public static void CreatingFakeInsideScope(
            IFakeObjectContainer fakeObjectContainer,
            IFakeScope scope,
            MakesVirtualCallInConstructor fake)
            "given an object container"
            .x(() => fakeObjectContainer = CreateFakeObjectContainer("configured value in fake scope"));

            "and a fake scope using that container"
            .x(context => scope = Fake.CreateScope(fakeObjectContainer).Using(context));

            "when a fake is created inside the scope"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <MakesVirtualCallInConstructor>());

            "then the object container should configure the fake"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fakeObjectContainer.BuildOptions(typeof(MakesVirtualCallInConstructor), A <IFakeOptions> ._))

            "and the object container's configuration should be used during the constructor"
            .x(() => fake.VirtualMethodValueDuringConstructorCall.Should().Be("configured value in fake scope"));

            "and the object container's configuration should be used after the constructor"
            .x(() => fake.VirtualMethod("call after constructor").Should().Be("configured value in fake scope"));
        public static void CreatingFakeInsideScope(
            IFakeObjectContainer fakeObjectContainer,
            IFakeScope scope,
            MakesVirtualCallInConstructor fake)
            "given an object container"
                .x(() => fakeObjectContainer = CreateFakeObjectContainer("configured value in fake scope"));

            "and a fake scope using that container"
                .x(context => scope = Fake.CreateScope(fakeObjectContainer).Using(context));

            "when a fake is created inside the scope"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<MakesVirtualCallInConstructor>());

            "then the object container should configure the fake"
                .x(() => A.CallTo(() => fakeObjectContainer.BuildOptions(typeof(MakesVirtualCallInConstructor), A<IFakeOptions>._))

            "and the object container's configuration should be used during the constructor"
                .x(() => fake.VirtualMethodValueDuringConstructorCall.Should().Be("configured value in fake scope"));

            "and the object container's configuration should be used after the constructor"
                .x(() => fake.VirtualMethod("call after constructor").Should().Be("configured value in fake scope"));