/// <summary>
        /// 将给定的领域事件发行给注册的事件处理程序。
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TDomainEvent">The type of the domain event to be published.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TSourceId"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="eag"></param>
        /// <param name="domainEvent">The domain event to be published.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback function which will be executed after the
        /// domain event has been published and processed.</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">If a domain event handler is decorated by <see cref="ParallelExecutionAttribute"/> attribute, this parameter
        /// is to specify the timeout value for the handler to process the event.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method publishes domain events to the domain event handlers that have been registered
        /// to the object container. The method will use the <see>
        ///         <cref>ServiceProvider</cref>
        ///     </see>
        ///     instance to
        /// resolve all the registered domain event handlers, then publish the given domain event to
        /// all of these registered handlers. The domain event handler should implement the interface
        /// <see cref="IDomainEventHandler{T1,T2}"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void Publish <TDomainEvent, TSourceId>(this IEventAggregator eag, TDomainEvent domainEvent, Action <TDomainEvent, bool, Exception> callback, TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            where TDomainEvent : class, IDomainEvent <TSourceId>
            var handlers      = eag.GetSubscriptions <TDomainEvent>();
            var eventHandlers = handlers as IEventHandler <TDomainEvent>[] ?? handlers.ToArray();

            if (handlers != null && eventHandlers.Any())
                var tasks = new List <Task>();
                    foreach (var handler in eventHandlers)
                        if (handler.GetType().IsDefined(typeof(ParallelExecutionAttribute), false))
                            var handler1 = handler;
                            tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => handler1.Handle(domainEvent)));
                    if (tasks.Count > 0)
                        if (timeout == null)
                            Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray(), timeout.Value);
                    callback(domainEvent, true, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    callback(domainEvent, false, ex);
                callback(domainEvent, false, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// 将给定的领域事件发行给注册的事件处理程序。
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TDomainEvent">待发布的领域事件的.NET类型。</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TSourceId"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="eag"></param>
        /// <param name="domainEvent">待发布的领域事件。</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method publishes domain events to the domain event handlers that have been registered
        /// to the object container. The method will use the <see>
        ///         <cref>ServiceProvider</cref>
        ///     </see>
        ///     instance to
        /// resolve all the registered domain event handlers, then publish the given domain event to
        /// all of these registered handlers. The domain event handler should implement the interface
        /// <see cref="IDomainEventHandler{T1,T2}"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void Publish <TDomainEvent, TSourceId>(this IEventAggregator eag, TDomainEvent domainEvent)
            where TDomainEvent : class, IDomainEvent <TSourceId>
            var handlers = eag.GetSubscriptions <TDomainEvent>();

            if (handlers != null)
                foreach (var handler in handlers)
                    if (handler.GetType().IsDefined(typeof(ParallelExecutionAttribute), false))
                        var handler1 = handler;
                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => handler1.Handle(domainEvent));