Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Performs an identify operation with the provided geometry.
        ///     When identifying layers, typically a small envelope is passed in rather than a point to account for differences in
        ///     the precision of the display and the feature geometry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="geometry">The geometry.</param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel">
        ///     The cancel tracker object to monitor the Esc key and to terminate processes at the request of
        ///     the user.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Returns a <see cref="IEnumerable{IFeatureIdentifyObj}" /> representing the features that have been identified.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">geometry</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     On a FeatureIdentifyObject, you can do a QI to the IIdentifyObj interface to get more information about the
        ///     identified feature. The IIdentifyObj interface returns the window handle, layer, and name of the feature; it has
        ///     methods to flash the
        ///     feature in the display and to display a context menu at the Identify location.
        /// </remarks>
        public static IEnumerable <IFeatureIdentifyObj> Identify(this IFeatureLayer source, IGeometry geometry, ITrackCancel trackCancel)
            if (geometry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("geometry");

            if (source != null)
                IIdentify2 identify = (IIdentify2)source;
                IArray     array    = identify.Identify(geometry, trackCancel);
                if (array != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                        if (trackCancel != null && !trackCancel.Continue())

                        IFeatureIdentifyObj featureIdentify = array.Element[i] as IFeatureIdentifyObj;
                        yield return(featureIdentify);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断鼠标点击处有无巷道要素
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m_hookHelper"></param>
        /// <param name="pMousePoint">鼠标点</param>
        /// <param name="pFeatureLayer">导线点图层</param>
        /// <param name="theFeature">返回离鼠标最近的导线点</param>
        public void TestExistPointFeature(IHookHelper m_hookHelper, IPoint pMousePoint, IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer, ref IFeature theFeature)
            ArrayList             pSelected = new ArrayList();
            IFeatureClass         pFeatureClass;
            ISelectionEnvironment pSelectionEnvironment;
            IFeature             pFeature = null;
            IGeometry            pGeometry;
            ITopologicalOperator pTopolagicalOperator;
            double dLength;

            IEnvelope pSrchEnv;

            pSelectionEnvironment = new SelectionEnvironmentClass();
            dLength         = pSelectionEnvironment.SearchTolerance;
            pGeometry       = pMousePoint;
            dLength         = DataEditCommon.ConvertPixelDistanceToMapDistance(m_hookHelper.ActiveView, dLength);
            pSrchEnv        = pMousePoint.Envelope;
            pSrchEnv.Width  = dLength;
            pSrchEnv.Height = dLength;

            pTopolagicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeometry;
            IGeometry pBuffer = pTopolagicalOperator.Buffer(dLength);

            pGeometry = pBuffer;

            IFeature pFeat = null;
            IMap     pMap  = m_hookHelper.FocusMap;

            pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            IIdentify2 pID = pFeatureLayer as IIdentify2;
            //IArray pArray = pID.Identify(pSrchEnv, null);
            IArray pArray = pID.Identify(pGeometry, null);
            IFeatureIdentifyObj pFeatIdObj;
            IRowIdentifyObject  pRowObj;

            if (pArray != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < pArray.Count; j++)
                    if (pArray.Element[j] is IFeatureIdentifyObj)
                        pFeatIdObj = pArray.Element[j] as IFeatureIdentifyObj;
                        pRowObj    = pFeatIdObj as IRowIdentifyObject;
                        pFeature   = pRowObj.Row as IFeature;
            theFeature = pFeature;


            //GetClosestFeatureInCollection(m_hookHelper, dLength, pSelected, pMousePoint, ref pFeat);
            //if (pFeat != null)
            //    theFeature = pFeat;
            //    theFeature = null;
        private IArray Identify(ILayer identifyLayer, IGeometry identifyGeom)
            IArray identifyObjs = null;

            if (identifyGeom == null)
            IGeometry hitGeometry = identifyGeom;

            if (hitGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                ITopologicalOperator topoOp = identifyGeom as ITopologicalOperator;
                hitGeometry = topoOp.Buffer(1);
            if (identifyLayer is IFeatureLayer)
                IFeatureLayer featureLayer = identifyLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                IIdentify2 identify2 = featureLayer as IIdentify2;
                identifyObjs = identify2.Identify(hitGeometry, null);
            else if (identifyLayer is IRasterLayer)
Exemple #4
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            if (m_pActiveView == null || Button != 1)
            ArrayList             pSelected = new ArrayList();
            IFeatureClass         pFeatureClass;
            IPoint                pPoint;
            ISelectionEnvironment pSelectionEnvironment;
            IFeature              pFeature;
            IGeometry             pGeometry;
            ITopologicalOperator  pTopolagicalOperator;
            double                dLength;

            IEnvelope pSrchEnv;

            pSelectionEnvironment = new SelectionEnvironmentClass();
            dLength         = pSelectionEnvironment.SearchTolerance;
            pPoint          = m_pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
            pPoint          = GIS.GraphicEdit.SnapSetting.getSnapPoint(pPoint);
            pGeometry       = pPoint;
            dLength         = Common.DataEditCommon.ConvertPixelDistanceToMapDistance(m_pActiveView, dLength);
            pSrchEnv        = pPoint.Envelope;
            pSrchEnv.Width  = dLength;
            pSrchEnv.Height = dLength;

            pTopolagicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeometry;
            IGeometry pBuffer = pTopolagicalOperator.Buffer(dLength);

            pGeometry = pBuffer;
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer;
            IFeature      pFeat = null;
            IMap          pMap  = m_hookHelper.FocusMap;

            //for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
            //if (pMap.get_Layer(i).Name !=Common.DataEditCommon.g_pLayer.Name) continue;//20140216 lyf 只对当前选择图层进行

            //if (pMap.get_Layer(i).Visible == false || !(pMap.get_Layer(i) is IFeatureLayer))
            //    continue;
            if (Common.DataEditCommon.g_pLayer == null)
            pFeatureLayer = Common.DataEditCommon.g_pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            if (pFeatureClass == null)
            IIdentify2 pID    = pFeatureLayer as IIdentify2;
            IArray     pArray = pID.Identify(pSrchEnv, null);

            //20140216 lyf 没有选中图元情况处理
            if (pArray == null)
                MessageBox.Show(@"未选中当前图层的图元!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            IFeatureIdentifyObj pFeatIdObj;
            IRowIdentifyObject  pRowObj;

            if (pArray != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < pArray.Count; j++)
                    if (pArray.Element[j] is IFeatureIdentifyObj)
                        pFeatIdObj = pArray.Element[j] as IFeatureIdentifyObj;
                        pRowObj    = pFeatIdObj as IRowIdentifyObject;
                        pFeature   = pRowObj.Row as IFeature;

            GetClosestFeatureInCollection(dLength, pSelected, pPoint, ref pFeat);
            if (pFeat != null)
                if (m_pfrmFeatureAttribute == null)
                    m_pfrmFeatureAttribute = new FeatureAttribute(pFeat);
                    m_pfrmFeatureAttribute.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
                    m_pfrmFeatureAttribute = new FeatureAttribute(pFeat);
                    m_pfrmFeatureAttribute.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;