        //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        //public static void MyClassCleanup()
        //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        //public void MyTestCleanup()

        /// <summary>
        /// A test for GenerateInputAndOutput
        public void GenerateInputAndOutputTest()
            uint           iLag        = 1;
            uint           iWindowSize = 5;
            int            pointsNum   = 360;
            IInputProvider target      = new WindowingInputProvider(iLag, iWindowSize);
            Random         rnd         = new Random();

            double[] iTimeSeries = new double[pointsNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsNum; i++)
                iTimeSeries[i] = 1 * Math.Sin(2 * i * Math.PI / 180.0) + (Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(-2, 2)) / 5) * ((i % 3 == 0) ? 1 : 0);
            double[][] oInput  = null;
            double[][] oOutput = null;
            target.GenerateInputAndOutput(iTimeSeries, out oInput, out oOutput);
            IForecastingModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ANNmodelBuilder();
            IForecastingModel        model        = modelBuilder.TrainNewModel(oInput, oOutput);

            double[] forecast = new double[oInput.LongLength], actual = new double[oInput.LongLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < oInput.LongLength; ++i)
                forecast[i] = model.CalculateOutput(oInput[i])[0]; actual[i] = oOutput[i][0];

            BSDataObject forecastDO = new BSDataObject(forecast, "Forecast"), actualDO = new BSDataObject(actual, "Actual");

            SimpleVisualizationHandler handler = new SimpleVisualizationHandler();

            public static double CalculateMSE(IForecastingModel iModel, double[][] iInput, double[][] iOutput)
                if (null == iModel || null == iInput || null == iOutput)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException();
                long length = iInput.LongLength;

                if (length != iOutput.LongLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                double error = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                    double[] row = iInput[i], expectedOutput = iOutput[i];
                    if (row.LongLength != iModel.InputSize)
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    double[] modelOutput = iModel.CalculateOutput(row);
                    error += CalculateMSE(modelOutput, expectedOutput);
                return(error / length);
            public static double CalculateMSE(IForecastingModel iModel, double[][] iInput, double[][] iOutput)
                if (null == iModel || null == iInput || null == iOutput)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException();
                long length = iInput.LongLength;
                if (length != iOutput.LongLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                double error = 0;
                for (int i = 0;i < length;++i)
                    double[] row = iInput[i], expectedOutput = iOutput[i];
                    if (row.LongLength != iModel.InputSize)
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    double[] modelOutput = iModel.CalculateOutput(row);
                    error += CalculateMSE(modelOutput, expectedOutput);
                return error / length;