Exemple #1
        public Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel,
                                                IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc,
                                                CompositionContainer container)
            if (resultOperator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultOperator");
            if (cc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("CodeContext can't be null");

            // Determine the type of the result operator we are processing and
            // anything we need to know about it.
            Type sumType;

            sumType = cc.LoopVariable.Type;
            bool doAverage = false;

            if (resultOperator is SumResultOperator)
                doAverage = false;
                doAverage = true;

            // We only know how to sum basic types
            if (!sumType.IsNumberType())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Do not know how to generate C++ to sum type {0}.", sumType.Name));

            var accumulator = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(sumType);


            // Sum and average are a alike in that we are going to add everything we see up.
            var add         = Expression.Add(accumulator, cc.LoopVariable);
            var addResolved = ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(add, gc, cc, container);

            gc.Add(new StatementAggregate(accumulator, addResolved));

            // If this is a sum no further work needs to happen.
            if (!doAverage)

            // If this is a average then we need to add a simple count.
            var counter = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(int));

            var incbyone = Expression.Add(counter, Expression.Constant(1));

            gc.Add(new StatementAggregate(counter, ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(incbyone, gc, cc, container)));

            // Next, we have to delcare the counter and the accumulator. These are now both temprorary variables.
            if (cc.LoopIndexVariable == null)
                throw new AverageNotAllowedAtTopLevelException("Attempt to use Average at top level, accross events. Not currently implemented.");

            // It is an error to average a sequence with no elements. So we need to throw a C++ exception. We need to pop up out of the loop in order
            // to do this.
            // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb354760.aspx (for specs on Average on this).

            var testForSomething = Expression.Equal(counter, Expression.Constant(0));

            gc.AddAtResultScope(new StatementThrowIfTrue(ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(testForSomething, gc, cc, container), "Can't take an average of a null sequence"));

            var returnType   = DetermineAverageReturnType(sumType);
            var faccumulator = Expression.Convert(accumulator, returnType);
            var fcount       = Expression.Convert(counter, returnType);
            var divide       = Expression.Divide(faccumulator, fcount);

            // We are done with this calculation, so pop up and out.

        /// <summary>
        /// Process the First/last. This means adding a pointer (or not if we are looking at a plane type) and
        /// then filling it till it is full or filling it till the loop is done. Bomb out if we are asked to at the end!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel,
            IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            /// First, do data normalization

            var asFirst = resultOperator as FirstResultOperator;
            var asLast = resultOperator as LastResultOperator;

            if (asFirst == null && asLast == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("First/Last operator must be either first or last, and not null!");

            bool isFirst = asFirst != null;
            bool bombIfNothing = true;
            if (isFirst)
                bombIfNothing = !asFirst.ReturnDefaultWhenEmpty;
                bombIfNothing = !asLast.ReturnDefaultWhenEmpty;

            // Figure out if we need to cache the result:
            //  - simple variable which has a default value which can be used later on.
            //      like a double, etc.
            //  - We actually allow for a default variable.

            bool cacheResult = cc.LoopVariable.Type.IsNumberType();
            cacheResult = cacheResult && !bombIfNothing;

            // Next, make sure we are looping over something. This had better be an array we are looking at!

            if (cc.LoopIndexVariable == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't apply First operator when we aren't looping over some well formed array '{0}'", cc.LoopVariable.ToString()));
            var indexExpr = cc.LoopIndexVariable;

            // We need to hold onto either the first or the last item here, so we create a statement that holds nnto the
            // first or the last time. It also has to mark the thing as valid! It will break when it is done.
            // While the bool can be used later on to get at the exception we might be throwing, the actual
            // result may be used much further on down. To protect against that, we set the array index to be -1,
            // and then hope there is a crash later on! :-)
            // It is possible that this is part of a dual selection. For example, if you are interested in the jet that has the closest track, and the
            // loop is constructed over the jets first, and then the tracks. This First will likely be for a track index, but we will be looking up the
            // track later. So we need to record both the jet and track index. To get the other indicies, we just look for all loop variables between here and
            // the result scope.

            var valueWasSeen = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(bool));
            var indexSeen = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(indexExpr.Type);
            if (indexSeen.Type.IsNumberType())


            var rv = new Statements.StatementRecordValue(indexSeen, indexExpr, valueWasSeen, isFirst);

            foreach (var v in gc.GetUsedQuerySourceVariables(rv, indexExpr))
                var saver = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(v.Type);
                rv.AddNewSaver(saver, v);
                cc.Add(v.RawValue, saver);


            if (bombIfNothing)
                var test = ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(Expression.Not(valueWasSeen), gc, cc, container);
                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementThrowIfTrue(test, string.Format("First/Last predicate executed on a null sequence: {0}", queryModel.ToString())));

            // Finally, we need the new expression. For this we basically just ask for the translated expression. We
            // also add a substitution for later on for more complex expressions.

            var firstlastValue = cc.LoopVariable;
            cc.Add(indexExpr.RawValue, indexSeen);

            Debug.WriteLine("First/Last: {0} for QM {1}", indexSeen.ToString(), queryModel.ToString());

            // Reset the expression we are looking at in the loop.
            var newIndexExpr = firstlastValue.ReplaceSubExpression(indexExpr.AsExpression(), indexSeen);
            cc.SetLoopVariable(newIndexExpr, indexSeen);

            if (cacheResult)
                // Set the default value

                var actualValue = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(cc.LoopVariable.Type);

                // If everything went well, then we can do the assignment. Otherwise, we leave
                // it as above (having the default value).

                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementFilter(valueWasSeen));
                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementAssign(actualValue,
                    ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(firstlastValue, gc, cc, container)));

                return actualValue;
                // No need to cache the result - so no need to add extra code.
                return newIndexExpr;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the First/last. This means adding a pointer (or not if we are looking at a plane type) and
        /// then filling it till it is full or filling it till the loop is done. Bomb out if we are asked to at the end!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultOperator"></param>
        /// <param name="queryModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_codeEnv"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel,
                                                IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc, CompositionContainer container)
            /// First, do data normalization

            var asFirst = resultOperator as FirstResultOperator;
            var asLast  = resultOperator as LastResultOperator;

            if (asFirst == null && asLast == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("First/Last operator must be either first or last, and not null!");

            bool isFirst       = asFirst != null;
            bool bombIfNothing = true;

            if (isFirst)
                bombIfNothing = !asFirst.ReturnDefaultWhenEmpty;
                bombIfNothing = !asLast.ReturnDefaultWhenEmpty;

            // Figure out if we need to cache the result:
            //  - simple variable which has a default value which can be used later on.
            //      like a double, etc.
            //  - We actually allow for a default variable.

            bool cacheResult = cc.LoopVariable.Type.IsNumberType();

            cacheResult = cacheResult && !bombIfNothing;

            // Next, make sure we are looping over something. This had better be an array we are looking at!

            if (cc.LoopIndexVariable == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't apply First operator when we aren't looping over some well formed array '{0}'", cc.LoopVariable.ToString()));
            var indexExpr = cc.LoopIndexVariable;

            // We need to hold onto either the first or the last item here, so we create a statement that holds nnto the
            // first or the last time. It also has to mark the thing as valid! It will break when it is done.
            // While the bool can be used later on to get at the exception we might be throwing, the actual
            // result may be used much further on down. To protect against that, we set the array index to be -1,
            // and then hope there is a crash later on! :-)
            // It is possible that this is part of a dual selection. For example, if you are interested in the jet that has the closest track, and the
            // loop is constructed over the jets first, and then the tracks. This First will likely be for a track index, but we will be looking up the
            // track later. So we need to record both the jet and track index. To get the other indicies, we just look for all loop variables between here and
            // the result scope.

            var valueWasSeen = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(bool));
            var indexSeen    = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(indexExpr.Type);

            if (indexSeen.Type.IsNumberType())


            var rv = new Statements.StatementRecordValue(indexSeen, indexExpr, valueWasSeen, isFirst);


            foreach (var v in gc.GetUsedQuerySourceVariables(rv, indexExpr))
                var saver = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(v.Type);
                rv.AddNewSaver(saver, v);
                cc.Add(v.RawValue, saver);


            if (bombIfNothing)
                var test = ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(Expression.Not(valueWasSeen), gc, cc, container);
                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementThrowIfTrue(test, string.Format("First/Last predicate executed on a null sequence: {0}", queryModel.ToString())));

            // Finally, we need the new expression. For this we basically just ask for the translated expression. We
            // also add a substitution for later on for more complex expressions.

            var firstlastValue = cc.LoopVariable;

            cc.Add(indexExpr.RawValue, indexSeen);

            Debug.WriteLine("First/Last: {0} for QM {1}", indexSeen.ToString(), queryModel.ToString());

            // Reset the expression we are looking at in the loop.
            var newIndexExpr = firstlastValue.ReplaceSubExpression(indexExpr.AsExpression(), indexSeen);

            cc.SetLoopVariable(newIndexExpr, indexSeen);

            if (cacheResult)
                // Set the default value

                var actualValue = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(cc.LoopVariable.Type);

                // If everything went well, then we can do the assignment. Otherwise, we leave
                // it as above (having the default value).

                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementFilter(valueWasSeen));
                gc.Add(new Statements.StatementAssign(actualValue,
                                                      ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(firstlastValue, gc, cc, container)));

                // No need to cache the result - so no need to add extra code.
Exemple #4
        public Expression ProcessResultOperator(ResultOperatorBase resultOperator, QueryModel queryModel,
            IGeneratedQueryCode gc, ICodeContext cc,
            CompositionContainer container)
            if (resultOperator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultOperator");
            if (cc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("CodeContext can't be null");

            // Determine the type of the result operator we are processing and
            // anything we need to know about it.

            Type sumType;
            sumType = cc.LoopVariable.Type;
            bool doAverage = false;

            if (resultOperator is SumResultOperator)
                doAverage = false;
                doAverage = true;

            // We only know how to sum basic types

            if (!sumType.IsNumberType())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Do not know how to generate C++ to sum type {0}.", sumType.Name));

            var accumulator = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(sumType);

            // Now, in the loop we are currently in, we do the "add".

            var add = Expression.Add(accumulator, cc.LoopVariable);

            var addResolved = ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(add, gc, cc, container);
            gc.Add(new StatementAggregate(accumulator, addResolved));

            // The sum will just be this accumulator - so return it.

            if (!doAverage)
                return accumulator;

            // If this is a average then we need to add a simple count on. Further, we need to declare
            // everything we are going to need for later.

            var counter = DeclarableParameter.CreateDeclarableParameterExpression(typeof(int));
            var incbyone = Expression.Add(counter, Expression.Constant(1));
            gc.Add(new StatementAggregate(counter, ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(incbyone, gc, cc, container)));

            // It is an error to average a sequence with no elements. So we need to throw a C++ exception. We need to pop up out of the loop in order
            // to do this.
            // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb354760.aspx (for specs on Average on this).

            var testForSomething = Expression.Equal(counter, Expression.Constant(0));
            gc.AddAtResultScope(new StatementThrowIfTrue(ExpressionToCPP.GetExpression(testForSomething, gc, cc, container), "Can't take an average of a null sequence"));

            var returnType = DetermineAverageReturnType(sumType);
            var faccumulator = Expression.Convert(accumulator, returnType);
            var fcount = Expression.Convert(counter, returnType);
            var divide = Expression.Divide(faccumulator, fcount);

            // We are done with this calculation, so pop up and out.

            return divide;