/// <summary> /// Create a merge PR. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// (true, null) if the PR was created without error. /// (true, error) if the PR was created but there was a subsequent error /// (false, null) if the PR wasn't created due to a PR already existing /// or if the <paramref name="destBranch"/> contains all the commits /// from <paramref name="srcBranch"/>. /// (false, error response) if there was an error creating the PR. /// </returns> public async Task <(bool prCreated, HttpResponseMessage error)> CreateMergePr( string repoOwner, string repoName, string srcBranch, string destBranch, bool addAutoMergeLabel, bool isAutoTriggered) { string prTitle = $"Merge {srcBranch} to {destBranch}"; string prBranchName = $"merges/{srcBranch}-to-{destBranch}"; // Check to see if there's already a PR HttpResponseMessage prsResponse = await _client.GetAsync( $"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls?state=open&base={destBranch}&head={repoOwner}:{prBranchName}"); if (!prsResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, prsResponse); } var prsBody = JArray.Parse(await prsResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (prsBody.Any(pr => (string)pr["title"] == prTitle)) { return(false, null); } // Get the SHA for the source branch var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{srcBranch}"); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(false, response); } var jsonBody = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (jsonBody.Type == JTokenType.Array) { // Branch doesn't exist return(false, response); } var srcSha = ((JValue)jsonBody["object"]["sha"]).ToObject <string>(); // Create a branch on the repo var body = $@" {{ ""ref"": ""refs/heads/{prBranchName}"", ""sha"": ""{srcSha}"" }}"; Console.WriteLine("Creating branch"); response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs", body); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created) { // Branch already exists. Hard reset to the new SHA if (response.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)422) { Console.WriteLine($"Resetting branch {prBranchName}"); response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson( $"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{prBranchName}", $@" {{ ""sha"": ""{srcSha}"", ""force"": true }}"); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, response); } } else { return(false, response); } } const string newLine = @" "; string autoTriggeredMessage = isAutoTriggered ? "" : $@"(created from a manual run of the PR generation tool)\n"; var prMessage = $@" This is an automatically generated pull request from {srcBranch} into {destBranch}. {autoTriggeredMessage} ``` bash git fetch --all git checkout {prBranchName} git reset --hard upstream/{destBranch} git merge upstream/{srcBranch} # Fix merge conflicts git commit git push upstream {prBranchName} --force ``` Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request."; prMessage = prMessage.Replace(newLine, "\\n"); // Create a PR from the new branch to the dest body = $@" {{ ""title"": ""{prTitle}"", ""body"": ""{prMessage}"", ""head"": ""{prBranchName}"", ""base"": ""{destBranch}"" }}"; Console.WriteLine("Creating PR"); response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls", body); // 422 (Unprocessable Entity) indicates there were no commits to merge if (response.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)422) { // Delete the pr branch if the PR was not created. await _client.DeleteAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{prBranchName}"); return(false, null); } jsonBody = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); var prNumber = (string)jsonBody["number"]; // Add labels to the issue body = $"[ \"Area-Infrastructure\"{(addAutoMergeLabel ? $", \"{AutoMergeLabelText}\"" : "")} ]"; response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/labels", body); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(true, response); } return(true, null); }
/// <summary> /// Create a merge PR. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// (true, null) if the PR was created without error. /// (true, error) if the PR was created but there was a subsequent error /// (false, null) if the PR wasn't created due to a PR already existing /// or if the <paramref name="destBranch"/> contains all the commits /// from <paramref name="srcBranch"/>. /// (false, error response) if there was an error creating the PR. /// </returns> public async Task <(bool prCreated, HttpResponseMessage error)> CreateMergePr( string repoOwner, string repoName, List <string> prOwners, string srcBranch, string destBranch, bool updateExistingPr, bool addAutoMergeLabel, bool isAutoTriggered) { // Compare the two branches for unsynced commits // https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#compare-two-commits var compareResponse = await _client.GetAsync($"/repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/compare/{srcBranch}...{destBranch}"); if (compareResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(false, compareResponse); } var compareData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await compareResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { status = "", ahead_by = 0, behind_by = 0, total_commits = 0 }); var branchesSynched = compareData.behind_by == 0; if (branchesSynched) { Console.WriteLine("The branches are already synched."); return(false, null); // `null` means the branch is all caught up. } // Get the SHA for the source branch // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#get-a-single-reference var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{srcBranch}"); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(false, response); } var sourceBranchData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { @object = new { sha = "" } }); var srcSha = [email protected]; string prTitle = $"Merge {srcBranch} to {destBranch}"; string prBranchName = $"merges/{srcBranch}-to-{destBranch}"; // Check to see if there's already a PR from source to destination branch // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests HttpResponseMessage prsResponse = await _client.GetAsync( $"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls?state=open&base={destBranch}&head={repoOwner}:{prBranchName}"); if (!prsResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, prsResponse); } var existingPrData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await prsResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new[] { new { title = "", number = "", head = new { sha = "" } } }).FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.title == prTitle); if (existingPrData != null) { if (updateExistingPr) { // Get the SHA of the PR branch HEAD var prSha = existingPrData.head.sha; var existingPrNumber = existingPrData.number; // Check for merge conflicts var existingPrConflicted = await IsPrConflicted(existingPrNumber); // Only update PR w/o merge conflicts if (existingPrConflicted == false && prSha != srcSha) { Console.WriteLine("Updating existing PR."); // Try to reset the HEAD of PR branch to latest source branch response = await ResetBranch(prBranchName, srcSha, force : false); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine($"There's additional change in `{srcBranch}` but an attempt to fast-forward `{prBranchName}` failed."); return(false, response); } await PostComment(existingPrNumber, $"Reset HEAD of `{prBranchName}` to `{srcSha}`"); // Check for merge conflicts again after reset. existingPrConflicted = await IsPrConflicted(existingPrNumber); } // Add label if there's merge conflicts even if we made no change to merge branch, // since can also be introduced by change in destination branch. It's no-op if the // label already exists. if (existingPrConflicted == true) { Console.WriteLine("PR has merge conflicts. Adding Merge Conflicts label."); await AddLabels(existingPrNumber, new List <string> { MergeConflictsLabelText }); } } return(false, null); } Console.WriteLine("Creating branch"); // Create a PR branch on the repo // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#create-a-reference response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs", JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { @ref = $"refs/heads/{prBranchName}", sha = srcSha })); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created) { // PR branch already exists. Hard reset to the new SHA if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity) { response = await ResetBranch(prBranchName, srcSha, force : true); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, response); } } else { return(false, response); } } string autoTriggeredMessage = isAutoTriggered ? "" : "(created from a manual run of the PR generation tool)"; var prMessage = $@" This is an automatically generated pull request from {srcBranch} into {destBranch}. {autoTriggeredMessage} Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request. 🐯 ## Troubleshooting conflicts ### Identify authors of changes which introduced merge conflicts Scroll to the bottom, then for each file containing conflicts copy its path into the following searches: - https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/find/{srcBranch} - https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/find/{destBranch} Usually the most recent change to a file between the two branches is considered to have introduced the conflicts, but sometimes it will be necessary to look for the conflicting lines and check the blame in each branch. Generally the author whose change introduced the conflicts should pull down this PR, fix the conflicts locally, then push up a commit resolving the conflicts. ### Resolve merge conflicts using your local repo Sometimes merge conflicts may be present on GitHub but merging locally will work without conflicts. This is due to differences between the merge algorithm used in local git versus the one used by GitHub. ``` bash git fetch --all git checkout -t upstream/{prBranchName} git reset --hard upstream/{destBranch} git merge upstream/{srcBranch} # Fix merge conflicts git commit git push upstream {prBranchName} --force ``` "; Console.WriteLine("Creating PR"); // Create a PR from the new branch to the dest // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#create-a-pull-request response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls", JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { title = prTitle, body = prMessage, head = prBranchName, @base = destBranch })); // 422 (Unprocessable Entity) indicates there were no commits to merge if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity) { // Delete the pr branch if the PR was not created. // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#delete-a-reference await _client.DeleteAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{prBranchName}"); return(false, null); } var createPrData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { number = "", node_id = "", mergeable = (bool?)null }); var prNumber = createPrData.number; var prNodeId = createPrData.node_id; var hasConflicts = !createPrData.mergeable; if (hasConflicts == null) { hasConflicts = await IsPrConflicted(prNumber); } var labels = new List <string> { AreaInfrastructureLabelText }; if (addAutoMergeLabel) { labels.Add(AutoMergeLabelText); } if (hasConflicts == true) { Console.WriteLine("PR has merge conflicts. Adding Merge Conflicts label."); labels.Add(MergeConflictsLabelText); } // Add labels to the issue response = await AddLabels(prNumber, labels); // Add assignees to the issue if (prOwners.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Adding assignees: " + string.Join(", ", prOwners)); foreach (var owner in prOwners) { if (await IsInvalidAssignee(owner)) { Console.WriteLine($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]{repoOwner}/{repoName}:{prBranchName} has invalid owner \"{owner}\"."); } } response = await AddAssignees(prNumber, prOwners); var assigneeData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { assignees = new[] { new { login = "" } } }); Console.WriteLine("Actual assignees: " + (assigneeData.assignees.Any() ? string.Join(", ", assigneeData.assignees.Select(a => a.login)) : "(none)")); if (hasConflicts == true) { response = await PostComment(prNumber, "⚠ This PR has merge conflicts. " + string.Join(" ", prOwners.Select(owner => "@" + owner))); } } if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(true, response); } // https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/reference/mutations#enablepullrequestautomerge response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson("https://api.github.com/graphql", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { query = @" mutation ($pullRequestId: ID!, $mergeMethod: PullRequestMergeMethod!) { enablePullRequestAutoMerge(input: { pullRequestId: $pullRequestId, mergeMethod: $mergeMethod }) { pullRequest { autoMergeRequest { enabledAt enabledBy { login } } } } }", variables = new { pullRequestId = prNodeId, mergeMethod = "MERGE" } })); var enableAutoMergeData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType( await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { errors = new[] { new { message = "" } } }); if (enableAutoMergeData.errors is { } errors) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to enable automerge on PR."); foreach (var err in errors) { Console.WriteLine(err.message); } } return(true, null); Task <HttpResponseMessage> ResetBranch(string branchName, string sha, bool force) { Console.WriteLine($"Resetting branch {branchName}"); // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#update-a-reference var body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { sha, force }); return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{branchName}", body)); } Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostComment(string prNumber, string comment) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/comments/#create-a-comment var body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { body = comment }); return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/comments", body)); } async Task <bool?> IsPrConflicted(string prNumber, int maxAttempts = 5) { var attempt = 0; bool?prHasConflicts = null; Console.Write("Waiting for mergeable status"); while (prHasConflicts == null && attempt < maxAttempts) { attempt++; Console.Write("."); await Task.Delay(1000); // Get the pull request // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#get-a-single-pull-request var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls/{prNumber}"); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { mergeable = (bool?)null, mergeable_state = "", labels = new[] { new { name = "" } } }); if (data.mergeable is null) { // GitHub is still computing the mergeability of this PR continue; } // "dirty" indicated merge conflicts causing the mergeability to be false // see https://github.community/t5/How-to-use-Git-and-GitHub/API-Getting-the-reason-that-a-pull-request-isn-t-mergeable/td-p/5796 var hasMergeConflicts = data.mergeable == false && data.mergeable_state == "dirty"; // treat the presense of a merge conflict label as unmergeable so that we do not // update a corrected PR with new merge conflicts var hasMergeConflictsLabel = data.labels.Select(label => label.name).Contains(MergeConflictsLabelText); prHasConflicts = hasMergeConflicts || hasMergeConflictsLabel; } Console.WriteLine(); if (prHasConflicts == null) { Console.WriteLine($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]Timed out waiting for PR mergeability status to become available."); } return(prHasConflicts); } Task <HttpResponseMessage> AddLabels(string prNumber, List <string> labels) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#add-labels-to-an-issue return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/labels", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(labels))); } Task <HttpResponseMessage> AddAssignees(string prNumber, List <string> assignees) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/assignees/#add-assignees-to-an-issue return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/assignees", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { assignees }))); } async Task <bool> IsInvalidAssignee(string assignee) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/assignees/#check-assignee var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/assignees/{assignee}"); return(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a merge PR. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// (true, null) if the PR was created without error. /// (true, error) if the PR was created but there was a subsequent error /// (false, null) if the PR wasn't created due to a PR already existing /// or if the <paramref name="destBranch"/> contains all the commits /// from <paramref name="srcBranch"/>. /// (false, error response) if there was an error creating the PR. /// </returns> public async Task <(bool prCreated, HttpResponseMessage error)> CreateMergePr( string repoOwner, string repoName, string srcBranch, string destBranch, bool updateExistingPr, bool addAutoMergeLabel, bool isAutoTriggered) { // Get the SHA for the source branch // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#get-a-single-reference var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{srcBranch}"); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(false, response); } var sourceBranchData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { @object = new { sha = "" } }); var srcSha = [email protected]; string prTitle = $"Merge {srcBranch} to {destBranch}"; string prBranchName = $"merges/{srcBranch}-to-{destBranch}"; // Check to see if there's already a PR from source to destination branch // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests HttpResponseMessage prsResponse = await _client.GetAsync( $"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls?state=open&base={destBranch}&head={repoOwner}:{prBranchName}"); if (!prsResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, prsResponse); } var existingPrData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await prsResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new[] { new { title = "", number = "", head = new { sha = "" } } }).FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.title == prTitle); if (existingPrData != null) { if (updateExistingPr) { // Get the SHA of the PR branch HEAD var prSha = existingPrData.head.sha; var existingPrNumber = existingPrData.number; // Check for merge conflicts var existingPrMergeable = await IsPrMergeable(existingPrNumber); // Only update PR w/o merge conflicts if (existingPrMergeable == true && prSha != srcSha) { // Try to reset the HEAD of PR branch to latest source branch response = await ResetBranch(prBranchName, srcSha, force : false); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine($"There's additional change in `{srcBranch}` but an attempt to fast-forward `{prBranchName}` failed."); return(false, response); } await PostComment(existingPrNumber, $"Reset HEAD of `{prBranchName}` to `{srcSha}`"); // Check for merge conflicts again after reset. existingPrMergeable = await IsPrMergeable(existingPrNumber); } // Add label if there's merge conflicts even if we made no change to merge branch, // since can also be introduced by change in destination branch. It's no-op if the // label already exists. if (existingPrMergeable == false) { await AddLabels(existingPrNumber, new List <string> { MergeConflictsLabelText }); } } return(false, null); } Console.WriteLine("Creating branch"); // Create a PR branch on the repo // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#create-a-reference response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs", JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { @ref = $"refs/heads/{prBranchName}", sha = srcSha })); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created) { // PR branch already exists. Hard reset to the new SHA if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity) { response = await ResetBranch(prBranchName, srcSha, force : true); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(false, response); } } else { return(false, response); } } string autoTriggeredMessage = isAutoTriggered ? "" : $@"(created from a manual run of the PR generation tool)\n"; var prMessage = $@" This is an automatically generated pull request from {srcBranch} into {destBranch}. {autoTriggeredMessage} ``` bash git fetch --all git checkout {prBranchName} git reset --hard upstream/{destBranch} git merge upstream/{srcBranch} # Fix merge conflicts git commit git push upstream {prBranchName} --force ``` Once all conflicts are resolved and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request."; Console.WriteLine("Creating PR"); // Create a PR from the new branch to the dest // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#create-a-pull-request response = await _client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls", JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { title = prTitle, body = prMessage, head = prBranchName, @base = destBranch })); // 422 (Unprocessable Entity) indicates there were no commits to merge if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity) { // Delete the pr branch if the PR was not created. // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#delete-a-reference await _client.DeleteAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{prBranchName}"); return(false, null); } var createPrData = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { number = "", mergeable = (bool?)null }); var prNumber = createPrData.number; var mergeable = createPrData.mergeable; if (mergeable == null) { mergeable = await IsPrMergeable(prNumber); } var labels = new List <string> { AreaInfrastructureLabelText }; if (addAutoMergeLabel) { labels.Add(AutoMergeLabelText); } if (mergeable == false) { Console.WriteLine("PR has merge conflicts. Adding Merge Conflicts label."); labels.Add(MergeConflictsLabelText); } // Add labels to the issue response = await AddLabels(prNumber, labels); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(true, response); } return(true, null); Task <HttpResponseMessage> ResetBranch(string branchName, string sha, bool force) { Console.WriteLine($"Resetting branch {branchName}"); // https://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#update-a-reference var body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { sha, force }); return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/git/refs/heads/{branchName}", body)); } Task <HttpResponseMessage> PostComment(string prNumber, string comment) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/comments/#create-a-comment var body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { body = comment }); return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/comments", body)); } async Task <bool?> IsPrMergeable(string prNumber, int maxAttempts = 5) { var attempt = 0; bool?mergeable = null; Console.Write("Waiting for mergeable status"); while (mergeable == null && attempt < maxAttempts) { attempt++; Console.Write("."); await Task.Delay(1000); // Get the pull request // https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#get-a-single-pull-request var response = await _client.GetAsync($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/pulls/{prNumber}"); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new { mergeable = (bool?)null, labels = new[] { new { name = "" } } }); var hasMergeConflictLabel = data.labels.Any(label => label.name?.ToLower() == "merge conflicts"); mergeable = data.mergeable == true && !hasMergeConflictLabel; } Console.WriteLine(); if (mergeable == null) { Console.WriteLine($"##vso[task.logissue type=warning]Timed out waiting for PR mergeability status to become available."); } return(mergeable); } Task <HttpResponseMessage> AddLabels(string prNumber, List <string> labels) { // https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/labels/#add-labels-to-an-issue return(_client.PostAsyncAsJson($"repos/{repoOwner}/{repoName}/issues/{prNumber}/labels", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(labels))); } }