public RollBackResetPopupDialog(IImportLyricSubScreen screen, Action <bool> okAction = null)
     Icon       = screen.Icon;
     HeaderText = "Really sure?";
     BodyText   = $"Are you really sure you wants to roll-back to step '{screen.Title}'? you might lost every change you made.";
     Buttons    = new PopupDialogButton[]
         new PopupDialogOkButton
             Text   = @"Sure",
             Action = () => okAction?.Invoke(true),
         new PopupDialogCancelButton
             Text   = @"Let me think about it",
             Action = () => okAction?.Invoke(false),
 public RollBackPopupDialog(IImportLyricSubScreen screen, Action <bool> okAction = null)
     Icon       = screen.Icon;
     HeaderText = screen.ShortTitle;
     BodyText   = $"Will roll-back to step '{screen.Title}'";
     Buttons    = new PopupDialogButton[]
         new PopupDialogOkButton
             Text   = @"OK",
             Action = () => okAction?.Invoke(true),
         new PopupDialogCancelButton
             Text   = @"Cancel",
             Action = () => okAction?.Invoke(false),