Exemple #1
        public override AStarNode GetAStarNode(int id, int pathId, IAStarMap map, bool isIgnored = false)
            GridMap gMap = map as GridMap;
            IInt2   pos  = gMap.GetGridPos(id);

            return(GetAStarNode(pos.x, pos.y, pathId, gMap, isIgnored));
Exemple #2
        internal static FP CalculateHValue(IInt2 gridPos1, IInt2 gridPos2, Heuristic heuristic)
            FP h = FP.Zero;

            switch (heuristic)
            case Heuristic.Euclidean:
                h = TSMath.Sqrt((gridPos1 - gridPos2).sqrMagnitudeLong) * HeuristicFactor;

            case Heuristic.Manhattan:
                h = (Math.Abs(gridPos2.x - gridPos1.x) + Math.Abs(gridPos2.y - gridPos1.y)) * HeuristicFactor;
                //  return h;

            case Heuristic.DiagonalManhattan:
                IInt2 p = gridPos2 - gridPos1;
                p.x = Math.Abs(p.x);
                p.y = Math.Abs(p.y);
                int diag  = Math.Min(p.x, p.y);
                int diag2 = Math.Max(p.x, p.y);
                h = ((CustomMath.DiagonalCost * diag + (diag2 - diag))) * HeuristicFactor;
            return(h * GridMap.GetNodeSize());
        public bool GetGridCoord(TSVector position, ref IInt2 coord)
            TSVector vec = GetGridFloatCoord(position);
            int      ix  = TSMath.Floor(vec.x).AsInt();
            int      iz  = TSMath.Floor(vec.z).AsInt();
            int      x   = CustomMath.Clamp(ix, 0, _mapSizeX - 1);
            int      z   = CustomMath.Clamp(iz, 0, _mapSizeZ - 1);

            //TSVector2 coord;
            coord.x = x;
            coord.y = z;
            return(x == ix && z == iz);
        public bool IsWalkableSkipDynamic(TSVector pos)
            int idx = flowField._gridMap.GetGridNodeId(pos);

            if (flowField._gridMap.IsDynamicUnwalkableNode(idx))
                TSVector centerPos = flowField._gridMap.GetWorldPosition(idx);
                FP       dot       = TSVector.Dot(pos - _behaviour.position, centerPos - _behaviour.position);
                return(dot <= 0);// CustomMath.FPHalf;//>=60 degree
            IInt2 iPos = flowField._gridMap.GetNearestGridCoordWithoutClamp(pos);

            return(flowField._gridMap.IsWalkable(iPos.x, iPos.y, true));
Exemple #5
        internal static TSVector BoidsBehaviourAvoidObstacle(TSVector agentPos, GridMap map, TSVector towardDir)
            IInt2 floor = IInt2.zero;// GetNearestGridCoordWithoutClamp(agent.position);

            map.GetGridCoord(agentPos, ref floor);

            TSVector aPos             = agentPos;// map.GetWorldPosition(map.GetIdx(floor.x,floor.y));
            TSVector desiredDirection = TSVector.zero;
            int      iCount           = 0;

            towardDir = CustomMath.Normalize(towardDir);
            for (int i = floor.x - 1; i <= floor.x + 1; i++)
                for (int j = floor.y - 1; j <= floor.y + 1; j++)
                    if (!map.IsWalkable(i, j, true))
                        //  int idx = map.GetIdx(i,j);
                        TSVector pos = map.GetWorldPositionWithOutClamp(i, j);
                        TSVector dir = aPos;// agentPos;
                        dir.Set(aPos.x - pos.x, 0, aPos.z - pos.z);
                        //FP dstSqr = dir.sqrMagnitude;
                        FP dot = 1;// TSVector.Dot(dir,towardDir);
                        //    dot = FP.One/(9*dstSqr);
                        //    dot = dot / dstSqr;
                        desiredDirection = desiredDirection + dir * dot;
            //if (iCount > 0)
            //    desiredDirection = desiredDirection / iCount;
Exemple #6
    public override bool Equals(System.Object o)    //hashcode is valid
        if (PathFinding.PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
            if (!(o is IInt2))
            IInt2 rhs    = (IInt2)o;
            bool  bEqual = x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;
            if (!bEqual)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("IInt2  unequal ");

Exemple #7
        public override AStarNode GetAStarNeighbour(AStarNode node, int index, int pathId, IAStarMap map, IInt2 curPos)
            GridNode gNode = (GridNode)node;

            if (gNode != null && index >= 0 && index < GridMap.neighbourOffset.Length)
                int  x     = gNode.gridPos.x + GridMap.neighbourOffset[index].x;
                int  z     = gNode.gridPos.y + GridMap.neighbourOffset[index].y;
                bool bSkip = false;
                IInt2 pos = IInt2.zero;
                pos.x = x;
                pos.y = z;
                IInt2 diff                 = curPos - pos;
                int   posIdx               = map.GetIdx(pos.x, pos.y);
                int   curposIdx            = map.GetIdx(curPos.x, curPos.y);
                EDynamicBlockStatus status = map.DynamicBlockedStatus(posIdx, -1, -1, curposIdx);
                bSkip = (status == EDynamicBlockStatus.blocked && diff.sqrMagnitudeInt > GridMap.c_dynamicRangeSqr) ||
                        status == EDynamicBlockStatus.ignore;
                return(GetAStarNode(x, z, pathId, map, bSkip));
Exemple #8
 public bool Equals(IInt2 rhs)
     return(x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y);
        /// <summary>
        /// RunAStar
        /// </summary>
        public void RunAStar()
            _revsCurrentRun = 0;
            PathFinding.AStarAgent agent = _agent as PathFinding.AStarAgent;
            _curPosIdx = -1;
            IInt2 curPos = IInt2.zero;

            if (agent != null)
                curPos.x   = -1;
                curPos.y   = -1;
                _curPosIdx = agent._map.GetGridNodeId(agent._behaviour.position);
                curPos     = agent._map.GetGridPos(_curPosIdx);
            while (_goal != null)
                //Get the node with the min f from Storage
                _goal.CurrentNode = _storage.RemoveCheapestOpenNode(_map);
                if (PathFinding.PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                    if (_goal.CurrentNode != null)
                        UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(((PathFinding.GridMap)_map).GetWorldPosition(_goal.CurrentNode.NodeID));
                        UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(pos - UnityEngine.Vector3.right * 0.2f, pos + UnityEngine.Vector3.right * 0.2f, UnityEngine.Color.red, 1);
                if (_totalRevs > MAX_REVS)//need find another target
                    _goal.CurrentNode = null;
                //Add the node to the closed list
                if (_goal.CurrentNode != null && _map.CheckNodeValid(_goal.CurrentNode))
                    _storage.AddToClosedSet(_goal.CurrentNode, _map);
                    IsWorking = false;
                //_currentNode = newNode;
                if (_goal.IsAStarFinished(_goal.CurrentNode))
                    IsWorking = false;
                int numberOfNeighbours = _map.GetNeighboursCount(_goal.CurrentNode);

                //scan its neighbours
                for (short i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbours; i++)
                    AStarNode neighbour = _storage.GetAStarNeighbour(_goal.CurrentNode, i, _searchId, _map, curPos);
                    if (neighbour != null)
                        LinkChild(_goal.CurrentNode, neighbour, i);
                if (_maxRevolutions >= 0 && _revsCurrentRun++ >= _maxRevolutions)
                if (ShouldPause(_revsCurrentRun))
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// three step:first step,find fast path,maybe not a valid path navigating to target position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="mapId"></param>
        /// <param name="isTried">is tried to find quick path and finished </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EPathReturnStatus FindQuickPath(AgentBase agent, int revs, TSVector start, TSVector target, GridMap map, bool isTried)//, List<TSVector> vecPath
            //GridMap map = GridMapManager.instance.GetMap(mapId);
            if (map.GetGridNodeId(start) == map.GetGridNodeId(target))
            AStarAgent aAgent = ((AStarAgent)agent);

            AStarMachine.AStarMachine asm = isTried?null: aAgent._asm;
            bool bInqueue = asm != null && asm.IsWorking;

            if (asm == null)
                asm = _pathPool.New();
                GridAStarGoal goal = _goalPool.New();

                GridAStarStorage storage = _storagePool.New();
                asm.Ini(agent, goal, storage, map);
            int curIdx = map.GetGridNodeId(aAgent._behaviour.position);

            StartFindingPath(asm, start, target, true, curIdx);

            if (asm.IsWorking)
                int   startIdx    = map.GetGridNodeId(start);
                int   tIdx        = map.GetGridNodeId(target);
                IInt2 pos         = map.GetGridPos(tIdx);
                bool  isReachable = map.IsExistingNeighbourWalkable(pos.x, pos.y, startIdx, tIdx, curIdx);
                if (!isTried && isReachable)
                    ProcessFinishedPath(asm, EPathType.quickPath, false);//quick path is valid

                if (!isReachable)
                    aAgent._behaviour.AddUnReachablePos(map, tIdx);
                if (!isTried && isReachable)//target possible reachable
                    int sIdx = map.GetGridNodeId(aAgent._vecRunningPath[0]);
                    asm.StartSearch(sIdx, tIdx, false, start, _pathId++, startIdx);//
                    //if (!bInqueue)
                    //    _pathQueue.Enqueue(asm);//find full path
                    aAgent._asm = asm;
                else//can't reach target
                    asm.IsWorking = false;
                    // asm.Reset();

                    if (!isTried)

                        if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("can't reach target:" + pos.x + "," + pos.y);
                // asm._start=
                if (isTried)//remove working asm
                    if (aAgent._asm != null)
                        aAgent._asm.IsWorking = false;
                    aAgent._asm = asm;
                ProcessFinishedPath(asm, EPathType.quickPath);//quick path is valid
            if (aAgent._vecRunningPath.Count > 0)
        public bool IsWalkable(TSVector pos)
            IInt2 iPos = _behaviour.map.GetNearestGridCoordWithoutClamp(pos);

            return(_behaviour.map.IsInGridArea(iPos.x, iPos.y));
Exemple #12
 public virtual AStarNode GetAStarNeighbour(AStarNode pAStarNode, int iNeighbor, int searchId, IAStarMap map, IInt2 curPos)
Exemple #13
        internal TSVector steeringBehaviourFlowField(IAgentBehaviour agent)
            //bilinear interpolation
            TSVector vec   = _gridMap.GetGridFloatCoord(agent.position);
            IInt2    floor = IInt2.zero;// GetNearestGridCoordWithoutClamp(agent.position);

            floor.x = TSMath.Floor(vec.x).AsInt();
            floor.y = TSMath.Floor(vec.z).AsInt();
            bool     bIn1    = IsValid(floor.x, floor.y);
            TSVector f00     = (bIn1) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y)) : TSVector.zero;//(posOrigin - pos1) ;// TSVector.zero
            int      offsetX = f00.x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            int      offsetY = f00.z > 0 ? 1 : -1;
            bool     bIn2    = IsValid(floor.x, floor.y + offsetY);
            bool     bIn3    = IsValid(floor.x + offsetX, floor.y);
            bool     bIn4    = IsValid(floor.x + offsetX, floor.y + offsetY);
            // bool bAllIn = bIn1 && bIn2 && bIn3 && bIn4;//bAllIn ||!

            //TSVector posOrigin = (TSVector)vec;
            //TSVector pos1 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos1.Set((float)floor.x, 0, floor.y);
            //TSVector pos2 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos2.Set((float)floor.x, 0, floor.y + 1);
            //TSVector pos3 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos3.Set((float)floor.x + 1, 0, floor.y);
            //TSVector pos4 = TSVector.zero;
            //pos3.Set((float)floor.x + 1, 0, floor.y + 1);
            //TSVector f00 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x), ClampZ(floor.y)] : (bIn1?TSVector.zero: ((bIn2&& bIn3&& bIn4) ? TSVector._northEst:(bIn2?TSVector._forward:(bIn3?TSVector._right:TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f01 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x), ClampZ(floor.y + 1)] : (bIn2 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn1 && bIn3 && bIn4) ? TSVector._southEst : (bIn1 ? -TSVector._forward : (bIn4 ? TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f10 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x + 1), ClampZ(floor.y)] : (bIn3 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn2 && bIn1 && bIn4) ? TSVector._northWest : (bIn4 ? TSVector._forward : (bIn1 ? -TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));
            //TSVector f11 = (bAllIn) ? _flowField[ClampX(floor.x + 1), ClampZ(floor.y + 1)] : (bIn4 ? TSVector.zero : ((bIn2 && bIn3 && bIn1) ? TSVector._southWest : (bIn3 ? -TSVector._forward : (bIn2 ? -TSVector._right : TSVector.zero))));

            TSVector f01 = (bIn2) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y + offsetY)) : TSVector.zero;           //(posOrigin - pos2);
            TSVector f10 = (bIn3) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x + offsetX), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y)) : TSVector.zero;           //(posOrigin - pos3);
            TSVector f11 = (bIn4) ? GetFlowField(_gridMap.ClampX(floor.x + offsetX), _gridMap.ClampZ(floor.y + offsetY)) : TSVector.zero; // (posOrigin - pos4);

            //Do the x interpolations
            FP fx    = agent.position.x;
            FP fy    = agent.position.z;
            FP w     = FP.One * _gridWidth * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
            FP h     = FP.One * _gridHeight * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
            FP dstX0 = TSMath.Abs(vec.x - (floor.x + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstX1 = TSMath.Abs(vec.x - (floor.x + offsetX + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstY0 = TSMath.Abs(vec.z - (floor.y + CustomMath.FPHalf));
            FP dstY1 = TSMath.Abs(vec.z - (floor.y + offsetY + CustomMath.FPHalf));

            FP xW      = (dstX0) / (dstX0 + dstX1);
            FP xWeight = (fx < w && fx >= FP.Zero) ? (xW) : FP.Zero;//vec.x - floor.x

            TSVector top    = f00 * (1 - xWeight) + f10 * (xWeight);
            TSVector bottom = f01 * (1 - xWeight) + f11 * xWeight;

            FP yW = (dstY0) / (dstY0 + dstY1);
            //Do the y interpolation
            FP yWeight = (fy < h && fy >= FP.Zero) ? (yW) : FP.Zero;//vec.z - floor.y
            TSVector desiredDirection = (top * (1 - yWeight) + bottom * yWeight);

            // desiredDirection = desiredDirection + Boids.BoidsBehaviourTerrainSeparation(vec,IsValid);
            //desiredDirection = desiredDirection.normalized;
            // return Boids.SteerTowards(agent, desiredDirection);
Exemple #14
 public static IVec3 ToIVec3XZ(IInt2 o)
     return(new IVec3(o.x, 0, o.y));
Exemple #15
 public static IInt2 Max(IInt2 a, IInt2 b)
     return(new IInt2(System.Math.Max(a.x, b.x), System.Math.Max(a.y, b.y)));
Exemple #16
 public static IInt2 Rotate(IInt2 v, int r)
     r = r % 4;
     return(new IInt2(v.x * Rotations[r * 4 + 0] + v.y * Rotations[r * 4 + 1], v.x * Rotations[r * 4 + 2] + v.y * Rotations[r * 4 + 3]));
Exemple #17
 /** Dot product of the two coordinates */
 public static long DotLong(IInt2 a, IInt2 b)
     return((long)a.x * (long)b.x + (long)a.y * (long)b.y);
Exemple #18
        public bool IsTileUnWalkable(IInt2 iPos)
            int gidx = iPos.y * _mapSizeX + iPos.x;

Exemple #19
        public void CalculateColliders(Transform tr)
            PathFinding.GridMap.SetNodeSize(1, 1);
            //_nodeSize = PathFinding.GridMap.nodeSize;
            float         size       = PathFinding.GridMap.GetNodeSize().AsFloat();
            int           childCount = tr.childCount;
            HashSet <int> dicNodes   = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                if (!tr.GetChild(i).gameObject.activeSelf)
                SphereCollider sc     = tr.GetChild(i).GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
                BoxCollider    bc     = tr.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                Vector3        minPos = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3        maxPos = Vector3.zero;
                IInt2          iPos   = IInt2.zero;
                TSVector       vec    = TSVector.zero;
                int            gidx   = 0;
                if (sc)
                    Vector3 center = sc.center;//sc.transform.position+
                    minPos = center - (sc.radius) * sc.transform.localScale;
                    maxPos = center + sc.radius * sc.transform.localScale;
                    for (float x = minPos.x; x < maxPos.x + size - CustomMath.EPSILON; x = x + size)
                        if (x > maxPos.x)
                            x = maxPos.x;
                        for (float z = minPos.z; z < maxPos.z + size - CustomMath.EPSILON; z = z + size)
                            if (z > maxPos.z)
                                z = maxPos.z;
                            iPos = IInt2.zero;
                            vec  = new TSVector(x, 0, z);
                            GetGridCoord(vec, ref iPos);
                            if ((CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(vec) - center).magnitude <= sc.radius)
                                gidx = iPos.y * _mapSizeX + iPos.x;
                                if (!dicNodes.Contains(gidx))
                    vec = new TSVector(maxPos.x, 0, maxPos.z);
                    GetGridCoord(vec, ref iPos);
                    if ((CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(vec) - center).magnitude <= sc.radius)
                        gidx = iPos.y * _mapSizeX + iPos.x;
                        if (!dicNodes.Contains(gidx))
                else if (bc != null)
                    iPos = IInt2.zero;
                    vec  = TSVector.zero;

                    minPos = bc.bounds.min; // * bc.transform.localScale.x;//bc.transform.position +
                    maxPos = bc.bounds.max; // * bc.transform.localScale.z;// bc.transform.position +
                    for (float x = minPos.x; x < maxPos.x + size - CustomMath.EPSILON; x = x + size)
                        if (x > maxPos.x)
                            x = maxPos.x;
                        for (float z = minPos.z; z < maxPos.z + size - CustomMath.EPSILON; z = z + size)
                            if (z > maxPos.z)
                                z = maxPos.z;
                            iPos = IInt2.zero;
                            vec  = new TSVector(x, 0, z);
                            GetGridCoord(vec, ref iPos);
                            gidx = iPos.y * _mapSizeX + iPos.x;
                            if (!dicNodes.Contains(gidx))