Exemple #1
        public float CalculateWeaponDamage(IGCCoreProjectile proj, float shotInterval)
            float DamageDealt      = 0F;
            float DamageTaken      = 0F;
            int   ProjDM           = proj.DamageIndex;
            float Interval         = _object1.Core.Constants.DownedShield;
            float ShotsPerInterval = Interval / shotInterval;

            float DirectDamage = ShotsPerInterval * proj.ShotDamage;
            float AreaDamage   = ShotsPerInterval * proj.AreaDamage;

            DirectDamage *= (_accuracy / 100F);
            DamageDealt   = (DirectDamage + AreaDamage) * Mods.PWDamage;
            DamageDealt  += (DamageDealt * (_kb / 100));
            _damageDealt += DamageDealt;
            if (_object2 != null)
                if (ShieldHitpoints > 0 && ShieldAC != -1)
                    DamageTaken = (DamageDealt * (DamageIndices[ProjDM].Damages[ShieldAC]));
                    if (DamageTaken <= ShieldHitpoints)
                        return(DamageTaken);                            // The damage taken didn't down the shields. Return it.
                    ShieldHitpoints = 0F;
                    // Damage took shields down. Set the DamageDealt to the extra damage dealt after shields were downed.
                    DamageDealt = (-1 * (ShieldHitpoints - DamageTaken)) / DamageIndices[ProjDM].Damages[ShieldAC];

                if (HullHitpoints > 0 && HullAC != -1)
                    DamageTaken = (DamageDealt * (DamageIndices[ProjDM].Damages[HullAC]));
                DamageTaken = DamageDealt;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="weapon"></param>
        /// <returns>The amount of damage dealt by the weapon</returns>
        private float FireGun(IGCCorePartWeapon weapon, float interval)
            Ship  ship         = (Ship)_object1;
            float WeaponDamage = 0F;

            // if we can't fire because of ammo or energy, return 0.
            if ((ReloadAmmoTime > 0 || AmmoClip == 0) && weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0)

            if ((ArmGunsTime > 0 || AmmoClip == 0) && weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0)

            if (weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery <= 0)

            IGCCoreProjectile Proj      = (IGCCoreProjectile)ship.Core.Projectiles.GetModule((ushort)weapon.ProjectileUID);
            float             ProjRange = Proj.Speed * Proj.Lifespan * Mods.PWRange;

            if (ProjRange > _range)
                _range = ProjRange;

            WeaponDamage = CalculateWeaponDamage(Proj, weapon.ShotInterval);
            if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                float AmmoUsed   = weapon.AmmoConsumption * (interval / weapon.ShotInterval);
                float EnergyUsed = weapon.EnergyConsumption * (interval / weapon.ShotInterval);
                if (AmmoUsed <= AmmoClip)
                {                       // Remove the ammo used from the clip
                    AmmoClip  -= AmmoUsed;
                    _ammoUsed += AmmoUsed;
                    if (AmmoClip <= 0F)
                        ReloadAmmoTime = 4F;
                {                       // More ammo is needed than is in clip! Start reloading!
                    float PercentageUsed = AmmoClip / AmmoUsed;
                    WeaponDamage   = PercentageUsed * WeaponDamage;
                    _ammoUsed     += PercentageUsed * AmmoUsed;
                    AmmoClip       = 0F;
                    ReloadAmmoTime = 4F;
                    ArmGunsTime    = ReloadAmmoTime * weapon.TimeReady;
                if (EnergyUsed <= Battery)
                {                       // Remove the energy from the battery
                    Battery     -= EnergyUsed;
                    _energyUsed += EnergyUsed;
                {                       // More energy is needed than is in battery!
                    float PercentageUsed = Battery / EnergyUsed;
                    WeaponDamage = PercentageUsed * WeaponDamage;
                    Battery      = 0F;
Exemple #3
        private void Calculate()
            if (_object1 is Station)
                _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;

            float Interval = _object1.Core.Constants.DownedShield;

            if (_object1 is Ship)
                Ship ship = (Ship)_object1;
                if (ship.FireMissile && firingMissile != null)
                    MissilePack = ship.IGCShip.MissileCapacity / firingMissile.CargoPayload;

            float WeaponDamage = 0F;

            bool DownedShield = false;
            bool TakingDamage = false;

            while (true)
                _timeToKill += Interval;
                if (_timeToKill > 3600F)
                    _timeToKill = float.NaN;

                TakingDamage = false;

                if (_object1 is Probe)
                    Probe             probe      = (Probe)_object1;
                    IGCCoreProjectile Projectile = (IGCCoreProjectile)probe.Core.Projectiles.GetModule((ushort)probe.IGCProbe.Projectile);
                    if (Projectile == null)
                        _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    float ProjRange = Projectile.Speed * Projectile.Lifespan * Mods.PWRange;
                    if (ProjRange > _range)
                        _range = ProjRange;

                    WeaponDamage  = CalculateWeaponDamage(Projectile, probe.IGCProbe.ShotInterval);
                    WeaponDamage *= Interval * probe.IGCProbe.Accuracy;
                    if (WeaponDamage == 0)
                        TakingDamage = true;
                        _timeToKill  = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    _ammoUsed += Interval / probe.IGCProbe.ShotInterval;
                    if (_ammoUsed > probe.IGCProbe.AmmoCapacity)

                    if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == false)
                        break;                          // Target Destroyed!

                if (_object1 is Ship)
                    Ship ship = (Ship)_object1;
                    IGCCorePartWeapon Weapon;
                    if (ship.FireWeapons == true)
                        Weapon = ship.Weapons[0];
                        if ((ship.WeaponToFire == -1 || ship.WeaponToFire == 0) && Weapon != null)
                            // If we're not reloading, not rearming, and not recharging energy (if we need them)
                            if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                                (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                                WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                                if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                    TakingDamage = true;
                                    if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                        break;                                          // Target Destroyed!

                        Weapon = ship.Weapons[1];
                        if ((ship.WeaponToFire == -1 || ship.WeaponToFire == 1) && Weapon != null)
                            if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                                (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                                WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                                if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                    TakingDamage = true;
                                    if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                        break;                                          // Target Destroyed!

                        Weapon = ship.Weapons[2];
                        if ((ship.WeaponToFire == -1 || ship.WeaponToFire == 2) && Weapon != null)
                            if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                                (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                                WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                                if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                    TakingDamage = true;
                                    if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                        break;                                          // Target Destroyed!

                        Weapon = ship.Weapons[3];
                        if ((ship.WeaponToFire == -1 || ship.WeaponToFire == 3) && Weapon != null)
                            if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                                (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                                WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                                if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                    TakingDamage = true;
                                    if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                        break;                                          // Target Destroyed!

                    Weapon = ship.Turrets[0];
                    if (ship.FireTurrets[0] == true)
                        if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                            (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                            WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                            if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                TakingDamage = true;
                                if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                    break;                                      // Target Destroyed!

                    Weapon = ship.Turrets[1];
                    if (ship.FireTurrets[1] == true)
                        if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                            (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                            WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                            if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                TakingDamage = true;
                                if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                    break;                                      // Target Destroyed!

                    Weapon = ship.Turrets[2];
                    if (ship.FireTurrets[2] == true)
                        if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                            (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                            WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                            if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                TakingDamage = true;
                                if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                    break;                                      // Target Destroyed!

                    Weapon = ship.Turrets[3];
                    if (ship.FireTurrets[3] == true)
                        if (((ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0) && Weapon.AmmoConsumption > 0) ||
                            (Weapon.EnergyConsumption > 0 && Battery > 0))
                            WeaponDamage = FireGun(Weapon, Interval);
                            if (WeaponDamage != 0)
                                TakingDamage = true;
                                if (ApplyDamage(WeaponDamage) == true)
                                    break;                                      // Target Destroyed!

                    if (ship.FireMissile == true)
                        if (firingMissile != null)
                            if (firingMissile.SpecialEffect == MissileSpecialEffect.NerveGas)
                                _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;
                            if (ReloadMissileTime == 0 && ArmMissileTime == 0 && firingMissile.SpecialEffect != MissileSpecialEffect.Resonator)
                            {                                   // Not reloading or rearming missiles, fire it!
                                float MissileDamage = CalculateMissileDamage(firingMissile);

                                float WorkingRange = firingMissile.LifeSpan * firingMissile.Acceleration;
                                WorkingRange = WorkingRange / 2F;
                                WorkingRange = WorkingRange + firingMissile.LaunchVelocity + _launchSpeed;
                                WorkingRange = WorkingRange * firingMissile.LifeSpan;

                                if (WorkingRange > _range)
                                    _range = WorkingRange;

                                if (MissileDamage > 0)
                                    _missilesUsed += firingMissile.LaunchCount;
                                    MissilePack   -= firingMissile.LaunchCount;

                                    ArmMissileTime = firingMissile.ReloadTime;
                                    if (MissilePack == 0)
                                        ReloadMissileTime = (1F / _object1.Core.Constants.MountRate);

                                    TakingDamage = true;
                                    if (ApplyDamage(MissileDamage) == true)
                                        break;                                          // Target Destroyed!

                    // See if the target's shields started recharging
                    if (TakingDamage == true)
                        DownedShield = false;
                        // We're not damaging, and not reloading... so stop!
                        if (ReloadAmmoTime == 0 && ArmGunsTime == 0 &&
                            ArmTurret1Time == 0 && ArmTurret2Time == 0 &&
                            ArmTurret3Time == 0 && ArmTurret4Time == 0 &&
                            ReloadMissileTime == 0 && ArmMissileTime == 0)
                            _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;

                        if (DownedShield == false)
                            DownedShield = true;
                            if (ShieldHitpoints <= _object2.CalculateShieldHitpoints())
                                ShieldHitpoints += Interval * ShieldRecharge;

                    // All damage that could be done has been applied.
                    // reload, rearm, and recharge if needed
                    if (ReloadAmmoTime > 0)
                        ReloadAmmoTime = (float)Math.Round(ReloadAmmoTime - Interval, 1);
                        if (ReloadAmmoTime == 0)
                            if (HullHitpoints >= _object2.CalculateHullHitpoints() ||
                                (ShieldHitpoints >= _object2.CalculateShieldHitpoints() && _object2.CalculateShieldHitpoints() != 0))
                            {                                   // We just finished reloading, and it's full again. Stop now.
                                _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;
                            for (int i = 0; i < shipCargo.Length; i++)
                                if (shipCargo[i] != null)
                                    if (shipCargo[i] is IGCCorePartPack)
                                        IGCCorePartPack Pack = (IGCCorePartPack)shipCargo[i];
                                        if (Pack.PackType == PackType.Ammo)
                                            AmmoClip     = ship.IGCShip.AmmoCapacity;
                                            shipCargo[i] = null;

                    if (ArmGunsTime > 0)
                        ArmGunsTime = (float)Math.Round(ArmGunsTime - Interval, 1);

                    if (Battery <= 0 && ship.CalculateEnergy() > 0)
                        if (_object2 != null)
                            if (HullHitpoints >= _object2.CalculateHullHitpoints())
                                _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;

                    if (Battery < ship.CalculateEnergy())
                        Battery += Interval * ship.CalculateEnergyRecharge();

                    if (ReloadMissileTime > 0)
                        ReloadMissileTime = (float)Math.Round(ReloadMissileTime - Interval, 1);
                        if (ReloadMissileTime == 0)
                            if (HullHitpoints >= _object2.CalculateHullHitpoints())
                            {                                   // We just finished reloading
                                if (ShieldHitpoints >= _object2.CalculateShieldHitpoints())
                                {                               //Shields have recharged during the reloading time - we'll never kill this. Stop now.
                                    _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;
                            firingMissile = null;
                            for (int i = 0; i < shipCargo.Length; i++)
                                if (shipCargo[i] != null)
                                    if (shipCargo[i] is IGCCoreMissile)
                                        IGCCoreMissile Missile = (IGCCoreMissile)shipCargo[i];
                                        if (ship.CanMountPart(Missile, ShipSlots.Missile))
                                            firingMissile = Missile;
                                            MissilePack   = ship.IGCShip.MissileCapacity / Missile.CargoPayload;
                                            shipCargo[i]  = null;
                        if (ArmMissileTime > 0)
                            ArmMissileTime = (float)Math.Round(ArmMissileTime - Interval, 1);
                if (_object2 == null && _timeToKill >= 1F)                      // Stops calculating after 1 second for single-object Damage calcs
                    _timeToKill = float.PositiveInfinity;