/// <inheritdoc/>
        public bool IsTrueInAllPictures(Pictures pictures, Theorem theorem)
            #region Ensure all inner objects are constructed

            // Go through the inner objects
            var objectsToConstruct = theorem.GetInnerConfigurationObjects()
                                     // And the object needed to construct them
                                     // That are constructible
                                     .OfType <ConstructedConfigurationObject>()
                                     // That are not already constructed
                                     .Where(innerObject => !pictures.First().Contains(innerObject));

            // Construct all of them
            foreach (var constructedObject in objectsToConstruct)
                // Safely perform
                var data = GeneralUtilities.TryExecute(
                    // The construction of the object
                    () => _constructor.Construct(pictures, constructedObject, addToPictures: true),
                    // Ignore any exception in this step (it will be solved in the next one)
                    (InconsistentPicturesException _) => { });

                // If there has been an inconsistency, we're sad and say this theorem is not true
                if (data == null)

                // If there is an inconstructible object, the same
                if (data.InconstructibleObject != null)


            // If we got here, all needed objects are constructed. We need the theorem objects
            var theoremObjects = new Dictionary <TheoremObject, Dictionary <Picture, IAnalyticObject> >();

            #region Construct theorem objects

            // Get the inner base theorem objects, i.e. Line / Circle / Point
            // Then we will reconstruct the other i.e., LineSegment later...
            var baseTheoremObjects = theorem.InvolvedObjects
                                     // Each theorem object can bring more of them
                                     .SelectMany(theoremObject => theoremObject switch
                // If the object is already base, we return it
                BaseTheoremObject _ => theoremObject.ToEnumerable(),

                // If we have a line segment, then its inner objects are points
                LineSegmentTheoremObject lineSegment => lineSegment.PointSet,

                // Unhandled cases
                _ => throw new ConstructorException($"Unhandled type of {nameof(TheoremObject)}: {theoremObject.GetType()}")
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a given <see cref="Configuration"/> to a given number of pictures, using the
        /// loose object drawing that is in some cases more flexible than the drawing from  the method
        /// <see cref="LooseObjectLayoutDrawing.ConstructUniformLayout(LooseObjectLayout)"/>. These cases
        /// are two: Triangle, when <see cref="RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructNiceAcuteTriangle"/> is used,
        /// and Quadrilateral, when <see cref="RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructRandomConvexQuadrilateralWithHorizontalSide"/>
        /// or <see cref="RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructRandomConvexQuadrilateralWithHorizontalDiagonal"/>
        /// if the picture is symmetric in such a way that it would look better with a horizontal diagonal,
        /// or <see cref="RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructRandomConvexQuadrilateralWithHorizontalSide"/> otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration to be constructed.</param>
        /// <param name="theorem">The theorem that is used to determine symmetry be constructed.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfPictures">The number of <see cref="Picture"/>s where the configuration should be drawn.</param>
        /// <returns>The tuple consisting of the pictures and the construction data.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ConstructorException">Thrown when the construction couldn't be carried out correctly.</exception>
        public static PicturesOfConfiguration ConstructWithFlexibleLayoutRespectingSymmetry(this IGeometryConstructor constructor, Configuration configuration, Theorem theorem, int numberOfPictures)
            #region Loose object layout construction

            // Prepare the function that will construct the loose objects
            IAnalyticObject[] LooseObjectsConstructor()
                // The layout is drawn based on its type
                switch (configuration.LooseObjectsHolder.Layout)
                // We want to draw less uniform triangles
                case LooseObjectLayout.Triangle:
                    // Create the points
                    var(point1, point2, point3) = RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructNiceAcuteTriangle();

                    // Return them in an array
                    return(new IAnalyticObject[] { point1, point2, point3 });

                // In quadrilateral cases we need to have a look at its symmetry
                case LooseObjectLayout.Quadrilateral:
                    // Assume we're drawing a quadrilateral ABCD
                    var A = configuration.LooseObjects[0];
                    var B = configuration.LooseObjects[1];
                    var C = configuration.LooseObjects[2];
                    var D = configuration.LooseObjects[3];

                    // We will use a simple local function that checks whether a mapping is symmetric
                    bool IsSymmetric(IReadOnlyDictionary <LooseConfigurationObject, LooseConfigurationObject> mapping)
                    // Take the real mappings
                    => theorem.GetSymmetryMappings(configuration)
                    // And have a look whether any behaves as our
                    .Any(symmetryMapping => mapping.All(pair => symmetryMapping[pair.Key].Equals(pair.Value)));

                    // Find out if the mapping for when the diagonal BD is horizontal is symmetric.
                    // In that case, we need to exchange B and D
                    var canDiagonalBeHorizontal = IsSymmetric(new Dictionary <LooseConfigurationObject, LooseConfigurationObject>
                            { A, A },
                            { B, D },
                            { C, C },
                            { D, B }

                    // Find out if the mapping for when the side AB is horizontal is symmetric.
                    // In that case, we need to exchange A, B and also C, D
                    var canSideBeHorizontal = IsSymmetric(new Dictionary <LooseConfigurationObject, LooseConfigurationObject>
                            { A, B },
                            { B, A },
                            { C, D },
                            { D, C }

                    // We will want to have horizontal mapping preferably, i.e. if it is possible or the diagonal is not
                    if (canSideBeHorizontal || !canDiagonalBeHorizontal)
                        // Construct the layout
                        var(point1, point2, point3, point4) = RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructRandomConvexQuadrilateralWithHorizontalSide();

                        // Return the points in an array
                        return(new IAnalyticObject[] { point1, point2, point3, point4 });
                    // Otherwise the side cannot be horizontal, but at least the diagonal can be
                        // Construct the layout
                        var(point1, point2, point3, point4) = RandomLayoutsHelpers.ConstructRandomConvexQuadrilateralWithHorizontalDiagonal();

                        // Return the points in an array
                        return(new IAnalyticObject[] { point1, point2, point3, point4 });

                // By default fall-back to the default uniform layout


                // Try to construct the configuration where the passed theorem holds using our custom layout drawer
                var(pictures, constructionData) = constructor.Construct(configuration, numberOfPictures, LooseObjectsConstructor);

                // Make sure there is no inconstructible object
                if (constructionData.InconstructibleObject != default)
                    throw new ConstructionException("The configuration cannot be constructed, because it contains an inconstructible object.");

                // Make sure there are no duplicates
                if (constructionData.Duplicates != default)
                    throw new ConstructionException("The configuration cannot be constructed, because it contains duplicate objects");

                // If everything is correct, return the pictures
            catch (InconsistentPicturesException e)
                // If there is an inconsistency problem, re-throw it with a better exception
                throw new ConstructionException("Construction of the configuration failed due to inconsistencies.", e);