public override void SetTimeout(IGxConnectionManager connManager, IGxConnection connection, int handle) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "Set Lock Timeout to " + m_lockTimeout / 1000); IDbCommand cmd = GetCommand(connection, SetTimeoutSentence(m_lockTimeout), new GxParameterCollection()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public override IDataReader GetDataReader( IGxConnectionManager connManager, IGxConnection con, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool hasNested, bool dynStmt) { IDataReader idatareader; if (NpgsqlAssembly.GetName().Version.Major == 1) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: client cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode()); idatareader = new GxDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); } else { if (!hasNested) //Client Cursor { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: client cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode()); idatareader = new GxDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); } else //Server Cursor { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: server cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode()); idatareader = new GxPostgresqlMemoryDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); } } return(idatareader); }
public GxMySQLDataReader(IGxConnectionManager connManager, GxDataRecord dr, IGxConnection connection, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, int fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool dynStmt, bool preparedStmts) { this.parameters = parameters; this.stmt = stmt; this.fetchSize = fetchSize; this.cache = connection.ConnectionCache; this.cached = cached; this.handle = handle; this.isForFirst = forFirst; _connManager = connManager; this.m_dr = dr; this.readBytes = 0; this.dynStmt = dynStmt; con = _connManager.IncOpenHandles(handle, m_dr.DataSource); con.CurrentStmt = stmt; con.MonitorEnter(); MySQLCommand cmd = (MySQLCommand)dr.GetCommand(con, stmt, parameters); #if !NETCORE cmd.UsePreparedStatement = preparedStmts; #endif reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); cache.SetAvailableCommand(stmt, false, dynStmt); open = true; block = new GxArrayList(fetchSize); pos = -1; if (cached) { key = SqlUtil.GetKeyStmtValues(parameters, stmt, isForFirst); this.expiration = expiration; } }
public override IDbCommand GetCommand(IGxConnection con, string stmt, GxParameterCollection parameters) { IDbCommand cmd = base.GetCommand(con, stmt, parameters); IServiceCommand iCmd = cmd as IServiceCommand; if (iCmd != null) { iCmd.CursorDef = m_CursorDef; } return(cmd); }
public void EndExecute(ICursor cursor, IGxConnection con) { if (con != null) { con.LastSQLStatementEnded = true; } DataStoreProviderInfo dsInfo = WMIDataStoreProviders.Instance().GetDataStoreProviderInfo(; SentenceInfo sInfo = dsInfo.GetSentenceInfo( + "_" + cursor.Id); long diff = DateTime.Now.Subtract(beginExecute).Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; sInfo.setTimeExecute(diff); }
public void BeginExecute(ICursor cursor, IGxConnection con) { if (con != null) { con.LastObject =; con.LastSQLStatementEnded = false; ServerUserInformation sui = (ServerUserInformation)GxConnectionManager.Instance.GetUserInformation(con.DataStore.Handle, con.DataStore.Id); if (sui != null) { sui.LastSQLStatement = cursor.SQLStatement; sui.LastSQLStatementTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } } }
public override IDbCommand GetCommand(IGxConnection con, string stmt, GxParameterCollection parameters, bool isCursor, bool forFirst, bool isRpc) { if (isRpc) { stmt = convertToMySqlCall(stmt, parameters); } MySQLCommand mysqlcmd = (MySQLCommand)base.GetCommand(con, stmt, parameters.Distinct()); if (isCursor && !isRpc) { mysqlcmd.Prepare(); } return(mysqlcmd); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmt(IGxConnection connection) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.DSVersion)) //>= 8.1 { return("SELECT clock_timestamp()"); } //clock_timestamp() timestamp with time zone. Current date and time (changes during statement execution); else { return("SELECT CAST(timeofday() AS timestamp)"); } //timeofday() text Current date and time (like clock_timestamp, but as a text string); //SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=> timestamp with time zone. Current date and time (start of current transaction); see Section 9.9.4 }
public override IDataReader GetDataReader( IGxConnectionManager connManager, IGxConnection con, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool hasNested, bool dynStmt) { IDataReader idatareader; idatareader = new GxDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); return(idatareader); }
public override IDataReader GetDataReader( IGxConnectionManager connManager, IGxConnection con, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool hasNested, bool dynStmt) { IDataReader idatareader; GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: client cursor=", () => hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode()); idatareader = new GxDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); return(idatareader); }
public override IDbCommand GetCommand(IGxConnection con, string stmt, GxParameterCollection parameters, bool isCursor, bool forFirst, bool isRpc) { if (isRpc) { stmt = convertToMySqlCall(stmt, parameters); } MySQLCommand mysqlcmd = (MySQLCommand)base.GetCommand(con, stmt, parameters); if (preparedStmts && isCursor && !isRpc) { #if !NETCORE mysqlcmd.UsePreparedStatement = true; #endif mysqlcmd.Prepare(); } return(mysqlcmd); }
public MemoryDataReader(IDataReader reader, IGxConnection connection, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool isForFirst, bool withCached, SlidingTime expiration) : this() { if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader)); } if (reader.IsClosed) { throw new ArgumentException("Reader is closed"); } DataTable schemaTab = reader.GetSchemaTable(); if (schemaTab != null) { this._schemaDataTable = schemaTab.Clone(); } string[] colnames = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (colnames == null) { colnames = new string[reader.FieldCount]; for (int fi = 0; fi < colnames.Length; fi++) { colnames[fi] = reader.GetName(fi); } } this.AddRecord(reader, colnames); } this.cached = withCached; this.con = connection; block = new GxArrayList(fetchSize); if (cached) { this.key = SqlUtil.GetKeyStmtValues(parameters, stmt, isForFirst); this.expiration = expiration; } }
public override IDataReader GetDataReader( IGxConnectionManager connManager, IGxConnection con, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool hasNested, bool dynStmt) { IDataReader idatareader; #if !NETCORE GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: client cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode() + " PreparedStmt " + preparedStmts); if (preparedStmts) { idatareader = new GxMySQLCursorDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, hasNested, dynStmt); } else { idatareader = new GxMySQLDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt, preparedStmts); } #else if (!hasNested)//Client Cursor { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: client cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode() + " PreparedStmt " + preparedStmts); if (preparedStmts) { idatareader = new GxMySQLCursorDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, hasNested, dynStmt); } else { idatareader = new GxMySQLDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt, preparedStmts); } } else //Server Cursor { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ExecuteReader: server cursor=" + hasNested + ", handle '" + handle + "'" + ", hashcode " + this.GetHashCode()); idatareader = new GxMySqlMemoryDataReader(connManager, this, con, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt); } #endif return(idatareader); }
public override bool ProcessError(int dbmsErrorCode, string emsg, GxErrorMask errMask, IGxConnection con, ref int status, ref bool retry, int retryCount) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ProcessError: dbmsErrorCode=" + dbmsErrorCode + ", emsg '" + emsg + "'"); if (emsg.IndexOf("42p01", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { if ((emsg.IndexOf(" vista ") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf(" view ") != -1) || (emsg.IndexOf(" tabla ") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf(" table ") != -1)) { //42p01 messages for views and tables are not captured //dbmsErrorCode=5632, emsg 'error: 42p01: no existe la vista xxxx //dbmsErrorCode=5632, error: 42p01: no existe la tabla â«ivafechafacturaâ» return(false); } } if ( //duplicate key violates unique constraint //ERRO: 23505: duplicar chave viola a restrição de unicidade "nfe010_pkey" emsg.IndexOf("23505") != -1 || (emsg.IndexOf("duplicate key") != -1 && emsg.IndexOf("unique") != -1) || (emsg.IndexOf("duplicar chave") != -1 && emsg.IndexOf("unicidade") != -1) ) { status = 1; // Duplicate key return(true); } else if ( (emsg.IndexOf("42704") != -1) //42704 index "xxx" does not exist || (emsg.IndexOf("42p01") != -1) //42P01 relation tableName does not exist //42P01: relação "nuc011" não existe || (emsg.IndexOf("42P01") != -1) //42P01 relation tableName does not exist || ((emsg.IndexOf("table") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf("relation") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf("sequence") != -1) && emsg.IndexOf("does not exist") != -1) || (emsg.IndexOf("index") != -1 && (emsg.IndexOf("nonexistent") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf("does not exist") != -1)) || ((emsg.IndexOf("seqüência") != -1 || emsg.IndexOf("ãndice") != -1) && (emsg.IndexOf("nã£o existe") != -1)) //ERRO: 42704: Ãndice "iu_inuc002" não existe ) { status = 105; return(true); } if (dbmsErrorCode == 16389 && emsg.IndexOf("42p06") >= 0) //42p06: ya existe el esquema { return(true); } if (dbmsErrorCode == 5632 && emsg.IndexOf("42p06") >= 0) //42p06: ya existe el esquema { return(true); } switch ((int)dbmsErrorCode) { case 100: status = 101; break; default: status = 999; return(false); } return(true); }
public GxInformixDataReader(IGxConnectionManager connManager, GxDataRecord dr, IGxConnection connection, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, int fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool dynStmt) : base(connManager, dr, connection, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt) { }
public override bool ProcessError(int dbmsErrorCode, string emsg, GxErrorMask errMask, IGxConnection con, ref int status, ref bool retry, int retryCount) { switch (dbmsErrorCode) { case -243: // Locked case -244: // Locked case -245: // Locked retry = Retry(errMask, retryCount); if (retry) { status = 110; // Locked - Retry } else { status = 103; //Locked } return(retry); case -239: // Duplicated record case -268: // Duplicated record case -346: // Duplicated record status = 1; break; case -203: // File not found case -206: // File not found case -319: // File not found case -623: // File not found status = 105; break; case 50: // table or view does not exist if (!GxContext.isReorganization) { status = 999; return(false); } else { status = 105; } break; case -691: // Parent key not found if ((errMask & GxErrorMask.GX_MASKFOREIGNKEY) == 0) { status = 500; // ForeignKeyError return(false); } else { status = 0; // NoError } break; default: GXLogging.Warn(log, "ProcessError dbmsErrorCode:'" + dbmsErrorCode + "'" + emsg); status = 999; return(false); } return(true); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmtMs(IGxConnection connection) { return("SELECT NOW(3)"); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmtMs(IGxConnection connection) { return("SELECT CURRENT YEAR TO FRACTION(3) FROM informix.SYSTABLES WHERE tabname = 'systables'"); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmt(IGxConnection connection) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool ProcessError(int dbmsErrorCode, string emsg, GxErrorMask errMask, IGxConnection con, ref int status, ref bool retry, int retryCount) { switch (emsg) { case ServiceError.RecordNotFound: { status = Cursor.EOF; retry = false; return(true); } case ServiceError.RecordAlreadyExists: { status = 1; retry = false; return(true); } default: { if (con?.InternalConnection?.InternalConnection.GetType().Name == "FabricConnection") { status = 1; retry = false; return(true); } else { // SAP int idx = emsg.IndexOf("<code>SY/530</code>"); if (idx > 0 && (emsg.IndexOf("not found.</message>", idx) > 0 || emsg.IndexOf("missing.</message>", idx) > 0 )) { // in SAP an error is returned when record is not found status = Cursor.EOF; retry = false; return(true); } } break; } } return(false); }
public override bool ProcessError(int dbmsErrorCode, string emsg, GxErrorMask errMask, IGxConnection con, ref int status, ref bool retry, int retryCount) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ProcessError: dbmsErrorCode=" + dbmsErrorCode + ", emsg '" + emsg + "'"); switch (dbmsErrorCode) { case 2006: //MySQL server has gone away if (con != null && m_FailedConnections < MAX_TRIES) //Retry if it is an Open operation. { try { if (con.Opened) { con.Close(); } } catch { } status = 104; // MySQL server has gone away. Check your network documentation - Retry [Max Pool Size] times. m_FailedConnections++; con.Close(); retry = true; GXLogging.Debug(log, "ProcessError: MySQL server has gone away, FailedConnections:" + m_FailedConnections); } else { return(false); } break; case 1006: //Can't create database 'databaseName' case 1007: //Can't create database 'databaseName'. Database exists break; case 1205: // Locked retry = Retry(errMask, retryCount); if (retry) { status = 110; // Locked - Retry } else { status = 103; //Locked } return(retry); case 1062: // Duplicated record ER_DUP_ENTRY status = 1; break; case 1051: // File not found ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR case 1091: // File not found ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY //case 1146: // File not found ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE => Do not catch it, it must be caught by the Reorganization //case 1064: // File not found ER_PARSE_ERROR => Do not catch it, it is thrown when there is a sintax error case 1025: // (Error on rename of) ER_CANT_DROP_FKEY status = 105; break; case 1146: if (!GxContext.isReorganization) { status = 105; return(false); } else { status = 999; return(false); } case 1216: //foreign key constraint fails if ((errMask & GxErrorMask.GX_MASKFOREIGNKEY) == 0) { status = 500; // ForeignKeyError return(false); } break; default: status = 999; return(false); } return(true); }
public GxMySQLDriverCSCursorDataReader(IGxConnectionManager connManager, GxDataRecord dr, IGxConnection connection, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, int fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool hasNested, bool dynStmt) { this.parameters = parameters; this.stmt = stmt; this.fetchSize = fetchSize; this.cache = connection.ConnectionCache; this.cached = cached; this.handle = handle; this.isForFirst = forFirst; _connManager = connManager; this.m_dr = dr; this.readBytes = 0; this.dynStmt = dynStmt; con = _connManager.IncOpenHandles(handle, m_dr.DataSource); con.CurrentStmt = stmt; con.MonitorEnter(); GXLogging.Debug(log, "Open GxMySQLCursorDataReader handle:'" + handle); MySQLCommand cmd = (MySQLCommand)dr.GetCommand(con, stmt, parameters); cmd.ServerCursor = hasNested; cmd.FetchSize = (uint)fetchSize; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); cache.SetAvailableCommand(stmt, false, dynStmt); open = true; block = new GxArrayList(fetchSize); pos = -1; if (cached) { key = SqlUtil.GetKeyStmtValues(parameters, stmt, isForFirst); this.expiration = expiration; } }
public override bool ProcessError(int dbmsErrorCode, string emsg, GxErrorMask errMask, IGxConnection con, ref int status, ref bool retry, int retryCount) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "ProcessError: dbmsErrorCode=" + dbmsErrorCode + ", emsg '" + emsg + "'"); switch (dbmsErrorCode) { case 11: if (con != null && m_FailedConnections < MAX_TRIES) { status = 104; // General network error. Check your network documentation - Retry [Max Pool Size] times. m_FailedConnections++; con.Close(); retry = true; GXLogging.Debug(log, "ProcessError: General network error, FailedConnections:" + m_FailedConnections); } else { return(false); } break; case 903: // Locked retry = Retry(errMask, retryCount); if (retry) { status = 110; // Locked - Retry } else { status = 103; //Locked } return(retry); case 2601: // Duplicated record case 2627: // Duplicated record case 25016: //A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index status = 1; break; case 3639: //sql ce specific //case 3631: //sql ce specific The column cannot contain null values No deberia capturarse. case 3637: //"The specified index does not exist" case 3723: //sql ce specific The reference does not exist case 3638: //"The specified index was in use" //case 3647: //"The specified table already exists" => Do not catch it, it must be caught by the Reorganization case 25060: //The reference does not exist (DROP de una constraint que no existe) case 3701: // File not found case 3703: // File not found case 3704: // File not found case 3731: // File not found case 4902: // File not found case 3727: // File not found case 3728: // File not found status = 105; break; case 503: // Parent key not found case 547: //conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint if ((errMask & GxErrorMask.GX_MASKFOREIGNKEY) > 0) { status = 500; // ForeignKeyError } break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmtMs(IGxConnection connection) { return(GetServerDateTimeStmt(connection)); }
public override string GetServerDateTimeStmt(IGxConnection connection) { return("SELECT date('now')"); }
public GxPostgresqlMemoryDataReader(IGxConnectionManager connManager, GxDataRecord dr, IGxConnection connection, GxParameterCollection parameters, string stmt, ushort fetchSize, bool forFirst, int handle, bool cached, SlidingTime expiration, bool dynStmt) : base(connManager, dr, connection, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, handle, cached, expiration, dynStmt) { MemoryDataReader memoryDataReader = new MemoryDataReader(reader, connection, parameters, stmt, fetchSize, forFirst, cached, expiration); Close(); reader = memoryDataReader; }
protected override IDbCommand GetCachedCommand(IGxConnection con, string stmt) { return(con.ConnectionCache.GetAvailablePreparedCommand(stmt)); }
internal void EndExecute(ICursor oCur, IGxConnection connection) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }