/// <summary> /// Method executes when (user in) AvalonDock has (loaded) selected another document. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OnActiveDocumentChanged(object sender, DocumentChangedEventArgs e) { _FilePathName = string.Empty; FileSize = 0; LastModified = DateTime.MinValue; if (e != null) { if (e.ActiveDocument != null) { if (e.ActiveDocument is IFileBaseViewModel) { IFileBaseViewModel f = e.ActiveDocument as IFileBaseViewModel; if (f.IsFilePathReal == false) // Start page or somethin... { return; } try { if (File.Exists(f.FilePath) == true) { var fi = new FileInfo(f.FilePath); _FilePathName = f.FilePath; this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.FileName); FileSize = fi.Length; LastModified = fi.LastWriteTime; FilePath = fi.DirectoryName; } } catch { } } } } }
public DocumentChangedEventArgs(IFileBaseViewModel activeDocument) { this.mActiveDocument = activeDocument; }
/// <summary> /// Bind a window to some commands to be executed by the viewmodel. /// </summary> /// <param name="win"></param> public void InitCommandBinding(Window win) { this.InitEditCommandBinding(win); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.Exit, (s, e) => { this.AppExit_CommandExecuted(); e.Handled = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.About, (s, e) => { this.AppAbout_CommandExecuted(); e.Handled = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ProgramSettings, (s, e) => { this.AppProgramSettings_CommandExecuted(); e.Handled = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ShowToolWindow, (s, e) => { if (e == null) { return; } var toolwindowviewmodel = e.Parameter as IToolWindow; if (toolwindowviewmodel == null) { return; } if (toolwindowviewmodel is IRegisterableToolWindow) { IRegisterableToolWindow registerTW = toolwindowviewmodel as IRegisterableToolWindow; registerTW.SetToolWindowVisibility(this, !toolwindowviewmodel.IsVisible); } else { toolwindowviewmodel.SetToolWindowVisibility(!toolwindowviewmodel.IsVisible); } e.Handled = true; })); // Standard File New command binding via ApplicationCommands enumeration win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.New, (s, e) => { TypeOfDocument t = TypeOfDocument.EdiTextEditor; if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; if (e.Parameter != null) { if (e.Parameter is TypeOfDocument) { t = (TypeOfDocument)e.Parameter; } } } this.OnNew(t); } )); // Standard File Open command binding via ApplicationCommands enumeration win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Open, (s, e) => { string t = string.Empty; if (e != null) { if (e.Parameter != null) { if (e.Parameter is string) { t = (string)e.Parameter; } } } this.OnOpen(t); e.Handled = true; } )); // Close Document command // Closes the FileViewModel document supplied in e.parameter // or the Active document win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.CloseFile, (s, e) => { try { FileBaseViewModel f = null; if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; f = e.Parameter as FileBaseViewModel; } if (f != null) { this.Close(f); } else { if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { this.Close(this.ActiveDocument); } } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } }, (s, e) => { try { if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; e.CanExecute = false; EdiViewModel f = null; if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; f = e.Parameter as EdiViewModel; } if (f != null) { e.CanExecute = f.CanClose(); } else { if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { e.CanExecute = this.ActiveDocument.CanClose(); } } } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } })); // Change the WPF/TextEditor highlighting theme currently used in the application win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ViewTheme, (s, e) => this.ChangeThemeCmd_Executed(s, e, win.Dispatcher))); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.BrowseURL, (s, e) => { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("https://github.com/Dirkster99/Edi")); })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ShowStartPage, (s, e) => { StartPageViewModel spage = this.GetStartPage(true); if (spage != null) { logger.InfoFormat("TRACE Before setting startpage as ActiveDocument"); this.ActiveDocument = spage; logger.InfoFormat("TRACE After setting startpage as ActiveDocument"); } })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ToggleOptimizeWorkspace, (s, e) => { logger.InfoFormat("TRACE AppCommand.ToggleOptimizeWorkspace parameter is {0}.", (e == null ? "(null)" : e.ToString())); try { var newViewSetting = !this.IsWorkspaceAreaOptimized; this.IsWorkspaceAreaOptimized = newViewSetting; } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.LoadFile, (s, e) => { try { logger.InfoFormat("TRACE AppCommand.LoadFile parameter is {0}.", (e == null ? "(null)" : e.ToString())); if (e == null) { return; } string filename = e.Parameter as string; if (filename == null) { return; } logger.InfoFormat("TRACE AppCommand.LoadFile with: '{0}'", filename); this.Open(filename); } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Save, (s, e) => { try { if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; } if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { this.OnSave(this.ActiveDocument, false); } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_UnknownError_Caption, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } }, (s, e) => { if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { e.CanExecute = this.ActiveDocument.CanSave(); } } })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.SaveAs, (s, e) => { try { if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; } if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { if (this.OnSave(this.ActiveDocument, true)) { var mruList = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IMRUListViewModel>(); mruList.UpdateEntry(this.ActiveDocument.FilePath); this.mSettingsManager.SessionData.LastActiveFile = this.ActiveDocument.FilePath; } } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } }, (s, e) => { try { if (e != null) { e.Handled = true; e.CanExecute = false; if (this.ActiveDocument != null) { e.CanExecute = this.ActiveDocument.CanSaveAs(); } } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } } )); // Execute a command to save all edited files and current program settings win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.SaveAll, (s, e) => { try { // Save all edited documents if (this.mFiles != null) // Close all open files and make sure there are no unsaved edits { // If there are any: Ask user if edits should be saved IFileBaseViewModel activeDoc = this.ActiveDocument; try { for (int i = 0; i < this.Files.Count; i++) { IFileBaseViewModel f = this.Files[i]; if (f != null) { if (f.IsDirty == true && f.CanSaveData == true) { this.ActiveDocument = f; this.OnSave(f); } } } } catch (Exception exp) { _MsgBox.Show(exp.ToString(), Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_UnknownError_Caption, MsgBoxButtons.OK); } finally { if (activeDoc != null) { this.ActiveDocument = activeDoc; } } } // Save program settings this.SaveConfigOnAppClosed(); } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } })); // Execute a command to export UML editor content as image win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ExportUMLToImage, (s, e) => { try { if (this.vm_DocumentViewModel != null) { if ((this.vm_DocumentViewModel.dm_DocumentDataModel.State == DataModel.ModelState.Ready) == true) { this.vm_DocumentViewModel.ExecuteExport(s, e, this.ActiveDocument.FileName + ".png"); } } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } }, (s, e) => // Execute this command only if an UML document is currently active { if (this.vm_DocumentViewModel != null) { e.CanExecute = (this.vm_DocumentViewModel.dm_DocumentDataModel.State == DataModel.ModelState.Ready); } else { e.CanExecute = false; } } )); // Execute a command to export Text editor content as highlighted image content win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ExportTextToHTML, (s, e) => { try { if (this.ActiveEdiDocument != null) { this.ActiveEdiDocument.ExportToHTML(this.ActiveDocument.FileName + ".html", this.mSettingsManager.SettingData.TextToHTML_ShowLineNumbers, this.mSettingsManager.SettingData.TextToHTML_AlternateLineBackground); } } catch (Exception exp) { logger.Error(exp.Message, exp); _MsgBox.Show(exp, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerTitle, MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxImage.Error, MsgBoxResult.NoDefaultButton, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, this.mAppCore.IssueTrackerLink, Edi.Util.Local.Strings.STR_MSG_IssueTrackerText, null, true); } }, (s, e) => // Execute this command only if a Text document is currently active { if (this.ActiveEdiDocument != null) { e.CanExecute = true; } else { e.CanExecute = false; } } )); /// <summary> /// Removes ALL MRU entries (even pinned entries) from the current list of entries. /// </summary> win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.ClearAllMruItemsCommand, (s, e) => { this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.Clear(); })); /// <summary> /// Gets a command that removes all items that are older /// than a given <see cref="GroupType"/>. /// Eg.: Remove all MRU entries older than yesterday. /// </summary> win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.RemoveItemsOlderThanThisCommand, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is GroupType == false) { return; } var param = (GroupType)e.Parameter; this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.RemoveEntryOlderThanThis(param); }, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is GroupType == false) { e.CanExecute = false; return; } e.CanExecute = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.MovePinnedMruItemUPCommand, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { return; } var param = e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel; this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.MovePinnedEntry(MoveMRUItem.Up, param); }, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { e.CanExecute = false; return; } if ((e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel).IsPinned == 0) //Make sure it is pinned { e.CanExecute = false; return; } e.CanExecute = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.MovePinnedMruItemDownCommand, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { return; } var param = e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel; this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.MovePinnedEntry(MoveMRUItem.Down, param); }, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { e.CanExecute = false; return; } if ((e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel).IsPinned == 0) //Make sure it is pinned { e.CanExecute = false; return; } e.CanExecute = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.PinItemCommand, (s, e) => { this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.PinUnpinEntry(true, e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel); }, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { e.CanExecute = false; return; } if ((e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel).IsPinned == 0) //Make sure it is pinned { e.CanExecute = true; return; } e.CanExecute = false; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.UnPinItemCommand, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { return; } var param = e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel; this.GetToolWindowVM <RecentFilesViewModel>().MruList.PinUnpinEntry(false, e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel); }, (s, e) => { if (e.Parameter is IMRUEntryViewModel == false) { e.CanExecute = false; return; } if ((e.Parameter as IMRUEntryViewModel).IsPinned == 0) //Make sure it is pinned { e.CanExecute = false; return; } e.CanExecute = true; })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.PinUnpin, (s, e) => { this.PinCommand_Executed(e.Parameter, e); })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.RemoveMruEntry, (s, e) => { this.RemoveMRUEntry_Executed(e.Parameter, e); })); win.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(AppCommand.AddMruEntry, (s, e) => { this.AddMRUEntry_Executed(e.Parameter, e); })); }