Exemple #1
        private void CheckInProgressConfiguration(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            var repo = (DataExportRepository)_config.Repository;

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found configuration '" + _config + "'", CheckResult.Success));

            var datasets = _config.GetAllExtractableDataSets().ToArray();

            foreach (ExtractableDataSet dataSet in datasets)
                if (dataSet.DisableExtraction)
                        new CheckEventArgs(
                            "Dataset " + dataSet +
                            " is set to DisableExtraction=true, probably someone doesn't want you extracting this dataset at the moment",

            if (!datasets.Any())
                    new CheckEventArgs(
                        "There are no datasets selected for open configuration '" + _config + "'",

            if (_config.Cohort_ID == null)
                    new CheckEventArgs(
                        "Open configuration '" + _config + "' does not have a cohort yet",

            //make sure that it's cohort is retrievable
            repo.GetObjectByID <ExtractableCohort>((int)_config.Cohort_ID);

            if (CheckDatasets)
                foreach (ISelectedDataSets s in _config.SelectedDataSets)
                    new SelectedDataSetsChecker(s).Check(notifier);

            if (CheckGlobals)
                if (datasets.Any())
                    foreach (SupportingSQLTable table in _config.GetGlobals().OfType <SupportingSQLTable>())
                        new SupportingSQLTableChecker(table).Check(notifier);
        /// <summary>
        /// Change which column is the linkage identifier in a <see cref="Catalogue"/> either at a global level or for a specific <paramref name="inConfiguration"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activator"></param>
        /// <param name="catalogue"></param>
        /// <param name="inConfiguration"></param>
        /// <param name="column"></param>
        public ExecuteCommandSetExtractionIdentifier(IBasicActivateItems activator,
                                                     [DemandsInitialization("The dataset you want to change the extraction identifier for")]
                                                     ICatalogue catalogue,

                                                     [DemandsInitialization("Optional - The specific extraction you want the change made in or Null for the Catalogue itself (will affect all future extractions)")]
                                                     IExtractionConfiguration inConfiguration,

                                                     [DemandsInitialization("Optional - The Column name(s) you want to select as the new linkage identifier(s).  Comma seperate multiple entries if needed")]
                                                     string column) : base(activator)
            _catalogue       = catalogue;
            _inConfiguration = inConfiguration;

            if (inConfiguration != null)
                var allEds = inConfiguration.GetAllExtractableDataSets();
                var eds    = allEds.FirstOrDefault(sds => sds.Catalogue_ID == _catalogue.ID);
                if (eds == null)
                    SetImpossible($"Catalogue '{_catalogue}' is not part of ExtractionConfiguration '{inConfiguration}'");

                _selectedDataSetColumns = inConfiguration.GetAllExtractableColumnsFor(eds);

                if (_selectedDataSetColumns.Length == 0)
                    SetImpossible($"Catalogue '{_catalogue}' in '{inConfiguration}' does not have any extractable columns");

                _alreadyMarkedInConfiguration = _selectedDataSetColumns.Where(ei => ei.IsExtractionIdentifier).ToArray();
                _extractionInformations = _catalogue.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Any);

                if (_extractionInformations.Length == 0)
                    SetImpossible("Catalogue does not have any extractable columns");

                _alreadyMarked = _extractionInformations.Where(ei => ei.IsExtractionIdentifier).ToArray();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column))
                toPick = column.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Exemple #3
        public static void IdentifyAndRemoveOldExtractionResults(IRDMPPlatformRepositoryServiceLocator repo, ICheckNotifier checkNotifier, IExtractionConfiguration configuration)
            var oldResults = configuration.CumulativeExtractionResults
                             .Where(cer => !configuration.GetAllExtractableDataSets().Contains(cer.ExtractableDataSet))

            if (oldResults.Any())
                string message = "In Configuration " + configuration + ":" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "The following CumulativeExtractionResults reflect datasets that were previously extracted under the existing Configuration but are no longer in the CURRENT configuration:";

                message = oldResults.Aggregate(message, (s, n) => s + Environment.NewLine + n);

                if (
                    checkNotifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(message, CheckResult.Fail, null,
                                                                      "Delete expired CumulativeExtractionResults for configuration." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                      "Not doing so may result in failures at Release time.")))
                    foreach (var result in oldResults)

            var oldLostSupplemental = configuration.CumulativeExtractionResults
                                      .SelectMany(c => c.SupplementalExtractionResults)
                                      .Where(s => !repo.ArbitraryDatabaseObjectExists(s.ReferencedObjectRepositoryType, s.ReferencedObjectType, s.ReferencedObjectID))

            if (oldLostSupplemental.Any())
                string message = "In Configuration " + configuration + ":" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "The following list reflect objects (supporting sql, lookups or documents) " +
                                 "that were previously extracted but have since been deleted:";

                message = oldLostSupplemental.Aggregate(message, (s, n) => s + Environment.NewLine + n.DestinationDescription);

                if (
                    checkNotifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(message, CheckResult.Fail, null,
                                                                      "Delete expired Extraction Results for configuration." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                                      "Not doing so may result in failures at Release time.")))
                    foreach (var result in oldLostSupplemental)