Exemple #1
        private string ReplaceToken(string token, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            string tokenout = token;

            // Drop the [] and convert to uppercase
            token = token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2).ToUpper();

            // Split the prefix from the actual token
            string[] parts = token.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
            // make sure it is a environment token (starts with "ENV:")
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                if (parts[0].Equals("ENV"))
                    // try to get the env variable
                    string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(parts[1]);
                    if (value != null)
                        tokenout = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to validate the configured arguments for the step type.  The
        /// logic of this method depends on the implementation of the custom step
        /// but typically checks for proper argument names and syntax.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments configured for the step type</param>
        /// <returns>Returns 'true' if arguments are valid, 'false' if otherwise</returns>
        public bool ValidateArguments(ref object[] argv)
            IJTXDatabase pJTXDB = m_ipDatabase;

            // Get the arguments
            string sHoldTypeName = "";
            string sHoldRemarks  = "";

            bool bHoldType = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldType", true, out sHoldTypeName);

            if (!bHoldType)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid arguments entered. No hold type entered.");
            bool bHoldRemarks = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldRemarks", true, out sHoldRemarks);

            // Get the hold type
            IJTXConfiguration pJTXConfig = pJTXDB.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXHoldType      pHoldType  = pJTXConfig.GetHoldType(sHoldTypeName);

            if (pHoldType == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid hold type name entered: " + sHoldTypeName);
        public RecreateWorkflowModel()
            utils = new JTXUtility() as IJTXSystemUtilities3;
            var dbmgr = new JTXDatabaseManager();

            db = dbmgr.GetActiveDatabase();
        public void GetSupportedTokens2(IJTXDatabase pDB, out string[] supportedTokens, out string[] tokenDescriptions)
            System.Collections.ICollection keys = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().Keys;
            List<string> tokens = new List<string>();
            List<string> descriptions = new List<string>();
            // Copy each key to the list of tokens, and make it a token
            foreach (object o in keys)
                if (o is string)
                    string s = o as string;
                    tokens.Add("[ENV:" + s + "]");
            // Sort the tokens

            // Get the descriptions for each token
            foreach (string s in tokens)
                string value = null;

                value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(s.Substring(5,s.Length-6));

                if (value != null)
                    descriptions.Add("Current Value: " + value);
                    descriptions.Add("Current Value: [NOT SET]");

            supportedTokens = tokens.ToArray();
            tokenDescriptions = descriptions.ToArray();
Exemple #5
        private void Export(string alias, Dictionary <esriGeometryType, IFeatureClass> fcs)
            // Connect to the WMX Repository
            IJTXDatabaseManager dbMgr = new JTXDatabaseManager();

            db = dbMgr.GetDatabase(alias);

            IJTXTransactionManager transactionMgr = db.TransactionManager;

            // Get all transactions and insert into the appropriate ouput feature class
            IJTXTransactionSet transactions = transactionMgr.GetLoggedTransactions(new QueryFilter());

            for (int i = 0; i < transactions.Count; i++)
                    IJTXTransaction2 trans = transactions.get_Item(i) as IJTXTransaction2;
                    InsertTransaction(trans, fcs);
                catch (Exception)
                    bInsertErrors = true;
            db = null;
Exemple #6
        public string Parse(string sourceText, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            // Find the token
            string strSource = sourceText;
            string strFinal  = sourceText;
            int    curpos    = strSource.IndexOf('[');
            int    startmarker;
            int    endmarker = -1;
            int    nestedcount;
            int    curtokenpos;

            string strToken;
            string strNewValue;

            while (curpos >= 0)
                nestedcount = 1;
                curtokenpos = curpos + 1;
                strToken    = "";
                //need to find the whole token (including any nested tokens)
                while (nestedcount > 0)
                    startmarker = strSource.IndexOf('[', curtokenpos);
                    endmarker   = strSource.IndexOf(']', curtokenpos);

                    if (startmarker >= 0 && startmarker < endmarker)
                        curtokenpos = startmarker + 1;
                    else if (endmarker < 0)
                        curtokenpos = endmarker + 1;
                if (endmarker >= 0)
                    strToken    = strSource.Substring(curpos, endmarker - curpos + 1);
                    strNewValue = ReplaceToken(strToken, pDB, pJob, pOverrides);
                    strFinal    = strFinal.Replace(strToken, strNewValue);

                curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[', curpos + 1);

Exemple #7
        public void GetSupportedTokens2(IJTXDatabase pDB, out string[] supportedTokens, out string[] tokenDescriptions)
            System.Collections.ICollection keys = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().Keys;
            List <string> tokens       = new List <string>();
            List <string> descriptions = new List <string>();

            // Copy each key to the list of tokens, and make it a token
            foreach (object o in keys)
                if (o is string)
                    string s = o as string;
                    tokens.Add("[ENV:" + s + "]");
            // Sort the tokens

            // Get the descriptions for each token
            foreach (string s in tokens)
                string value = null;

                value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(s.Substring(5, s.Length - 6));

                if (value != null)
                    descriptions.Add("Current Value: " + value);
                    descriptions.Add("Current Value: [NOT SET]");

            supportedTokens   = tokens.ToArray();
            tokenDescriptions = descriptions.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the step is instantiated in the workflow.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipDatabase">Database connection to the JTX repository.</param>
 public void OnCreate(IJTXDatabase ipDatabase)
     m_ipDatabase = ipDatabase;
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper function to update the status of a job
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wmxDb">A reference to the active Workflow Manager database</param>
 /// <param name="job">The job whose status is to be updated</param>
 public static void UpdateJobStatus(IJTXDatabase wmxDb, IJTXJob3 job)
     // NOTE: The ConfigurationCache must be initialized before calling this function
     // (this is now handled elsewhere).
     ESRI.ArcGIS.JTXUI.JobUtilities.UpdateStatusOfJob(wmxDb, job, false);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JTXReportNotification prog = new JTXReportNotification();

            if (prog.CheckoutLicense())
                // Arguments list
                // /ReportID:<Report ID to execute>
                // /NotifType:<Notification type to send>
                // example: JTXReportNotification.exe /NotifType:ReportNotification /ReportID:401

                object[] pArgObjects = args as object[];

                // Get some variables ready
                int    iReportID             = 0;
                string sReportID             = "";
                string sNotificationTypeName = "";

                StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref pArgObjects, "ReportID", true, out sReportID);
                if (!int.TryParse(sReportID, out iReportID))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Report ID entered");
                StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref pArgObjects, "NotifType", true, out sNotificationTypeName);
                if (sNotificationTypeName == "")
                    Console.WriteLine("A notification type must be entered.");

                IJTXDatabaseManager jtxDBMan  = new JTXDatabaseManagerClass();
                IJTXDatabase        pJTXDB    = jtxDBMan.GetActiveDatabase(false);
                IJTXConfiguration2  jtxConfig = pJTXDB.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration2;

                string sReportOutput = prog.RunReport(jtxConfig, iReportID);

                // if there's output, send the notification
                if (sReportOutput != "")
                    IJTXNotificationConfiguration pNotificationConfig = (IJTXNotificationConfiguration)jtxConfig;
                    IJTXNotificationType          pNotificationType   = pNotificationConfig.GetNotificationType(sNotificationTypeName);

                    if (pNotificationType == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid notification type.");

                    // Update the message
                    string sMessageBefore = pNotificationType.MessageTemplate;
                    pNotificationType.MessageTemplate = sReportOutput;

                    // Send it!
                    JTXUtilities.SendNotification(sNotificationTypeName, pJTXDB, null, null);

                    // Set the message back.
                    pNotificationType.MessageTemplate = "";
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid report ID.");

        public string Parse(string sourceText, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            // Find the token
            string strSource = sourceText;
            string strFinal = sourceText;
            int curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[');
            int startmarker;
            int endmarker = -1;
            int nestedcount;
            int curtokenpos;

            string strToken;
            string strNewValue;
            while (curpos >= 0)
                nestedcount = 1;
                curtokenpos = curpos + 1;
                strToken = "";
                //need to find the whole token (including any nested tokens)
                while (nestedcount > 0)
                    startmarker = strSource.IndexOf('[', curtokenpos);
                    endmarker = strSource.IndexOf(']', curtokenpos);

                    if (startmarker >= 0 && startmarker < endmarker)
                        curtokenpos = startmarker + 1;
                    else if (endmarker < 0)
                        curtokenpos = endmarker + 1;

                if (endmarker >= 0)
                    strToken = strSource.Substring(curpos, endmarker - curpos + 1);
                    strNewValue = ReplaceToken(strToken, pDB, pJob, pOverrides);
                    strFinal = strFinal.Replace(strToken, strNewValue);

                curpos = strSource.IndexOf('[', curpos + 1);

            return strFinal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the step is instantiated in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipDatabase">Database connection to the JTX repository.</param>
        public void OnCreate(IJTXDatabase ipDatabase)
            m_ipDatabase = ipDatabase;
            m_pStrLogMessages = new StringBuilder();

            Log("JTXTempLog: ExecuteGPTool.OnCreate Initializing logging..");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JTXOverdueNotification prog = new JTXOverdueNotification();

            if (prog.CheckoutLicense())
                    // Arguments list
                    // /NotifType:<Notification type to send>
                    // example: JTXOverdueNotification.exe /NotifType:OverdueJob

                    object[] pArgObjects = args as object[];

                    // Get some variables ready
                    string sNotificationTypeName = "";

                    StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref pArgObjects, "NotifType", true, out sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (sNotificationTypeName == "")
                        Console.WriteLine("A notification type must be entered.");

                    IJTXDatabaseManager jtxDBMan   = new JTXDatabaseManagerClass();
                    IJTXDatabase        pJTXDB     = jtxDBMan.GetActiveDatabase(false);
                    IJTXConfiguration   pJTXConfig = pJTXDB.ConfigurationManager;

                    // Create a simple query to find jobs that were due before today
                    IQueryFilter pQF = new QueryFilterClass();

                    // NOTE #1: Verify the date format matches your selected RDBMS
                    // NOTE #2: Verify the status id for 'Closed' with the JTX Administrator
                    pQF.WhereClause = "DUE_DATE < '" + DateTime.Today.ToString() + "'" + " AND STATUS <> 9";

                    // Get the notification type for the notification that will be sent
                    IJTXNotificationConfiguration pNotificationConfig = pJTXConfig as IJTXNotificationConfiguration;
                    IJTXNotificationType          pNotificationType   = pNotificationConfig.GetNotificationType(sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (pNotificationType == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid notification type.");

                    // Get the job manager to execute the query and find the jobs in question
                    IJTXJobManager pJobManager = pJTXDB.JobManager;
                    IJTXJobSet     pJobs       = pJobManager.GetJobsByQuery(pQF);

                    for (int a = 0; a < pJobs.Count; a++)
                        IJTXJob pJob = pJobs.Next();

                        // Send it!
                        JTXUtilities.SendNotification(sNotificationTypeName, pJTXDB, pJob, null);
                catch (Exception except)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + except.Message);
 public ArgEditor(IJTXDatabase database, string[] expectedArgs)
     m_ipDatabase   = database;
     m_expectedArgs = expectedArgs;
        private string ReplaceToken(string token, IJTXDatabase pDB, IJTXJob pJob, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet pOverrides)
            string tokenout = token;
            // Drop the [] and convert to uppercase
            token = token.Substring(1,token.Length - 2).ToUpper();

            // Split the prefix from the actual token
            string[] parts = token.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
            // make sure it is a environment token (starts with "ENV:")
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                if (parts[0].Equals("ENV"))
                    // try to get the env variable
                    string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(parts[1]);
                    if (value != null)
                        tokenout = value;
            return tokenout;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the step is instantiated in the workflow.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ipDatabase">Database connection to the JTX repository.</param>
 public void OnCreate(IJTXDatabase ipDatabase)
     m_ipDatabase = ipDatabase;
 public ArgEditor(IJTXDatabase database, string[] expectedArgs)
     m_ipDatabase = database;
     m_expectedArgs = expectedArgs;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Convert the arguments to objects
            object[] argv = new object[args.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                argv[i] = args[i];

            // Check if they want to display the usage message
            string tmpOut;

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "h", true, out tmpOut) || StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "?", true, out tmpOut))

            if (CheckoutLicense())
                    IJTXDatabaseManager2 dbMgr = new JTXDatabaseManagerClass() as IJTXDatabaseManager2;
                    IJTXDatabase         ipDB  = null;
                    if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[0], true, out tmpOut))
                        // Database was specified
                            ipDB = dbMgr.GetDatabase(tmpOut);
                        catch (COMException)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a valid Workflow Manager database alias", tmpOut);
                        Console.WriteLine("Using database {0}", tmpOut);
                        // Use the default database
                        Console.WriteLine("Using default database");
                        ipDB = dbMgr.GetActiveDatabase(false);

                    // Get the domain. If one is not specified, use the current domain
                    string strDomain;
                    if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[1], true, out tmpOut))
                        strDomain = tmpOut;
                        strDomain = Environment.UserDomainName;

                    // Get the username
                    string strUsername = "";
                    if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[2], true, out tmpOut))
                        strUsername = tmpOut;

                    // Get the password
                    string strPassword = "";
                    if (strUsername != "" && StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[3], true, out tmpOut))
                        strPassword = tmpOut;

                    // Get the userGroup.  If one is not specified, check the registry for the value the UI stored
                    string strUserGroup;
                    if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[4], true, out tmpOut))
                        strUserGroup = tmpOut;
                        strUserGroup = GetGroupFromReg("UserADGroup");

                    // Get the groupGroup.  If one is not specified, check the registry for the value the UI stored
                    string strGroupGroup;
                    if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, argNames[5], true, out tmpOut))
                        strGroupGroup = tmpOut;
                        strGroupGroup = GetGroupFromReg("GroupADGroup");

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserGroup) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroupGroup))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Empty userGroup or groupGroup");


                    // Synchronize
                    int groupCount, userCount;
                    ActiveDirectoryHelper.SyncronizeJTXDatabaseWithActiveDirectory(ipDB, strDomain, strUsername, strPassword,
                                                                                   strUserGroup, strGroupGroup, out groupCount, out userCount);

                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully imported {0} users in {1} groups", userCount, groupCount);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed with error: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                Console.WriteLine("Could not checkout license... exiting");