Exemple #1
        private INode Emit(AST a, IGraph to)
            String   text            = a.getText();
            int      iType           = a.Type;
            String   type            = parserpackage.GetTypeName(iType);
            NodeType currentNodeType = GetNodeType(type, to);
            INode    currentNode     = to.AddNode(currentNodeType);

            currentNode.SetAttribute("value", text);

            if (a.getNumberOfChildren() > 0)
                List <AST> l             = GetChildren(a);
                INode      previousChild = null;
                foreach (AST current in l)
                    INode    childNode = Emit(current, to);
                    EdgeType childType = GetEdgeType("child", to);
                    to.AddEdge(childType, currentNode, childNode);

                    if (previousChild != null)
                        EdgeType nextType = GetEdgeType("next", to);
                        to.AddEdge(nextType, previousChild, childNode);
                    previousChild = childNode;
Exemple #2
        public void Edges_AddValid()
            var vertices = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).ToList();

            vertices.ForEach(x => graph.AddVertex(x));

            var edges = vertices.Take(20).Select(x => new Edge <int>(x, x + 1)).ToList();

            edges.ForEach(x => graph.AddEdge(x.From, x.To));

            var actualEdges = graph.Edges.Select(x => new Edge <int>(x.From, x.To));

        /// <summary>
        /// Switches the data around for the two given vertices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEdgeData"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph"></param>
        /// <param name="vertex1"></param>
        /// <param name="vertex2"></param>
        public static void Switch <TEdgeData>(this IGraph <TEdgeData> graph, uint vertex1, uint vertex2)
            where TEdgeData : IGraphEdgeData
            // get all existing data.
            var   edges1 = new List <Edge <TEdgeData> >(graph.GetEdges(vertex1));
            var   edges2 = new List <Edge <TEdgeData> >(graph.GetEdges(vertex2));
            float vertex1Latitude, vertex1Longitude;

            graph.GetVertex(vertex1, out vertex1Latitude, out vertex1Longitude);
            float vertex2Latitude, vertex2Longitude;

            graph.GetVertex(vertex2, out vertex2Latitude, out vertex2Longitude);

            // remove all edges.

            // update location.
            graph.SetVertex(vertex1, vertex2Latitude, vertex2Longitude);
            graph.SetVertex(vertex2, vertex1Latitude, vertex1Longitude);

            // add edges again.
            foreach (var edge in edges1)
                // update existing data.
                if (edge.Neighbour == vertex1)
                    edge.Neighbour = vertex2;
                else if (edge.Neighbour == vertex2)
                    edge.Neighbour = vertex1;
                graph.AddEdge(vertex2, edge.Neighbour, edge.EdgeData, edge.Intermediates);
            foreach (var edge in edges2)
                // update existing data.
                if (edge.Neighbour == vertex1)
                    edge.Neighbour = vertex2;
                else if (edge.Neighbour == vertex2)
                    edge.Neighbour = vertex1;
                graph.AddEdge(vertex1, edge.Neighbour, edge.EdgeData, edge.Intermediates);
Exemple #4
 public static void buildGraph(IGraph <string> graph, List <ValueTuple <int, int, int> > edges)
     foreach (var edge in edges)
         graph.AddEdge(edge.Item1, edge.Item2, edge.Item3);
Exemple #5
        private void ReadEdge(XmlReader myReader)
            var eId      = myReader.GetAttribute(GraphMLTokens.ID);
            var sourceID = myReader.GetAttribute(GraphMLTokens.SOURCE);
            var targetID = myReader.GetAttribute(GraphMLTokens.TARGET);

            var sourceVertex = _Vertices[sourceID];
            var targetVertex = _Vertices[targetID];

            IEdge edge = null;

            if (sourceVertex != null && targetVertex != null)
                edge = _Graph.AddEdge(eId, sourceVertex, targetVertex);

            if (edge != null) // has been added
                using (var edgeDataReader = myReader.ReadSubtree())
                    while (edgeDataReader.Read())
                        if (edgeDataReader.Name == GraphMLTokens.DATA)
                            ReadAttribute(edge, myReader);
        }                        //图
        public SymbolGraph(string filename, string delim, SearchTableOptions options = SearchTableOptions.RedBlack)
            st = SearchTableExamples.CreateSearchTable <string, int?>(options);
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename)));

            while (scanner.HasNextLine())                     //构造索引
                string[] a = scanner.ReadLine().Split(delim); //为每个不同的字符串关联一个索引
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                    if (!st.Contains(a[i]))
                        st.Put(a[i], st.Size);
            keys = new string[st.Size]; //用来获得顶点名反向索引

            foreach (string name in st.Keys())
                keys[st.Get(name) ?? -1] = name;
            G       = new Graph(st.Size);
            scanner = new Scanner(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename))); //第二遍
            while (scanner.HasNextLine())
                string[] a = scanner.ReadLine().Split(delim); //将每一行的第一个顶点和该行的其他顶点相连
                int      v = st.Get(a[0]) ?? -1;
                for (int i = 1; i < a.Length; i++)
                    G.AddEdge(v, st.Get(a[i]) ?? -1);
        public override void Open(TextReader reader, IGraph graph)
            base.Open(reader, graph);

            var lines = ReadAllLines(reader);

            var list = new List <IEnumerable <int> >();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var verticesIndexes = line.Split(' ').Select(x => ParseStringTo <int>(x));

            foreach (var column in list)
                var parentVertexIndex = column.First();
                var parentVertex      = graph.AddVertex(parentVertexIndex);

                var vertices = column.Skip(1);
                foreach (var vertex in vertices)
                    var targetVertex = graph.AddVertex(vertex);
                    graph.AddEdge(parentVertex, targetVertex, true);
Exemple #8
        private IGraph <T> BuildGraph(Vertex <T> vEnd, VertexData[] vTable)
            //Instantiate an instance of the child type graph using reflection thing
            IGraph <T> result = (IGraph <T>)GetType().Assembly.

             * Add the end vertex to result
             * dataLast <-- vTable (location of vEnd)
             * previous <-- previous of dataLast
             * while previous is not null
             *  add prevous to result
             *  add the edge from last and previous
             *  dataLast <-- vTable(location of previous)
             *  previous <-- dataLast previous
             * return result
            VertexData dataLast = vTable[vEnd.Index];
            Vertex <T> previous = dataLast.vPrevious;

            while (previous != null)
                result.AddEdge(dataLast.vVertex.Data, previous.Data);
                dataLast = vTable[previous.Index];
                previous = dataLast.vPrevious;
Exemple #9
        private INode Emit(AST a, IGraph to)
            String text = a.getText();
            int iType = a.Type;
            String type = parserpackage.GetTypeName(iType);
            NodeType currentNodeType = GetNodeType(type, to);
            INode currentNode = to.AddNode(currentNodeType);
            currentNode.SetAttribute("value", text);

            if (a.getNumberOfChildren() > 0)
                List<AST> l = GetChildren(a);
                INode previousChild = null;
                foreach (AST current in l)
                    INode childNode = Emit(current, to);
                    EdgeType childType = GetEdgeType("child", to);
                    to.AddEdge(childType, currentNode, childNode);

                    if (previousChild != null)
                        EdgeType nextType = GetEdgeType("next", to);
                        to.AddEdge(nextType, previousChild, childNode);
                    previousChild = childNode;
            return currentNode;
        private void DoMapping()
            var graph         = mapDescription.GetGraph();
            var stageOneGraph = mapDescription.GetStageOneGraph();

            foreach (var vertex in graph.Vertices)
                // Create vertices mapping
                nodeToIntMapping.Add(vertex, nodeToIntMapping.Count);

                // Store room description
                roomDescriptions[nodeToIntMapping[vertex]] = mapDescription.GetRoomDescription(vertex);

            // Handle main graph edges
            foreach (var edge in graph.Edges)
                mappedGraph.AddEdge(nodeToIntMapping[edge.From], nodeToIntMapping[edge.To]);

            // Handle stage one graph vertices
            foreach (var vertex in stageOneGraph.Vertices)

            // Handle stage one graph edges
            foreach (var edge in stageOneGraph.Edges)
                mappedStageOneGraph.AddEdge(nodeToIntMapping[edge.From], nodeToIntMapping[edge.To]);
        private void DoMapping()
            var graph         = levelDescription.GetGraph();
            var stageOneGraph = levelDescription.GetGraphWithoutCorridors();

            foreach (var vertex in graph.Vertices)
                var roomNode = CreateRoomNode(vertex);

                // Create vertices mapping

                // Store room description
                roomDescriptions[roomNode.Id] = levelDescription.GetRoomDescription(vertex);

            // Handle main graph edges
            foreach (var edge in graph.Edges)
                mappedGraph.AddEdge(GetRoomNode(edge.From), GetRoomNode(edge.To));

            // Handle stage one graph vertices
            foreach (var vertex in stageOneGraph.Vertices)

            // Handle stage one graph edges
            foreach (var edge in stageOneGraph.Edges)
                mappedStageOneGraph.AddEdge(GetRoomNode(edge.From), GetRoomNode(edge.To));
Exemple #12
        private string MakeGraph(IGraph <ComparableTuple> gra, string result)
            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < vertexPerCluster; j++)
                    gra.AddVertex(new ComparableTuple(i, j));

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                MakeCluster(gra, i);
                result = result + string.Format("Cluster {0} finished.", i) + "\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numClusters; j++)
                    gra.AddEdge(new ComparableTuple(i, 0), new ComparableTuple(j, 0));

            result = result + "\n";
            result = result + string.Format(string.Format("Graph connected")) + "\n";

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copy the vertex/edges of one graph over to another graph.
        ///     The id of the elements in the from graph are attempted to be used in the to graph.
        ///     This method only works for graphs where the user can control the element ids.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">the graph to copy from</param>
        /// <param name="to">the graph to copy to</param>
        public static void CopyGraph(this IGraph from, IGraph to)
            if (@from == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(@from));
            if (to == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(to));

            foreach (var fromVertex in @from.GetVertices())
                var toVertex = to.AddVertex(fromVertex.Id);

            foreach (var fromEdge in from.GetEdges())
                var outVertex = to.GetVertex(fromEdge.GetVertex(Direction.Out).Id);
                var inVertex  = to.GetVertex(fromEdge.GetVertex(Direction.In).Id);
                var toEdge    = to.AddEdge(fromEdge.Id, outVertex, inVertex, fromEdge.Label);
Exemple #14
        private static void ImportGraph(IGraph graph, XmlDocument doc, XmlElement graphnode)
            IGraphModel model = graph.Model;
            Dictionary <String, INode> nodemap = new Dictionary <string, INode>();

            foreach (XmlElement nodeelem in graphnode.GetElementsByTagName("node"))
                String   nodetype = GetGrGenName(GetTypeName(nodeelem));
                NodeType type     = model.NodeModel.GetType(nodetype);
                if (type == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown node type: \"" + nodetype + "\"");
                INode node = graph.AddNode(type);
                ReadAttributes(node, nodeelem);
                nodemap[nodeelem.GetAttribute("id")] = node;

            foreach (XmlElement edgeelem in graphnode.GetElementsByTagName("edge"))
                String   edgetype = GetGrGenName(GetTypeName(edgeelem));
                EdgeType type     = model.EdgeModel.GetType(edgetype);
                if (type == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown edge type: \"" + edgetype + "\"");
                INode src  = GetNode(edgeelem, "from", nodemap);
                INode tgt  = GetNode(edgeelem, "to", nodemap);
                IEdge edge = graph.AddEdge(type, src, tgt);
                ReadAttributes(edge, edgeelem);
        static void MakeGraph(IGraph <ComparableTuple> gra)
            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < vertexPerCluster; j++)
                    gra.AddVertex(new ComparableTuple(i, j));

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                MakeCluster(gra, i);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Cluster {0} finished.", i));

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numClusters; j++)
                    gra.AddEdge(new ComparableTuple(i, 0), new ComparableTuple(j, 0));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Graph connected"));
Exemple #16
        public void RegioGraaf_c_AddUndirectedEdge_3_DirectedAndUndirected()
            // Arrange
            IGraph graph    = DSBuilder.CreateGraphEmpty();
            var    expected = StringWithoutSpaces(
                "A [ B(20) ] " +
                "B [ A(20) C(30) D(40) ] " +
                "C [ B(30) D(50) ] " +
                "D [ B(40) ] ");


            // Act
            graph.AddUndirectedEdge("A", "B", 20);
            graph.AddUndirectedEdge("B", "C", 30);
            graph.AddUndirectedEdge("B", "D", 40);
            graph.AddEdge("C", "D", 50);
            string actual = StringWithoutSpaces(graph.ToString());

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #17
        /// <note>
        ///     Raises an edgeAdded event.
        /// </note>
        public IEdge AddEdge(object id, IVertex outVertex, IVertex inVertex, string label)
            GraphContract.ValidateAddEdge(id, outVertex, inVertex, label);
            var outVertexToSet = outVertex;

            if (outVertex is EventVertex)
                outVertexToSet = (outVertex as EventVertex).Vertex;

            var inVertexToSet = inVertex;

            if (inVertex is EventVertex)
                inVertexToSet = (inVertex as EventVertex).Vertex;

            if (inVertexToSet == null || outVertexToSet == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var edge = BaseGraph.AddEdge(id, outVertexToSet, inVertexToSet, label);

            return(new EventEdge(edge, this));
Exemple #18
        public SymbolGraph(T[,] inputs)
            indexes = new LinearProbingHashSymbolTable <T, int>();

            // 构建顶点到索引的映射
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < inputs.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (!indexes.Contains(inputs[i, j]))
                        indexes.Put(inputs[i, j], indexes.Size);

            // 构建索引到顶点的映射
            keys = new T[indexes.Size];
            foreach (var item in indexes)
                keys[indexes.Get(item.Key)] = item.Key;

            // 构建图
            graph = new UndirectedGraph(indexes.Size);
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.GetLength(0); i++)
                int v = indexes.Get(inputs[i, 0]);

                for (int j = 1; j < inputs.GetLength(1); j++)
                    graph.AddEdge(v, Index(inputs[i, j]));
        // Second Case Initialization
        private static void _initializeFirstCaseGraph(ref IGraph <string> graph)
            // Clear the graph

            // Add vertices
            var verticesSet = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };


            // Add Edges
            graph.AddEdge("a", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "a");
        public void GraphWithAdjList_AddEdge_EmptyGraph_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var exceptionThrown = false;

            // Act
                _graph.AddEdge(1, 2);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                exceptionThrown = true;

            // Assert
Exemple #21
        public static E AddEdge(
            IGraph <V, E> graph,
            V sourceVertex,
            V targetVertex)
            var edge = graph.EdgeFactory.CreateEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);

            return(graph.AddEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex, edge) ? edge : default(E));
Exemple #22
        public override void Open(TextReader reader, IGraph graph)
            base.Open(reader, graph);

            double graphHeight = 0.0;

            int verticesCount = 0;

            foreach (var line in ReadAllLines(reader))
                var parts         = SplitByWhitespacesWithQuotes(line);
                var statementType = parts[0];
                parts = parts.Skip(1).ToArray();
                if (statementType == "graph")
                    graphHeight = ParseStringTo <double>(parts[2]) * MonitorDpi;
                    if (parts.Length != 3)
                        throw new InputFileFormatException("Properties count of \"graph\" must be 3");
                else if (statementType == "node")
                    if (parts.Length != 10)
                        throw new InputFileFormatException("Properties count of \"node\" must be 10");

                    var name  = parts[0];
                    var x     = ParseStringTo <double>(parts[1]);
                    var y     = ParseStringTo <double>(parts[2]);
                    var label = parts[5];
                    if (label.StartsWith("\"") && label.EndsWith("\""))
                        label = label.Substring(1, label.Length - 2);

                    graph.AddVertex(x * MonitorDpi, (graphHeight - y * MonitorDpi), ++verticesCount, name, label);
                else if (statementType == "edge")
                    if (parts.Length < 7)
                        throw new InputFileFormatException("Properties count of \"edge\" must be more then 7");
                    var tailName = parts[0];
                    var headName = parts[1];

                    var e = graph.AddEdge(graph.FindVertexByName(tailName), graph.FindVertexByName(headName));
                else if (statementType == "stop")
Exemple #23
        public static E AddEdgeWithVertices(
            IGraph <V, E> graph,
            V sourceVertex,
            V targetVertex)

            return(graph.AddEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex));
 static void MakeCluster(IGraph <ComparableTuple> gra, int i)
     for (int j = 0; j < vertexPerCluster; j++)
         for (int k = j; k < vertexPerCluster; k++)
             gra.AddEdge(new ComparableTuple(i, j), new ComparableTuple(i, k));
Exemple #25
        public static void ThreadWorker()
            int total = operationsPerThread;

            GraphOperation op;
            int            u, v;
            Random         rand     = new Random();
            int            vertexId = 1;

            while (total > 0)
                op = GetRandomOperation(rand);
                u  = rand.Next() % vertexId;
                v  = rand.Next() % vertexId;

                switch (op)
                case GraphOperation.AddVertex:
                    u = vertexId;

                case GraphOperation.AddEdge:
                    graph.AddEdge(u, v);

                case GraphOperation.RemoveVertex:

                case GraphOperation.RemoveEdge:
                    graph.RemoveEdge(u, v);

                case GraphOperation.ContainsVertex:

                case GraphOperation.ContainsEdge:

                case GraphOperation.BFS:
                    IExtendedGraph extendedGraph = graph as IExtendedGraph;
                    if (extendedGraph != null)


Exemple #26
        public TSPTest()
            m_points = new List <Vertex>()
                new Vertex(0, 0),
                new Vertex(2, 0),
                new Vertex(0, 1),
                new Vertex(1.5f, -1)

            m_graph = new AdjacencyListGraph(m_points);
            m_graph.AddEdge(m_points[0], m_points[2]);
            m_graph.AddEdge(m_points[2], m_points[1]);
            m_graph.AddEdge(m_points[1], m_points[3]);
            m_graph.AddEdge(m_points[3], m_points[0]);

            m_complete4 = new AdjacencyListGraph(m_points);

            expTSP = 1 + Mathf.Sqrt(5) + Mathf.Sqrt(1.25f) + Mathf.Sqrt(3.25f);
Exemple #27
        public static bool AddEdgeWithVertices(
            IGraph <V, E> targetGraph,
            IGraph <V, E> sourceGraph,
            E edge)
            V sourceVertex = edge.Source;
            V targetVertex = edge.Target;


            return(targetGraph.AddEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex, edge));
Exemple #28
        public IEdge AddEdge(object id, IVertex outVertex, IVertex inVertex, string label)
            GraphContract.ValidateAddEdge(id, outVertex, inVertex, label);

            var edge = new PartitionEdge(BaseGraph.AddEdge(id,

Exemple #29
        private void TryAddEdge(int dataId, int callbackId)
            // The callback is called when the data is modified
            _dataToRegisteredCallbacks.AddOneToOne(dataId, callbackId);

            int publishingCallback;

            if (_publishedDataToPublishingCallback.TryGetValue(dataId, out publishingCallback))
                // we have found the id of a callback who publishes dataId when called
                _graph.AddEdge(publishingCallback, callbackId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a road tour segment between 2 points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a_point1"></param>
        /// <param name="a_point2"></param>
        public void AddSegment(TourPoint a_point1, TourPoint a_point2)
            // Dont add edge to itself or double edges
            if (a_point1 == a_point2 || m_graph.ContainsEdge(a_point1.Vertex, a_point2.Vertex))

            //instantiate new road mesh object
            var roadmesh = Instantiate(m_roadMeshPrefab, Vector3.forward, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            roadmesh.transform.parent = this.transform;
            roadmesh.name             = $"mesh({a_point1.Vertex}, {a_point2.Vertex})";

            //remember segment for destoryal later

            //create road mesh
            var roadmeshScript = roadmesh.GetComponent <ReshapingMesh>();

            roadmeshScript.CreateNewMesh(a_point1.transform.position, a_point2.transform.position);

            //create road edge
            var edge = m_graph.AddEdge(a_point1.Vertex, a_point2.Vertex);

            //error check
            if (edge == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Edge could not be added to graph");

            //link edge to segment
            roadmesh.GetComponent <TourSegment>().Edge = edge;

            //check the solution
        protected List <Room> SetupMainPath(int length)
            var mainPath = new List <Room>();

            // Prepare rooms on the main path
            mainPath.Add(new Room()
                Type = RoomType.Spawn

            for (int i = 0; i < length - 2; i++)
                mainPath.Add(new Room()
                    Type = RoomType.Basic

            mainPath.Add(new Room()
                Type = RoomType.Boss

            // Add vertices to levelGraph
            foreach (var room in mainPath)

            // Add edges to levelGraph
            for (int i = 0; i < mainPath.Count - 1; i++)
                LevelGraph.AddEdge(mainPath[i], mainPath[i + 1]);

        // Second Case Initialization
        private static void _initializeSecondCaseGraph(ref IGraph<string> graph)
            // Clear the graph

            // Add vertices
            var verticesSet = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "s", "v", "x", "y", "z" };
            graph.AddVertices (verticesSet);

            // Add edges

            // Connected Component #1
            // the vertex "e" won't be connected to any other vertex

            // Connected Component #2
            graph.AddEdge("a", "s");
            graph.AddEdge("a", "d");
            graph.AddEdge("s", "x");
            graph.AddEdge("s", "a");
            graph.AddEdge("x", "d");

            // Connected Component #3
            graph.AddEdge("b", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "f");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "v");
            graph.AddEdge("f", "b");

            // Connected Component #4
            graph.AddEdge("y", "z");
        // Second Case Initialization
        private static void _initializeFirstCaseGraph(ref IGraph<string> graph)
            // Clear the graph

            // Add vertices
            var verticesSet = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            graph.AddVertices (verticesSet);

            // Add Edges
            graph.AddEdge("a", "b");
            graph.AddEdge("b", "c");
            graph.AddEdge("c", "a");

Exemple #34
        public bool Read(IGraph myGraph, FileStream myInputStream)
            // use a streamreader .. better handling
            StreamReader reader = null;
            // stores the added vertices for fast retrieval
            var addedVertices = new Dictionary<string, IVertex>();

                reader = new StreamReader(myInputStream);
                String line;    // current line in file
                String[] edge;  // contains source and target vertex id
                IVertex source; // source vertex
                IVertex target; // target vertex
                var count = 0L; // number of processed edges

                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (!line.StartsWith(EdgeListTokens.LINE_COMMENT)) // just a comment
                        // line look like that "0   1", splitting it to get source and target id
                        edge = line.Split(EdgeListTokens.SOURCE_TARGET_SEPARATOR);

                        // got two id's?
                        if (edge.Length == 2)
                            // check if source has been added before
                            if (!addedVertices.TryGetValue(edge[0], out source))
                                // if not, create new vertex
                                source = myGraph.AddVertex(edge[0]);
                                addedVertices.Add(edge[0], source);
                            // check if target has been added before
                            if (!addedVertices.TryGetValue(edge[1], out target))
                                // if not, create new vertex
                                target = myGraph.AddVertex(edge[1]);
                                addedVertices.Add(edge[1], target);

                            if (myGraph.AddEdge(source, target) != null)
            catch (IOException ex)
                // TODO add logging here
                return false;


            return true;