Exemple #1
 public RepositorySession(Metainfo metainfo, RepositoryService service, IFileSandbox sandbox, RepositoryData data)
     this.metainfo = metainfo;
     this.service  = service;
     this.sandbox  = sandbox;
     this.data     = data;
Exemple #2
 public MetagetSession(IFileSandbox sandbox, FileHash hash, MetagetData data, MetagetService service)
     this.sandbox = sandbox;
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.data    = data;
     this.service = service;
 /// <summary>Dispose the file sandbox.</summary>
 public void Dispose()
     if (_sandbox != null)
         _sandbox = null;
Exemple #4
 public MetafileSession(IFileSandbox sandbox, Metainfo metainfo, string path, byte[] data, MetafileService service, Task onVerified)
     this.sandbox    = sandbox;
     this.metainfo   = metainfo;
     this.path       = path;
     this.data       = data;
     this.service    = service;
     this.onVerified = onVerified;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Dispose file sandbox.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Dispose()
     if (_sandbox != null)
         _sandbox          = null;
         _databaseFile     = null;
         _connectionString = null;
Exemple #6
 private void SetUpLocalDb()
     _sandbox          = new FileSandbox(new EmptyFileLocator());
     _databaseFile     = _sandbox.GetTempFile("mdf");
     _connectionString = String.Format(@"Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;AttachDbFileName={0};Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=5", _databaseFile);
 /// <summary>Create the file sandbox.</summary>
 private void SetUpSandbox()
     _sandbox = new FileSandbox(_fileLocator);