public async void GivenCollectionOfMeasurements_WhenAddAsync_ThenAllEventsAreSentInASingleBatch_Test()
            var mockEventDataBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(
                new List <EventData>(),
                new CreateBatchOptions()
                PartitionKey = "partition123",
                (data) => true);

            _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(mockEventDataBatch);

            var measurements = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i =>
                var mockMeasurement = Substitute.For <IMeasurement>();

            await _measurementCollector.AddAsync(measurements, default);

            await _eventHubService.Received(1).CreateEventDataBatchAsync("123");

            await _eventHubService.Received(1)
                Arg.Is <EventDataBatch>(data => data.Count == 100),
Exemple #2
        public async Task AddAsync(IEnumerable <IMeasurement> items, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(items, nameof(items));

            using (var hasher = _hashCodeFactory.CreateDeterministicHashCodeGenerator())
                var submissionTasks = items
                                      .GroupBy(m =>
                    // cast as byte to restrict to 256 possible values. This will lead to a greater change of measurements ending up in the same bucket,
                    // while providing partition keys with enough entropy for EventHub to better distribute them across partitions.
                                      .Select(async grp =>
                    var partitionKey          = grp.Key;
                    var currentEventDataBatch = await _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(partitionKey);

                    foreach (var m in grp)
                        var measurementContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m, Formatting.None);
                        var contentBytes       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(measurementContent);
                        var eventData          = new EventData(contentBytes);

                        if (!currentEventDataBatch.TryAdd(eventData))
                            // The current EventDataBatch cannot hold any more events. Create a new EventDataBatch and add this new message to it.
                            var newEventDataBatch = await _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(partitionKey);

                            if (!newEventDataBatch.TryAdd(eventData))
                                // The measurement event is greater than the size allowed by EventHub. Log and discard. Keep the existing batch as there may
                                // be room for more events.
                                // TODO in this case we should send this to a dead letter queue. We'd need to see how we can send it, as it is too big for EventHub...
                                _telemetryLogger.LogError(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"A measurement event exceeded the maximum message batch size of {newEventDataBatch.MaximumSizeInBytes} bytes. It will be skipped."));
                                // Submit the current batch, and replace the currentEventDataBatch with newEventDataBatch
                                await _eventHubService.SendAsync(currentEventDataBatch, cancellationToken);
                                currentEventDataBatch = newEventDataBatch;

                    // Send over the remaining events
                    await _eventHubService.SendAsync(currentEventDataBatch, cancellationToken);

                await Task.WhenAll(submissionTasks);