Exemple #1
            public void Trace(string expr, object value, string path)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expr))
                    Store(path, value);

                var i    = expr.IndexOf(';');
                var atom = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(0, i) : expr;
                var tail = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(i + 1) : string.Empty;

                if (value != null && _system.HasMember(value, atom))
                    Trace(tail, Index(value, atom), path + ";" + atom);
                else if (atom == "*")
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkWild);
                else if (atom == "..")
                    Trace(tail, value, path);
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkTree);
                else if (atom.Length > 2 && atom[0] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')')
                    Trace(_eval(atom, value, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(';') + 1)) + ";" + tail, value, path);
                else if (atom.Length > 3 && atom[0] == '?' && atom[1] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')')
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkFiltered);
                else if (RegExp(@"^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$").IsMatch(atom))
                    Slice(atom, tail, value, path);
                    if (atom.IndexOf(',') >= 0)
                        foreach (string part in RegExp(@"'?,'?").Split(atom))
                            Trace(part + ";" + tail, value, path);
Exemple #2
            public void Trace(string expr, object value, string path)
                if (expr == null || expr.Length == 0)
                    Store(path, value);

                int    i    = expr.IndexOf(';');
                string atom = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(0, i) : expr;
                string tail = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(i + 1) : string.Empty;

                if (value != null && system.HasMember(value, atom))
                    Trace(tail, Index(value, atom), path + ";" + atom);
                else if (atom == "*")
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, new WalkCallback(WalkWild));
                else if (atom == "..")
                    Trace(tail, value, path);
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, new WalkCallback(WalkTree));
                else if (atom.IndexOf(',') >= 0) // [name1,name2,...]
                    foreach (string part in RegExp(@"'?,'?").Split(atom))
                        Trace(part + ";" + tail, value, path);
                else if (atom.Length > 2 && atom[0] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')') // [(exp)]
                    Trace(eval(atom, value, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(';') + 1)) + ";" + tail, value, path);
                else if (atom.Length > 3 && atom[0] == '?' && atom[1] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')') // [?(exp)]
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, new WalkCallback(WalkFiltered));
                else if (RegExp(@"^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$").IsMatch(atom)) // [start:end:step] Phyton slice syntax
                    Slice(atom, tail, value, path);
Exemple #3
#pragma warning disable S1541 // Ignore complexity for the switch method
            private void Trace(object value, string path, string atom, string tail)
#pragma warning restore S1541 // Methods and properties should not be too complex
                if (value != null && _system.HasMember(value, atom))
                    StoreExpressionTreeLeafNodes(tail, Index(value, atom), path + ";" + atom);
                else if (atom == "*")
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkWild);
                else if (atom == "..")
                    StoreExpressionTreeLeafNodes(tail, value, path);
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkTree);
                else if (atom.Length > 2 && atom[0] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')')
                    StoreExpressionTreeLeafNodes(_eval(atom, value, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(';') + 1)) + ";" + tail, value, path);
                else if (atom.Length > 3 && atom[0] == '?' && atom[1] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')')
                    Walk(atom, tail, value, path, WalkFiltered);
                else if (RegExp(@"^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$").IsMatch(atom))
                    Slice(atom, tail, value, path);
                    if (atom.IndexOf(',') >= 0)
                        foreach (string part in RegExp(@"'?,'?").Split(atom))
                            StoreExpressionTreeLeafNodes(part + ";" + tail, value, path);
Exemple #4
            IEnumerable <T> Trace <T>(TraceArgs args, Func <object, string[], T> resultor)
                var stack = new Stack <TraceArgs>();


                while (stack.Count > 0)
                    var popped = stack.Pop();
                    var expr   = popped.Expr;
                    var value  = popped.Value;
                    var path   = popped.Path;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expr))
                        if (path != null)
                            yield return(resultor(value, path.Split(Semicolon)));

                    var i    = expr.IndexOf(';');
                    var atom = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(0, i) : expr;
                    var tail = i >= 0 ? expr.Substring(i + 1) : string.Empty;

                    if (value != null && _system.HasMember(value, atom))
                        stack.Push(Args(tail, Index(value, atom), path + ";" + atom));
                    else if (atom == "*")
                        Walk(atom, tail, value, path, (m, l, x, v, p) => stack.Push(Args(m + ";" + x, v, p)));
                    else if (atom == "..")
                        Walk(atom, tail, value, path, (m, l, x, v, p) =>
                            var result = Index(v, m.ToString());
                            if (result != null && !_system.IsPrimitive(result))
                                stack.Push(Args("..;" + x, result, p + ";" + m));
                        stack.Push(Args(tail, value, path));
                    else if (atom.Length > 2 && atom[0] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')') // [(exp)]
                        stack.Push(Args(_eval(atom, value, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(';') + 1)) + ";" + tail, value, path));
                    else if (atom.Length > 3 && atom[0] == '?' && atom[1] == '(' && atom[atom.Length - 1] == ')') // [?(exp)]
                        Walk(atom, tail, value, path, (m, l, x, v, p) =>
                            var result = _eval(RegExp.Replace(l, @"^\?\((.*?)\)$", "$1"),
                                               Index(v, m.ToString()), m.ToString());

                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(result, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                                stack.Push(Args(m + ";" + x, v, p));
                    else if (RegExp.IsMatch(atom, @"^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$")) // [start:end:step] Python slice syntax
                        foreach (var a in Slice(atom, tail, value, path).Reverse())
                    else if (atom.IndexOf(',') >= 0) // [name1,name2,...]
                        foreach (var part in RegExp.Split(atom, @"'?,'?").Reverse())
                            stack.Push(Args(part + ";" + tail, value, path));