AddFieldAccessor(new FieldAccessor(FieldAccessorType.Setter, fld));

                InterType expected = null;
                InterType inferred = null;

                if (e.ExpectedType != null)
                    expected = ((IResolver)this).Resolve(e.ExpectedType, genericArgs);
                if (e.InferredType != null)
                    inferred = ((IResolver)this).Resolve(e.InferredType, genericArgs);

                if ((expected != null) && (expected.IsInterface) && (inferred != null) && (inferred.IsArray))
                                              new List <InterGenericArgument>()
                        new InterGenericArgument(GenericArgumentOwnerType.Type, 0, inferred.ElementType)
            else if (node is ILWhileLoop)
                ILWhileLoop loop = node as ILWhileLoop;
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, loop.Condition, genericArgs);
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, loop.BodyBlock, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILCondition)
                ILCondition cond = node as ILCondition;
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, cond.Condition, genericArgs);
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, cond.TrueBlock, genericArgs);
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, cond.FalseBlock, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILSwitch)
                ILSwitch sw = node as ILSwitch;
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, sw.Condition, genericArgs);
                foreach (var c in sw.CaseBlocks)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, c, genericArgs);
            else if (node is ILFixedStatement)
                ILFixedStatement fs = node as ILFixedStatement;
                foreach (var n in fs.Initializers)
                    ProcessMethodDecencies(method, n, genericArgs);
                ProcessMethodDecencies(method, fs.BodyBlock, genericArgs);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the state range logic:
		/// Clears 'ranges' and sets 'ranges[entryPoint]' to the full range (int.MinValue to int.MaxValue)
		/// </summary>
		void InitStateRanges(ILNode entryPoint)
			ranges = new DefaultDictionary<ILNode, StateRange>(n => new StateRange());
			ranges[entryPoint] = new StateRange(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
			rangeAnalysisStateVariable = null;
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>Associates a node with a range.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Typically this method is set as the value of
 /// <see cref="ILNodePrinterOptions.SaveRange"/> so that range info is captured
 /// while converting a node to text. This class does not need or use the third
 /// parameter (depth).</remarks>
 public void SaveRange(ILNode node, IndexRange range, int depth = -1)
     _startLocations[range.StartIndex].Add(Pair.Create(node, range.EndIndex));
     _endLocations  [range.EndIndex].Add(Pair.Create(node, range.StartIndex));
Exemple #39
 public static void Message(this IMessages msg, string str, ILNode n, params object[] o)
     msg.Message(string.Format(str, o), n);
        protected JSStatement TranslateStatement(ILNode node)
            var translated = TranslateNode(node as dynamic);

            var statement = translated as JSStatement;
            if (statement == null) {
                var expression = (JSExpression)translated;

                if (expression != null)
                    statement = new JSExpressionStatement(expression);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: Null statement: {0}", node);

            return statement;
Exemple #41
 public static void Info(string msg, ILNode node, params object[] o)
     ErrorContext.Out.Info(msg,node, o);
Exemple #42
		static LNode ToLNodeCore(ILNode node)
			var attrs = VList<LNode>.Empty;
			for (int i = node.Min; i < -1; i++)

			switch (node.Kind) {
				case LNodeKind.Id:
					return LNode.Id(attrs, node.Name, node.Range, node.Style);
				case LNodeKind.Literal:
					return LNode.Literal(attrs, node.Value, node.Range, node.Style);
					var args = VList<LNode>.Empty;
					for (int i = 0, max = node.Max; i <= max; i++)
					var target = ToLNodeCore(node.Target);
					return LNode.Call(attrs, target, args, node.Range, node.Style);
Exemple #43
 public static void FatalError(string msg, ILNode node, params object[] o)
     ErrorContext.Out.FatalError(msg, node, o);
Exemple #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the first expression to be excecuted if the instruction pointer is at the end of the given node
        /// </summary>
        ILNode Exit(ILNode node, HashSet<ILNode> visitedNodes)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            ILNode nodeParent = parent[node];
            if (nodeParent == null)
                return null;  // Exited main body

            if (nodeParent is ILBlock) {
                ILNode nextNode = nextSibling[node];
                if (nextNode != null) {
                    return Enter(nextNode, visitedNodes);
                } else {
                    return Exit(nodeParent, visitedNodes);

            if (nodeParent is ILCondition) {
                return Exit(nodeParent, visitedNodes);

            if (nodeParent is ILTryCatchBlock) {
                // Finally blocks are completely ignored.
                // We rely on the fact that try blocks can not be entered.
                return Exit(nodeParent, visitedNodes);

            if (nodeParent is ILSwitch) {
                return null;  // Implicit exit from switch is not allowed

            if (nodeParent is ILWhileLoop) {
                return Enter(nodeParent, visitedNodes);

            throw new NotSupportedException(nodeParent.GetType().ToString());
 protected bool ContainsLabels(ILNode root)
     var label = root.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILLabel>().FirstOrDefault();
     return label != null;
Exemple #46
 public static int AttrCount(this ILNode node)
     return(-node.Min - 1);
Exemple #47
		/// <summary>Converts <see cref="ILNode"/> to <see cref="LNode"/> recursively.
		/// If the specified node is already an <see cref="LNode"/>, this method simply
		/// does a cast.</summary>
		public static LNode ToLNode(ILNode node)
			return node is LNode ? (LNode)node : ToLNodeCore(node);
Exemple #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Flattens all nested movable blocks, except the the top level 'node' argument
 /// </summary>
 void FlattenNestedMovableBlocks(ILNode node)
     ILBlock block = node as ILBlock;
     if (block != null) {
         List<ILNode> flatBody = new List<ILNode>();
         if (block.EntryPoint != null) {
             flatBody.Add(new ILExpression(OpCodes.Br, block.EntryPoint));
             block.EntryPoint = null;
         foreach (ILNode child in block.Body) {
             if (child is ILMoveableBlock) {
             } else {
         block.Body = flatBody;
     } else if (node is ILExpression) {
         // Optimization - no need to check expressions
     } else if (node != null) {
         // Recursively find all ILBlocks
         foreach(ILNode child in node.GetChildren()) {
Exemple #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the first expression to be excecuted if the instruction pointer is at the start of the given node.
        /// Try blocks may not be entered in any way.  If possible, the try block is returned as the node to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        ILNode Enter(ILNode node, HashSet<ILNode> visitedNodes)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (!visitedNodes.Add(node))
                return null;  // Infinite loop

            ILLabel label = node as ILLabel;
            if (label != null) {
                return Exit(label, visitedNodes);

            ILExpression expr = node as ILExpression;
            if (expr != null) {
                if (expr.Code == ILCode.Br || expr.Code == ILCode.Leave) {
                    ILLabel target = (ILLabel)expr.Operand;
                    // Early exit - same try-block
                    if (GetParents(expr).OfType<ILTryCatchBlock>().FirstOrDefault() == GetParents(target).OfType<ILTryCatchBlock>().FirstOrDefault())
                        return Enter(target, visitedNodes);
                    // Make sure we are not entering any try-block
                    var srcTryBlocks = GetParents(expr).OfType<ILTryCatchBlock>().Reverse().ToList();
                    var dstTryBlocks = GetParents(target).OfType<ILTryCatchBlock>().Reverse().ToList();
                    // Skip blocks that we are already in
                    int i = 0;
                    while(i < srcTryBlocks.Count && i < dstTryBlocks.Count && srcTryBlocks[i] == dstTryBlocks[i]) i++;
                    if (i == dstTryBlocks.Count) {
                        return Enter(target, visitedNodes);
                    } else {
                        ILTryCatchBlock dstTryBlock = dstTryBlocks[i];
                        // Check that the goto points to the start
                        ILTryCatchBlock current = dstTryBlock;
                        while(current != null) {
                            foreach(ILNode n in current.TryBlock.Body) {
                                if (n is ILLabel) {
                                    if (n == target)
                                        return dstTryBlock;
                                } else if (!n.Match(ILCode.Nop)) {
                                    current = n as ILTryCatchBlock;
                        return null;
                } else if (expr.Code == ILCode.Nop) {
                    return Exit(expr, visitedNodes);
                } else if (expr.Code == ILCode.LoopOrSwitchBreak) {
                    ILNode breakBlock = GetParents(expr).First(n => n is ILWhileLoop || n is ILSwitch);
                    return Exit(breakBlock, new HashSet<ILNode>() { expr });
                } else if (expr.Code == ILCode.LoopContinue) {
                    ILNode continueBlock = GetParents(expr).First(n => n is ILWhileLoop);
                    return Enter(continueBlock, new HashSet<ILNode>() { expr });
                } else {
                    return expr;

            ILBlock block = node as ILBlock;
            if (block != null) {
                if (block.EntryGoto != null) {
                    return Enter(block.EntryGoto, visitedNodes);
                } else if (block.Body.Count > 0) {
                    return Enter(block.Body[0], visitedNodes);
                } else {
                    return Exit(block, visitedNodes);

            ILCondition cond = node as ILCondition;
            if (cond != null) {
                return cond.Condition;

            ILWhileLoop loop = node as ILWhileLoop;
            if (loop != null) {
                if (loop.Condition != null) {
                    return loop.Condition;
                } else {
                    return Enter(loop.BodyBlock, visitedNodes);

            ILTryCatchBlock tryCatch = node as ILTryCatchBlock;
            if (tryCatch != null) {
                return tryCatch;

            ILSwitch ilSwitch = node as ILSwitch;
            if (ilSwitch != null) {
                return ilSwitch.Condition;

            throw new NotSupportedException(node.GetType().ToString());
Exemple #50
 /// <summary>Method to add Nodes in the StructureViewer to the seperated ToolBoxNode</summary>
 /// <param name="extNode">ILNode to be added</param>
 public void AddToolboxNode(ILNode extNode)
Exemple #51
 IEnumerable<ILNode> GetParents(ILNode node)
     ILNode current = node;
     while(true) {
         current = parent[current];
         if (current == null)
             yield break;
         yield return current;
Exemple #52
 public static bool IsCall(this ILNode node)
     return(node.Kind == LNodeKind.Call);
		IEnumerable<Statement> TransformNode(ILNode node)
			if (node is ILLabel) {
				yield return new Ast.LabelStatement { Label = ((ILLabel)node).Name };
			} else if (node is ILExpression) {
				List<ILRange> ilRanges = ILRange.OrderAndJoint(node.GetSelfAndChildrenRecursive<ILExpression>().SelectMany(e => e.ILRanges));
				AstNode codeExpr = TransformExpression((ILExpression)node);
				if (codeExpr != null) {
					codeExpr = codeExpr.WithAnnotation(ilRanges);
					if (codeExpr is Ast.Expression) {
						yield return new Ast.ExpressionStatement { Expression = (Ast.Expression)codeExpr };
					} else if (codeExpr is Ast.Statement) {
						yield return (Ast.Statement)codeExpr;
					} else {
						throw new Exception();
			} else if (node is ILWhileLoop) {
				ILWhileLoop ilLoop = (ILWhileLoop)node;
				WhileStatement whileStmt = new WhileStatement() {
					Condition = ilLoop.Condition != null ? (Expression)TransformExpression(ilLoop.Condition) : new PrimitiveExpression(true),
					EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(ilLoop.BodyBlock)
				yield return whileStmt;
			} else if (node is ILCondition) {
				ILCondition conditionalNode = (ILCondition)node;
				bool hasFalseBlock = conditionalNode.FalseBlock.EntryGoto != null || conditionalNode.FalseBlock.Body.Count > 0;
				yield return new Ast.IfElseStatement {
					Condition = (Expression)TransformExpression(conditionalNode.Condition),
					TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock),
					FalseStatement = hasFalseBlock ? TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock) : null
			} else if (node is ILSwitch) {
				ILSwitch ilSwitch = (ILSwitch)node;
				SwitchStatement switchStmt = new SwitchStatement() { Expression = (Expression)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.Condition) };
				foreach (var caseBlock in ilSwitch.CaseBlocks) {
					SwitchSection section = new SwitchSection();
					if (caseBlock.Values != null) {
						section.CaseLabels.AddRange(caseBlock.Values.Select(i => new CaseLabel() { Expression = AstBuilder.MakePrimitive(i, ilSwitch.Condition.InferredType) }));
					} else {
						section.CaseLabels.Add(new CaseLabel());
				yield return switchStmt;
			} else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock) {
				ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchNode = ((ILTryCatchBlock)node);
				var tryCatchStmt = new Ast.TryCatchStatement();
				tryCatchStmt.TryBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.TryBlock);
				foreach (var catchClause in tryCatchNode.CatchBlocks) {
					if (catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null
					    && (catchClause.ExceptionType == null || catchClause.ExceptionType.MetadataType == MetadataType.Object))
						tryCatchStmt.CatchClauses.Add(new Ast.CatchClause { Body = TransformBlock(catchClause) });
					} else {
							new Ast.CatchClause {
								Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(catchClause.ExceptionType),
								VariableName = catchClause.ExceptionVariable == null ? null : catchClause.ExceptionVariable.Name,
								Body = TransformBlock(catchClause)
				if (tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock != null)
					tryCatchStmt.FinallyBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock);
				if (tryCatchNode.FaultBlock != null) {
					CatchClause cc = new CatchClause();
					cc.Body = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FaultBlock);
					cc.Body.Add(new ThrowStatement()); // rethrow
				yield return tryCatchStmt;
			} else if (node is ILFixedStatement) {
				ILFixedStatement fixedNode = (ILFixedStatement)node;
				FixedStatement fixedStatement = new FixedStatement();
				foreach (ILExpression initializer in fixedNode.Initializers) {
					Debug.Assert(initializer.Code == ILCode.Stloc);
					ILVariable v = (ILVariable)initializer.Operand;
						new VariableInitializer {
							Name = v.Name,
							Initializer = (Expression)TransformExpression(initializer.Arguments[0])
				fixedStatement.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(((ILVariable)fixedNode.Initializers[0].Operand).Type);
				fixedStatement.EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(fixedNode.BodyBlock);
				yield return fixedStatement;
			} else if (node is ILBlock) {
				yield return TransformBlock((ILBlock)node);
			} else {
				throw new Exception("Unknown node type");
Exemple #54
 public Either <Symbol, ILogMessage> TryPrint(ILNode literal, out StringBuilder sb)
     sb = new StringBuilder();
     return(TryPrint(literal, sb));