Exemple #1
        public async Task Create(string eventName, string shortName, int?capacity = null)
            var author = Context.Message.Author as SocketGuildUser;

            if (!await _permissionService.UserIsModeratorAsync(Context, author))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You dont have permission to create events");


            var existingEvent = await _events.GetActiveEvent(eventName, Context.Guild.Id);

            var existingEventWithAlias = await _events.GetActiveEvent(shortName, Context.Guild.Id);

            if (existingEvent != null || existingEventWithAlias != null)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There is already an active event with that name or short name. Event names must be unique!");


            string roleId = "";

                /* Create a new role for this event. The role is not visible in the sidebar and can be menitoned.
                 * It is possible that the shortName is already used for a role, but that's not forbidden by Discord.
                 * It might be a consideration for the future to check for duplicates and assign a unique name.

                var role = await author.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(shortName + " notify", null, null, false, true);

                roleId = role.Id.ToString();
            catch (Discord.Net.HttpException) { /* ignore forbidden exception */ }

            var @event = new Models.Event
                ChannelId = Context.Channel.Id.ToString(),
                GuildId   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString(),
                RoleId    = roleId,
                ShortName = shortName,
                Closed    = false,
                Name      = eventName,
                Capacity  = capacity
            await _events.SaveAsync(@event);

            existingEvent = await _events.GetActiveEvent(eventName, Context.Guild.Id);

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.Message.Author.Mention} has created the event {eventName}! React to the message below to sign up to the event. If you can no longer attend, simply remove your reaction!");

            await _eventParticipantService.CreateAndPinParticipantMessage(Context.Channel, existingEvent);
        public async Task Standings()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            List <string> listOfUnknownChampionships             = new List <string>();
            List <string> listOfSuccessfulyUploadedChampionships = new List <string>();

                var author = Context.Message.Author as SocketGuildUser;
                if (!await _permissionService.UserIsModeratorAsync(Context, author))
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You dont have permission to create events");


                var guildId = Context.Guild.Id;

                // clear out our results DB table first
                await _results.DeleteAllGuildEvents <ChampionshipResultsModel>(guildId.ToString());

                var attachment            = Context.Message.Attachments.First();
                var excelDriverDataModels = await _excelService.ReadResultsDataFromAttachment(attachment);

                List <ChampionshipResultsModel> championshipResults = new List <ChampionshipResultsModel>();

                foreach (ExcelDriverDataModel excelDriverDataModel in excelDriverDataModels)
                    var e = await _events.GetActiveEvent(excelDriverDataModel.Championship, guildId);

                    if (e == null || e.Id == 0)
                        if (!listOfUnknownChampionships.Contains(excelDriverDataModel.Championship))
                        if (!listOfSuccessfulyUploadedChampionships.Contains(excelDriverDataModel.Championship))

                    var eventId = e.Id;

                    ChampionshipResultsModel championshipResult = new ChampionshipResultsModel()
                        EventId = eventId,
                        Pos     = excelDriverDataModel.Pos,
                        Driver  = excelDriverDataModel.Driver,
                        Number  = excelDriverDataModel.Number,
                        Car     = excelDriverDataModel.Car,
                        Points  = excelDriverDataModel.Points,
                        Diff    = excelDriverDataModel.Diff


                await _results.AddAsync(championshipResults);
            } catch (Exception ex)
                sb.AppendLine($"Error when doing import: {ex.Message}");

            if (listOfSuccessfulyUploadedChampionships.Count > 0)
                sb.AppendLine($"Data has been imported for the following championships: {string.Join(", ", listOfSuccessfulyUploadedChampionships)}");

            if (listOfUnknownChampionships.Count > 0)
                sb.AppendLine($"The following championship shortnames were not found in events: {string.Join(", ", listOfUnknownChampionships)}");

            await ReplyAsync(sb.ToString());