/// <summary>
 /// Set Nv/Dv, SNv/SDv and Depth values from given interval.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">left/right bounds specified as (nv/dv:snv/sdv) for nested intervals encoding. </param>
 public void SetFromInterval(IIntervalQuadruple source)
     this.Nv  = source.Nv;
     this.Dv  = source.Dv;
     this.SNv = source.SNv;
     this.SDv = source.SDv;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TreeEntry"/> class.
 /// Using bounds given by <see cref="IIntervalQuadruple"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bounds">left/right bounds specified as (nv/dv:snv/sdv) for nested intervals encoding. </param>
 public TreeEntry(IIntervalQuadruple bounds)
     this.Depth = bounds.Depth;
     this.Nv    = bounds.Nv;
     this.Dv    = bounds.Dv;
     this.SNv   = bounds.SNv;
     this.SDv   = bounds.SDv;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Multiply matrix to Tree Entry interval values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrix">2x2 Matrix to multiply.</param>
 /// <param name="target">Tree entry interval values. </param>
 /// <returns>Tree entry interval values multiplied with given matrix. </returns>
 public static IIntervalQuadruple MultiplyMatrixToInterval(long[,] matrix, IIntervalQuadruple target)
     return(new IntervalQuadruple()
         Nv = (matrix[0, 0] * target.Nv) + (matrix[0, 1] * target.Dv),
         Dv = (matrix[1, 0] * target.Nv) + (matrix[1, 1] * target.Dv),
         SNv = (matrix[0, 0] * target.SNv) + (matrix[0, 1] * target.SDv),
         SDv = (matrix[1, 0] * target.SNv) + (matrix[1, 1] * target.SDv),
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build matrix with multipliers to use for subtree relocation (move) .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRoot">Tree entry to move descendants from. </param>
        /// <param name="targetRoot">Tree entry to move descendants into. </param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition">position number relative to other target children. </param>
        /// <returns>Matrix containing multipliers to use for subtree relocation. </returns>
        public static long[,] BuildSubtreeRelocationMatrix(IIntervalQuadruple sourceRoot, IIntervalQuadruple targetRoot, long targetPosition)
            var sourceParent   = sourceRoot.Depth == 1 ? null : GetParentInterval(sourceRoot);
            var sourcePosition = GetPositionByInterval(sourceParent, sourceRoot);

                           PositionDifferenceMatrix(targetPosition, sourcePosition)),
                       sourceParent == null ? GetIdentityMatrix() : IntervalToInverseMatrix(sourceParent)));
Exemple #5
 private static long[,] IntervalToInverseMatrix(IIntervalQuadruple source)
     return(new long[, ]
             -source.SDv, source.SNv,
             source.Dv, -source.Nv,
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get  Root Tree Entry position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Tree entry interval values. </param>
        /// <returns>Root Tree Entry position. </returns>
        public static long GetPositionByInterval(IIntervalQuadruple entry)
            // Dv is always 1 for root entries.
            if (entry != null && entry.Dv != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Given entry nv/dv ({entry.Nv}/{entry.Dv}) does not identify root entry");

            // If entry is null return 0 which indicates index BEFORE FIRST element
            // For root entries Nv == index;
            return(entry?.Nv ?? 0);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build predicate selecting elements by it's positions relative to parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// For path {2, 1, 3} it will select first root item, then first child of 2nd root item, then third child of 2nd root's first child.
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="positionsPath">Elements positions path relative to it's parent. Position indexes starting from 1.</param>
        /// <returns>Predicate selecting list of elements by given path. </returns>
        public static TreeFilter ElementsByPositionsPath(IEnumerable <long> positionsPath)
            TreeFilter         conditions     = PredicateBuilder.False <TreeEntry>();
            IIntervalQuadruple parentInterval = null;

            foreach (var position in positionsPath)
                var childInterval = NestedIntervalMath.GetIntervalByPosition(parentInterval, position);
                conditions.Or(i => i.Nv == childInterval.Nv && i.Dv == childInterval.Dv);
                parentInterval = childInterval;

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Tree Entry position relative to it's parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Tree entry parent interval values. </param>
        /// <param name="entry">Tree entry interval values. </param>
        /// <returns>Tree Entry position relative to it's parent. </returns>
        public static long GetPositionByInterval(IIntervalQuadruple parent, IIntervalQuadruple entry)
            if (entry == null)
                // If entry is null return 0 which indicates index BEFORE FIRST element

            if (parent == null)

            return((entry.Nv - parent.Nv) / parent.SNv);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Tree Entry interval values by it's position relative to parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">parent item's tree entry interval. </param>
        /// <param name="index">Item's position relative to parent. </param>
        /// <returns>Tree entry interval values for an item. </returns>
        public static IIntervalQuadruple GetIntervalByPosition(IIntervalQuadruple parent, long index)
            // returning intervals for root entry if parent is null
            if (parent == null)

            return(new IntervalQuadruple()
                Depth = parent.Depth + 1,
                Nv = parent.Nv + (index * parent.SNv),
                Dv = parent.Dv + (index * parent.SDv),
                SNv = parent.Nv + ((index + 1) * parent.SNv),
                SDv = parent.Dv + ((index + 1) * parent.SDv),
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Tree Entry parent interval values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Tree entry interval values. </param>
        /// <returns>Tree Entry Parent interval values. </returns>
        public static IIntervalQuadruple GetParentInterval(IIntervalQuadruple element)
            var parent = new IntervalQuadruple()
                SNv = element.SNv - element.Nv,
                SDv = element.SDv - element.Dv,

            parent.Nv = element.Nv % parent.SNv;
            if (parent.SDv == 1)
                parent.Dv = 1;
                parent.Dv = element.Dv % parent.SDv;

            parent.Depth = element.Depth - 1;