Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// sort data in A along dimension 'dim'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">input array: empty, scalar, vector or matrix</param>
        /// <param name="descending">Specifies the direction of sorting</param>
        /// <param name="dim">dimension to sort along</param>
        /// <param name="Indices">output parameter: returns permutation matrix also</param>
        /// <returns>sorted array of the same size as A</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The data in A will be sorted using the quick sort algorithm. Data
        /// along the dimension <paramref name="dim"/> will therefore get sorted independently from data
        /// in the next row/column.</para>
        /// <para>This overload also returns an array 'Indices' which will hold the indices into the original
        /// elements <b>after sorting</b>. Elements of 'Indices' are of type double.</para>
        public static ILArray <string> sort(ILArray <string> A, out ILArray <double> Indices, int dim, bool descending)
            if (object.Equals(A, null))
                throw new Exception("sort: parameter A must not be null");
            if (A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions > 2)
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: for element type string only matrices are supported!");
            if (dim < 0 || dim >= A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: invalid dimension argument");
            // early exit: scalar/ empty
            if (A.IsEmpty || A.IsScalar)
                Indices = 0.0;
            ILArray <string> ret = new ILArray <string>(new string[A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements], A.Dimensions);
            int dim1             = dim % A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            int dim2             = (dim1 + 1) % A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            int maxRuns          = A.Dimensions[dim2];
            ILQueueList <string, double> ql;

            ILArray <int>[]  ind  = new ILArray <int> [2];
            int []           indI = new int[2];
            ILASCIIKeyMapper km   = new ILASCIIKeyMapper();

            Indices = ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, A.Dimensions.ToIntArray());
            for (int c = 0; c < maxRuns; c++)
                ind[dim2]  = c;
                ind[dim1]  = null;
                ql         = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <string, char, double>(A[ind].Values, Indices[ind].Values, km, ILBucketSort.SortMethod.ConstantLength);
                indI[dim2] = c;
                if (descending)
                    for (int i = ql.Count; i-- > 0;)
                        indI[dim1] = i;
                        ILListItem <string, double> item = ql.Dequeue();
                        ret.SetValue(item.Data, indI);
                        Indices.SetValue(item.m_index, indI);
                    for (int i = 0; ql.Count > 0; i++)
                        indI[dim1] = i;
                        ILListItem <string, double> item = ql.Dequeue();
                        ret.SetValue(item.Data, indI);
                        Indices.SetValue(item.m_index, indI);
Exemple #2
        private void TestBucketSort_Performance(string[] p)
            int errCode = 0;

            try {
                // test constant length method
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw   = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                ILQueueList <string, byte>   res1 = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <string, char, byte>(p, null, new ILASCIIKeyMapper(), ILBucketSort.SortMethod.ConstantLength);
                Info("sorting variable length: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms needed.");
                string [] res = res1.ToArray();
                // test variable length method
                ILQueueList <string, byte> res2 = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <string, char, byte>(p, null, new ILASCIIKeyMapper(), ILBucketSort.SortMethod.VariableLenth);
                if (!StringsEqual(res1.ToArray(), res2.ToArray()))
                    throw new Exception("different result for methods detected!");
                Success("Sorted " + p.Length + " strings.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error(errCode, e.Message + "(" + PrintStrings(p) + ")");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// sort utilizing bucket sort
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="SubelementType">subelement type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="mapper">keymapper mapping subelement items to buckets</param>
        public void Sort <SubelementType>(ILKeyMapper <T1, SubelementType> mapper)
            ILQueueList <T1, T2> ret = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <T1, SubelementType, T2>(this, null, mapper, ILBucketSort.SortMethod.ConstantLength);

            this.Head = ret.Head;
            this.Tail = ret.Tail;
Exemple #4
        private void TestBucketSort(string[] p, string[] p_2)
            int errCode = 0;

            try {
                ILQueueList <string, byte> res = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <string, char, byte>(p, null, new ILASCIIKeyMapper(), ILBucketSort.SortMethod.VariableLenth);

                if (!StringsEqual(p_2, res.ToArray()))
                    throw new Exception("invalid values detected!");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error(errCode, e.Message + "(" + PrintStrings(p) + ")");
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// generic sort algorithm in A along dimension 'dim'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">input array: empty, scalar, vector or matrix</param>
        /// <param name="descending">Specifies the direction of sorting</param>
        /// <param name="dim">dimension to sort along</param>
        /// <param name="Indices">input/output parameter: the values in Indices will be returned in the same sorted order as the elements in A. This can be used to derive a permutation matrix of the sorting process.</param>
        /// <param name="keymapper">Instancce of an object of type ILKeyMapper. This object must
        /// be derived ILKeyMapper&lt;T,SubelementType&gt; and match the generic argument <typeparamref name="T"/>. It will be
        /// used to split single elements into its subelements and map their content into bucket numbers. For all
        /// reference types except those of type string you will have to write your own ILKeyMapper class for that purpose.</param>
        /// <returns>sorted array of the same size as A</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>The data in A will be sorted using the quick sort algorithm. Data
        /// along the dimension <paramref name="dim"/> will therefore get sorted independently from data
        /// in the next row/column.</para>
        /// <para>This overload also returns an array 'Indices' which will hold the indices into the original
        /// elements <b>after sorting</b>. Elements of 'Indices' are always of type int.</para>
        /// <para>This generic version is able to sort arbitrary element types. Even user defined reference types can be sorted
        /// by specifying a user defined ILKeyMapper class instance. Also the type of Indices may be arbitrarily choosen. In difference
        /// to the regular sort function overload, Indices must manually given to the function on the beginning. The given array's
        /// elements will than be sorted in the same order as the input array A and returned.</para>
        /// <para>By using this overload you may use the same permutation matrix several times to reflect the
        /// manipulations done to A due multiple sort processes. The Indices given will directly get used for the current sorting
        /// without looking at their initial order.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static ILArray <T> sort <T, S, I> (ILArray <T> A, ref ILArray <I> Indices, int dim, bool descending, ILKeyMapper <T, S> keymapper)
            if (object.Equals(A, null))
                throw new Exception("sort: parameter A must not be null");
            if (A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions > 2)
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: for generic element type - only matrices are supported!");
            if (dim < 0 || dim >= A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: invalid dimension argument");
            if (keymapper == null)
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: the keymapper argument must not be null");
            if (object.Equals(Indices, null) || !Indices.Dimensions.IsSameSize(A.Dimensions))
                throw new ILArgumentException("sort: Indices argument must have same size/shape as input A");
            // early exit: scalar/ empty
            if (A.IsEmpty || A.IsScalar)
                Indices = default(I);
            ILArray <T>        ret     = new ILArray <T>(new T[A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements], A.Dimensions);
            int                dim1    = dim % A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            int                dim2    = (dim1 + 1) % A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            int                maxRuns = A.Dimensions[dim2];
            ILQueueList <T, I> ql;

            ILArray <int>[] ind  = new ILArray <int> [2];
            int []          indI = new int[2];
            for (int c = 0; c < maxRuns; c++)
                ind[dim2]  = c;
                ind[dim1]  = null;
                ql         = ILBucketSort.BucketSort <T, S, I>(A[ind].Values, Indices[ind].Values, keymapper, ILBucketSort.SortMethod.ConstantLength);
                indI[dim2] = c;
                if (descending)
                    for (int i = ql.Count; i-- > 0;)
                        indI[dim1] = i;
                        ILListItem <T, I> item = ql.Dequeue();
                        ret.SetValue(item.Data, indI);
                        Indices.SetValue(item.m_index, indI);
                    for (int i = 0; ql.Count > 0; i++)
                        indI[dim1] = i;
                        ILListItem <T, I> item = ql.Dequeue();
                        ret.SetValue(item.Data, indI);
                        Indices.SetValue(item.m_index, indI);