/// <summary>
        /// Create the download controller for this file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        public FileDownloadController(IFile file, IBlobCache cache = null)
            File  = file;
            Cache = cache ?? Blobs.LocalStorage;

            // Download or update the file.
            DownloadOrUpdate = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            var hasCachedValue = DownloadOrUpdate
                                 .SelectMany(_ => File.GetCacheCreateTime(Cache))
                                 .Select(dt => dt.HasValue)

            var cacheUpdateRequired = hasCachedValue
                                      .Where(isCached => isCached)
                                      .SelectMany(_ => File.CheckForUpdate(Cache))
                                      .Where(isNewOneEB => isNewOneEB)
                                      .Select(_ => default(Unit))


            var firstDownloadRequired = hasCachedValue
                                        .Where(isCached => !isCached)
                                        .Select(_ => default(Unit));

            var downloadInProgress = new Subject <bool>();

            var downloadRequired =
                Observable.Merge(cacheUpdateRequired, firstDownloadRequired)
                .Do(_ => downloadInProgress.OnNext(true));

            var downloadSuccessful =
                .LimitGlobally(goSeq => goSeq
                               .WriteLine("Starting download...")
                               .SelectMany(_ => Download())
                               .SelectMany(data => File.SaveFileInCache(data.Item1, data.Item2, Cache))
                               .WriteLine("  Done download and cache insert"), _gLimit)
                .Finally(() => downloadInProgress.OnNext(false))
                .Do(_ => downloadInProgress.OnNext(false))
                .Catch(Observable.Empty <Unit>())
                .Select(_ => true)


            FileDownloadedAndCached = downloadSuccessful.Select(_ => default(Unit));

            // When we are downloading, set the IsDownloading to true.
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.IsDownloading, out _isDownloading, false);

            // Track the status of the download
            // Note the concatenate when we combine - we very much want this to run
            // in order, no matter what latencies get caught up in the system.
            // This must be run when we are subscribed to, hence the defer.
            var initiallyCached = Observable.Defer(() => File.GetCacheCreateTime(Cache)
                                                   .Select(dt => dt.HasValue));

            Observable.Concat(initiallyCached, downloadSuccessful)
            .WriteLine(v => string.Format("We are doing the IsDownloaded to {0}", v))
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.IsDownloaded, out _isDownloaded, false);