Exemple #1
 //Indexer used to access FieldMetadata.
 //Return null if corresponding FieldMetadata object not found
 //or if _fieldMetadataCollection hasn't been populated yet.
 //The entry for a given fldname might also be null if an error occured while
 //attempting to create the FieldMetadata object.  This could occur if metadata about
 //the field in def.Fld (was dat FieldInfo) is invalid.
 //See the constructor of FieldMetadata class for more info.
 public IFieldMetadata this[string fldname]
         if (_fieldMetadataCollection == null)
             IFieldMetadata result = null;
                 //Dictionary object throws a KeyNotFoundException if fldname is not
                 //a valid key
                 result = _fieldMetadataCollection[fldname.ToUpper()];
                 result = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DisplayFieldMetadata"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The display field name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="field">
        /// The field.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="joinFields">
        /// The join fields.
        /// </param>
        public DisplayFieldMetadata(string name, IFieldMetadata field, IEnumerable<IReferenceFieldMetadata> joinFields)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentException(@"Name is null or empty.", "name");

            if (field == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("field");

            if (joinFields == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("joinFields");

            _name = name;
            _field = field;
            _joinFields = new ReadOnlyCollection<IReferenceFieldMetadata>(joinFields.ToArray());
Exemple #3
 private FieldImpl(IFieldMetadata metadata, Item parent)
     _metadata = metadata;
     Parent = parent;
Exemple #4
 private FieldImpl(IFieldMetadata metadata, Item parent)
     _metadata = metadata;
     Parent    = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data input control for specified field metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldMetadata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ExtensionDataInputControl BuildDataInputControl(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
            DateTimeFieldMetadata metadata = fieldMetadata as DateTimeFieldMetadata;

            WebControls.PlaceHolder placeHolder = new WebControls.PlaceHolder();
            string textBoxId = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "DTFM{0}_{1}", WebUtility.ConvertControlId(metadata.Name), metadata.Ordinal > 0 ? metadata.Ordinal : int.MaxValue);
            this.dateTimePicker = new DateTimePicker { ID = textBoxId, TextMode = WebControls.TextBoxMode.SingleLine, CssClass = "textboxShort", MaxLength = 32 };

            if (metadata.IsRequired)
                LiteralControl requiredLabel = new LiteralControl("<span class=\"required\">*</span>");

            if (!(HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page).IsPostBack && metadata.DefaultValue != null)
                this.dateTimePicker.SelectedValue = metadata.GetDefaultValue().Value as DateTime?;

            return new ExtensionDataInputControl { Control = placeHolder, OccupiedControlCells = 1 };
 public static bool IsActivityParty(this IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
     return(fieldMetadata.FieldType == RecordFieldType.ActivityParty);
Exemple #7
 private FieldImpl(IFieldMetadata metadata, Item parent)
     this.metadata = metadata;
     this.Parent = parent;
Exemple #8
         * Call this to populate FieldMetadata collection.  DatabaseTable must be set first.
         * Returns a List<string> containing any errors encounted.
         * If no errors then List.Count == 0.
         * Field Metadata is only added for fields passed in the formFields Dictionary.
        public List <string> RefreshFieldMetadata(Dictionary <string, DataFieldControl> formFields)
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sqlDataConnection.ConnectionString"]))
                    _fieldMetadataCollection = new Dictionary <string, IFieldMetadata>();

                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                    cmd.Connection  = conn;
                    cmd.CommandText = "def.spGetFieldMetadata_with_tooltip";
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tblname", DatabaseTable);


                    SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    //Create and add field metadata to collection if field in metadata is used in form.
                    //Also set DataFieldControl's reference to its corresponding FieldMetadata object.
                    while (r.Read())
                        if (formFields.ContainsKey(r["FldName"].ToString().ToUpper()))
                            IFieldMetadata fm = null;
                                fm = new FieldMetadata(r["FldName"].ToString(),
                            catch (Exception e)
                                //An error occured while creating FieldMetadata object

                            //add to collection.  Convert key value to all upper case
                            //because dictionary is case sensitive.
                            //fm will be null if an error was thrown by FieldMetadata contructor.
                            _fieldMetadataCollection.Add(r["FldName"].ToString().ToUpper(), fm);

                            //set DataFieldControls's reference to field metadata
                            formFields[r["FldName"].ToString().ToUpper()].FieldMetadata = fm;


                    //_fieldMetadataCollection now should contain a FieldMetadata object for each
                    //field that exists in both the form and in the database metadata.
                    //A field's FieldMetadata object might be null if database metadata was invalid.
                    //Add notifications for fields that exist in form but not in metadata or those
                    //whose FieldMetadata object couldn't be created.
                    //if (_dataEntryController.CheckForMissingFieldMetadata)
                    //    foreach (string fldname in formFields.Keys)
                    //    {
                    //        if (_fieldMetadataCollection.ContainsKey(fldname) == false || _fieldMetadataCollection[fldname] == null)
                    //        {
                    //            errors.Add(fldname + " form field metadata is missing or invalid.");
                    //        }
                    //    }
            catch (Exception e)
                //some unanticipated error occured
                _fieldMetadataCollection = null;


 private static ColumnMetadata CreateFileUrlColumnMetadata(IFieldMetadata fileField)
     return new ColumnMetadata { SystemName = fileField.Name + Constants.Url, ColumnType = ColumnTypes.String, IsVisible = false };
        private static ColumnMetadata CreateBackcolorColumnMetadata(IFieldMetadata field)
            var backcolorField = field.BackcolorField;

            return new ColumnMetadata { SystemName = backcolorField.Name, ColumnType = backcolorField.ColumnType, IsVisible = false };
 private static void SetTextFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
     var textField = field as TextFieldMetadata;
     if (textField != null)
         columnMetadata.IsRichText = textField.IsRichText;
 private static void SetImageFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
     var imageField = field as ImageFieldMetadata;
     if (imageField != null)
         columnMetadata.ImageWidth = imageField.SearchWidth;
         columnMetadata.ImageHeight = imageField.SearchHeight;
 private static void SetNumericFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
     var numericField = field as NumericFieldMetadata;
     if (numericField != null)
         columnMetadata.NumericType = numericField.NumericType;
         columnMetadata.DecimalDigits = numericField.DecimalDigits;
 private static void SetDateTimeFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
     var dateTimeField = field as DateTimeFieldMetadata;
     if (dateTimeField != null)
         columnMetadata.DateTimeFormat = dateTimeField.DateTimeFormat;
 private static void SetBooleanFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
     var booleanField = field as BooleanFieldMetadata;
     if (booleanField != null)
         columnMetadata.UndefinedLabel = booleanField.UndefinedLabel;
         columnMetadata.FalseLabel = booleanField.FalseLabel;
         columnMetadata.TrueLabel = booleanField.TrueLabel;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data input control for specified field metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldMetadata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ExtensionDataInputControl BuildDataInputControl(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
            StringFieldMetadata metadata = fieldMetadata as StringFieldMetadata;
            int controlOccupiedCells = metadata.MaxLengthSpecified && metadata.MaxLength > 256 ? int.MaxValue : 1;

            WebControls.PlaceHolder placeHolder = new WebControls.PlaceHolder();

            string textBoxId = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SFM{0}_{1}", WebUtility.ConvertControlId(metadata.Name), metadata.Ordinal > 0 ? metadata.Ordinal : int.MaxValue);
            WebControls.TextBoxMode textBoxMode = controlOccupiedCells == 1 ? WebControls.TextBoxMode.SingleLine : WebControls.TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            string cssClass = controlOccupiedCells == 1 ? "textboxShort" : "textboxarea textboxLong";
            this.textBox = new TextBox { ID = textBoxId, TextMode = textBoxMode, CssClass = cssClass };
            if (metadata.MaxLengthSpecified)
                this.textBox.MaxLength = metadata.MaxLength;


            if (metadata.IsRequired)
                LiteralControl requiredLabel = new LiteralControl("<span class=\"required\">*</span>");

            if (!(HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page).IsPostBack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.Default))
                this.textBox.Text = metadata.Default;

            return new ExtensionDataInputControl { Control = placeHolder, OccupiedControlCells = controlOccupiedCells };
         * Call this to populate FieldMetadata collection.  DatabaseTable must be set first.
         * Returns a List<string> containing any errors encounted.
         * If no errors then List.Count == 0.
         * Field Metadata is only added for fields passed in the formFields Dictionary.
        public List <string> RefreshFieldMetadata(Dictionary <string, DataFieldControl> formFields)
            List <string> errors = new List <string>();

                _fieldMetadataCollection = new Dictionary <string, IFieldMetadata>();

                //Updated June 2018, now need to set user context
                SQL_utils sqlx    = new SQL_utils("data");
                string    user    = sqlx.GetUserNameFromIdentity();
                string    sqlcode = String.Format("EXEC sec.spSetUserContext 'jeffmun'; exec spDEF_GetFieldMetadata '{0}'", DatabaseTable);
                //string sqlcode = String.Format("exec spDEF_GetFieldMetadata '{0}'", DatabaseTable);

                DataTable dt_flds = sqlx.DataTable_from_SQLstring(sqlcode);
                //Here to fix Feb2021!!


                foreach (DataRow row in dt_flds.Rows)
                    if (formFields.ContainsKey(row["databasefield"].ToString().ToUpper()))
                        IFieldMetadata fm = null;
                            fm = new FieldMetadata(row["databasefield"].ToString(),

                            //add to collection.  Convert key value to all upper case
                            //because dictionary is case sensitive.
                            //fm will be null if an error was thrown by FieldMetadata contructor.

                            string fldname = row["databasefield"].ToString().ToUpper();

                            if (fm != null)
                                _fieldMetadataCollection.Add(fldname, fm);

                            //set DataFieldControls's reference to field metadata
                            formFields[row["DatabaseField"].ToString().ToUpper()].FieldMetadata = fm;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //An error occured while creating FieldMetadata object

                //using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sqlDataConnection.ConnectionString"]))
                //	_fieldMetadataCollection = new Dictionary<string, IFieldMetadata>();

                //	SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                //	cmd.Connection = conn;
                //	//cmd.CommandText = "spDEF_GetFieldMetadata";
                //	//cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                //	//cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DatabaseTable", DatabaseTable);

                //		//cmd.CommandText = sqlcode;
                //		//cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                //		//conn.Open();

                //		//SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                //		////Create and add field metadata to collection if field in metadata is used in form.
                //		////Also set DataFieldControl's reference to its corresponding FieldMetadata object.
                //		////
                //		//while (r.Read())
                //		//{
                //		//	if (formFields.ContainsKey(r["DatabaseField"].ToString().ToUpper()))
                //		//	{
                //		//		IFieldMetadata fm = null;
                //		//		try
                //		//		{
                //		//			fm = new FieldMetadata(r["DatabaseField"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["FieldDataType"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["FieldLabel"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["ValueRequired"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["MaxVal"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["MinVal"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["RegEx"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["RegExDescription"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["ValidList"].ToString(),
                //		//										   r["MissVal"].ToString());

                //		//		}
                //		//		catch (Exception e)
                //		//		{
                //		//			//An error occured while creating FieldMetadata object
                //		//			errors.Add(e.Message);
                //		//		}

                //		//		//add to collection.  Convert key value to all upper case
                //		//		//because dictionary is case sensitive.
                //		//		//
                //		//		//fm will be null if an error was thrown by FieldMetadata contructor.
                //		//		_fieldMetadataCollection.Add(r["databasefield"].ToString().ToUpper(), fm);

                //		//		//set DataFieldControls's reference to field metadata
                //		//		formFields[r["DatabaseField"].ToString().ToUpper()].FieldMetadata = fm;
                //		//	}
                //		//}

                //		//r.Close();

                //		////_fieldMetadataCollection now should contain a FieldMetadata object for each
                //		////field that exists in both the form and in the database metadata.
                //		////A field's FieldMetadata object might be null if database metadata was invalid.
                //		////
                //		////Add notifications for fields that exist in form but not in metadata or those
                //		////whose FieldMetadata object couldn't be created.
                //		////
                //		////if (_dataEntryController.CheckForMissingFieldMetadata)
                //		////{
                //		////    foreach (string databaseField in formFields.Keys)
                //		////    {
                //		////        if (_fieldMetadataCollection.ContainsKey(databaseField) == false || _fieldMetadataCollection[databaseField] == null)
                //		////        {
                //		////            errors.Add(databaseField + " form field metadata is missing or invalid.");
                //		////        }
                //		////    }
                //		////}

            catch (Exception e)
                //some unanticipated error occured
                _fieldMetadataCollection = null;


Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if this process or one of its base processes contains the specified field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">
        /// The field.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the process contains the specified field; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool ContainsField(IFieldMetadata field)
            if (field == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("field");

            if (_fieldMap.ContainsValue(field))
                return true;

            return BaseProcess != null && !NonInheritedFields.Contains(field.Name) && BaseProcess.ContainsField(field);
        private static void SetFieldMetadata(ColumnMetadata columnMetadata, IFieldMetadata field)
            columnMetadata.Header = field.DisplayName;
            columnMetadata.SystemName = field.Name;
            columnMetadata.ColumnType = field.ColumnType;

            if (field.BackcolorField != null)
                columnMetadata.BackgroundColorColumnName = field.BackcolorField.Name;

            switch (field.ColumnType)
                case ColumnTypes.Boolean:
                    SetBooleanFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);

                case ColumnTypes.DateTime:
                    SetDateTimeFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);

                case ColumnTypes.Double:
                case ColumnTypes.Integer:
                case ColumnTypes.Numeric:
                    SetNumericFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);

                case ColumnTypes.Image:
                    SetImageFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);

                case ColumnTypes.String:
                    SetTextFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to get the field with the specified name declared by this process or one of its base processes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldName">
        /// The field name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="field">
        /// The field.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the field is found in current process or one of its base processes; otherwise, false.
        /// </returns>
        public bool TryGetField(string fieldName, out IFieldMetadata field)
            if (_fieldMap.TryGetValue(fieldName, out field))
                return true;

            return BaseProcess != null && !NonInheritedFields.Contains(fieldName) && BaseProcess.TryGetField(fieldName, out field);
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert propertyValue to IFieldValue interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldMetadata">The field metadata of specified property name.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Property name.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">Property value.</param>
        /// <returns>IFieldValue interface</returns>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">When propertyValue's type is not supported</exception>
        private static IFieldValue ConvertToFieldValueInterface(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            if (propertyValue == null) return null;

            #region If field metadata is predefined.

            if (fieldMetadata != null)
                string exceptionMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The property \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" doesn't match the field metadata type \"{2}\".", propertyName, propertyValue, fieldMetadata.Type);
                switch (fieldMetadata.Type)
                    case FieldType.DateTime:
                        if (propertyValue is DateTime)
                            return LocalizationUtility.ConvertClientTimeToUtcTime((DateTime)propertyValue).FieldValue();
                        else if (propertyValue is DateTime?)
                            DateTime? dateTimePropertyValue = (DateTime?)propertyValue;
                            if (!dateTimePropertyValue.HasValue) return null;
                            return LocalizationUtility.ConvertClientTimeToUtcTime(dateTimePropertyValue.Value).FieldValue();
                            throw new NotSupportedException(exceptionMessage);

                    case FieldType.Decimal:
                        if (propertyValue is decimal)
                            return ((decimal)propertyValue).FieldValue();
                        else if (propertyValue is decimal?)
                            return ((decimal?)propertyValue).FieldValue();
                            throw new NotSupportedException(exceptionMessage);

                    case FieldType.Hierarchy:
                        if (propertyValue is HierarchyNodeValueCollection)
                            return (propertyValue as HierarchyNodeValueCollection).FieldValue();
                            return new HierarchyNodeValueCollection { propertyValue.ToString() }.FieldValue();

                    case FieldType.Integer:
                        if (propertyValue is int)
                            return ((int)propertyValue).FieldValue();
                        else if (propertyValue is int?)
                            return ((int?)propertyValue).FieldValue();
                            throw new NotSupportedException(exceptionMessage);

                    case FieldType.Enumeration:
                        if (propertyValue is EnumerationValueCollection)
                            return (propertyValue as EnumerationValueCollection).FieldValue();
                            return new EnumerationValueCollection { propertyValue.ToString() }.FieldValue();

                    case FieldType.String:
                        if (propertyValue is string)
                            return (propertyValue as string).FieldValue();
                            return propertyValue.ToString().FieldValue();

            #region if field metadata is undefined, here trys to guess the property type

            if (propertyValue is string)
                return (propertyValue as string).FieldValue();

            else if (propertyValue is DateTime)
                return LocalizationUtility.ConvertClientTimeToUtcTime((DateTime)propertyValue).FieldValue();
            else if (propertyValue is DateTime?)
                DateTime? dateTimePropertyValue = (DateTime?)propertyValue;
                if (!dateTimePropertyValue.HasValue) return null;
                return LocalizationUtility.ConvertClientTimeToUtcTime(dateTimePropertyValue.Value).FieldValue();

            else if (propertyValue is decimal)
                return ((decimal)propertyValue).FieldValue();
            else if (propertyValue is decimal?)
                return ((decimal?)propertyValue).FieldValue();

            else if (propertyValue is int)
                return ((int)propertyValue).FieldValue();
            else if (propertyValue is int?)
                return ((int?)propertyValue).FieldValue();

            else if (propertyValue is HierarchyNodeValueCollection)
                return (propertyValue as HierarchyNodeValueCollection).FieldValue();

            else if (propertyValue is EnumerationValueCollection)
                return (propertyValue as EnumerationValueCollection).FieldValue();

            throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(Resources.FieldNotSupportSpecifiedValueType, propertyName, propertyValue.GetType()));

Exemple #22
        private static FilterMemberDefinition CreateFilterMemberDefinition(IFieldMetadata field)
            var memberDefinition = new FilterMemberDefinition
                                           FieldName = field.Name,
                                           ColumnName = GetFilterMemberColumnName(field),
                                           DisplayName = field.DisplayName,
                                           MemberType = GetMemberType(field),
                                           IncludeInAdminFilters = field.Name != Constants.CurrentStateColumnName,
                                           IncludeInUserFilters = true

            var dateTimeField = field as DateTimeFieldMetadata;
            if (dateTimeField != null)
                memberDefinition.DateTimeFormat = dateTimeField.DateTimeFormat;

            var referenceField = field as IReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (referenceField != null)
                memberDefinition.ReferencedProcessSystemName = referenceField.ReferencedProcess.Name;

            var crossReferenceField = field as CrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (crossReferenceField != null && crossReferenceField.Name != Constants.CurrentStateColumnName)
                memberDefinition.DetailFields = GetDetailFields(crossReferenceField.DetailedViewDisplayFields);

            var reverseCrossReferenceField = field as ReverseCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (reverseCrossReferenceField != null)
                memberDefinition.DetailFields = GetDetailFields(reverseCrossReferenceField.DetailedViewDisplayFields);

            var treeViewField = field as TreeViewFieldMetadata;
            if (treeViewField != null)
                memberDefinition.DetailFields = GetDetailFields(treeViewField.DetailedViewDisplayFields);

            return memberDefinition;
 public static bool IsMultiline(this IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
     return(fieldMetadata.FieldType == RecordFieldType.Memo || fieldMetadata.TextFormat == TextFormat.TextArea);
Exemple #24
        private static string GetFilterMemberColumnName(IFieldMetadata field)
            switch (field.ColumnType)
                case ColumnTypes.Reference:
                case ColumnTypes.MultiReference:
                case ColumnTypes.ReverseReference:
                case ColumnTypes.ReverseMultiReference:
                case ColumnTypes.TreeView:
                    return field.Name + Constants.IdColumnName;

            return field.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data input control for specified field metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldMetadata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ExtensionDataInputControl BuildDataInputControl(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
            EnumerationFieldMetadata metadata = fieldMetadata as EnumerationFieldMetadata;
            WebControls.PlaceHolder placeHolder = new WebControls.PlaceHolder();

            if (metadata.SelectionMode == SelectionModes.Single)
                string comboBoxId = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SLTFM{0}_{1}", WebUtility.ConvertControlId(metadata.Name), metadata.Ordinal > 0 ? metadata.Ordinal : int.MaxValue);
                this.ComboBoxFieldValue = new ComboBox { ID = comboBoxId, Editable = false, ForceSelection = true, Mode = ComboBoxDataSourceModes.Local, Width = 154 };
                foreach (ExtensionModel.SelectionItem selectionItem in metadata.Items.OrderBy(item => item.Name))
                    this.ComboBoxFieldValue.Items.Add(new WebControls.ListItem(selectionItem.Name, selectionItem.Value) { Selected = selectionItem.Selected });


                if (metadata.IsRequired)
                    LiteralControl requiredLabel = new LiteralControl("<span class=\"required\">*</span>");

                return new ExtensionDataInputControl { Control = placeHolder, OccupiedControlCells = 1 };
                string checkBoxGroupId = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SLTFM{0}_{1}", WebUtility.ConvertControlId(metadata.Name), metadata.Ordinal > 0 ? metadata.Ordinal : int.MaxValue);
                this.CheckBoxGroupFieldValue = new CheckBoxGroup { ID = checkBoxGroupId, RepeatDirection = System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeatDirection.Horizontal, RepeatLayout = System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeatLayout.Flow };
                foreach (ExtensionModel.SelectionItem selectionItem in metadata.Items.OrderBy(item => item.Name))
                    this.CheckBoxGroupFieldValue.Items.Add(new WebControls.ListItem(selectionItem.Name, selectionItem.Value) { Selected = selectionItem.Selected });


                if (metadata.IsRequired)
                    LiteralControl requiredLabel = new LiteralControl("<span class=\"required\">*</span>");

                return new ExtensionDataInputControl { Control = placeHolder, OccupiedControlCells = int.MaxValue };
Exemple #26
        private static FilterDataType GetMemberType(IFieldMetadata field)
            if (field.Name == Constants.CurrentStateColumnName)
                return FilterDataType.State;

            switch (field.ColumnType)
                case ColumnTypes.Integer:
                    return FilterDataType.Int;

                case ColumnTypes.String:
                case ColumnTypes.Frequency:
                case ColumnTypes.AutoNumber:
                case ColumnTypes.SampleType:
                case ColumnTypes.SamplingTechnique:
                case ColumnTypes.Label:
                    return FilterDataType.String;

                case ColumnTypes.Reference:
                case ColumnTypes.MultiReference:
                case ColumnTypes.ReverseReference:
                case ColumnTypes.ReverseMultiReference:
                case ColumnTypes.TreeView:
                    return FilterDataType.Reference;

                case ColumnTypes.Numeric:
                case ColumnTypes.Double:
                    return FilterDataType.Double;

                case ColumnTypes.Boolean:
                    return FilterDataType.Boolean;

                case ColumnTypes.DateTime:
                    return FilterDataType.DateTime;

                case ColumnTypes.Approval:
                    return FilterDataType.Approval;

                    return FilterDataType.String;
 private FieldImpl(IFieldMetadata metadata, Object parent)
     _metadata = metadata;
     Parent    = parent;
Exemple #28
        private IEnumerable<FilterMemberValue> GetReferenceFieldValues(
            IFieldMetadata referenceField,
            DisplayFieldMetadata displayField,
            IList<DisplayFieldMetadata> detailsFields)
            using (new BypassPropertyCheckContext())
                var items = DynamicTypeManager.GetReferenceList<IReferenceItem>(

                detailsFields = detailsFields.Where(CanIncludeInMemberDetails).ToArray();

                return items.OrderBy(x => x.GetValueByPropertyName(displayField.Name)).Select(x => CreateMemberValue(x, displayField, detailsFields)).ToList();
 /// <summary>
 /// Build data input control for specified field metadata.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldMetadata"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract ExtensionDataInputControl BuildDataInputControl(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata);
        private static IProcessMetadata GetReferencedProcess(IFieldMetadata field)
            var singleCR = field as SingleCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (singleCR != null)
                return singleCR.ReferencedProcess;

            var multiCR = field as MultiCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (multiCR != null)
                return multiCR.ReferencedProcess;

            throw new NotSupportedException(
                    "The field '{0}' from process '{1}' is not a valid reference field.",
        /// <summary>
        /// Build data input control for specified field metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldMetadata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ExtensionDataInputControl BuildDataInputControl(IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
            IntegerFieldMetadata metadata = fieldMetadata as IntegerFieldMetadata;

            WebControls.PlaceHolder placeHolder = new WebControls.PlaceHolder();

            string textBoxId = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "IFM{0}_{1}", WebUtility.ConvertControlId(metadata.Name), metadata.Ordinal > 0 ? metadata.Ordinal : int.MaxValue);
            this.integerTextBox = new IntegerTextBox { ID = textBoxId, TextMode = WebControls.TextBoxMode.SingleLine, CssClass = "textboxShort", MaxLength = 32, AllowNegative = true };

            if (metadata.IsRequired)
                LiteralControl requiredLabel = new LiteralControl("<span class=\"required\">*</span>");

            if (!(HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page).IsPostBack && metadata.DefaultSpecified)
                this.integerTextBox.Value = metadata.Default;

            return new ExtensionDataInputControl { Control = placeHolder, OccupiedControlCells = 1 };
        private static string GetFilter(IFieldMetadata field, TableAliasCollection aliasCollection)
            var singleCR = field as SingleCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (singleCR != null)
                return GetFilter(singleCR, aliasCollection);

            var multiCR = field as MultiCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (multiCR != null)
                return GetFilter(multiCR, aliasCollection);

            throw new NotSupportedException(
                    "The field '{0}' from process '{1}' is not a valid reference field.",
        private static HtmlTableCell CreateControlCell(HtmlTableRow row, IFieldMetadata fieldMetadata, ExtensionDataInputControl dataInputControl)
            HtmlTableCell labelCell = new HtmlTableCell("td");
            labelCell.Attributes["class"] = "c1";
            labelCell.NoWrap = true;
            labelCell.InnerText = fieldMetadata.Name + ": ";

            HtmlTableCell controlCell = new HtmlTableCell("td");
            HtmlTableCell lastControlCell = controlCell;
            controlCell.Attributes["class"] = "c2";
            controlCell.NoWrap = true;
            controlCell.ColSpan = dataInputControl.OccupiedControlCells != int.MaxValue ? dataInputControl.OccupiedControlCells * 2 - 1 : 5;

            return lastControlCell;
        private static IEnumerable<IParameterBuilder> GetParameterBuilders(IFieldMetadata field)
            var singleCR = field as SingleCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (singleCR != null)
                return GetParameterBuilders(singleCR);

            var multiCR = field as MultiCrossReferenceFieldMetadata;
            if (multiCR != null)
                return GetParameterBuilders(multiCR);

            throw CreateNotSupportedException(field);
 private static NotSupportedException CreateNotSupportedException(IFieldMetadata field)
         new NotSupportedException(
                 "The field '{0}' from process '{1}' is not a valid reference field.",
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DisplayFieldMetadata"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 /// The display field name.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="field">
 /// The field.
 /// </param>
 public DisplayFieldMetadata(string name, IFieldMetadata field)
     : this(name, field, Enumerable.Empty<IReferenceFieldMetadata>())
Exemple #37
 private FieldImpl(IFieldMetadata metadata, Item parent)
     this.metadata = metadata;
     this.Parent   = parent;
        private static ColumnMetadata CreateColumnMetadata(GridColumn column, IFieldMetadata field)
            var columnMetadata = CreateColumnMetadata(column);
            SetFieldMetadata(columnMetadata, field);

            return columnMetadata;