public FinishState() { hud = GameWorld.GameStateManager.GetGameState("hud"); exitMenu = new Button("button", "buttonFont", "font", 0, "Return to menu"); exitMenu.Position = new Vector2((GameSettings.GameWidth / 2), GameSettings.GameHeight - (exitMenu.Height * 3.0f)); this.Add(exitMenu); }
public HUD() { playingState = GameWorld.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playing"); //HUD hud = new GameObjectList(0, "HUD"); }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { CurrentGameState = gameStates[name]; } }
/// <summary>Create the level finished state.</summary> public LevelFinishedState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_welldone"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; Add(overlay); }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { currentGameState = gameStates[name]; if (name == "playingState") {; PlayingState PS = currentGameState as PlayingState; PS.setFocus(); } else if (name == "gameOverState") { GameOverState PS = currentGameState as GameOverState; PS.setFocus(); } else if (name == "levelFinishedState") { LevelFinishedState PS = currentGameState as LevelFinishedState; PS.setFocus(); } else {; } } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
public GameOverState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_gameover"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; this.Add(overlay); }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) currentGameState = gameStates[name]; else throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); }
public GameOverState() { PlayingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.Get("PlayingState"); SpriteGameObject Overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_gameover"); Overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - Overlay.Sprite.SheetCenter; this.Add(Overlay); }
public LevelFinishedState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState(GameState.PlayingState); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Sprites/spr_level_finished", 1, "you_win"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; Add(overlay); }
public LevelFinishedState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_welldone"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; this.Add(overlay); }
/// <summary>Create the game over state.</summary> public GameOverState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_gameover"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; Add(overlay); }
/// <summary> /// Clears the entire gamestate list. /// </summary> public void Clear() { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IGameLoopObject> state in gameStates) { state.Value.UnLoad(); } gameStates.Clear(); currentGameState = null; }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { currentGameState = gameStates[name]; } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { currentGameState = gameStates[name]; GameEnvironment.DefaultCamera.Position = Vector2.Zero; } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the gamestate with the name from the list. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the gamestate to be removed.</param> public void RemoveGameState(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { if (currentGameState == gameStates[name]) { currentID = null; currentGameState = null; } gameStates.Remove(name); } }
/// <summary> /// Class that defines a Pause state /// </summary> public PauseState() { // find the playing state playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); overlay = GameEnvironment.AssetManager.GetSprite("Assets/Sprites/Paused/overlay"); // make buttons for the different assignments, eg return to menu continueButton = new Button("Assets/Sprites/Paused/Continue", 99); continueButton.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X / 2 - continueButton.Width / 2, 250); quitButton = new Button("Assets/Sprites/Paused/ReturnToMenu", 99); quitButton.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X / 2 - quitButton.Width / 2, 500); }
public GameOverState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Overlays/spr_gameover"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; score = new TextGameObject("Sprites/SpelFont"); //makes a new score object score.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y + 100) / 2; score.Text = Score.ToString(); score.Color = Color.Black; Add(overlay); //Add(score); }
/// <summary> /// Switches the gamestate to the new gamestate, if the gamestate is not found no gamestate is switched. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the new gamestate.</param> public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (name != null && gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { UnLoad(); currentID = name; currentGameState = gameStates[name]; Load(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
public GameOverState() { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); SpriteGameObject overlay = new SpriteGameObject("Sprites/GameOver"); overlay.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X, GameEnvironment.Screen.Y) / 2 - overlay.Center; this.Add(overlay); quitButton = new Button("Sprites/spr_button_quit", 100); quitButton.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X - quitButton.Width - 10, 10); this.Add(quitButton); retryButton = new Button("Sprites/spr_button_retry", 100); retryButton.Position = new Vector2(GameEnvironment.Screen.X - quitButton.Width - 10, 70); this.Add(retryButton); }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { // name = "gameOverState"; if (name != string.Empty && char.IsUpper(name[0])) //for some reason the string gained a capital letter when passed to this function so I added this to make sure it works even with capital letter { name = char.ToLower(name[0]) + name.Substring(1); } if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { currentGameState = gameStates[name]; } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
public override void HandleInput(InputHelper inputHelper) { base.HandleInput(inputHelper); if (quitButton.Pressed) { IGameLoopObject playingStatu = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.CurrentGameState; playingState.Reset(); this.Reset(); GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.SwitchTo("levelMenu"); } if (nextButton.Pressed) { GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.SwitchTo("playingState"); playingState.Reset(); (playingState as PlayingState).NextLevel(); } }
public void SwitchTo(string name) { if (gameStates.ContainsKey(name)) { if (currentGameState is State) { (currentGameState as State).UnLoad(); } currentGameState = gameStates[name]; if (currentGameState is State) { (currentGameState as State).Load(); } Reset(); } else { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Could not find game state: " + name); } }
public void Setup() { IGameLoopObject prevGameState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.PreviousGameState as IGameLoopObject; // draw over the playingstate if it was in playingstate if (prevGameState == GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState")) { prevPlaying = true; drawOverState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); } //draw over cutscene if previousstate was cutscene if ((GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.PreviousGameState as IGameLoopObject) == GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("cutscene")) { prevPlaying = false; drawOverState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("cutscene"); } // loads the conversation }
public override void HandleInput(InputHelper inputHelper) { base.HandleInput(inputHelper); if (quitButton.Pressed) { IGameLoopObject playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.CurrentGameState; playingState.Reset(); this.Reset(); GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.SwitchTo("levelMenu"); } if (retryButton.Pressed) { GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.SwitchTo("playingState"); IGameLoopObject playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.CurrentGameState; playingState.Reset(); } UI ui = this.Find("ui") as UI; if ((inputHelper.MouseLeftButtonPressed() && (Math.Sqrt((inputHelper.MousePosition.X - 750) * (inputHelper.MousePosition.X - 750) + (inputHelper.MousePosition.Y - 105) * (inputHelper.MousePosition.Y - 105)) < 100) || inputHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.T)) && !holding && ui.Money >= 20) { Tower tower = new Tower(); towerList.Add(tower); holding = true; ui.Money -= 20; } if (ui.spawnVirus) { if ((inputHelper.MouseLeftButtonPressed() && inputHelper.MousePosition.X > 900 && inputHelper.MousePosition.X <= 1000 && inputHelper.MousePosition.Y > 16 && inputHelper.MousePosition.Y < 190) || inputHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.F) && !holding && ui.Money >= 20) { Firewall firewall = new Firewall(); firewallList.Add(firewall); holding = true; ui.Money -= 20; } } if (inputHelper.KeyPressed(Keys.M)) { ui.Money += 1000; } }
public void AddGameState(string name, IGameLoopObject state) { gameStates[name] = state; }
public GameStateManager() { gameStates = new Dictionary<string, IGameLoopObject>(); currentGameState = null; }
public GameStateManager() { gameStates = new Dictionary <string, IGameLoopObject>(); currentGameState = null; }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); }
public LevelFinishedState() { overlay = GameEnvironment.AssetManager.GetSprite("Assets/Sprites/Level_Finished/brown_overlay"); plaque = GameEnvironment.AssetManager.GetSprite("Assets/Sprites/Level_Finished/level_completed"); playingState = GameEnvironment.GameStateManager.GetGameState("playingState"); }
/// <summary> /// Switch to a state. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the state to switch to.</param> public void SwitchTo(string name) { activeState = states[name]; }
/// <summary> /// Add a state. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the state.</param> /// <param name="state">The state IGameLoopObject.</param> public void AddState(string name, IGameLoopObject state) { states.Add(name, state); }
public SettingsMenuOverlay(IGameLoopObject state) { titleMenuState = state; this.Add(new Cursor()); //Create button list settings = new GameObjectList(0, "buttons"); //Scroll scroll = new DropDown("scroll", new Vector2(600, -1000)); scroll.Drop = true; scroll.Speed = 600; settings.Add(scroll); //Menu text options = new TextGameObject("buttonFont", 1); options.Text = "Options"; options.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 50); settings.Add(options); //Music Slider musicSlider = new SliderButton("sliderBack", "sliderFront", 1, "Music Volume:"); musicSlider.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 150); musicSlider.Value = GameSettings.MusicVolume; settings.Add(musicSlider); //SoundEffect Slider soundEffectSlider = new SliderButton("sliderBack", "sliderFront", 1, "Sound Volume:"); soundEffectSlider.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 250); soundEffectSlider.Value = GameSettings.SoundVolume; settings.Add(soundEffectSlider); //VoiceOver Slider voiceOverSlider = new SliderButton("sliderBack", "sliderFront", 1, "Voice Volume:"); voiceOverSlider.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 350); voiceOverSlider.Value = GameSettings.VoiceVolume; settings.Add(voiceOverSlider); //Fullscreen CheckBox fullscreen = new CheckBox("checkBox", "buttonFont", 0, "Toggle Fullscreen:"); fullscreen.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 450); fullscreen.Check = GameSettings.Fullscreen; settings.Add(fullscreen); //VSync CheckBox vsync = new CheckBox("checkBox", "buttonFont", 0, "Toggle VSync:"); vsync.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 570); vsync.Check = GameSettings.VSync; settings.Add(vsync); //Resolution DropDown resolution = new DropMenu("dropMenu", "buttonFont", 3, 0, "Resolution:"); resolution.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(150, 690); switch (GameSettings.Resolution.X) { case 1920: resolution.Options[0].Text = "1900px X 1080px"; break; case 1600: resolution.Options[0].Text = "1600px X 900px"; break; case 1280: resolution.Options[0].Text = "1280px X 720px"; break; default: break; } resolution.Options[1].Text = "1920px X 1080px"; resolution.Options[2].Text = "1600px X 900px"; resolution.Options[3].Text = "1280px X 720px"; settings.Add(resolution); //Apply button apply = new Button("smallButton", "font", "smallFont", 0, "Apply"); apply.Position = scroll.Position + new Vector2(850, 750); settings.Add(apply); this.Add(settings); }