private CollisionType ResolveMoveLeft(IFigure figure)
            var collision = CollisionType.None;

            figure.ForEachNonEmptyCell((i, j) =>
                var absoluteLeft = figure.Placement.Left + i;
                var absoluteTop = figure.Placement.Top + j;

                if (absoluteLeft < 0)
                    collision = CollisionType.Borders;
                    return false;

                if (!_gameField.GroundView[absoluteLeft, absoluteTop].IsEmptyCell())
                    collision = CollisionType.Ground;
                    return false;
                return true;
            return collision;
        public void AttachFigureToTheGround(IFigure figure)
            figure.ForEachNonEmptyCell((i, j) =>
                var x = figure.Placement.Left + i;
                var y = figure.Placement.Top + j;
                var cell = _sprite[x, y];
                if (!cell.IsEmptyCell())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("can't attach figure to ground - it's already filled");
                _sprite[x, y] = figure[i, j];
                _peak = Math.Min(_peak, y);

            var fullRows = FindFullRows();

            foreach (var rowNumber in fullRows)

            var rowsDeleted = fullRows.Length;
            //todo: notify multiplayer that n rows were deleted
        private CollisionType ResolveMoveDown(IFigure figure)
            var collision = CollisionType.None;

            figure.ForEachNonEmptyCell((i, j) =>
                var absoluteX = figure.Placement.Left + i;
                var absoluteY = figure.Placement.Top + j;

                if (absoluteY > _gameField.Size.Height - 1)
                    collision = CollisionType.Ground;
                    return false;

                if (absoluteY < 0)
                    return true;

                if (_gameField.GroundView[absoluteX, absoluteY].IsEmptyCell())
                    return true;

                collision = CollisionType.Ground;
                if (figure.Placement.Top == 1) // a little bad assumpotion that figures always start at 0, and thatn moves down by 1
                    collision = CollisionType.Critical;

                return false;
            return collision;