public PreprocessingData(IKaVESet <string> zips) { _allZips = zips; _unindexedZips = Sets.NewHashSetFrom(_allZips); _idsByZip = new Dictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> >(); _uncleansedZips = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); }
public void Users(IKaVESet <User> users) { _log.Log(); _log.Log(new string('-', 60)); _log.Log(); _log.Log("identified {0} users:", users.Count); var i = 0; foreach (var u in users) { _log.Log(); _log.Log("#### user {0}", i++); _log.Log(); _log.Log("Files:"); _log.Log(); foreach (var file in u.Files) { _log.Append("{0}, ", file); } _log.Log(); _log.Log("Identifier:"); _log.Log(); foreach (var id in u.Identifiers) { _log.Append("{0}, ", id); } } }
public void Setup() { _actualProcessedZips = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); _actualGroupedIds = null; _actualGroups = Lists.NewList <IKaVESet <string> >(); _actualCleanedZips = Lists.NewList <string>(); _io = Mock.Of <IPreprocessingIo>(); Mock.Get(_io).Setup(io => io.FindRelativeZipPaths()).Returns(GetExpectedZips()); Mock.Get(_io) .Setup(io => io.GetFullPath_In(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns <string>(relZip => "<dirIn>\\" + relZip); Mock.Get(_io) .Setup(io => io.GetFullPath_Merged(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns <string>(relZip => "<dirMerged>\\" + relZip); Mock.Get(_io) .Setup(io => io.GetFullPath_Out(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns <string>(relZip => "<dirOut>\\" + relZip); _log = Mock.Of <IMultiThreadedPreprocessingLogger>(); Mock.Get(_log) .Setup(l => l.Error(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <Exception>())) .Callback <int, Exception>((taskId, ex) => _lastLoggedException = ex); _sut = new MultiThreadedPreprocessing( _io, _log, NumWorker, IdReaderFactory, CreateGrouper(), GroupMergerFactory, CleanerFactory); }
public TypeShapeSolutionAnalysis(ISolution solution, ILogger logger, Action <ITypeShape> cbTypeShape) : base(solution, logger) { _cbTypeShape = cbTypeShape; _seenClrNames = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); }
public string Merge(IKaVESet <string> relZips) { Asserts.NotNull(relZips); Asserts.That(relZips.Count > 0); foreach (var relZip in relZips) { var zip = _io.GetFullPath_In(relZip); Asserts.That(File.Exists(zip)); } var relZipOut = relZips.First(); _log.NextGroup(relZips.Count, relZipOut); var zipOut = _io.GetFullPath_Merged(relZipOut); _io.EnsureParentExists(zipOut); var numEvents = 0; using (var wa = new WritingArchive(zipOut)) { foreach (var e in ReadArchives(relZips)) { numEvents++; wa.Add(e); } } _log.Result(numEvents); return(relZipOut); }
public void Run() { _upes = Lists.NewList <IUserProfileEvent>(); var users = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); _keys = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); _assignableSubmissions = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); var zips = _io.FindCcZips().ToList(); var cur = 1; var total = zips.Count; foreach (var zipName in zips) { _printer.StartZip(zipName, cur++, total); var userKey = GetUserKey(zipName); users.Add(userKey); _printer.FoundUserKey(userKey); var zipKeys = GetKeysFrom(zipName); _printer.FoundKeysInZip(zipKeys); foreach (var key in zipKeys) { var combKey = string.Format("{0}\t{1}", key, userKey); _keys.Add(combKey); } } _printer.FoundUsers(users); _printer.FoundKeys(_keys); _printer.FoundUpes(_upes); _printer.FoundAssignableZips(_assignableSubmissions); }
public void Run() { Log( "Simple smoketest. Reads all events from all zips found in the provided base dir and calculates their hash codes to access all their fields."); Log(""); Log("base dir: {0}", _baseDir); Log("number of threads: {0}", _numThreads); Log(""); Log("Finding .zip files..."); _remainingZips = FindRelativeZipPaths(); _numZips = _remainingZips.Count; Log("Found {0} files.", _numZips); Log(""); var tasks = new Task[_numThreads]; for (var i = 0; i < _numThreads; i++) { var i1 = i; tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Process(i1); }); } Task.WaitAll(tasks); Log(""); Log("done (press key)"); Console.Read(); }
private static void WriteCache(IKaVESet <string> ids, string zip) { var json = ids.ToFormattedJson(); var cacheFile = GetCacheFile(zip); File.WriteAllText(cacheFile, json); }
private IKaVESet <IDEEvent> GetAnswer(IDEEvent @event) { _answer = Sets.NewHashSet(@event); foreach (var processor in GetProcessorsFor(@event)) { processor(@event); } return(_answer); }
private static ISet <User> FindMatchingEntries(IEnumerable <User> users, IKaVESet <string> currentArchiveIdentifiers) { var matches = users.Where( user => (user.Identifiers.Overlaps(currentArchiveIdentifiers))); return(Sets.NewHashSetFrom(matches)); }
public ContextStatistics() { UniqueTypeDecl = Sets.NewHashSet <ITypeName>(); UniqueMethodDeclsOverrideOrImplementAsm = Sets.NewHashSet <IMethodName>(); UniqueAssemblies = Sets.NewHashSet <IAssemblyName>(); UniqueAsmMethods = Sets.NewHashSet <IMethodName>(); UniqueAsmFields = Sets.NewHashSet <IFieldName>(); UniqueAsmProperties = Sets.NewHashSet <IPropertyName>(); }
public void FoundAssignableZips(IKaVESet <string> zips) { Console.WriteLine(@"#### found {0} assignable submissions: ####", zips.Count); foreach (var zip in zips) { Console.WriteLine(zip); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void FoundUsers(IKaVESet <string> users) { Console.WriteLine(@"#### users:"); foreach (var user in users) { Console.WriteLine(user); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void FoundKeys(IKaVESet <string> keys) { Console.WriteLine(@"#### keys:"); foreach (var key in keys) { Console.WriteLine(key); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void FoundKeysInZip(IKaVESet <string> zipKeys) { Console.WriteLine(@"keys: ["); foreach (var key in zipKeys) { Console.WriteLine(@" {0}", key); } Console.WriteLine(@"]"); Console.WriteLine(); }
public TypeShape() { TypeHierarchy = new TypeHierarchy(); NestedTypes = Sets.NewHashSet <ITypeName>(); Delegates = Sets.NewHashSet <IDelegateTypeName>(); EventHierarchies = Sets.NewHashSet <IMemberHierarchy <IEventName> >(); Fields = Sets.NewHashSet <IFieldName>(); MethodHierarchies = Sets.NewHashSet <IMemberHierarchy <IMethodName> >(); PropertyHierarchies = Sets.NewHashSet <IMemberHierarchy <IPropertyName> >(); }
public void StoreIds([NotNull] string zip, [NotNull] IKaVESet <string> ids) { lock (_lock) { Asserts.NotNull(zip); Asserts.NotNull(ids); Asserts.That(_allZips.Contains(zip)); Asserts.Not(_idsByZip.ContainsKey(zip)); _idsByZip[zip] = ids; } }
public bool AcquireNextUnmergedZipGroup(out IKaVESet <string> zips) { lock (_lock) { zips = _zipGroups.FirstOrDefault(); if (zips != null) { _zipGroups.Remove(zips); return(true); } return(false); } }
private IKaVESet <string> GetKeysFrom(string zipName) { IKaVESet <string> keys = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); foreach (var cce in _io.ReadCce(zipName)) { var date = cce.TriggeredAt ?? DateTime.MinValue; var dateStr = string.Format("{0:0000}{1:00}{2:00}", date.Year, date.Month, date.Day); keys.Add(dateStr); } return(keys); }
public void Count(IKaVESet <IAssemblyName> asms) { foreach (var asm in asms) { if (_counts.ContainsKey(asm)) { _counts[asm]++; } else { _counts[asm] = 1; } } }
public void StoreZipGroups([NotNull] IKaVESet <IKaVESet <string> > zipGroups) { lock (_lock) { Asserts.That(_zipGroups == null); Asserts.NotNull(zipGroups); Asserts.Not(zipGroups.Count == 0); foreach (var zipGroup in zipGroups) { Asserts.Not(zipGroup.Count == 0); foreach (var zip in zipGroup) { Asserts.That(_allZips.Contains(zip)); } } _zipGroups = Sets.NewHashSetFrom(zipGroups); } }
public void LoggerTest() { var actualZips = new IDictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> > [1]; var actualUsers = new IKaVESet <User> [1]; Mock.Get(_log) .Setup(l => l.Zips(It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> > >())) .Callback <IDictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> > >(m => { actualZips[0] = m; }); Mock.Get(_log) .Setup(l => l.Users(It.IsAny <IKaVESet <User> >())) .Callback <IKaVESet <User> >(us => { actualUsers[0] = us; }); Given("a", "0", "1"); Given("b", "1", "2"); Given("c", "3", "4"); new Grouper(_log).GroupRelatedZips(_zipToIds); Mock.Get(_log).Verify(l => l.Init(), Times.Exactly(1)); Mock.Get(_log).Verify(l => l.Zips(It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> > >()), Times.Exactly(1)); Mock.Get(_log).Verify(l => l.Users(It.IsAny <IKaVESet <User> >()), Times.Exactly(1)); // zips var expectedZips = new Dictionary <string, IKaVESet <string> > { { "a", Sets.NewHashSet("0", "1") }, { "b", Sets.NewHashSet("1", "2") }, { "c", Sets.NewHashSet("3", "4") } }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedZips, actualZips[0]); // users var expectedUsers = Sets.NewHashSet( new User { Files = { "a", "b" }, Identifiers = { "0", "1", "2" } }, new User { Files = { "c" }, Identifiers = { "3", "4" } }); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedUsers, actualUsers[0]); }
public override void Visit(IVariableDeclaration stmt, IKaVESet <IName> context) { context.Add(stmt.Type); base.Visit(stmt, context); }
public override void Visit(IMethodDeclaration stmt, IKaVESet <IName> context) { context.Add(stmt.Name); base.Visit(stmt, context); }
public override void Visit(ILambdaExpression expr, IKaVESet <IName> context) { context.Add(expr.Name); base.Visit(expr, context); }
public void Setup() { _zips = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); }
public override void Visit(IInvocationExpression entity, IKaVESet <IName> context) { context.Add(entity.MethodName); base.Visit(entity, context); }
public User() { Identifiers = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); Files = Sets.NewHashSet <string>(); }
public TestRunEvent() { Tests = Sets.NewHashSet <TestCaseResult>(); }
public string Merge(IKaVESet <string> relZips) { throw _e; }