//private static void AddHiddenField(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults formResult, string fieldName, string value)
        //    int itemId = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(SIS_HIDDEN).itemId;

        //    def_ItemResults itemResult = formsRepo.GetItemResultByFormResItem(formResult.formResultId, itemId);

        //    def_ResponseVariables relatedFormResultRV = null;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        relatedFormResultRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResult.formResultId, fieldName);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
        //    }

        //    def_ItemVariables itemVariableRelated = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(fieldName);

        //    if (itemVariableRelated != null)
        //    {

        //        if (relatedFormResultRV != null)
        //        {
        //            relatedFormResultRV.rspValue = value;

        //            formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(itemVariableRelated, relatedFormResultRV);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            relatedFormResultRV = new def_ResponseVariables();

        //            relatedFormResultRV.itemResultId = itemResult.itemResultId;

        //            relatedFormResultRV.itemVariableId = itemVariableRelated.itemVariableId;

        //            relatedFormResultRV.rspValue = value;

        //            formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(itemVariableRelated, relatedFormResultRV);

        //            formsRepo.AddResponseVariableNoSave(relatedFormResultRV);

        //        }

        //    }

        //    formsRepo.Save();

        private static void CopyAssessmentData(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int oldFormResultId, def_FormResults copyFormResult)
                IUasSql uasSql = new UasSql();

                using (DbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(uasSql.GetConnectionString()))

                    using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                            = "SELECT IR.itemId, RV.itemVariableId, RV.rspValue from def_ItemResults IR JOIN def_FormResults FR on FR.formResultId = IR.formResultId JOIN def_ResponseVariables RV on RV.itemResultId = IR.itemResultId WHERE FR.formResultId = " + oldFormResultId + " ORDER BY itemId";
                        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                        if (dt != null)
                            SaveAssessmentFromDataTable(formsRepo, copyFormResult, dt);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("* * *  CreateFormResultJSON exception: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by the create application method to populate the application with data pulled from Ramsell
        /// this uses the ramsellId from within the formResult's responses,
        /// so applications that do not have a response to the RamsellId item will not be effected by this function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frmRes">Form result for the application to populate</param>
        public static void PopulateItemsFromRamsellImport(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults frmRes)
            //get rammsellId (or terminate)
            string ramsellMemberId = String.Empty;

            def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(frmRes.formResultId, "ADAP_D9_Ramsell");

            if (rv != null)
                ramsellMemberId = rv.rspValue;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ramsellMemberId))
                Debug.WriteLine("* * * AdapController.PopulateItemsFromRamsellImport: no RamsellId/MemberId present in formResult " + frmRes.formResultId + ", skipping Ramsell import...");

            //get oauth token
            // string usrId = "38222218";
            // string password = @"P@ssw0rd";
            string usrId    = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.GetEntAppConfigAdap("USR");
            string password = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.GetEntAppConfigAdap("PWD");

            Debug.WriteLine("Ramsell UseriD / Password: "******" / " + password);

            string oauthToken = Ramsell.GetOauthToken(usrId, password);

            new RamsellImport(formsRepo, frmRes.formResultId).ImportApplication(oauthToken, ramsellMemberId);
Exemple #3
        public static void LogStatusChange(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId, def_StatusDetail from, def_StatusDetail to, string note)
            def_StatusLog statusChangeLog = new def_StatusLog();

            statusChangeLog.formResultId = formResultId;
            if (from != null)
                statusChangeLog.statusDetailIdFrom = from.statusDetailId;
            if (to != null)
                statusChangeLog.statusDetailIdTo = to.statusDetailId;
            statusChangeLog.statusLogDate = DateTime.Now;
            statusChangeLog.UserID        = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID;
            statusChangeLog.statusNote    = note;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error adding status log: " + ex.Message);
        public static def_FormResults CopyAssessment(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId)
            def_FormResults oldFormResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            def_FormResults copyFormResult = new def_FormResults();

            copyFormResult.archived         = oldFormResult.archived;
            copyFormResult.assigned         = oldFormResult.assigned;
            copyFormResult.dateUpdated      = oldFormResult.dateUpdated;
            copyFormResult.deleted          = oldFormResult.deleted;
            copyFormResult.EnterpriseID     = oldFormResult.EnterpriseID;
            copyFormResult.formId           = oldFormResult.formId;
            copyFormResult.formStatus       = oldFormResult.formStatus;
            copyFormResult.GroupID          = oldFormResult.GroupID;
            copyFormResult.interviewer      = oldFormResult.interviewer;
            copyFormResult.locked           = oldFormResult.locked;
            copyFormResult.reviewStatus     = oldFormResult.reviewStatus;
            copyFormResult.sessionStatus    = oldFormResult.sessionStatus;
            copyFormResult.statusChangeDate = oldFormResult.statusChangeDate;
            copyFormResult.subject          = oldFormResult.subject;
            copyFormResult.training         = oldFormResult.training;


            CopyAssessmentData(formsRepo, oldFormResult.formResultId, copyFormResult);


            ReviewStatus.ChangeStatus(formsRepo, copyFormResult, ReviewStatus.PRE_QA, "Pre-QA copy created");

            AddHiddenFields(formsRepo, oldFormResult, copyFormResult);

Exemple #5
        public static void UpdateSisAScores(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId)
                def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier("SIS-A");
                int       standardScoreTotal = SharedScoring.UpdateSisScoresNoSave
                    formsRepo, frm, formResultId,
                    (int totalRawScore, double avgRawScore, SubscaleCatagory cat) => { return(GetSisASubscaleStandardScore(totalRawScore, cat)); },
                    (int totalRawScore, double avgRawScore, SubscaleCatagory cat) => { return(GetSisASubscalePercentile(totalRawScore, cat)); }

                //save standard scores to database
                int compositeIndex      = GetSisASupportNeedsIndex(standardScoreTotal);
                int compositePercentile = GetSisASupportNeedsPercentile(standardScoreTotal);
                SharedScoring.UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_support_needs_index", compositeIndex);
                SharedScoring.UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_sni_percentile_rank", compositePercentile);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("UpdateSisAScores exception: " + xcptn.Message);
 public ResultsController(ILogger logger, IFormsRepository fr, IAuthentication auth)
     // Initiialized by Infrastructure.Ninject
     formsRepo  = fr;
     mLogger    = logger;
     authClient = auth;
Exemple #7
        public static int ComputeClientAgeInYears(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId)
            def_ResponseVariables dobRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "sis_cl_dob_dt");

            if (dobRV == null)
                throw new Exception("could not find date-of-birth response variable with identifier \"sis_cl_dob_dt\" under formResultId " + formResultId);

            def_ResponseVariables dintRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "sis_completed_dt");

            if (dintRV == null)
                throw new Exception("could not find interview-date response variable with identifier \"sis_completed_dt\" under formResultId " + formResultId);


            DateTime dob      = dobRV.rspDate.Value;
            DateTime intDate  = dintRV.rspDate.Value;
            DateTime zeroTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
            TimeSpan span     = intDate - dob;

            return((zeroTime + span).AddDays(-1).Year - 1);
        public static void UpdateSisCScores(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId, int ageInYears)
            def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier("SIS-C");

                formsRepo, frm, formResultId,
                (int totalRawScore, double avgRawScore, SubscaleCatagory cat) => { return(GetSisCSubscaleStandardScore(avgRawScore, cat, ageInYears)); },
                (int totalRawScore, double avgRawScore, SubscaleCatagory cat) => { return(GetSisCSubscalePercentile(avgRawScore, cat, ageInYears)); }

            def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "scr_total_rating");
            double totalRating       = Convert.ToDouble(rv.rspValue);
            double meanRating        = Math.Round(totalRating / 7, 2); //usd only for SIS-C reports

            //save standard scores to database
            double compositeIndex      = GetSisCSupportNeedsIndex(meanRating, ageInYears);
            double compositePercentile = GetSisCSupportNeedsPercentile(meanRating, ageInYears);

            SharedScoring.UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_support_needs_index", compositeIndex);
            SharedScoring.UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_sni_percentile_rank", compositePercentile);

        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the attachment of database records or other types of information which DO NOT require saving to the file system.
        /// Be aware the distinct displayText class expects the RelatedId and RelatedEnumId to form a unique key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formsRepo"> IFormsRepository necessary for database access.</param>
        /// <param name="RelatedId">Identifier used to associate a file with a record type.</param>
        /// <param name="fa">FileAttachment record to be recorded.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int CreateDataAttachment(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int RelatedId, def_FileAttachment fa)
            int fileId = -1;

            Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateDataAttachment FileName: " + fa.FileName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fa.FilePath))
                def_FileAttachment faQuery = formsRepo.GetFileAttachment(RelatedId, fa.RelatedEnumId, fa.FilePath);
                if (faQuery == null)
                    fileId = formsRepo.AddFileAttachment(fa);

                    fileId = fa.FileId;
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateAttachment Error: File not saved.");

        public SearchController(IFormsRepository fr)
            // Initiialized by Infrastructure.Ninject
            formsRepo = fr;

            ventureMode = SessionHelper.IsVentureMode;
         *   Constructor
        public Def3MaintController(IFormsRepository fr)
            formsRepo = fr;

            lookupModel           = new ExpandoObject();
            lookupModel.baseTypes = fr.GetBaseTypes();
            lookupModel.languages = formsRepo.GetAllLanguages();
        internal static void CallWebService(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int activityId, string activityParamaters)
            bool     requestFailed     = true;
            string   requestServiceMsg = "Web service not yet implemented";
            DateTime?dateTimeServiced  = null;
            string   sentBy            = null;

            //InsertWebServiceActivityRecord(formsRepo, activityId, activityParamaters, requestFailed, requestServiceMsg, dateTimeServiced, sentBy);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new record, or Updates an existing record, to the def_FileAttachment table, then saves the file in the file system.  Files in the same directory with the same name
        /// will be overwritten without warning.  Use of sub-directories can prevent this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formsRepo"> IFormsRepository necessary for database access.</param>
        /// <param name="fileStream">input stream containing the contents of the attachment file</param>
        /// <param name="originalFileName">the original filename of the attachment file</param>
        /// <param name="subDir">Optional superDirectory name, set to null to disable.</param>
        /// <param name="subDir">Optional subDirectory name, set to null to disable.</param>
        /// <param name="RelatedId">Identifier used to associate a file with a record type.</param>
        /// <param name="RelatedEnumId">Type of identifier used in RelatedId.</param>
        /// <param name="AttachTypeId">Indicates how the file was attached, which may represent the file itself or just a generic type.</param>
        /// <returns>Int value of the FileId</returns>
        public static int CreateAttachment(IFormsRepository formsRepo, Stream fileStream, string originalFileName, string superDir, string subDir, int RelatedId, int RelatedEnumId, int AttachTypeId)
            int fileId = -1;

            if (fileStream != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalFileName.Trim()))
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateAttachment FileName: " + originalFileName);
                // Save the file to the file system.
                string fileName = SaveUpload(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(originalFileName), subDir, RelatedId, superDir);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                    // Append the sub directory and the file name if sub directory has a value.
                    String subFileName = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subDir)) ? subDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1)
                                                                                                                                        : fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);
                    def_FileAttachment fa = formsRepo.GetFileAttachment(RelatedId, RelatedEnumId, subFileName);
                    if (fa == null)
                        fa = new def_FileAttachment();
                        fa.EnterpriseId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;
                        //fa.GroupId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.GroupID;  //LoginStatus was returning an invalid number for GroupId
                        fa.UserId        = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID;
                        fa.AttachTypeId  = AttachTypeId;
                        fa.RelatedId     = RelatedId;
                        fa.RelatedEnumId = RelatedEnumId;
                        fa.displayText   = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);
                        fa.FilePath      = fileName;
                        fa.FileName      = subFileName;
                        fa.StatusFlag    = "A";
                        fa.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        fa.CreatedBy     = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID;

                        fileId = formsRepo.AddFileAttachment(fa);
                        fa.FilePath   = fileName;
                        fa.FileName   = subFileName;
                        fa.StatusFlag = "A";

                        fileId = fa.FileId;
                    Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateAttachment Error: File not saved.");
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateAttachment Error: File not found.");

        private void MarkAllLookupsInactive(int lookupMasterId, int enterpriseId, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            List <def_LookupDetail> lookupDetails = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailsByLookupMasterEnterprise(lookupMasterId, enterpriseId);

            foreach (def_LookupDetail detail in lookupDetails)
                detail.StatusFlag = "I";
        private static List <def_Sections> getTopLevelSectionsInForm(int formId, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            List <def_Sections> result = new List <def_Sections>();

            foreach (def_FormParts fp in formsRepo.GetFormPartsByFormId(formId))
Exemple #16
        public AdapLAStubApp(IFormsRepository fr)
            formsRepo = fr;
            auth      = new AuthenticationClient();
            stubForm  = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier(stubFormIdentifier);

            if (stubForm == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find LA Stub-application form with identifier \"" + stubFormIdentifier + "\"");
        public static TemplateAdapNavMenu getAdapNavMenuModel(SessionForm sf, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            TemplateAdapNavMenu result = new TemplateAdapNavMenu();

            result.sctId = sf.sectionId;

            def_Sections currentSection = formsRepo.GetSectionById(result.sctId);

            if (currentSection != null)
                result.currentSectionTitle = currentSection.title;

            result.sectionIds    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            result.sectionTitles = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            foreach (Assmnts.def_Sections sct in getTopLevelSectionsInForm(sf.formId, formsRepo))
                //Assmnts.def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(identifier);
                //if (sct == null)
                //    throw new Exception("could not find section with identifier \"" + identifier + "\"");

                result.sectionIds.Add(sct.identifier, sct.sectionId);
                result.sectionTitles.Add(sct.identifier, sct.title);

            result.adapFormId = sf.formResultId;
            result.firstName  = String.Empty;
            Assmnts.def_ResponseVariables firstNameRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(result.adapFormId, "ADAP_D1_FirstName");

            if (firstNameRV != null)
                result.firstName = firstNameRV.rspValue;

            result.lastName = String.Empty;
            Assmnts.def_ResponseVariables lastNameRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(result.adapFormId, "ADAP_D1_LastName");

            if (lastNameRV != null)
                result.lastName = lastNameRV.rspValue;

            result.ActiveUserName = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.FirstName + " " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.LastName;

            result.adapPartId = sf.partId;
            result.access     = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(0, "RptsExpts");
            result.readOnly   = sf.readOnlyMode;

        public AdapPdfReport(
            IFormsRepository formsRepo,
            int formResultId,
            string outputPath,
            bool grayscale) : base(formsRepo, formResultId, outputPath, grayscale)

            if (form.title.Equals("ADAP Application"))
                setCustomSectionOrder("ADAP_demographic", "ADAP_contact", "ADAP_household", "ADAP_medical",
                                      "ADAP_health", "ADAP_income", "ADAP_cert", "ADAP_finalCert");

            //handlers for printing special-case sections, by section identifier
            //handlers should print section contents
            specialCaseSections = new Dictionary <string, Action <def_Sections, int, double, double, double> > {
                { "ADAP_C1", printC1 },
                { "ADAP_C3", printC3 },
                { "ADAP_D5", printD5AndD6 },
                { "ADAP_D6", printD5AndD6 },
                { "ADAP_D7", printD7 },
                { "ADAP_D8", printD8 },
                { "ADAP_M1", printM1 },
                { "ADAP_H5", printH5 },
                { "ADAP_F3_A", printF3 },
                { "ADAP_F3_B", printF3 },
                { "ADAP_F3_C", printF3 },
                { "ADAP_F3_D", printF3 },
                { "ADAP_I2", printI2 },
                { "ADAP_I3", printI3 },

            sectionsToSkip = new string[] { "ADAP_F3", "ADAP_reminder" }.ToList();

            //many sections can potentially be printed on one line using the same function
            foreach (string sctName in "D2 D4 D9 H1 H2 M3 M4".Split(' '))
                specialCaseSections.Add("ADAP_" + sctName, tryPrintSingleLineResponse);
            foreach (string sctName in "D3".Split(' '))
                specialCaseSections.Add("ADAP_" + sctName, tryPrintSingleLineLabel);
Exemple #19
        public static bool RunSingleSectionOneOffValidation(IFormsRepository formsRepo, FormCollection frmCllctn, int sectionId, out List <string> validationErrorMessages)
            bool invalid = false;

            validationErrorMessages = new List <string>();
            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionById(sectionId);

            #region Sections 2,3: if the Frequency is greater than zero, then the Duration and Type of support must be greater than zero.
            if ("SIS-A 2A,SIS-A 2B,SIS-A 2C,SIS-A 2D,SIS-A 2E,SIS-A 2F,SIS-A 3".Split(',').ToList().Contains(sct.identifier))
                foreach (def_SectionItems si in sct.def_SectionItems)
                    if (si.subSectionId == null)
                        def_ItemVariables ivFreq = si.def_Items.def_ItemVariables.Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith("_Fqy")).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (ivFreq == null)
                            throw new Exception("could not find fequency itemVariable (with suffix \"_Fqy\") for item \"" + si.def_Items.identifier + "\"");

                        string rspFreq = frmCllctn[ivFreq.identifier];
                        //def_ResponseVariables rvFreq = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(fr.formResultId, ivFreq.itemVariableId);

                        if (rspFreq != null && rspFreq.Trim().Length > 0 && Convert.ToInt16(rspFreq) > 0)
                            foreach (string suffix in new string[] { "_TOS", "_DST" })
                                def_ItemVariables ivSuff = si.def_Items.def_ItemVariables.Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith(suffix)).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (ivSuff == null)
                                    throw new Exception("could not find itemVariable with suffix \"" + suffix + "\" for item \"" + si.def_Items.identifier + "\"");

                                string rspSuff = frmCllctn[ivSuff.identifier];
                                //def_ResponseVariables rvSuff = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(fr.formResultId, ivSuff.itemVariableId);
                                if (rspSuff == null || rspSuff.Trim().Length == 0 || Convert.ToInt16(rspSuff) == 0)
                                    invalid = true;
                                    validationErrorMessages.Add(si.def_Sections.title + ", " + si.def_Items.label +
                                                                ": you entered a Frequency greater than zero, so Daily Support Time and Type of Support must also be greater than zero.");


Exemple #20
        public static XmlDocument BuildRamsellXmlDocForFormResult(int formResultId, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            string       xsdFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(xsdPath);
            XmlSchemaSet schemaSet   = Utilities.GetXsdSchemaSet(xsdFilePath);

            // Extract the schema sets from the XSD (microsoft actually does it this way)
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms255932(v=vs.110).aspx
            XmlSchema schema = null;

            foreach (XmlSchema xs in schemaSet.Schemas())
                schema = xs;

            // convert schema heirarchy into custom types. See "SchemaElement" and subclasses below.
            // (the ResponseElement subclass will be used to link "leaf" nodes with item variables)
            List <RamsellExport.DefSchemaElement> defElements = RamsellExport.ParseSchemaElements(schema.Elements.Values);

            // build response xml document based on schema
            XmlDocument outputXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Removed schemaSet from top level tag per Ramsell
            // outputXmlDoc.Schemas.Add(schemaSet);
            //outputXmlDoc.AppendChild(outputXmlDoc.CreateComment("Responses taken from formResult " + formResultId));
            foreach (RamsellExport.DefSchemaElement elem in defElements)
                RamsellExport.BuildResponseXml(null, outputXmlDoc, elem, formResultId, formsRepo);

            // Validate response xml based on schema
            // resultDoc.Validate((object sender, ValidationEventArgs args) => { throw new Exception(args.Message); } );
                Debug.WriteLine("XSD resultDoc.Schemas.Count: " + outputXmlDoc.Schemas.Count.ToString());

                 * foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xss in resultDoc.Schemas.Schemas())
                 * {
                 *  Debug.WriteLine("XSD Schemas NameTable: " + xss.NameTable.ToString());
                 * }
                ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler);
                Debug.WriteLine("*** Validation is complete.");
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("Validate exception: " + xcptn.Message);

        private static string GetVersion(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults oldFormResult)
            def_ResponseVariables relatedFormResultRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(oldFormResult.formResultId, Updates.VERSION);

            if (relatedFormResultRV == null)
        private static void AddHiddenFields(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults oldFormResult, def_FormResults copyFormResult)
            string version = GetVersion(formsRepo, oldFormResult);

            // Increment version -- may add more complex function here to do this later, right now just increment by 1 each time
            string newVersion = (Int32.Parse(version) + 1).ToString();

            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, oldFormResult, Updates.RELATED_FORM_RESULT, copyFormResult.formResultId.ToString());
            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, copyFormResult, Updates.RELATED_FORM_RESULT, oldFormResult.formResultId.ToString());

            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, oldFormResult, Updates.VERSION, newVersion);
            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, copyFormResult, Updates.VERSION, version);
        public static Dictionary <int, string> RetrieveFileDisplayTextsByRelatedId(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int RelatedId, int RelatedEnumId, string StatusFlag = null, int?AttachTypeId = null)
            Dictionary <int, string> displayText = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            try {
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads RetrieveFileDisplayTextsByRelatedId RelatedId: " + RelatedId);
                displayText = formsRepo.GetFileAttachmentDisplayText(RelatedId, RelatedEnumId, StatusFlag, AttachTypeId);
            catch (Exception excptn) {
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads RetrieveFileDisplayTextsByRelatedId error: " + excptn.Message);

Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform generic validation:
        /// For the given formResultId (assigned in SharedValidation constructor),
        /// Make sure there is some non-null, non-whitespace response value for each of the
        /// def_ItemVariables corresponding to a def_SectionItems entry (or def_SectionItemsEnt entry)
        /// where the "display" "validation" and "requiredForm" flags are all marked 1/true.
        /// Only def_SectionItems for the current def_Forms (parameter "frm") are considered.
        /// Only def_SectionItemsEnt for the current def_Forms and form enterprise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amt"></param>
        /// <param name="frm"></param>
        /// <param name="ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool DoGenericValidation(
            IFormsRepository formsRepo,
            TemplateItems amt,
            def_Forms frm,
            string[] ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip = null)
            //pick an enterprise ID to use for validation purposes
            int  entId   = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;
            bool invalid = false;

            amt.missingItemVariablesBySectionByPart = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, List <string> > >();

            //get a list of identifiers for all the required item variables
            //typically this list will be pulled from a single EntAppConfig record for this enterprise/form
            //if such a record is not available, the meta-data structure will be traversed to find the required itemvariables
            //and an EntAppDonfig record will be added to speed the next validation for this enterprise/form
            List <ItemVariableIdentifierWithPartSection> requiredIvs = GetRequiredItemVarsWithPartsSections(formsRepo, frm, entId);

            //iterate through all the required item variable identifiers
            foreach (ItemVariableIdentifierWithPartSection ivps in requiredIvs)
                //if this identifier ends with one of the "skippable" suffixes, skip it
                if (ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip != null)
                    bool skip = false;
                    foreach (string suffixtoSkip in ItemVariableSuffixesToSkip)
                        if (ivps.itemVariableIdentifier.EndsWith(suffixtoSkip))
                            skip = true;
                    if (skip)

                //check if we have a valid response for this required item variable
                ValuePair vp = allResponses.FirstOrDefault(vpt => vpt.identifier == ivps.itemVariableIdentifier);
                if (vp == null || vp.rspValue == null || vp.rspValue.Trim().Length == 0)
                    invalid = true;
                    AddMissingItemtoModel(ivps, amt);

        public static void InsertAccessLogRecord(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int formResultId, int accessLogFunctionId, string description)
            def_AccessLogging accessLogging = new def_AccessLogging()
                formResultId        = formResultId,
                accessLogFunctionId = accessLogFunctionId,
                accessDescription   = description,
                datetimeAccessed    = DateTime.Now,
                EnterpriseID        = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID,
                UserID = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID

Exemple #26
        public static void updateSection1ScoresNoSave(
            IFormsRepository formsRepo,
            def_Forms frm,
            int formResultId)
            def_FormResults fr    = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
            int             entId = fr.EnterpriseID.HasValue ? fr.EnterpriseID.Value : 0;

            string sectionIdentifierPrefix = frm.identifier; //"SIS-A" or "SIS-C"

            foreach (string shortSectionName in new string[] { "1A", "1B" })
                string       sectionIdentifier = sectionIdentifierPrefix + " " + shortSectionName; // e.g. "SIS-A 1A"
                def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(sectionIdentifier);
                if (sct == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find section with identifier \"" + sectionIdentifier + "\"");

                int rawTotal = 0;

                foreach (def_SectionItems si in formsRepo.GetSectionItemsBySectionIdEnt(sct.sectionId, entId))
                    def_ItemVariables rawScoreIv = formsRepo.GetItemVariablesByItemId(si.itemId)
                                                   .Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith("Support")).SingleOrDefault(); //e.g. "Q1A1_ExMedSupport"

                    if (rawScoreIv != null)
                        def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(formResultId, rawScoreIv.itemVariableId);
                        if (rv != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rv.rspValue))
                            int rawScore;
                            if (Int32.TryParse(rv.rspValue, out rawScore))
                                rawTotal += rawScore;
                                Debug.WriteLine("* * * Skipping item on updating section 1 scores: " +
                                                "Could not parse integer from response value \"{0}\" for itemVariable \"{1}\". (formResultID {2})",
                                                rv.rspValue, rawScoreIv.identifier, formResultId);

                UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_" + shortSectionName + "_raw_total", rawTotal);
Exemple #27
        public TemplateAssmntNavMenu(IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            if (SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets.Count() > 0)
                create   = UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].PermissionSet, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.CREATE, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ASSMNTS);
                unlock   = UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].PermissionSet, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.UNLOCK, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ASSMNTS);
                delete   = UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].PermissionSet, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.DELETE, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ASSMNTS);
                archive  = UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].PermissionSet, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ARCHIVE, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ASSMNTS);
                undelete = UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].PermissionSet, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.UNDELETE, UAS.Business.PermissionConstants.ASSMNTS);

            ventureMode = SessionHelper.IsVentureMode;

            forms = Business.Forms.GetFormsDictionary(formsRepo);
Exemple #28
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Gets the review status based on the status code provided (the sort order)
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="statusCode">Codes determined by the def_StatusDetail table</param>
        ///// <returns>A string for display with the appropriate status info</returns>
        //public static string GetReviewStatus(int statusCode, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
        //    def_StatusText statusText = formsRepo.GetStatusTextByDetailSortOrder(STATUS_MASTER_ID, statusCode);

        //    if (statusText != null)
        //    {
        //        return statusText.displayText;
        //    }

        //    return String.Empty;

        public static Dictionary <int?, string> GetReviewStatuses(IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            Dictionary <int?, string> reviewStatuses = null;

                reviewStatuses = formsRepo.GetStatusDisplayTextsByStatusMasterId(STATUS_MASTER_ID);
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new record, or Updates an existing record, to the def_FileAttachment table, then saves the file in the file system.  Files in the same directory with the same name
        /// will be overwritten without warning.  Use of sub-directories can prevent this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formsRepo"> IFormsRepository necessary for database access.</param>
        /// <param name="file">File being uploaded.</param>
        /// <param name="subDir">Optional superDirectory name, set to null to disable.</param>
        /// <param name="subDir">Optional subDirectory name, set to null to disable.</param>
        /// <param name="RelatedId">Identifier used to associate a file with a record type.</param>
        /// <param name="RelatedEnumId">Type of identifier used in RelatedId.</param>
        /// <param name="AttachTypeId">Indicates how the file was attached, which may represent the file itself or just a generic type.</param>
        /// <returns>Int value of the FileId</returns>
        public static int CreateAttachment(IFormsRepository formsRepo, System.Web.HttpPostedFileWrapper file, string superDir, string subDir, int RelatedId, int RelatedEnumId, int AttachTypeId)
            int fileId = -1;

            if (file != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName.Trim()))
                fileId = CreateAttachment(formsRepo, file.InputStream, file.FileName, superDir, subDir, RelatedId, RelatedEnumId, AttachTypeId);
                Debug.WriteLine("FileUploads CreateAttachment Error: File not found.");

Exemple #30
        public static Dictionary <int, string> GetFormsDictionary(IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            Dictionary <int, string> forms = null;

                forms = GetFormsDictionaryThrow(formsRepo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                forms = new Dictionary <int, string>();
