/// <summary>
        /// Runs the interpreter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Return s false whether application end is requested.</returns>
        public override async Task Run()
            Output.WriteLine("Welcome! Write a command. (Consider using \"help\" command if U R lost.)");

            while (Running)
                RunningCommand = await GetInterpreter();

                if (RunningCommand != null)
                    RunningCommand.Input = Input;
                    RunningCommand.Output = Output;
                    RunningCommand.ConsoleContext = ConsoleContext;

                    await RunningCommand.Run();
                    RunningCommand = null;
                    Output.WriteLine("Unrecognized command!");

            Output.WriteLine("Have a nice day.");
Exemple #2
 public void Load(IInterpreter itpr, Env env)
     var code = @"
     empty = builtin empty
     fnx head x xs => x
     fnx tail x xs => xs
     fnx list x => x
     fn bool x => builtin bool x
     fn not x => builtin not x
     fnx is_empty x => builtin is_empty x
     fnx is_single x => builtin is_single x
     fnx is_many x => builtin is_many x
     fn match cond t f => builtin match cond t f
     fn if cond t => builtin if cond t
     fn exec exp => builtin exec exp
     fn equal x y => builtin equal x y
     fn not_equal x y => builtin not_equal x y
     fn lt x y => builtin lt x y
     fn gt x y => builtin gt x y
     fn lte x y => builtin lte x y
     fn gte x y => builtin gte x y
     fn range x y => builtin range x y
     env.LockVariable = true;
     foreach (var item in code.Split('\n'))
     env.LockVariable = false;
Exemple #3
        public TcpAcceptor(int port, IInterpreter interpreter)
            Contract.Requires(interpreter != null);

              this.Port = port;
              this.Listener = new TcpListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
              this.Interpreter = interpreter;
        public void SetUp()
            var lexer = Lexer.CreateDefault();
            var parser = new Parser();
            var funcFactory = FunctionFactory.Create(x => Activator.CreateInstance(x));
            var executor = new Executor(funcFactory);

            _interpreter = new Interpreter(lexer, parser, executor);
Exemple #5
        public TcpConnector(IPAddress hostAddress, int port, IInterpreter interpreter)
            Contract.Requires(hostAddress != null);
            Contract.Requires(interpreter != null);

            this.HostAddress = hostAddress;
            this.Port = port;
            this.Interpreter = interpreter;
        public SanitizingStringInterpreter(IInterpreter<Byte> interpreter)
            : base(interpreter)
            if (interpreter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            this.strict = false;
Exemple #7
        public TcpMessager(TcpClient client, IInterpreter interpreter)
            Contract.Requires(client != null);
              Contract.Requires(interpreter != null);

              this.TcpClient = client;
              this.Interpreter = interpreter;

              var stream = client.GetStream();
              this.writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
              this.reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Parallel.ss contains a "test" function that evaluates three expressions in parallel, using the "parallel" primitive.
    /// Each one sleeps asynchronously 100 milliseconds before finishing.
    /// So at first the evaluation is not completed.  
    /// After the wait, they all should be completed.  
    /// The result of the test function is a list of the completion results of the three evaluations.
    /// This illustrates retrieving the async result after completion.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
        interp = Interpreter.New(new[] { "parallel.ss" });

        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
        IAsyncResult res = interp.BeginEval(interp.Read("(test)"), null, null);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed: {0}", res.IsCompleted);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed: {0} in {1} ms", res.IsCompleted, (DateTime.Now - startTime).Milliseconds);
        Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", ((AsyncResult<SchemeObject>)res).Result);
Exemple #9
    private static bool isComplete; // = false;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Async.ss uses System.Net.WebRequest to (asynchronously) fetch a web page (in the function get-content).
    /// Since it is asynchronous, it has not completed when the evaluation returns.
    /// After completion, the callback ShowResult is called, which displays the page contents.
    /// This allows the main method to proceed.
    /// While it is executing, get-content displays the number of bytes in each read that it does.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Main()
        interp = Interpreter.New(new[] { "async.ss" });
        IAsyncResult res = interp.BeginEval(interp.Read(@"(get-content ""http://microsoft.com"")"), ShowResult, null);
        Console.WriteLine("Completed: {0}", res.IsCompleted);
        while (isComplete == false)

        Console.WriteLine("Completed: {0}", res.IsCompleted);
Exemple #10
 public void Load(IInterpreter itpr, Env env)
     var code = @"
     E = builtin E
     PI = builtin PI
     fnx square _ => builtin square _
     fnx sqrt _ => builtin sqrt _
     fnx sin _ => builtin sin _
     fnx sin _ => builtin sin _
     fnx cos _ => builtin cos _
     fnx tan _ => builtin tan _
     fnx asin _ => builtin asin _
     fnx acos _ => builtin acos _
     fnx atan _ => builtin atan _
     fnx sinh _ => builtin sinh _
     fnx cosh _ => builtin cosh _
     fnx tanh _ => builtin tanh _
     fnx sign _ => builtin sign _
     fnx abs _ => builtin abs _
     fnx exp _ => builtin exp _
     fnx floor _ => builtin floor _
     fnx ceiling _ => builtin ceiling _
     fnx log _ => builtin log _
     fnx log10 _ => builtin log10 _
     fnx round _ => builtin round _
     fn pow _ __ => builtin pow _ __
     fnx max _ => builtin max _
     fnx min _ => builtin min _
     fnx sum _ => builtin sum _
     fnx product _ => builtin product _
     env.LockVariable = true;
     foreach (var item in code.Split('\n'))
     env.LockVariable = false;
Exemple #11
        public async Task <object> Load(IInterpreter interpreter, FrameContext context, PyModuleSpec spec)
            var foundPath  = (string)spec.LoaderState;
            var inFile     = File.ReadAllText(foundPath);
            var moduleCode = await ByteCodeCompiler.Compile(inFile, new Dictionary <string, object>(), interpreter.Scheduler);

            await interpreter.CallInto(context, moduleCode, new object[0]);

            if (context.EscapedDotNetException != null)
                throw context.EscapedDotNetException;

            var moduleFrame = context.callStack.Pop();
            var module      = PyModule.Create(spec.Name);

            for (int local_i = 0; local_i < moduleFrame.LocalNames.Count; ++local_i)
                module.__setattr__(moduleFrame.LocalNames[local_i], moduleFrame.Locals[local_i]);

Exemple #12
        public static async Task <PyString> __repr__(IInterpreter interpreter, FrameContext context, PyObject self)
            var      asList = (PyList)self;
            PyString retStr = PyString.Create("[");

            for (int i = 0; i < asList.list.Count; ++i)
                var pyObj = asList.list[i] as PyObject;
                if (pyObj != null)
                    var __repr__      = pyObj.__getattribute__(PyClass.__REPR__);
                    var functionToRun = __repr__ as IPyCallable;
                    var returned      = await functionToRun.Call(interpreter, context, new object[0]);

                    if (returned != null)
                        var asPyString = (PyString)returned;
                        retStr = (PyString)PyStringClass.__add__(retStr, asPyString);
                else if (asList.list[i] == null)
                    retStr = (PyString)PyStringClass.__add__(retStr, PyString.Create("null"));
                    retStr = (PyString)PyStringClass.__add__(retStr, PyString.Create(asList.list[i].ToString()));

                // Appending commas except on last index
                if (i < asList.list.Count - 1)
                    retStr = (PyString)PyStringClass.__add__(retStr, PyString.Create(", "));
            return((PyString)PyStringClass.__add__(retStr, PyString.Create("]")));
        private void SetupSut()
            _mockTeletype          = new MockTeletype();
            _mockTokeniser         = new Mock <ITokeniser>();
            _mockRunEnvironment    = new Mock <IRunEnvironment>();
            _mockProgramRepository = new Mock <IProgramRepository>();
            _mockExecutor          = new Mock <IExecutor>();

            // Make default return true so executor returns back.

            var system = new ProgramLine(null, new List <IToken> {
                new Token("A")

            _mockTokeniser.Setup(mt => mt.Tokenise("SYSTEM")).Returns(system);

            _sut = new Interpreter(
                new TeletypeWithPosition(_mockTeletype),
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interpreter">An IInterpreter instance.</param>
        /// <param name="definitionWord">A word, in which this DOES is used.</param>
        /// <param name="doesIndex">An index of the DOES word inside of the definitionWord. Used to find the first word, that belongs to the newly CREATEd word.</param>
        public DoesWord(IInterpreter interpreter, NonPrimitiveWord definitionWord, int doesIndex)
            : base(interpreter)
            Name          = "DOES";
            IsControlWord = true;
            Action        = () =>
                // The currently defined word should be the one thats CREATEd.
                var createdWord = Interpreter.WordBeingDefined as CreatedWord;
                if (createdWord == null)
                    throw new Exception("A CREATEd word expected.");

                // Add the "get-data-field-start" word.
                createdWord.AddWord(new SingleCellIntegerLiteralWord(Interpreter, createdWord.DataFieldIndex));

                // Copy runtime words to the CREATEd one.
                for (var i = _doesIndex + 1; i < _definitionWord.WordsCount; i++)
                    // TODO: Clone definitions words!

                // And use them for the further execution.

                // Do not execute remaining words from the currently running word.


            _definitionWord = definitionWord ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(definitionWord));
            _doesIndex      = doesIndex;
Exemple #15
        public void Interpret <contextT>(contextT context) where contextT : Antlr4.Runtime.ParserRuleContext

            // get the requested interpreter from the factory and set/update the needed properties
            IInterpreter <contextT> interpreter = Factory.GetInterpreter <contextT>();

            interpreter.Controller = this;
            interpreter.Memory     = Memory;

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!HandleException(ex, context))

        public MainWindow(IInterpreter theInterpreter, IParserFunction theParserFunction)

            m_interpreter = theInterpreter;
            m_parserFunction = theParserFunction;

            m_baseTitle = this.Title + " - ";

            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nprint(\"Hello World\")";
            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nset(text,\"Hello World\")\nprint(text)";
            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nset(text,\"Hello World\"\nprint(text)";
            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nprint(\"text)";
            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nset(sum,1+1)\nprint(sum)";

            textSource.Text = "; Thi`s is a comment\n:myVar=3+10/2-3\nprint(:myVar)";
            textSource.Text = "; Thi`s is a comment\n:myVar=3+10/2-3\nprint(:myVar)\nprint(3=3)\nprint(3=\"test\")\nprint(3=\"3\")";
            //textSource.Text = "; This is a comment\nprint(3+10/2-3)";

            // Temporary for now.  Long term this would be IoC.
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод выполняет команду, и возвращает результат в виде строки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd">Команда с набором параметров</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ExecuteCommand(string cmd)
            string empty_tmp = cmd.Trim();

            if (empty_tmp.Equals(string.Empty))
                return string.Empty;


            if (cmd.ToLower().IndexOf("exit") != -1)
                this.curInterpreter = this;
                return String.Empty;

            return this.curInterpreter.Exec(empty_tmp.Split(' '));
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Добавить утилиту
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="interpreter"></param>
 public void AppendInterpreter(IInterpreter interpreter)
Exemple #19
        private void MinimumInit()
            this.curInterpreter = this;
            this.listIntrp = new List<IInterpreter>();
            this.Name = "core";

Exemple #20
        private string cmd_start(string[] cmd)
            int count = cmd.Count();

            if (count > 1)
                IInterpreter intrpr = this.listIntrp.Find((x) => x.Name.Equals(cmd[1]));

                if (intrpr != null)
                    this.curInterpreter = intrpr;
                    return this.curInterpreter.DescriptionAtStartup;

                return string.Format("Утилита \"{0}\" не найдена", cmd[1]);

            return "У команды \"start\" должен быть как минимум 1 операнд";
Exemple #21
 public void AddInterpreter(IInterpreter interpreter)
 public Messanger(IInterpreter messageInterpreter, IMessageSender messageSender)
     _messageInterpreter = messageInterpreter;
     _messageSender = messageSender;
Exemple #23
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     this.interpreter = Interpreter.New();
Exemple #24
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     this.interpreter = Interpreter.New();
     sleepCounter = 0;
Exemple #25
 internal TcpMessageClient(IPAddress hostAddress, int port, IInterpreter interpreter)
     : base(new TcpConnector(hostAddress, port, interpreter))
 public void RunCommand(IInterpreter<ConsoleContext<Dungeon>> interpreter)
     interpreterPromise.SetResult(interpreter);//TODO try set result (maybe)
Exemple #27
 internal TcpMessageServer(int port, int idBase, IInterpreter interpreter)
     : base(new TcpAcceptor(port, interpreter), idBase)
 public InputReader(IInterpreter interpreter)
     this.interpreter = interpreter;
Exemple #29
 public void RunCommand(IInterpreter<ConsoleContext<Dungeon>> cmd)
 public PrintFunction(IParserFunction parserFunction, IInterpreter interpreter)
     m_parserFunction = parserFunction;
     m_interpreter = interpreter;
 public void SetUp()
     TimeLanguageConsole.Writer = new StringWriter();
     realInterpreter = TimeLanguageConsole.Interpreter;
 static BluetoothHandler()
     interpreter = new Interpreter();
 public TasksController(ITaskHandler taskHandler, IInterpreter interpreter)
     this.taskHandler = taskHandler;
     this.interpreter = interpreter;
Exemple #34
        public void InitBuiltin(IInterpreter itpr, IStandardIo io, Env env)
            _itpr = itpr;
            _env = env;
            io.Out.WriteLine("Builtin :: Loading...");

            var modules = new IModule[]
                new CoreModule(),
                new MathModule(),

            foreach (var item in modules)
                io.Out.WriteLine($"Builtin :: {item.Name}");

            var builtinFuncs = new Fun[]
                new BuiltinFun(EvalBuiltin)
                    FunName = "builtin",
                    Limit = false,
                    Args = new List<string>() { "name", "args" }
                new BuiltinFun(EvalType)
                    FunName = "type",
                    Limit = true,
                    Args = new List<string>() { "t" }
                new BuiltinFun(EvalLoad)
                    FunName = "load",
                    Limit = true,
                    Args = new List<string>() { "name" }
                new LazyFun(EvalLazy)
                    FunName = "lazy"
            foreach (var item in builtinFuncs)

            var code = @"
            load Core
            env.LockVariable = true;
            foreach (var item in code.Split('\n'))
            env.LockVariable = false;

            io.Out.WriteLine("Builtin :: OK");
 public ConfigBuilder AddInterpreter(IInterpreter interpreter)
     return this;