Exemple #1
        public static DynamicLinkLibrary BuildDllX64(IGoScript script, string exportedFunctionName = "Execute")
            // TODO: Verify that OS is Windows and that Arch is 64bit (Can't cross compile when using buildmode c-shared)

            var dllScript = ConvertToDllScript(script.Text, exportedFunctionName);

            return(new DynamicLinkLibrary(Build(dllScript, TargetOSArch.windows_amd64, "-buildmode=c-shared")));
Exemple #2
        public static DynamicLinkLibrary BuildDllX86(IGoScript script, string exportedFunctionName = "Execute")
            // TODO: Verify that OS is Windows and that Arch is 32bit (Can't cross compile when using buildmode c-shared)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

 *          var dllScript = ConvertToDllScript(script.Text, exportedFunctionName);
 *          return new DynamicLinkLibrary(Build(dllScript, TargetOSArch.windows_386, "-buildmode=c-shared"));*/
Exemple #3
 public static Executable BuildExeX86(IGoScript script)
     return(new Executable(Build(script.Text, TargetOSArch.windows_386)));